/*************************************************************************** * Copyright 1999-2001 Bernd Gehrmann and the KDevelop Team * * bernd@kdevelop.org * * Copyright 2010 Julien Desgats * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "findreplacetest.h" #include "../grepjob.h" #include "../grepviewplugin.h" #include "../grepoutputmodel.h" void FindReplaceTest::initTestCase() { KDevelop::AutoTestShell::init(); KDevelop::TestCore::initialize(KDevelop::Core::NoUi); } void FindReplaceTest::cleanupTestCase() { KDevelop::TestCore::shutdown(); } void FindReplaceTest::testFind_data() { QTest::addColumn("subject"); QTest::addColumn("search"); QTest::addColumn("matches"); QTest::newRow("Basic") << "foobar" << QRegExp("foo") << (MatchList() << Match(0, 0, 3)); QTest::newRow("Multiple matches") << "foobar\nbar\nbarfoo" << QRegExp("foo") << (MatchList() << Match(0, 0, 3) << Match(2, 3, 6)); QTest::newRow("Multiple on same line") << "foobarbaz" << QRegExp("ba") << (MatchList() << Match(0, 3, 5) << Match(0, 6, 8)); QTest::newRow("Multiple sticked together") << "foofoobar" << QRegExp("foo") << (MatchList() << Match(0, 0, 3) << Match(0, 3, 6)); QTest::newRow("RegExp (member call)") << "foo->bar ();\nbar();" << QRegExp("\\->\\s*\\b(bar)\\b\\s*\\(") << (MatchList() << Match(0, 3, 10)); // the matching must be started after the last previous match QTest::newRow("RegExp (greedy match)") << "foofooo" << QRegExp("[o]+") << (MatchList() << Match(0, 1, 3) << Match(0, 4, 7)); QTest::newRow("Matching EOL") << "foobar\nfoobar" << QRegExp("foo.*") << (MatchList() << Match(0, 0, 6) << Match(1, 0, 6)); QTest::newRow("Matching EOL (Windows style)") << "foobar\r\nfoobar" << QRegExp("foo.*") << (MatchList() << Match(0, 0, 6) << Match(1, 0, 6)); QTest::newRow("Empty lines handling") << "foo\n\n\n" << QRegExp("bar") << (MatchList()); QTest::newRow("Can match empty string (at EOL)") << "foobar\n" << QRegExp(".*") << (MatchList() << Match(0, 0, 6)); QTest::newRow("Matching empty string anywhere") << "foobar\n" << QRegExp("") << (MatchList()); } void FindReplaceTest::testFind() { QFETCH(QString, subject); QFETCH(QRegExp, search); QFETCH(MatchList, matches); KTemporaryFile file; QVERIFY(file.open()); file.write(subject.toUtf8()); file.close(); GrepOutputItem::List actualMatches = grepFile(file.fileName(), search); QCOMPARE(actualMatches.length(), matches.length()); for(int i=0; im_range.start.line, matches[i].line); QCOMPARE(actualMatches[i].change()->m_range.start.column, matches[i].start); QCOMPARE(actualMatches[i].change()->m_range.end.column, matches[i].end); } // check that file has not been altered by grepFile QVERIFY(file.open()); QCOMPARE(QString(file.readAll()), subject); } void FindReplaceTest::testReplace_data() { QTest::addColumn("subject"); QTest::addColumn("searchPattern"); QTest::addColumn("searchTemplate"); QTest::addColumn("replace"); QTest::addColumn("replaceTemplate"); QTest::addColumn("result"); QTest::newRow("Raw replace") << (FileList() << File("myfile.txt", "some text\nreplacement\nsome other test\n") << File("otherfile.txt", "some replacement text\n\n")) << "replacement" << "%s" << "dummy" << "%s" << (FileList() << File("myfile.txt", "some text\ndummy\nsome other test\n") << File("otherfile.txt", "some dummy text\n\n")); // see bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=301362 QTest::newRow("LF character replace") << (FileList() << File("somefile.txt", "hello world\\n")) << "\\\\n" << "%s" << "\\n\\n" << "%s" << (FileList() << File("somefile.txt", "hello world\\n\\n")); QTest::newRow("Template replace") << (FileList() << File("somefile.h", "struct Foo {\n void setFoo(int foo);\n};") << File("somefile.cpp", "instance->setFoo(0);\n setFoo(0); /*not replaced*/")) << "setFoo" << "\\->\\s*\\b%s\\b\\s*\\(" << "setBar" << "->%s(" << (FileList() << File("somefile.h", "struct Foo {\n void setFoo(int foo);\n};") << File("somefile.cpp", "instance->setBar(0);\n setFoo(0); /*not replaced*/")); QTest::newRow("Template with captures") << (FileList() << File("somefile.cpp", "inst::func(1, 2)\n otherInst :: func (\"foo\")\n func()")) << "func" << "([a-z0-9_$]+)\\s*::\\s*\\b%s\\b\\s*\\(" << "REPL" << "\\1::%s(" << (FileList() << File("somefile.cpp", "inst::REPL(1, 2)\n otherInst::REPL(\"foo\")\n func()")); QTest::newRow("Regexp pattern") << (FileList() << File("somefile.txt", "foobar\n foooobar\n fake")) << "f\\w*o" << "%s" << "FOO" << "%s" << (FileList() << File("somefile.txt", "FOObar\n FOObar\n fake")); } void FindReplaceTest::testReplace() { QFETCH(FileList, subject); QFETCH(QString, searchPattern); QFETCH(QString, searchTemplate); QFETCH(QString, replace); QFETCH(QString, replaceTemplate); QFETCH(FileList, result); KTempDir tempDir; QDir dir(tempDir.name()); // we need some convenience functions that are not in KTempDir foreach(File fileData, subject) { QFile file(dir.filePath(fileData.first)); QVERIFY(file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)); QVERIFY(file.write(fileData.second.toUtf8()) != -1); file.close(); } GrepJob *job = new GrepJob(this); GrepOutputModel *model = new GrepOutputModel(job); job->setOutputModel(model); job->setPatternString(searchPattern); job->setTemplateString(searchTemplate); job->setReplacementTemplateString(replaceTemplate); job->setFilesString("*"); job->setExcludeString(""); job->setDirectoryChoice(QList() << KUrl(dir.path())); job->setDepth(-1); // fully recursive job->setRegexpFlag(true); job->setCaseSensitive(true); job->setProjectFilesFlag(false); QVERIFY(job->exec()); QVERIFY(model->hasResults()); model->setReplacement(replace); model->makeItemsCheckable(true); model->doReplacements(); foreach(File fileData, result) { QFile file(dir.filePath(fileData.first)); QVERIFY(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); QCOMPARE(QString(file.readAll()), fileData.second); file.close(); } tempDir.unlink(); } QTEST_MAIN(FindReplaceTest);