/* This file is part of KDevelop * * Copyright 2007 Andreas Pakulat * Copyright 2007 Dukju Ahn * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "outputwidget.h" #include "standardoutputview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "toolviewdata.h" Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QTreeView*) OutputWidget::OutputWidget(QWidget* parent, const ToolViewData* tvdata) : QWidget( parent ) , tabwidget(0) , stackwidget(0) , data(tvdata) , m_closeButton(0) , m_closeOthersAction(0) , nextAction(0) , previousAction(0) , activateOnSelect(0) , focusOnSelect(0) , filterInput(0) , filterAction(0) { setWindowTitle(i18n("Output View")); setWindowIcon(tvdata->icon); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->setMargin(0); if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView ) { tabwidget = new KTabWidget(this); layout->addWidget( tabwidget ); m_closeButton = new QToolButton( this ); connect( m_closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(closeActiveView()) ); m_closeButton->setIcon( KIcon("tab-close") ); m_closeButton->setToolTip( i18n( "Close the currently active output view") ); m_closeOthersAction = new QAction( this ); connect(m_closeOthersAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(closeOtherViews())); m_closeOthersAction->setIcon(KIcon("tab-close-other")); m_closeOthersAction->setToolTip( i18n( "Close all other output views" ) ); m_closeOthersAction->setText( m_closeOthersAction->toolTip() ); addAction(m_closeOthersAction); tabwidget->setCornerWidget(m_closeButton, Qt::TopRightCorner); } else if ( data->type == KDevelop::IOutputView::HistoryView ) { stackwidget = new QStackedWidget( this ); layout->addWidget( stackwidget ); previousAction = new KAction( KIcon( "go-previous" ), i18n("Previous"), this ); connect(previousAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(previousOutput())); addAction(previousAction); nextAction = new KAction( KIcon( "go-next" ), i18n("Next"), this ); connect(nextAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(nextOutput())); addAction(nextAction); } addAction(dynamic_cast(data->plugin->actionCollection()->action("prev_error"))); addAction(dynamic_cast(data->plugin->actionCollection()->action("next_error"))); activateOnSelect = new KToggleAction( KIcon(), i18n("Select activated Item"), this ); activateOnSelect->setChecked( true ); focusOnSelect = new KToggleAction( KIcon(), i18n("Focus when selecting Item"), this ); focusOnSelect->setChecked( false ); if( data->option & KDevelop::IOutputView::ShowItemsButton ) { addAction(activateOnSelect); addAction(focusOnSelect); } QAction *separator = new QAction(this); separator->setSeparator(true); KAction *selectAllAction = KStandardAction::selectAll(this, SLOT(selectAll()), this); selectAllAction->setShortcut(KShortcut()); //FIXME: why does CTRL-A conflict with Katepart (while CTRL-Cbelow doesn't) ? selectAllAction->setShortcutContext(Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut); addAction(selectAllAction); KAction *copyAction = KStandardAction::copy(this, SLOT(copySelection()), this); copyAction->setShortcutContext(Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut); addAction(copyAction); if( data->option & KDevelop::IOutputView::AddFilterAction ) { addAction(separator); filterInput = new KLineEdit(); filterInput->setMaximumWidth(150); filterInput->setMinimumWidth(100); filterInput->setClickMessage(i18n("Search...")); filterInput->setClearButtonShown(true); filterInput->setToolTip(i18n("Enter a wild card string to filter the output view")); filterAction = new QWidgetAction(this); filterAction->setDefaultWidget(filterInput); addAction(filterAction); connect(filterInput, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(outputFilter(QString)) ); if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView ) { connect(tabwidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateFilter(int))); } else if ( data->type == KDevelop::IOutputView::HistoryView ) { connect(stackwidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateFilter(int))); } } addActions(data->actionList); connect( data, SIGNAL(outputAdded(int)), this, SLOT(addOutput(int)) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(outputRemoved(int,int)), data->plugin, SIGNAL(outputRemoved(int,int)) ); connect( data->plugin, SIGNAL(selectNextItem()), this, SLOT(selectNextItem()) ); connect( data->plugin, SIGNAL(selectPrevItem()), this, SLOT(selectPrevItem()) ); foreach( int