/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Dario Massarin Copyright (C) 2007 Manolo Valdes Copyright (C) 2009 Matthias Fuchs Copyright (C) 2012 Aish Raj Dahal This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "metalinkhttp.h" #include "metalinksettings.h" #include "metalinkxml.h" #include "core/kget.h" #include "core/transfergroup.h" #include "core/download.h" #include "core/transferdatasource.h" #include "core/filemodel.h" #include "core/urlchecker.h" #include "core/verifier.h" #include "core/signature.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * @return Hex value from a base64 value * @note needed for hex based signature verification */ QString base64ToHex(const QString& b64) { return QString(QByteArray::fromBase64(b64.toAscii()).toHex()); } MetalinkHttp::MetalinkHttp(TransferGroup * parent, TransferFactory * factory, Scheduler * scheduler, const KUrl & source, const KUrl & dest, KGetMetalink::MetalinkHttpParser *httpParser, const QDomElement * e) : AbstractMetalink(parent,factory,scheduler,source, dest, e) , m_signatureUrl(KUrl()), m_httpparser(httpParser) { m_httpparser->setParent(this); } MetalinkHttp::~MetalinkHttp() { } void MetalinkHttp::load(const QDomElement *element) { kDebug(5001); Transfer::load(element); DataSourceFactory * fac = new DataSourceFactory(this, m_dest); m_dataSourceFactory.insert(m_dest, fac); connect(fac, SIGNAL(capabilitiesChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateCapabilities())); connect(fac, SIGNAL(dataSourceFactoryChange(Transfer::ChangesFlags)), this, SLOT(slotDataSourceFactoryChange(Transfer::ChangesFlags))); connect(fac->verifier(), SIGNAL(verified(bool)), this, SLOT(slotVerified(bool))); connect(fac->signature(), SIGNAL(verified(int)), this, SLOT(slotSignatureVerified())); connect(fac, SIGNAL(log(QString,Transfer::LogLevel)), this, SLOT(setLog(QString,Transfer::LogLevel))); fac->load(element); if (fac->mirrors().isEmpty()) { return; } m_ready = true; } void MetalinkHttp::save(const QDomElement &element) { kDebug(5001); Transfer::save(element); m_dataSourceFactory.begin().value()->save(element); } void MetalinkHttp::startMetalink() { if (m_ready) { foreach (DataSourceFactory *factory, m_dataSourceFactory) { //specified number of files is downloaded simultanously if (m_currentFiles < MetalinkSettings::simultanousFiles()) { const Job::Status status = factory->status(); //only start factories that should be downloaded if (factory->doDownload() && (status != Job::Finished) && (status != Job::FinishedKeepAlive) && (status != Job::Running)) { ++m_currentFiles; factory->start(); } } else { break; } } } } void MetalinkHttp::start() { kDebug() << "metalinkhttp::start"; if (!m_ready) { setLinks(); setDigests(); if (metalinkHttpInit()) { startMetalink(); } } else { startMetalink(); } } void MetalinkHttp::setSignature(KUrl & dest, QByteArray & data, DataSourceFactory* dataFactory) { Q_UNUSED(dest); dataFactory->signature()->setSignature(data,Signature::AsciiDetached); } void MetalinkHttp::slotSignatureVerified() { if (status() == Job::Finished) { //see if some files are NotVerified QStringList brokenFiles; foreach (DataSourceFactory *factory, m_dataSourceFactory) { if (m_fileModel) { QModelIndex signatureVerified = m_fileModel->index(factory->dest(), FileItem::SignatureVerified); m_fileModel->setData(signatureVerified, factory->signature()->status()); } if (factory->doDownload() && (factory->verifier()->status() == Verifier::NotVerified)) { brokenFiles.append(factory->dest().pathOrUrl()); } } if (brokenFiles.count()) { if (KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancelList(0, i18n("The download could not be verified, try to repair it?"), brokenFiles) == KMessageBox::Yes) { if (repair()) { KGet::addTransfer(m_metalinkxmlUrl); //TODO Use a Notification instead. Check kget.h for how to use it. } } } } } bool MetalinkHttp::metalinkHttpInit() { kDebug() << "m_dest = " << m_dest; const KUrl tempDest = KUrl(m_dest.directory()); KUrl dest = tempDest; dest.addPath(m_dest.fileName()); kDebug() << "dest = " << dest; //sort