/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Dario Massarin Copyright (C) 2007 by Javier Goday Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 by Lukas Appelhans Copyright (C) 2010 by Matthias Fuchs This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "newtransferdialog.h" #include "core/filedeleter.h" #include "core/kget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "core/mostlocalurl.h" #include "core/transfertreemodel.h" #include "core/transfergrouphandler.h" #include "core/plugin/transferfactory.h" #include "core/urlchecker.h" #include "settings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include K_GLOBAL_STATIC(NewTransferDialogHandler, newTransferDialogHandler) NewTransferDialog::NewTransferDialog(QWidget *parent) : KDialog(parent), m_window(0), m_existingTransfer(0), m_multiple(false), m_overWriteSingle(false) { setModal(true); setCaption(i18n("New Download")); showButtonSeparator(true); QWidget *widget = new QWidget(this); ui.setupUi(widget); setMainWidget(widget); enableButtonOk(false); //timer to avoid constant checking of the input m_timer = new QTimer(this); m_timer->setInterval(350); m_timer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkInput())); const KColorScheme scheme = KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View); m_existingFileBackground = scheme.background(KColorScheme::NeutralBackground); m_normalBackground = scheme.background(); // properties of the m_destRequester combobox ui.destRequester->comboBox()->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); ui.destRequester->comboBox()->setUrlDropsEnabled(true); ui.destRequester->comboBox()->setEditable(true); ui.destRequester->fileDialog()->setKeepLocation(true); ui.errorWidget->setCloseButtonVisible(false); connect(ui.groupComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setDefaultDestination())); connect(ui.urlRequester, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(setDefaultDestination())); connect(ui.destRequester, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(inputTimer())); connect(ui.urlRequester, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(inputTimer())); connect(ui.listWidget, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(inputTimer())); connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(slotFinished(int))); } NewTransferDialog::~NewTransferDialog() { } void NewTransferDialog::setMultiple(bool useMultiple) { m_multiple = useMultiple; const Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::AlignLeft | (m_multiple ? Qt::AlignTop : Qt::AlignVCenter); ui.urlLabel->setAlignment(alignment); ui.urlRequester->setVisible(!m_multiple); ui.listWidget->setVisible(m_multiple); ui.destRequester->setMode(m_multiple ? KFile::Directory : KFile::File); } void NewTransferDialog::clear() { ui.urlRequester->clear(); ui.urlRequester->setFocus(); ui.listWidget->clear(); ui.destRequester->comboBox()->clear(); ui.destRequester->clear(); m_destination.clear(); m_sources.clear(); m_existingTransfer = 0; m_overWriteSingle = false; //add all destinations QStringList list; QString downloadPath = KGet::generalDestDir(); if (!downloadPath.isEmpty()) { if (!downloadPath.endsWith('/')) { downloadPath.append('/'); } list << downloadPath; } foreach (TransferGroupHandler *handler, KGet::allTransferGroups()) { const QString folder = handler->defaultFolder(); if (!folder.isEmpty()) { list << (folder.endsWith('/') ? folder : folder + '/'); } } list.removeDuplicates(); ui.destRequester->comboBox()->insertItems(0, list); //add all transfer groups ui.groupComboBox->clear(); foreach (TransferGroupHandler *group, KGet::allTransferGroups()) { ui.groupComboBox->addItem(KIcon(group->iconName()), group->name()); } ui.groupComboBox->setCurrentItem(Settings::lastGroup()); if (ui.groupComboBox->currentIndex() == -1) { ui.groupComboBox->setCurrentIndex(0); } const bool multipleGroups = KGet::transferGroupNames().count(); ui.groupComboBox->setVisible(multipleGroups); ui.groupLabel->setVisible(multipleGroups); } void NewTransferDialog::setSource(const KUrl::List &sources) { if (sources.isEmpty()) { return; } if (sources.count() == 1) { KUrl m_srcUrl = sources.first().url(); ui.urlRequester->clear(); if (m_srcUrl.isEmpty()) { m_srcUrl = KUrl(QApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Clipboard).trimmed()); } if (UrlChecker::checkSource(m_srcUrl) == UrlChecker::NoError) { ui.urlRequester->insert(m_srcUrl.prettyUrl()); } } else { foreach (const KUrl &sourceUrl, sources) { if (sourceUrl.url() != KUrl(sourceUrl.url()).fileName()) {//TODO simplify, whatfor is this check anyway, shouldn't the sources be checked already and if not add this to UrlChecker kDebug(5001) << "Insert" << sourceUrl; QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem(sourceUrl.pathOrUrl(), ui.listWidget); newItem->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); } } } const QList groups = KGet::groupsFromExceptions(sources.first()); if (!groups.isEmpty()) { ui.groupComboBox->setCurrentIndex(ui.groupComboBox->findText(groups.first()->name())); } } void NewTransferDialog::setDestinationFileName(const QString &filename) { ui.destRequester->setUrl(QString(ui.destRequester->url().path(KUrl::AddTrailingSlash) + filename)); } void NewTransferDialog::setDestination() { //sets destRequester to either display the defaultFolder of group or the generalDestDir QString group = ui.groupComboBox->currentText(); TransferGroupHandler * current = 0; foreach (TransferGroupHandler * handler, KGet::allTransferGroups()) { if (handler->name() == group) { current = handler; break; } } if (current) { QString groupFolder = current->defaultFolder(); if (groupFolder.isEmpty()) { groupFolder = KGet::generalDestDir(); } if (!groupFolder.endsWith('/')) { groupFolder.append('/'); } ui.destRequester->comboBox()->setCurrentItem(groupFolder, true); } } void NewTransferDialog::showDialog(KUrl::List list, const QString &suggestedFileName) { //TODO handle the case where for some there are suggested file names --> own file name column in multiple setting //the dialog is already in use, adapt it if (isVisible()) { list << m_sources; } clear();//Let's clear the old stuff m_sources << list; UrlChecker::removeDuplicates(m_sources); const int size = m_sources.size(); kDebug(5001) << "SET SOURCES " << m_sources << " MULTIPLE " << (size > 1); setMultiple(size > 1); if (size) { if (size == 1 && !suggestedFileName.isEmpty()) { setDestinationFileName(suggestedFileName); } setSource(m_sources); } prepareDialog(); } void NewTransferDialog::setDefaultDestination() { //NOTE if the user enters a file name manually and the changes the group the manually entered file name will be overwritten setDestination(); //set a file name if (!m_multiple) { const KUrl url(ui.urlRequester->text().trimmed()); if ((UrlChecker::checkSource(url) == UrlChecker::NoError) && QFileInfo(ui.destRequester->url().toLocalFile()).isDir()) { setDestinationFileName(url.fileName()); } } } void NewTransferDialog::prepareDialog() { if (m_window) { KWindowInfo info = KWindowSystem::windowInfo(m_window->winId(), NET::WMDesktop, NET::WMDesktop); KWindowSystem::setCurrentDesktop(info.desktop()); KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(m_window->winId()); } kDebug(5001) << "Show the dialog!"; show(); } bool NewTransferDialog::isEmpty() { return (m_multiple ? !ui.listWidget->count() : ui.urlRequester->text().trimmed().isEmpty()); } void NewTransferDialog::inputTimer() { enableButtonOk(false); m_timer->start(); } void NewTransferDialog::checkInput() { KUrl source = KUrl(ui.urlRequester->text().trimmed()); const KUrl dest = ui.destRequester->url(); //check the destination folder UrlChecker::UrlError error = UrlChecker::checkFolder(dest); const bool folderValid = (error == UrlChecker::NoError); bool destinationValid = false; QString infoText; QString warningText; if (!folderValid) { if (m_multiple) { infoText = UrlChecker::message(KUrl(), UrlChecker::Folder, error); } else { //might be a destination instead of a folder destinationValid = (UrlChecker::checkDestination(dest) == UrlChecker::NoError); } } else { m_destination = dest; } //check the source if (!m_multiple) { source = mostLocalUrl(source); } error = UrlChecker::checkSource(source); const bool sourceValid = (error == UrlChecker::NoError); if (!m_multiple && !sourceValid) { infoText = UrlChecker::message(KUrl(), UrlChecker::Source, error); } //check if any sources are checked and for existing transfers or destinations bool filesChecked = false; if (m_multiple && folderValid) { KListWidget *list = ui.listWidget; //check if some sources have been checked for (int i = 0; i < list->count(); ++i) { QListWidgetItem *item = list->item(i); if (item->checkState() == Qt::Checked) { filesChecked = true; break; } } if (!filesChecked) { infoText = i18n("Select at least one source url."); } //check if there are existing files if (filesChecked) { bool existingFile = false; for (int i = 0; i < list->count(); ++i) { QListWidgetItem *item = list->item(i); const KUrl source = KUrl(item->text()); const KUrl destUrl = UrlChecker::destUrl(dest, source); if (UrlChecker::wouldOverwrite(source, destUrl)) { item->setBackground(m_existingFileBackground); existingFile = true; } else { item->setBackground(m_normalBackground); } } if (existingFile) { warningText = i18n("Files that exist already in the current folder have been marked.");//TODO better message } } } //single file UrlChecker::UrlWarning warning = UrlChecker::NoWarning; if (!m_multiple && sourceValid && (folderValid || destinationValid)) { m_destination = UrlChecker::destUrl(dest, source); //show only one message for existing transfers m_existingTransfer = UrlChecker::existingTransfer(source, UrlChecker::Source, &warning); if (m_existingTransfer) { warningText = UrlChecker::message(KUrl(), UrlChecker::Source, warning); } else { m_existingTransfer = UrlChecker::existingTransfer(m_destination, UrlChecker::Destination, &warning); if (m_existingTransfer) { warningText = UrlChecker::message(KUrl(), UrlChecker::Destination, warning); } } if (UrlChecker::wouldOverwrite(KUrl(ui.urlRequester->text().trimmed()), m_destination)) { m_overWriteSingle = true; if (!warningText.isEmpty()) { warningText += '\n'; } warningText += UrlChecker::message(KUrl(), UrlChecker::Destination, UrlChecker::ExistingFile); } else { m_overWriteSingle = false; } } if (!infoText.isEmpty()) { setInformation(infoText); } else if (!warningText.isEmpty()) { setWarning(warningText); } else { ui.errorWidget->hide(); } //activate the ok button if (m_multiple) { enableButtonOk(folderValid && filesChecked); } else { enableButtonOk((folderValid || destinationValid) && sourceValid); } kDebug(5001) << source << source.fileName() << dest << dest.fileName(); } void NewTransferDialog::slotFinished(int resultCode) { if (resultCode == KDialog::Accepted) { dialogAccepted(); } clear(); } void NewTransferDialog::dialogAccepted() { kDebug(5001) << "Dialog accepted."; //an existing transfer has been specified and since ok was clicked, it was chosen to be overwritten if (m_existingTransfer) { kDebug(5001) << "Removing existing transfer:" << m_existingTransfer; KGet::delTransfer(m_existingTransfer); } //set the last directory QString dir = m_destination.toLocalFile(); if (!QFileInfo(dir).isDir()) { dir = m_destination.directory(); } Settings::setLastDirectory(dir); Settings::self()->writeConfig(); const QString group = ui.groupComboBox->currentText(); ///add data to create transfers QList data; if (!m_multiple) { if (m_overWriteSingle) { kDebug(5001) << "Removing existing file:" << m_destination; //removes m_destination if it exists, do that here so that it is removed no matter if a transfer could be created or not //as the user decided to throw the file away FileDeleter::deleteFile(m_destination); } //sourceUrl