/* * KDevelop Class Browser * * Copyright 2007-2009 Hamish Rodda * Copyright 2009 Lior Mualem * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "classmodelnode.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KDevelop; using namespace ClassModelNodes; IdentifierNode::IdentifierNode(KDevelop::Declaration* a_decl, NodesModelInterface* a_model, const QString& a_displayName) : DynamicNode(a_displayName.isEmpty() ? a_decl->identifier().toString() : a_displayName, a_model) , m_identifier(a_decl->qualifiedIdentifier()) , m_indexedDeclaration(a_decl) , m_cachedDeclaration(a_decl) { } Declaration* IdentifierNode::getDeclaration() { if ( !m_cachedDeclaration ) m_cachedDeclaration = m_indexedDeclaration.declaration(); return m_cachedDeclaration.data(); } bool IdentifierNode::getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon) { DUChainReadLocker readLock(DUChain::lock()); Declaration* decl = getDeclaration(); if ( decl ) a_resultIcon = DUChainUtils::iconForDeclaration(decl); return !a_resultIcon.isNull(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EnumNode::EnumNode(KDevelop::Declaration* a_decl, NodesModelInterface* a_model) : IdentifierNode(a_decl, a_model) { // Set display name for anonymous enums if ( m_displayName.isEmpty() ) m_displayName = "*Anonymous*"; } bool EnumNode::getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon) { DUChainReadLocker readLock(DUChain::lock()); ClassMemberDeclaration* decl = dynamic_cast(getDeclaration()); if ( decl == 0 ) { static KIcon Icon("enum"); a_resultIcon = Icon; } else { if ( decl->accessPolicy() == Declaration::Protected ) { static KIcon Icon("protected_enum"); a_resultIcon = Icon; } else if ( decl->accessPolicy() == Declaration::Private ) { static KIcon Icon("private_enum"); a_resultIcon = Icon; } else { static KIcon Icon("enum"); a_resultIcon = Icon; } } return true; } void EnumNode::populateNode() { DUChainReadLocker readLock(DUChain::lock()); Declaration* decl = getDeclaration(); if ( decl->internalContext() ) foreach( Declaration* enumDecl, decl->internalContext()->localDeclarations() ) addNode( new EnumNode(enumDecl, m_model) ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassNode::ClassNode(Declaration* a_decl, NodesModelInterface* a_model) : IdentifierNode(a_decl, a_model) { } ClassNode::~ClassNode() { if ( !m_cachedUrl.isEmpty() ) { ClassModelNodesController::self().unregisterForChanges(m_cachedUrl, this); m_cachedUrl = IndexedString(); } } void ClassNode::populateNode() { DUChainReadLocker readLock(DUChain::lock()); if ( updateClassDeclarations() ) { m_cachedUrl = getDeclaration()->url(); ClassModelNodesController::self().registerForChanges(m_cachedUrl, this); } // Add special folders addBaseAndDerived(); } template <> inline bool qMapLessThanKey(const IndexedIdentifier &key1, const IndexedIdentifier &key2) { return key1.getIndex() < key2.getIndex(); } bool ClassNode::updateClassDeclarations() { bool hadChanges = false; SubIdentifiersMap existingIdentifiers = m_subIdentifiers; ClassDeclaration* klass = dynamic_cast(getDeclaration()); if ( klass ) { foreach(Declaration* decl, klass->internalContext()->localDeclarations()) { // Ignore forward declarations. if ( decl->isForwardDeclaration() ) continue; // Don't add existing declarations. if ( existingIdentifiers.contains( decl->ownIndex() ) ) { existingIdentifiers.remove(decl->ownIndex()); continue; } Node* newNode = 0; if ( EnumerationType::Ptr enumType = decl->type() ) newNode = new EnumNode( decl, m_model ); else if ( decl->isFunctionDeclaration() ) newNode = new FunctionNode( decl, m_model ); else if ( ClassDeclaration* classDecl = dynamic_cast(decl) ) newNode = new ClassNode(classDecl, m_model); else if ( ClassMemberDeclaration* memDecl = dynamic_cast(decl) ) newNode = new ClassMemberNode( memDecl, m_model ); else { // Debug - for reference. kDebug() << "class: " << klass->toString() << "name: " << decl->toString() << " - unknown declaration type: " << typeid(*decl).name(); } if ( newNode ) { addNode(newNode); // Also remember the identifier. m_subIdentifiers.insert(decl->ownIndex(), newNode); hadChanges = true; } } } // Remove old existing identifiers for ( SubIdentifiersMap::iterator iter = existingIdentifiers.begin(); iter != existingIdentifiers.end(); ++iter ) { iter.value()->removeSelf(); m_subIdentifiers.remove(iter.key()); hadChanges = true; } return hadChanges; } bool ClassNode::addBaseAndDerived() { bool added = false; BaseClassesFolderNode *baseClassesNode = new BaseClassesFolderNode( m_model ); addNode( baseClassesNode ); if ( !baseClassesNode->hasChildren() ) removeNode( baseClassesNode ); else added = true; DerivedClassesFolderNode *derivedClassesNode = new DerivedClassesFolderNode( m_model ); addNode( derivedClassesNode ); if ( !derivedClassesNode->hasChildren() ) removeNode( derivedClassesNode ); else added = true; return added; } void ClassNode::nodeCleared() { if ( !m_cachedUrl.isEmpty() ) { ClassModelNodesController::self().unregisterForChanges(m_cachedUrl, this); m_cachedUrl = IndexedString(); } m_subIdentifiers.clear(); } void ClassModelNodes::ClassNode::documentChanged(const KDevelop::IndexedString&) { DUChainReadLocker readLock(DUChain::lock()); if ( updateClassDeclarations() ) recursiveSort(); } ClassNode* ClassNode::findSubClass(const KDevelop::IndexedQualifiedIdentifier& a_id) { // Make sure we have sub nodes. performPopulateNode(); /// @todo This is slow - we go over all the sub identifiers but the assumption is that /// this function call is rare and the list is not that long. foreach(Node* item, m_subIdentifiers) { ClassNode* classNode = dynamic_cast(item); if ( classNode == 0 ) continue; if ( classNode->getIdentifier() == a_id ) return classNode; } return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FunctionNode::FunctionNode(Declaration* a_decl, NodesModelInterface* a_model) : IdentifierNode(a_decl, a_model) { // Append the argument signature to the identifier's name (which is what the displayName is. if (FunctionType::Ptr type = a_decl->type()) m_displayName += type->partToString(FunctionType::SignatureArguments); // Add special values for ctor / dtor to sort first ClassFunctionDeclaration* classmember = dynamic_cast(a_decl); if ( classmember ) { if ( classmember->isConstructor() || classmember->isDestructor() ) m_sortableString = '0' + m_displayName; else m_sortableString = '1' + m_displayName; } else { m_sortableString = m_displayName; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassMemberNode::ClassMemberNode(KDevelop::ClassMemberDeclaration* a_decl, NodesModelInterface* a_model) : IdentifierNode(a_decl, a_model) { } bool ClassMemberNode::getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon) { DUChainReadLocker readLock(DUChain::lock()); ClassMemberDeclaration* decl = dynamic_cast(getDeclaration()); if ( decl == 0 ) return false; if ( decl->isTypeAlias() ) { static KIcon Icon("typedef"); a_resultIcon = Icon; } else if ( decl->accessPolicy() == Declaration::Protected ) { static KIcon Icon("protected_field"); a_resultIcon = Icon; } else if ( decl->accessPolicy() == Declaration::Private ) { static KIcon Icon("private_field"); a_resultIcon = Icon; } else { static KIcon Icon("field"); a_resultIcon = Icon; } return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DynamicFolderNode::DynamicFolderNode(const QString& a_displayName, NodesModelInterface* a_model) : DynamicNode(a_displayName, a_model) { } bool DynamicFolderNode::getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon) { static KIcon folderIcon("folder"); a_resultIcon = folderIcon; return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FolderNode::FolderNode(const QString& a_displayName, NodesModelInterface* a_model) : Node(a_displayName, a_model) { } bool FolderNode::getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon) { static KIcon folderIcon("folder"); a_resultIcon = folderIcon; return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BaseClassesFolderNode::BaseClassesFolderNode(NodesModelInterface* a_model) : DynamicFolderNode(i18n("Base classes"), a_model) { } void BaseClassesFolderNode::populateNode() { DUChainReadLocker readLock(DUChain::lock()); ClassDeclaration* klass = dynamic_cast( static_cast(getParent())->getDeclaration() ); if ( klass ) { // I use the imports instead of the baseClasses in the ClassDeclaration because I need // to get to the base class identifier which is not directly accessible through the // baseClasses function. foreach( const DUContext::Import& import, klass->internalContext()->importedParentContexts() ) { DUContext* baseContext = import.context( klass->topContext() ); if ( baseContext && baseContext->type() == DUContext::Class ) { Declaration* baseClassDeclaration = baseContext->owner(); if ( baseClassDeclaration ) { // Add the base class. addNode( new ClassNode(baseClassDeclaration, m_model) ); } } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DerivedClassesFolderNode::DerivedClassesFolderNode(NodesModelInterface* a_model) : DynamicFolderNode(i18n("Derived classes"), a_model) { } void DerivedClassesFolderNode::populateNode() { DUChainReadLocker readLock(DUChain::lock()); ClassDeclaration* klass = dynamic_cast( static_cast(getParent())->getDeclaration() ); if ( klass ) { uint steps = 10000; QList< Declaration* > inheriters = DUChainUtils::getInheriters(klass, steps, true); foreach( Declaration* decl, inheriters ) { addNode( new ClassNode(decl, m_model) ); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Node::Node(const QString& a_displayName, NodesModelInterface* a_model) : m_parentNode(0) , m_displayName(a_displayName) , m_model(a_model) { } Node::~Node() { // Notify the model about the removal of this nodes' children. if ( !m_children.empty() && m_model ) m_model->nodesRemoved(this, 0, m_children.size()-1); clear(); } void Node::clear() { qDeleteAll(m_children); m_children.clear(); } void Node::addNode(Node* a_child) { /// @note This is disabled for performance reasons - we add them to the bottom and a /// sort usually follows which causes a layout change to be fired. // m_model->nodesAboutToBeAdded(this, m_children.size(), 1); a_child->m_parentNode = this; m_children.push_back(a_child); // m_model->nodesAdded(this); } void Node::removeNode(Node* a_child) { int row = a_child->row(); m_children.removeAt(row); m_model->nodesRemoved(this, row, row ); delete a_child; } // Sort algorithm for the nodes. struct SortNodesFunctor { bool operator() (Node* a_lhs, Node* a_rhs) { if ( a_lhs->getScore() == a_rhs->getScore() ) { return a_lhs->getSortableString() < a_rhs->getSortableString(); } else return a_lhs->getScore() < a_rhs->getScore(); } }; void Node::recursiveSortInternal() { // Sort my nodes. qSort(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), SortNodesFunctor()); // Tell each node to sort it self. foreach (Node* node, m_children) node->recursiveSortInternal(); } void Node::recursiveSort() { m_model->nodesLayoutAboutToBeChanged(this); recursiveSortInternal(); m_model->nodesLayoutChanged(this); } int Node::row() { if ( m_parentNode == 0 ) return -1; return m_parentNode->m_children.indexOf(this); } QIcon ClassModelNodes::Node::getCachedIcon() { // Load the cached icon if it's null. if ( m_cachedIcon.isNull() ) { if ( !getIcon(m_cachedIcon) ) m_cachedIcon = QIcon(); } return m_cachedIcon; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DynamicNode::DynamicNode(const QString& a_displayName, NodesModelInterface* a_model) : Node(a_displayName, a_model) , m_populated(false) { } void DynamicNode::collapse() { performNodeCleanup(); } void DynamicNode::expand() { performPopulateNode(); } void DynamicNode::performNodeCleanup() { if ( !m_populated ) return; if ( !m_children.empty() ) { // Notify model for this node. m_model->nodesRemoved(this, 0, m_children.size()-1); } // Clear sub-nodes. clear(); // This shouldn't be called from clear since clear is called also from the d-tor // and the function is virtual. nodeCleared(); // Mark the fact that we've been collapsed m_populated = false; } void DynamicNode::performPopulateNode(bool a_forceRepopulate) { if ( m_populated ) { if ( a_forceRepopulate ) performNodeCleanup(); else return; } populateNode(); // We're populated. m_populated = true; // Sort the list. recursiveSort(); } bool DynamicNode::hasChildren() const { // To get a true status, we'll need to populate the node. const_cast(this)->performPopulateNode(); return !m_children.empty(); } // kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 4; replace-tabs on; auto-insert-doxygen on