# Find the Qwt 5.x includes and library, either the version linked to Qt3 or the version linked to Qt4 # # On Windows it makes these assumptions: # - the Qwt DLL is where the other DLLs for Qt are (QT_DIR\bin) or in the path # - the Qwt .h files are in QT_DIR\include\Qwt or in the path # - the Qwt .lib is where the other LIBs for Qt are (QT_DIR\lib) or in the path # # Qwt5_INCLUDE_DIR - where to find qwt.h if Qwt # Qwt5-Qt4_LIBRARY - The Qwt5 library linked against Qt4 (if it exists) # Qwt5-Qt3_LIBRARY - The Qwt5 library linked against Qt4 (if it exists) # Qwt5-Qt4_FOUND - Qwt5 was found and uses Qt4 # Qwt5-Qt3_FOUND - Qwt5 was found and uses Qt3 # Qwt5_FOUND - Set to TRUE if Qwt5 was found (linked either to Qt3 or Qt4) # Copyright (c) 2007, Pau Garcia i Quiles, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # Condition is "(A OR B) AND C", CMake does not support parentheses but it evaluates left to right IF(Qwt5-Qt4_LIBRARY OR Qwt5-Qt3_LIBRARY AND Qwt5_INCLUDE_DIR) SET(Qwt5_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) ENDIF(Qwt5-Qt4_LIBRARY OR Qwt5-Qt3_LIBRARY AND Qwt5_INCLUDE_DIR) IF( WITH_KATIE ) FIND_PACKAGE( Katie ) ENDIF() IF( NOT KATIE_FOUND) FIND_PACKAGE( Qt4 REQUIRED QUIET ) ENDIF() IF( QT4_FOUND ) # Is Qwt5 installed? Look for header files FIND_PATH( Qwt5_INCLUDE_DIR qwt_event_pattern.h PATHS ${QT_INCLUDE_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES qwt qwt5 qwt-qt4 qwt5-qt4 qwt-qt3 qwt5-qt3 include qwt/include qwt5/include qwt-qt4/include qwt5-qt4/include qwt-qt3/include qwt5-qt3/include ENV PATH) # Find Qwt version IF( Qwt5_INCLUDE_DIR ) FILE( READ ${Qwt5_INCLUDE_DIR}/qwt_global.h QWT_GLOBAL_H ) STRING( REGEX MATCH "#define *QWT_VERSION *(0x05)" QWT_IS_VERSION_5 ${QWT_GLOBAL_H}) IF( QWT_IS_VERSION_5 ) STRING(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define[\\t\\ ]+QWT_VERSION_STR[\\t\\ ]+\"([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)\".*" "\\1" Qwt_VERSION "${QWT_GLOBAL_H}") # Find Qwt5 library linked to Qt4 FIND_LIBRARY( Qwt5-Qt4_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY NAMES qwt5-qt4 qwt-qt4 qwt5 qwt ) IF( UNIX AND NOT CYGWIN) IF( Qwt5-Qt4_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY ) #MESSAGE("Qwt5-Qt4_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY = ${Qwt5-Qt4_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY}") EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND "ldd" ${Qwt5-Qt4_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Qwt-Qt4_LIBRARIES_LINKED_TO ) STRING( REGEX MATCH "QtCore" Qwt5_IS_LINKED_TO_Qt4 ${Qwt-Qt4_LIBRARIES_LINKED_TO}) IF( Qwt5_IS_LINKED_TO_Qt4 ) SET( Qwt5-Qt4_LIBRARY ${Qwt5-Qt4_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY} ) SET( Qwt5-Qt4_FOUND TRUE ) IF (NOT Qwt5_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE( STATUS "Found Qwt version ${Qwt_VERSION} linked to Qt4" ) ENDIF (NOT Qwt5_FIND_QUIETLY) ENDIF( Qwt5_IS_LINKED_TO_Qt4 ) ENDIF( Qwt5-Qt4_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY ) ELSE( UNIX AND NOT CYGWIN) # Assumes qwt.dll is in the Qt dir SET( Qwt5-Qt4_LIBRARY ${Qwt5-Qt4_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY} ) SET( Qwt5-Qt4_FOUND TRUE ) IF (NOT Qwt5_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE( STATUS "Found Qwt version ${Qwt_VERSION} linked to Qt4" ) ENDIF (NOT Qwt5_FIND_QUIETLY) ENDIF( UNIX AND NOT CYGWIN) # Find Qwt5 library linked to Qt3 FIND_LIBRARY( Qwt5-Qt3_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY NAMES qwt-qt3 qwt qwt5-qt3 qwt5 ) IF( UNIX AND NOT CYGWIN) IF( Qwt5-Qt3_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY ) #MESSAGE("Qwt5-Qt3_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY = ${Qwt5-Qt3_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY}") EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND "ldd" ${Qwt5-Qt3_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Qwt-Qt3_LIBRARIES_LINKED_TO ) STRING( REGEX MATCH "qt-mt" Qwt5_IS_LINKED_TO_Qt3 ${Qwt-Qt3_LIBRARIES_LINKED_TO}) IF( Qwt5_IS_LINKED_TO_Qt3 ) SET( Qwt5-Qt3_LIBRARY ${Qwt5-Qt3_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY} ) SET( Qwt5-Qt3_FOUND TRUE ) IF (NOT Qwt5_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE( STATUS "Found Qwt version ${Qwt_VERSION} linked to Qt3" ) ENDIF (NOT Qwt5_FIND_QUIETLY) ENDIF( Qwt5_IS_LINKED_TO_Qt3 ) ENDIF( Qwt5-Qt3_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY ) ELSE( UNIX AND NOT CYGWIN) SET( Qwt5-Qt3_LIBRARY ${Qwt5-Qt3_TENTATIVE_LIBRARY} ) SET( Qwt5-Qt3_FOUND TRUE ) IF (NOT Qwt5_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE( STATUS "Found Qwt version ${Qwt_VERSION} linked to Qt3" ) ENDIF (NOT Qwt5_FIND_QUIETLY) ENDIF( UNIX AND NOT CYGWIN) ENDIF( QWT_IS_VERSION_5 ) IF( Qwt5-Qt4_FOUND OR Qwt5-Qt3_FOUND ) SET( Qwt5_FOUND TRUE ) ENDIF( Qwt5-Qt4_FOUND OR Qwt5-Qt3_FOUND ) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( Qwt5_INCLUDE_DIR Qwt5-Qt4_LIBRARY Qwt5-Qt3_LIBRARY ) ENDIF( Qwt5_INCLUDE_DIR ) IF (NOT Qwt5_FOUND AND Qwt5_FIND_REQUIRED) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find Qwt 5.x") ENDIF (NOT Qwt5_FOUND AND Qwt5_FIND_REQUIRED) ENDIF( QT4_FOUND )