id, data->outputdata.keys() ) { changeModel( id ); changeDelegate( id ); } enableActions(); } void OutputWidget::addOutput( int id ) { QTreeView* listview = createListView(id); setCurrentWidget( listview ); connect( data->outputdata.value(id), SIGNAL(modelChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeModel(int))); connect( data->outputdata.value(id), SIGNAL(delegateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeDelegate(int))); enableActions(); } void OutputWidget::setCurrentWidget( QTreeView* view ) { if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView ) { tabwidget->setCurrentWidget( view ); } else if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::HistoryView ) { stackwidget->setCurrentWidget( view ); } } void OutputWidget::changeDelegate( int id ) { if( data->outputdata.contains( id ) && views.contains( id ) ) { views.value(id)->setItemDelegate(data->outputdata.value(id)->delegate); } else { addOutput(id); } } void OutputWidget::changeModel( int id ) { if( data->outputdata.contains( id ) && views.contains( id ) ) { OutputData* od = data->outputdata.value(id); views.value( id )->setModel(od->model); if (!od->model) return; disconnect( od->model,SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)) ); if( od->behaviour & KDevelop::IOutputView::AutoScroll ) { connect( od->model,SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), SLOT(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)) ); } } else { addOutput( id ); } } void OutputWidget::removeOutput( int id ) { if( data->outputdata.contains( id ) && views.contains( id ) ) { QTreeView* view = views.value(id); if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView || data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::HistoryView ) { if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView ) { int idx = tabwidget->indexOf( view ); if( idx != -1 ) { tabwidget->removeTab( idx ); if( proxyModels.contains( idx ) ) { delete proxyModels.take( idx ); filters.remove( idx ); } } } else { int idx = stackwidget->indexOf( view ); if( idx != -1 && proxyModels.contains( idx ) ) { delete proxyModels.take( idx ); filters.remove( idx ); } stackwidget->removeWidget( view ); } delete view; } else { views.value( id )->setModel( 0 ); views.value( id )->setItemDelegate( 0 ); if( proxyModels.contains( 0 ) ) { delete proxyModels.take( 0 ); filters.remove( 0 ); } } disconnect( data->outputdata.value( id )->model,SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)) ); views.remove( id ); m_scrollDelay.remove( view ); emit outputRemoved( data->toolViewId, id ); } enableActions(); } void OutputWidget::closeActiveView() { QWidget* widget = tabwidget->currentWidget(); if( !widget ) return; foreach( int id, views.keys() ) { if( views.value(id) == widget ) { OutputData* od = data->outputdata.value(id); if( od->behaviour & KDevelop::IOutputView::AllowUserClose ) { data->plugin->removeOutput( id ); } } } enableActions(); } void OutputWidget::closeOtherViews() { QWidget* widget = tabwidget->currentWidget(); if (!widget) return; foreach (int id, views.keys()) { if (views.value(id) == widget) { continue; // leave the active view open } OutputData* od = data->outputdata.value(id); if (od->behaviour & KDevelop::IOutputView::AllowUserClose) { data->plugin->removeOutput( id ); } } enableActions(); } QWidget* OutputWidget::currentWidget() const { QWidget* widget; if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView ) { widget = tabwidget->currentWidget(); } else if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::HistoryView ) { widget = stackwidget->currentWidget(); } else { widget = views.begin().value(); } return widget; } KDevelop::IOutputViewModel *OutputWidget::outputViewModel() const { QWidget* widget = currentWidget(); if( !widget || !widget->isVisible() ) return nullptr; auto view = qobject_cast(widget); if( !view ) return nullptr; QAbstractItemModel *absmodel = view->model(); KDevelop::IOutputViewModel *iface = dynamic_cast(absmodel); if ( ! iface ) { // try if it's a proxy model? if ( QAbstractProxyModel* proxy = qobject_cast(absmodel) ) { iface = dynamic_cast(proxy->sourceModel()); } } return iface; } void OutputWidget::eventuallyDoFocus() { QWidget* widget = currentWidget(); if( focusOnSelect->isChecked() && !widget->hasFocus() ) { widget->setFocus( Qt::OtherFocusReason ); } } QAbstractItemView *OutputWidget::outputView() const { auto widget = currentWidget(); return qobject_cast(widget); } void OutputWidget::activateIndex(const QModelIndex &index, QAbstractItemView *view, KDevelop::IOutputViewModel *iface) { if( ! index.isValid() ) return; int tabIndex = currentOutputIndex(); QModelIndex sourceIndex = index; QModelIndex viewIndex = index; if( QAbstractProxyModel* proxy = proxyModels.value(tabIndex) ) { if ( index.model() == proxy ) { // index is from the proxy, map it to the source sourceIndex = proxy->mapToSource(index); } else if (proxy == view->model()) { // index is from the source, map it to the proxy viewIndex = proxy->mapFromSource(index); } } view->setCurrentIndex( viewIndex ); view->scrollTo( viewIndex ); if( activateOnSelect->isChecked() ) { iface->activate( sourceIndex ); } } void OutputWidget::selectNextItem() { selectItem(Next); } void OutputWidget::selectPrevItem() { selectItem(Previous); } void OutputWidget::selectItem(Direction direction) { auto view = outputView(); auto iface = outputViewModel(); if ( ! view || ! iface ) return; eventuallyDoFocus(); auto index = view->currentIndex(); if (QAbstractProxyModel* proxy = proxyModels.value(currentOutputIndex())) { if ( index.model() == proxy ) { // index is from the proxy, map it to the source index = proxy->mapToSource(index); } } const auto newIndex = direction == Previous ? iface->previousHighlightIndex( index ) : iface->nextHighlightIndex( index ); kDebug() << "old:" << index << "- new:" << newIndex; activateIndex(newIndex, view, iface); } void OutputWidget::activate(const QModelIndex& index) { auto iface = outputViewModel(); auto view = outputView(); if( ! view || ! iface ) return; activateIndex(index, view, iface); } static QTreeView* createFocusedTreeView( QWidget* parent ) { QTreeView* listview = new KDevelop::FocusedTreeView(parent); listview->setEditTriggers( QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers ); listview->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); //Always enable the scrollbar, so it doesn't flash around listview->setHeaderHidden(true); listview->setUniformRowHeights(true); listview->setRootIsDecorated(false); listview->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection ); return listview; } QTreeView* OutputWidget::createListView(int id) { QTreeView* listview = 0; bool newView = true; if( !views.contains(id) ) { if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView || data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::HistoryView ) { kDebug() << "creating listview"; listview = createFocusedTreeView(this); views[id] = listview; connect( listview, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(activate(QModelIndex))); connect( listview, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(activate(QModelIndex))); if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView ) { tabwidget->addTab( listview, data->outputdata.value(id)->title ); } else { stackwidget->addWidget( listview ); stackwidget->setCurrentWidget( listview ); } } else { if( views.isEmpty() ) { listview = createFocusedTreeView(this); layout()->addWidget( listview ); connect( listview, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(activate(QModelIndex))); connect( listview, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(activate(QModelIndex))); } else { listview = views.begin().value(); newView = false; } views[id] = listview; } if (newView) { auto timer = new QTimer(listview); timer->setSingleShot(true); timer->setInterval(300); timer->setProperty("view", QVariant::fromValue(listview)); m_scrollDelay[listview] = {timer, -1, -1}; connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(delayedScroll())); } changeModel( id ); changeDelegate( id ); } else { listview = views.value(id); } enableActions(); return listview; } void OutputWidget::raiseOutput(int