/*************************************************************************** * Copyright 2009,2013 Andreas Pakulat * * Copyright 2013 Jarosław Sierant * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "documentswitcherplugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "documentswitchertreeview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(DocumentSwitcherFactory, registerPlugin(); ) K_EXPORT_PLUGIN(DocumentSwitcherFactory(KAboutData("kdevdocumentswitcher","kdevdocumentswitcher",ki18n("Document Switcher"), "0.1", ki18n("Switch between open documents using most-recently-used list"), KAboutData::License_GPL))) //TODO: Show frame around view's widget while walking through //TODO: Make the widget transparent DocumentSwitcherPlugin::DocumentSwitcherPlugin(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &/*args*/) :KDevelop::IPlugin(DocumentSwitcherFactory::componentData(), parent), view(0) { setXMLFile("kdevdocumentswitcher.rc"); kDebug() << "Adding active mainwindow from constructor" << KDevelop::ICore::self()->uiController()->activeMainWindow(); addMainWindow( qobject_cast( KDevelop::ICore::self()->uiController()->activeMainWindow() ) ); connect( KDevelop::ICore::self()->uiController()->controller(), SIGNAL(mainWindowAdded(Sublime::MainWindow*)), SLOT(addMainWindow(Sublime::MainWindow*)) ); forwardAction = actionCollection()->addAction ( "last_used_views_forward" ); forwardAction->setText( i18n( "Last Used Views" ) ); forwardAction->setIcon( KIcon("go-next-view-page") ); forwardAction->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Tab ); forwardAction->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Opens a list to walk through the list of last used views." ) ); forwardAction->setStatusTip( i18n( "Walk through the list of last used views" ) ); connect( forwardAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(walkForward()) ); backwardAction = actionCollection()->addAction ( "last_used_views_backward" ); backwardAction->setText( i18n( "Last Used Views (Reverse)" ) ); backwardAction->setIcon( KIcon("go-previous-view-page") ); backwardAction->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL | Qt::SHIFT | Qt::Key_Tab ); backwardAction->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Opens a list to walk through the list of last used views in reverse." ) ); backwardAction->setStatusTip( i18n( "Walk through the list of last used views" ) ); connect( backwardAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(walkBackward()) ); view = new DocumentSwitcherTreeView( this ); view->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows ); view->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection ); view->setUniformItemSizes( true ); view->setTextElideMode( Qt::ElideMiddle ); view->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); view->addAction( forwardAction ); view->addAction( backwardAction ); connect( view, SIGNAL(pressed(QModelIndex)), SLOT(switchToClicked(QModelIndex)) ); connect( view, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), SLOT(itemActivated(QModelIndex)) ); model = new QStandardItemModel( view ); view->setModel( model ); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::setViewGeometry(Sublime::MainWindow* window) { const QSize centralSize = window->centralWidget()->size(); // Maximum size of the view is 3/4th of the central widget (the editor area) so the view does not overlap the // mainwindow since that looks awkward. const QSize viewMaxSize( centralSize.width() * 3/4, centralSize.height() * 3/4 ); // The actual view size should be as big as the columns/rows need it, but smaller than the max-size. This means // the view will get quite high with many open files but I think thats ok. Otherwise one can easily tweak the // max size to be only 1/2th of the central widget size const QSize viewSize( std::min( view->sizeHintForColumn(0) + view->verticalScrollBar()->width(), viewMaxSize.width() ), std::min( std::max( view->sizeHintForRow(0) * view->model()->rowCount(), view->sizeHintForRow(0) * 6 ), viewMaxSize.height() ) ); // Position should be central over the editor area, so map to global from parent of central widget since // the view is positioned in global coords QPoint centralWidgetPos = window->mapToGlobal( window->centralWidget()->pos() ); const int xPos = std::max(0, centralWidgetPos.x() + (centralSize.width() - viewSize.width() ) / 2); const int yPos = std::max(0, centralWidgetPos.y() + (centralSize.height() - viewSize.height() ) / 2); view->setFixedSize(viewSize); view->move(xPos, yPos); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::walk(const int from, const int to) { Sublime::MainWindow* window = qobject_cast( KDevelop::ICore::self()->uiController()->activeMainWindow() ); if( !window || !documentLists.contains( window ) || !documentLists[window].contains( window->area() ) ) { kWarning() << "This should not happen, tried to walk through document list of an unknown mainwindow!"; return; } QModelIndex idx; const int step = from < to ? 