is valid, has been checked before const KUrl sourceUrl = KUrl(ui.urlRequester->text().trimmed()); kDebug(5001) << "Downloading" << sourceUrl << "to" << m_destination; data << KGet::TransferData(sourceUrl, m_destination, group); } else { KUrl::List list; for (int i = 0; i != ui.listWidget->count(); ++i) { QListWidgetItem *item = ui.listWidget->item(i); //find selected sources if (item->checkState() == Qt::Checked) { //both sourceUrl and destUrl are valid, they have been tested in checkInput const KUrl sourceUrl = KUrl(item->text().trimmed()); const KUrl destUrl = UrlChecker::destUrl(m_destination, sourceUrl); kDebug(5001) << "Downloading" << sourceUrl << "to" << destUrl; //file exists already, remove it if (item->background() == m_existingFileBackground) { kDebug(5001) << "Removing existing file:" << destUrl; //removes destUrl if it exists, do that here so that it is removed no matter if a transfer could be created or not //as the user decided to throw the file away FileDeleter::deleteFile(destUrl); } data << KGet::TransferData(sourceUrl, destUrl, group); } } } if (!data.isEmpty()) { Settings::setLastGroup(ui.groupComboBox->currentText()); KGet::createTransfers(data); } } void NewTransferDialog::setInformation(const QString &information) { ui.errorWidget->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Information); ui.errorWidget->setText(information); ui.errorWidget->setVisible(!information.isEmpty()); } void NewTransferDialog::setWarning(const QString &warning) { ui.errorWidget->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Warning); ui.errorWidget->setText(warning); ui.errorWidget->setVisible(!warning.isEmpty()); } /** * NOTE some checks in this class might seem redundant, though target is to display as few dialogs, and then preferable * the NewTransferDialog, to the user as possible i.e. if not enough information -- e.g. no destination folder * determinable, ...-- is present for a url or a group of urls they won't be added as transfer, * instead the NewTransferDialog will be shown * * This also tries to add as many transfers as possible with one run, to ensure a high speed */ NewTransferDialogHandler::NewTransferDialogHandler(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_nextJobId(0) { } NewTransferDialogHandler::~NewTransferDialogHandler() { } void NewTransferDialogHandler::showNewTransferDialog(const KUrl &url) { showNewTransferDialog(url.isEmpty() ? KUrl::List() : KUrl::List() << url); } void NewTransferDialogHandler::showNewTransferDialog(KUrl::List urls) { if (urls.isEmpty()) { newTransferDialogHandler->createDialog(urls, QString()); return; } QHash::iterator itUrls = newTransferDialogHandler->m_urls.insert(newTransferDialogHandler->m_nextJobId, UrlData()); QString folder; QString suggestedFileName; ///Only two urls defined, check if second one is a path or a file name if (urls.count() == 2) { const KUrl lastUrl = urls.last(); QDir dir(lastUrl.toLocalFile()); //check if last url is a file path, either absolute or relative if (lastUrl.isLocalFile()) { if (QDir::isAbsolutePath(lastUrl.toLocalFile())) { if (dir.exists()) { //second url is a folder path folder = lastUrl.path(KUrl::AddTrailingSlash); } else { //second url is a file path, use this one folder = lastUrl.directory(KUrl::AppendTrailingSlash); suggestedFileName = lastUrl.fileName(); } urls.removeLast(); } else { //second url is just a file name suggestedFileName = lastUrl.fileName(KUrl::ObeyTrailingSlash); urls.removeLast(); } } else if (!lastUrl.isValid() || (lastUrl.scheme().isEmpty() && lastUrl.directory().isEmpty())) { // Sometimes valid filenames are not recognised by KURL::isLocalFile(), they are marked as invalid then suggestedFileName = lastUrl.url(); urls.removeLast(); } } ///More than two urls defined, and last is local and will be used as destination directory if (urls.count() > 2 && urls.last().isLocalFile()) { /** * FIXME should the code be