id) { if( views.contains(id) ) { if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView ) { int idx = tabwidget->indexOf( views.value(id) ); if( idx >= 0 ) { tabwidget->setCurrentIndex( idx ); } } else if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::HistoryView ) { int idx = stackwidget->indexOf( views.value(id) ); if( idx >= 0 ) { stackwidget->setCurrentIndex( idx ); } } } enableActions(); } void OutputWidget::nextOutput() { if( stackwidget && stackwidget->currentIndex() < stackwidget->count()-1 ) { stackwidget->setCurrentIndex( stackwidget->currentIndex()+1 ); } enableActions(); } void OutputWidget::previousOutput() { if( stackwidget && stackwidget->currentIndex() > 0 ) { stackwidget->setCurrentIndex( stackwidget->currentIndex()-1 ); } enableActions(); } void OutputWidget::enableActions() { if( data->type == KDevelop::IOutputView::HistoryView ) { Q_ASSERT(stackwidget); Q_ASSERT(nextAction); Q_ASSERT(previousAction); previousAction->setEnabled( ( stackwidget->currentIndex() > 0 ) ); nextAction->setEnabled( ( stackwidget->currentIndex() < stackwidget->count() - 1 ) ); } } void OutputWidget::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex& parent, int from, int to) { if (parent.isValid()) { return; } auto model = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(model); foreach (QTreeView* view, views) { if (view->model() == model) { auto& data = m_scrollDelay[view]; if (data.from == -1) { data.from = from; } data.to = to; if (!data.timer->isActive()) { data.timer->start(); } } } } void OutputWidget::delayedScroll() { auto timer = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(timer); auto view = timer->property("view").value(); Q_ASSERT(view); delayedScroll(view); } void OutputWidget::delayedScroll(QTreeView* view) { Q_ASSERT(m_scrollDelay.contains(view)); auto& data = m_scrollDelay[view]; QModelIndex pre = view->model()->index(data.from - 1, 0); bool scroll = !pre.isValid(); if (!scroll && data.to == view->model()->rowCount() - 1) { auto rect = view->visualRect(pre); scroll = rect.isValid() && view->viewport()->rect().intersects(rect); } if (scroll) { view->scrollToBottom(); } data.from = -1; } void OutputWidget::scrollToIndex( const QModelIndex& idx ) { QWidget* w = currentWidget(); if( !w ) return; QAbstractItemView *view = dynamic_cast(w); view->scrollTo( idx ); } void OutputWidget::copySelection() { QWidget* widget = currentWidget(); if( !widget ) return; QAbstractItemView *view = dynamic_cast(widget); if( !view ) return; QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard(); QModelIndexList indexes = view->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); QString content; Q_FOREACH( const QModelIndex& index, indexes) { content += index.data().toString() + '\n'; } cb->setText(content); } void OutputWidget::selectAll() { QWidget* widget = currentWidget(); if( !widget ) return; QAbstractItemView *view = dynamic_cast(widget); if( !view ) return; view->selectAll(); } int OutputWidget::currentOutputIndex() { int index = 0; if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView ) { index = tabwidget->currentIndex(); } else if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::HistoryView ) { index = stackwidget->currentIndex(); } return index; } void OutputWidget::outputFilter(const QString filter) { QWidget* widget = currentWidget(); if( !widget ) return; QAbstractItemView *view = dynamic_cast(widget); if( !view ) return; int index = currentOutputIndex(); auto proxyModel = dynamic_cast(view->model()); if( !proxyModel ) { proxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(view->model()); proxyModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true); proxyModel->setSourceModel(view->model()); proxyModels.insert(index, proxyModel); view->setModel(proxyModel); } QRegExp regExp(filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive); proxyModel->setFilterRegExp(regExp); filters[index] = filter; } void OutputWidget::updateFilter(int index) { if(filters.contains(index)) { filterInput->setText(filters[index]); } else { filterInput->clear(); } } void OutputWidget::setTitle(int outputId, const QString& title) { if( data->type & KDevelop::IOutputView::MultipleView ) { tabwidget->setTabText(outputId - 1, title); } } #include "moc_outputwidget.cpp"