1 : -1; if(!view->isVisible()) { fillModel(window); setViewGeometry(window); idx = model->index(from + step, 0); if(!idx.isValid()) { idx = model->index(0, 0); } view->show(); } else { int newRow = view->selectionModel()->currentIndex().row() + step; if(newRow == to + step) { newRow = from; } idx = model->index(newRow, 0); } view->selectionModel()->select(idx, QItemSelectionModel::Rows | QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); view->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(idx, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::walkForward() { walk(0, model->rowCount()-1); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::walkBackward() { walk(model->rowCount()-1, 0); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::fillModel( Sublime::MainWindow* window ) { model->clear(); foreach( Sublime::View* v, documentLists[window][window->area()] ) { using namespace KDevelop; Sublime::Document const* const slDoc = v->document(); if( !slDoc ) { continue; } QString itemText = slDoc->title();// file name IDocument const* const doc = dynamic_cast(v->document()); if( doc ) { QString path = ICore::self()->projectController()->prettyFilePath(doc->url(), IProjectController::FormatPlain); const bool isPartOfOpenProject = QDir::isRelativePath(path); if( path.endsWith('/') ) { path.remove(path.length() - 1, 1); } if( isPartOfOpenProject ) { const int projectNameSize = path.indexOf("/"); // first: project name, second: path to file in project (might be just '/' when the file is in the project root dir) const QPair fileInProjectInfo = (projectNameSize < 0) ? qMakePair(path, QString("/")) : qMakePair(path.left(projectNameSize), path.mid(projectNameSize)); itemText = QString("%1 (%2:%3)").arg(itemText).arg(fileInProjectInfo.first) .arg(fileInProjectInfo.second); } else { itemText = itemText + " (" + path + ')'; } } model->appendRow( new QStandardItem( slDoc->icon(), itemText ) ); } } DocumentSwitcherPlugin::~DocumentSwitcherPlugin() { } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::switchToClicked( const QModelIndex& idx ) { view->selectionModel()->select(idx, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); itemActivated(idx); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::itemActivated( const QModelIndex& idx ) { Q_UNUSED( idx ); if( view->selectionModel()->selectedRows().isEmpty() ) { return; } int row = view->selectionModel()->selectedRows().first().row(); Sublime::MainWindow* window = qobject_cast( KDevelop::ICore::self()->uiController()->activeMainWindow() ); Sublime::View* activatedView = 0; if( window && documentLists.contains( window ) && documentLists[window].contains( window->area() ) ) { const QList l = documentLists[window][window->area()]; if( row >= 0 && row < l.size() ) { activatedView = l.at( row ); } } if( activatedView ) { if( QApplication::mouseButtons() & Qt::MiddleButton ) { window->area()->closeView( activatedView ); fillModel( window ); if ( model->rowCount() == 0 ) { view->hide(); } else { view->selectionModel()->select( view->model()->index(0, 0), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect ); } } else { window->activateView( activatedView ); view->hide(); } } } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::unload() { foreach( QObject* mw, documentLists.keys() ) { removeMainWindow( mw ); } delete forwardAction; delete backwardAction; view->deleteLater(); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::storeAreaViewList( Sublime::MainWindow* mainwindow, Sublime::Area* area ) { if( !documentLists.contains( mainwindow ) || !documentLists[mainwindow].contains(area) ) { QMap > areas; kDebug() << "adding area views for area:" << area << area->title() << "mainwindow:" << mainwindow << mainwindow->windowTitle(); foreach( Sublime::View* v, area->views() ) { kDebug() << "view:" << v << v->document()->title(); } kDebug() << "done"; areas.insert( area, area->views() ); documentLists.insert( mainwindow, areas ); } } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::addMainWindow( Sublime::MainWindow* mainwindow ) { if( !mainwindow ) { return; } kDebug() << "adding mainwindow:" << mainwindow << mainwindow->windowTitle(); kDebug() << "storing all views from area:" << mainwindow->area()->title() << mainwindow->area(); storeAreaViewList( mainwindow, mainwindow->area() ); kDebug() << "connecting signals on mainwindow"; connect( mainwindow, SIGNAL(areaChanged(Sublime::Area*)), SLOT(changeArea(Sublime::Area*)) ); connect( mainwindow, SIGNAL(activeViewChanged(Sublime::View*)), SLOT(changeView(Sublime::View*)) ); connect( mainwindow, SIGNAL(viewAdded(Sublime::View*)), SLOT(addView(Sublime::View*)) ); connect( mainwindow, SIGNAL(aboutToRemoveView(Sublime::View*)), SLOT(removeView(Sublime::View*)) ); connect( mainwindow, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), SLOT(removeMainWindow(QObject*))); mainwindow->installEventFilter( this ); } bool DocumentSwitcherPlugin::eventFilter( QObject* watched, QEvent* ev ) { Sublime::MainWindow* mw = dynamic_cast( watched ); if( mw && ev->type() == QEvent::WindowActivate ) { enableActions(); } return QObject::eventFilter( watched, ev ); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::addView( Sublime::View* view ) { Sublime::MainWindow* mainwindow = qobject_cast( sender() ); if( !mainwindow ) return; kDebug() << "got signal from mainwindow:" << mainwindow << mainwindow->windowTitle(); kDebug() << "its area is:" << mainwindow->area() << mainwindow->area()->title(); kDebug() << "adding view:" << view << view->document()->title(); enableActions(); documentLists[mainwindow][mainwindow->area()].append( view ); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::enableActions() { forwardAction->setEnabled(true); backwardAction->setEnabled(true); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::removeMainWindow( QObject* obj ) { if( !obj || !documentLists.contains(obj) ) { return; } obj->removeEventFilter( this ); disconnect( obj, 0, this, 0 ); documentLists.remove( obj ); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::changeArea( Sublime::Area* area ) { Sublime::MainWindow* mainwindow = qobject_cast( sender() ); Q_ASSERT( mainwindow ); kDebug() << "area changed:" << area << area->title() << "mainwindow:" << mainwindow << mainwindow->windowTitle(); //Since the main-window only emits aboutToRemoveView for views within the current area, we must forget all areas except the active one documentLists.remove(mainwindow); if( !documentLists[mainwindow].contains( area ) ) { kDebug() << "got area change, storing its views"; storeAreaViewList( mainwindow, area ); } enableActions(); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::changeView( Sublime::View* view ) { if( !view ) return; Sublime::MainWindow* mainwindow = qobject_cast( sender() ); Q_ASSERT( mainwindow ); Sublime::Area* area = mainwindow->area(); int idx = documentLists[mainwindow][area].indexOf( view ); if( idx != -1 ) { documentLists[mainwindow][area].removeAt( idx ); } kDebug() << "moving view to front, list should now not contain this view anymore" << view << view->document()->title(); kDebug() << "current area is:" << area << area->title() << "mainwnidow:" << mainwindow << mainwindow->windowTitle();; kDebug() << "idx of this view in list:" << documentLists[mainwindow][area].indexOf( view ); documentLists[mainwindow][area].prepend( view ); enableActions(); } void DocumentSwitcherPlugin::removeView( Sublime::View* view ) { if( !view ) return; Sublime::MainWindow* mainwindow = qobject_cast( sender() ); Q_ASSERT( mainwindow ); Sublime::Area* area = mainwindow->area(); int idx = documentLists[mainwindow][area].indexOf( view ); if( idx != -1 ) { documentLists[mainwindow][area].removeAt( idx ); } kDebug() << "removing view, list should now not contain this view anymore" << view << view->document()->title(); kDebug() << "current area is:" << area << area->title() << "mainwnidow:" << mainwindow << mainwindow->windowTitle();; kDebug() << "idx of this view in list:" << documentLists[mainwindow][area].indexOf( view ); enableActions(); } #include "moc_documentswitcherplugin.cpp"