uncommented again, though then inputing a wrong destination like * ~/Downloads/folderNotExisting would result in ~/Downloads/ instead of informing the user * and giving them the possibility to improve their mistake */ // if (!QFileInfo(urls.last().toLocalFile()).isDir()) { // folder = urls.last().directory(KUrl::AppendTrailingSlash); // } else { folder = urls.last().path(KUrl::AddTrailingSlash);//checks if that folder is correct happen later // } urls.removeLast(); } //add a folder or suggestedFileName if they are valid if (!folder.isEmpty() && KGet::isValidDestDirectory(folder)) { (*itUrls).folder = folder; } if (!suggestedFileName.isEmpty()) { (*itUrls).suggestedFileName = KUrl(suggestedFileName).pathOrUrl();//pathOrUrl to get a non percent encoded url } newTransferDialogHandler->m_numJobs[newTransferDialogHandler->m_nextJobId] = urls.count(); foreach (const KUrl &url, urls) { //needed to avoid when protocols like the desktop protocol is used, see bko:185283 KIO::Job *job = mostLocalUrlJob(url); job->setProperty("jobId", (newTransferDialogHandler->m_nextJobId)); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), newTransferDialogHandler, SLOT(slotMostLocalUrlResult(KJob*))); job->start(); } ++(newTransferDialogHandler->m_nextJobId); } void NewTransferDialogHandler::slotMostLocalUrlResult(KJob *j) { MostLocalUrlJob *job = static_cast(j); const int jobId = job->property("jobId").toInt(); if (job->error()) { kWarning(5001) << "An error happened for" << job->url(); } else { m_urls[jobId].urls << job->mostLocalUrl(); } --m_numJobs[jobId]; if (m_numJobs[jobId] <= 0) { handleUrls(jobId); } } void NewTransferDialogHandler::handleUrls(const int jobId) { QHash::iterator itUrls = m_urls.find(jobId); if (itUrls == m_urls.end()) { kWarning(5001) << "JobId" << jobId << "was not defined, could not handle urls for it."; return; } KUrl::List urls = (*itUrls).urls; UrlChecker::removeDuplicates(urls); QString folder = (*itUrls).folder; if (!folder.isEmpty() && (UrlChecker::checkFolder(KUrl(folder), true) != UrlChecker::NoError)) { folder.clear(); } const QString suggestedFileName = (*itUrls).suggestedFileName; KUrl newDest; const KUrl folderUrl = KUrl(folder); //check if the sources are correct UrlChecker check(UrlChecker::Source); check.addUrls(urls); check.displayErrorMessages(); check.existingTransfers(); urls = check.correctUrls(); QList data; ///Just one file to download, with a specified suggestedFileName, handle if possible if (!suggestedFileName.isEmpty() && (urls.count() == 1)) { const KUrl sourceUrl = urls.first(); const QList groups = KGet::groupsFromExceptions(sourceUrl); const QString groupName = (groups.isEmpty() ? QString() : groups.first()->name()); QString defaultFolder; if (groups.isEmpty()) { defaultFolder = (Settings::askForDestination() ? QString() : KGlobalSettings::downloadPath()); } else { defaultFolder = groups.first()->defaultFolder(); } if (!folder.isEmpty()) { const KUrl destUrl = UrlChecker::destUrl(KUrl(folder), sourceUrl, suggestedFileName); newDest = check.checkExistingFile(sourceUrl, destUrl); if (!newDest.isEmpty()) { data << KGet::TransferData(sourceUrl, newDest, groupName); } urls.removeFirst(); } else if (((!groups.isEmpty() && !Settings::directoriesAsSuggestion()) || !Settings::askForDestination()) && (UrlChecker::checkFolder(KUrl(defaultFolder)) == UrlChecker::NoError)) { const KUrl destUrl = UrlChecker::destUrl(KUrl(defaultFolder), sourceUrl, suggestedFileName); newDest = check.checkExistingFile(sourceUrl, destUrl); if (!newDest.isEmpty()) { data << KGet::TransferData(sourceUrl, newDest, groupName); } urls.removeFirst(); } } ///A valid folder has been defined, use that for downloading if (!folder.isEmpty()) { //find the associated groups first, we just need the first matching group though const QList groups = KGet::allTransferGroups(); foreach (TransferGroupHandler *group, groups) { if (urls.isEmpty()) { break; } const QString groupName = group->name(); const QStringList patterns = group->regExp().pattern().split(','); //find all urls where a group can be identified KUrl::List::iterator it = urls.begin(); while (it != urls.end()) { const KUrl sourceUrl = *it; if (KGet::matchesExceptions(sourceUrl, patterns)) { const KUrl destUrl = UrlChecker::destUrl(folderUrl, sourceUrl); newDest = check.checkExistingFile(sourceUrl, destUrl); if (!newDest.isEmpty()) { data << KGet::TransferData(sourceUrl, newDest, groupName); } it = urls.