the urls according to their priority (highest first) qStableSort(m_linkheaderList); DataSourceFactory *dataFactory = new DataSourceFactory(this,dest); dataFactory->setMaxMirrorsUsed(MetalinkSettings::mirrorsPerFile()); connect(dataFactory, SIGNAL(capabilitiesChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateCapabilities())); connect(dataFactory, SIGNAL(dataSourceFactoryChange(Transfer::ChangesFlags)), this, SLOT(slotDataSourceFactoryChange(Transfer::ChangesFlags))); connect(dataFactory->verifier(), SIGNAL(verified(bool)), this, SLOT(slotVerified(bool))); connect(dataFactory->signature(), SIGNAL(verified(int)), this, SLOT(slotSignatureVerified())); connect(dataFactory, SIGNAL(log(QString,Transfer::LogLevel)), this, SLOT(setLog(QString,Transfer::LogLevel))); //add the Mirrors Sources for(int i = 0; i < m_linkheaderList.size(); ++i) { const KUrl url = m_linkheaderList[i].url; if (url.isValid()) { if (m_linkheaderList[i].pref) { kDebug() << "found etag in a mirror" ; KGetMetalink::MetalinkHttpParser* eTagCher = new KGetMetalink::MetalinkHttpParser(url) ; if (eTagCher->getEtag() != m_httpparser->getEtag()) { //There is an ETag mismatch continue ; } } dataFactory->addMirror(url, MetalinkSettings::connectionsPerUrl()); } } //no datasource has been created, so remove the datasource factory if (dataFactory->mirrors().isEmpty()) { kDebug() << "data source factory being deleted" ; delete dataFactory; } else { QHashIterator itr(m_DigestList); while(itr.hasNext()) { itr.next(); kDebug() << itr.key() << ":" << itr.value() ; } dataFactory->verifier()->addChecksums(m_DigestList); //Add OpenPGP signatures if (m_signatureUrl != KUrl()) { Download *signat_download = new Download(m_signatureUrl, QString(KStandardDirs::locateLocal("appdata", "metalinks/") + m_source.fileName())); connect(signat_download, SIGNAL(finishedSuccessfully(KUrl,QByteArray)), SLOT(setSignature(KUrl,QByteArray))); } m_dataSourceFactory[dataFactory->dest()] = dataFactory; } if (m_dataSourceFactory.size()) { m_dest = dest; } if (!m_dataSourceFactory.size()) { //TODO make this via log in the future + do not display the KMessageBox kWarning(5001) << "Download of" << m_source << "failed, no working URLs were found."; KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Download failed, no working URLs were found."), i18n("Error")); setStatus(Job::Aborted); setTransferChange(Tc_Status, true); return false; } m_ready = !m_dataSourceFactory.isEmpty(); slotUpdateCapabilities(); return true; } void MetalinkHttp::setLinks() { const QMultiMap* headerInf = m_httpparser->getHeaderInfo(); const QList linkVals = headerInf->values("link"); foreach (const QString link, linkVals) { const KGetMetalink::HttpLinkHeader linkheader(link); if (linkheader.reltype == "duplicate") { m_linkheaderList.append(linkheader); } else if (linkheader.reltype == "application/pgp-signature") { m_signatureUrl = linkheader.url; //There will only be one signature } else if (linkheader.reltype == "application/metalink4+xml") { m_metalinkxmlUrl = linkheader.url ; // There will only be one metalink xml (metainfo URL) } } } void MetalinkHttp::deinit(Transfer::DeleteOptions options) { foreach (DataSourceFactory *factory, m_dataSourceFactory) { if (options & Transfer::DeleteFiles) { factory->deinit(); } } } void MetalinkHttp::setDigests() { const QMultiMap* digestInfo = m_httpparser->getHeaderInfo(); const QList digestList = digestInfo->values("digest"); foreach(const QString digest, digestList) { const int eqDelimiter = digest.indexOf('='); const QString digestType = MetalinkHttp::adaptDigestType(digest.left(eqDelimiter).trimmed()); const QString hexDigestValue = base64ToHex(digest.mid(eqDelimiter + 1).trimmed()); m_DigestList.insertMulti(digestType,hexDigestValue); } } QString MetalinkHttp::adaptDigestType(const QString & hashType) { if (hashType == QString("SHA")) { return QString("sha"); } else if (hashType == QString("MD5")) { return QString("md5"); } else if (hashType == QString("SHA-256")) { return QString("sha256"); } else { return hashType; } } #include "metalinkhttp.moc"