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } //there are still some unhandled urls, i.e. for those no group could be found, add them with an empty group foreach (const KUrl &sourceUrl, urls) { const KUrl destUrl = UrlChecker::destUrl(folderUrl, sourceUrl); newDest = check.checkExistingFile(sourceUrl, destUrl); if (!newDest.isEmpty()) { data << KGet::TransferData(sourceUrl, newDest); } } //all urls have been handled urls.clear(); } ///Now handle default folders/groups kDebug(5001) << "DIRECTORIES AS SUGGESTION" << Settings::directoriesAsSuggestion(); if (!Settings::directoriesAsSuggestion() && !urls.isEmpty()) { kDebug(5001) << "No, Directories not as suggestion"; //find the associated groups first, we just need the first matching group though const QList groups = KGet::allTransferGroups(); foreach (TransferGroupHandler *group, groups) { if (urls.isEmpty()) { break; } const KUrl folderUrl = KUrl(group->defaultFolder()); if (UrlChecker::checkFolder(folderUrl) != UrlChecker::NoError) { continue; } const QString groupName = group->name(); const QStringList patterns = group->regExp().pattern().split(','); KUrl::List::iterator it = urls.begin(); while (it != urls.end()) { const KUrl sourceUrl = *it; if (KGet::matchesExceptions(sourceUrl, patterns)) { const KUrl destUrl = UrlChecker::destUrl(folderUrl, sourceUrl); newDest = check.checkExistingFile(sourceUrl, destUrl); if (!newDest.isEmpty()) { data << KGet::TransferData(sourceUrl, newDest, groupName); } it = urls.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } } ///Download the rest of the urls to KGlobalSettings::downloadPath() if the user is not aksed for a destination if (!Settings::askForDestination()) { //the download path will be always used const QString dir = KGlobalSettings::downloadPath(); if (!dir.isEmpty()) { KUrl::List::iterator it = urls.begin(); while (it != urls.end()) { const KUrl sourceUrl = *it; const KUrl destUrl = UrlChecker::destUrl(dir, sourceUrl); newDest = check.checkExistingFile(sourceUrl, destUrl); if (!newDest.isEmpty()) { data << KGet::TransferData(sourceUrl, newDest); } it = urls.erase(it); } } } ///Now create transfers for the urls that provided enough data if (!data.isEmpty()) { KGet::createTransfers(data); } ///Handle custom newtransferdialogs... if ((!m_dialog || m_dialog->isEmpty()) && urls.count() == 1) {//FIXME why the m_dialog check? whenever a dialog has been created this would not be shown? KUrl url = urls.first(); QPointer dialog; foreach (TransferFactory * factory, KGet::factories()) { const QList groups = KGet::groupsFromExceptions(url); dialog = factory->createNewTransferDialog(url, suggestedFileName, !groups.isEmpty() ? groups.first() : 0); if (dialog) { KWindowInfo info = KWindowSystem::windowInfo(KGet::m_mainWindow->winId(), NET::WMDesktop, NET::WMDesktop); KWindowSystem::setCurrentDesktop(info.desktop()); KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(KGet::m_mainWindow->winId()); dialog->exec(); delete dialog; } } } m_numJobs.remove(jobId); m_urls.erase(itUrls); ///Display default NewTransferDialog if (!urls.isEmpty()) { createDialog(urls, suggestedFileName); } } void NewTransferDialogHandler::createDialog(const KUrl::List &urls, const QString &suggestedFileName) { if (!m_dialog) { m_dialog = new NewTransferDialog(KGet::m_mainWindow); } m_dialog->m_window = KGet::m_mainWindow; m_dialog->showDialog(urls, suggestedFileName); } #include "newtransferdialog.moc"