project(Amarok) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.2) set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ) message(STATUS "${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") option(WITH_UTILITIES "Enable building of utilities" ON) option(WITH_PLAYER "Enable building of main Amarok player" ON) option(WITH_MP3Tunes "Enable mp3tunes in the Amarok player, requires multiple extra dependencies" ON) option(WITH_IPOD "Enable iPod support in Amarok" ON) option(WITH_MYSQL_EMBEDDED "Build the embedded database library -- highly recommended" ON) option(WITH_PLAYGROUND "Enable building of playground scripts and applets (WARNING: some of them might have legal issues!)" OFF) ############### Taglib set(TAGLIB_MIN_VERSION "1.7") find_package(Taglib REQUIRED) # Check if TagLib is built with ASF and MP4 support include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES "${TAGLIB_INCLUDES}") set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${TAGLIB_LIBRARIES}") check_cxx_source_compiles("#include int main() { TagLib::ASF::Tag tag; return 0;}" TAGLIB_ASF_FOUND) if( NOT TAGLIB_ASF_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "TagLib does not have ASF support compiled in.") endif( NOT TAGLIB_ASF_FOUND ) check_cxx_source_compiles("#include int main() { TagLib::MP4::Tag tag(0, 0); return 0;}" TAGLIB_MP4_FOUND) if( NOT TAGLIB_MP4_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "TagLib does not have MP4 support compiled in.") endif( NOT TAGLIB_MP4_FOUND ) check_cxx_source_compiles("#include #include #include #include #include using namespace TagLib; int main() { char *s; Mod::Tag tag; Mod::File modfile(s); S3M::File s3mfile(s); IT::File itfile(s); XM::File xmfile(s); return 0; }" TAGLIB_MOD_FOUND) check_cxx_source_compiles("#include int main() { char *s; TagLib::Ogg::Opus::File opusfile(s); return 0;}" TAGLIB_OPUS_FOUND) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) set(TAGLIB-EXTRAS_MIN_VERSION "1.0") find_package(Taglib-Extras) set(TAGLIB_EXTRAS_FOUND ${TAGLIB-EXTRAS_FOUND}) # we need a c-compatible name for the include file include(CheckTagLibFileName) check_taglib_filename(COMPLEX_TAGLIB_FILENAME) ############### # Needed to conditionally build tests and gui if(KDE4_BUILD_TESTS) add_definitions(-DDEBUG) endif() if(WITH_DESKTOP_UI) add_definitions(-DDESKTOP_UI) endif() SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fmessage-length=0") if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fmessage-length=0") if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wl,--as-needed") endif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux") endif (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/shared ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/shared ) find_package( Qt4 4.8.3 COMPONENTS QtCore QtGui QtScript QtSvg QtXml QtWebKit REQUIRED ) find_package( KDE4 4.8.4 REQUIRED ) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++0x") # Require C++11 # WORKAROUND for Clang bug: if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang" AND WIN32) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fno-delayed-template-parsing") endif (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang" AND WIN32) include( KDE4Defaults ) include( MacroBoolTo01 ) include( MacroLibrary ) add_definitions( ${QT_DEFINITIONS} ${KDE4_DEFINITIONS} ) # QCA2 is required for the Script Updater find_package( QCA2 ) macro_optional_find_package( LibLastFm ) set( LIBLASTFM_MIN_VERSION ) if( LIBLASTFM_FOUND ) if("${LIBLASTFM_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "1.0.0") set(LIBLASTFM_FOUND FALSE) endif() endif( LIBLASTFM_FOUND ) macro_bool_to_01( LIBLASTFM_FOUND HAVE_LIBLASTFM ) macro_optional_find_package( FFmpeg ) if( FFMPEG_FOUND ) macro_optional_find_package( LibOFA ) macro_bool_to_01( LIBOFA_FOUND HAVE_LIBOFA ) endif( FFMPEG_FOUND ) string( TOLOWER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER ) if( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES debug ) set( DEBUG_BUILD_TYPE ON ) add_definitions(-Wall -Wextra) endif( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES debug ) # this needs to be here because also code in shared/ needs config.h. This is also the # reason why various checks are above why they belong under if( WITH_PLAYER ) configure_file( shared/config.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/shared/config.h ) add_subdirectory( data ) add_subdirectory( images ) add_subdirectory( shared ) if( WITH_PLAYER ) include(MacroLogFeature) macro_log_feature( KDE4_FOUND "kdelibs" "The toolkit Amarok uses to build" "" TRUE ${KDE_MIN_VERSION} "" ) macro_log_feature( QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND "QtOpenGL" "Required for the spectrum analyzer" "" FALSE "" "" ) find_package(MySQLAmarok REQUIRED) if( WITH_MYSQL_EMBEDDED ) set( BUILD_MYSQLE_COLLECTION TRUE ) macro_log_feature( MYSQL_EMBEDDED_FOUND "mysqld" "Embedded MySQL Libraries" "" TRUE "" "" ) else( WITH_MYSQL_EMBEDDED ) add_definitions( "-DNO_MYSQL_EMBEDDED" ) endif( WITH_MYSQL_EMBEDDED ) macro_log_feature( MYSQL_FOUND "mysql" "MySQL Server Libraries" "" TRUE "" "" ) # zlib is required for mysql embedded find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) macro_log_feature( ZLIB_FOUND "zlib" "zlib" "" TRUE "" "" ) macro_log_feature( QCA2_FOUND "qca2" "Qt Cryptographic Architecture" "" FALSE "" "" ) # QJson is required for the PlaydarCollection macro_optional_find_package(QJSON) macro_log_feature( QJSON_FOUND "QJson" "Qt JSON Parser used for the Playdar Collection" "" FALSE "" "" ) # We tell users that we need 1.0.3, but we really check just >= 1.0.0. This is because # upstream forgot to update version in lastfm/global.h, so it looks like 1.0.2. :-( # will be fixed in liblastfm-1.0.4 set( LIBLASTFM_MIN_VERSION "1.0.3" ) macro_log_feature( LIBLASTFM_FOUND "liblastfm" "Enable Last.Fm service, including scrobbling, song submissions, and suggested song dynamic playlists" "${LIBLASTFM_MIN_VERSION}.tar.gz" FALSE ${LIBLASTFM_MIN_VERSION} "" ) macro_log_feature( FFMPEG_FOUND "ffmpeg" "Libraries and tools for handling multimedia data" "" FALSE "0.7" "" ) if( FFMPEG_FOUND ) macro_log_feature( LIBOFA_FOUND "libofa" "Enable MusicDNS service" "" FALSE "0.9.x" "" ) endif( FFMPEG_FOUND ) ##gpodder Service macro_optional_find_package( Mygpo-qt 1.0.7 QUIET ) macro_log_feature( LIBMYGPO_QT_FOUND "libmygpo-qt" "Enable service" "" FALSE "1.0.7" "" ) macro_bool_to_01( LIBMYGPO_QT_FOUND HAVE_LIBMYGPOQT ) if( WITH_IPOD ) find_package(Ipod) if( IPOD_FOUND AND NOT WIN32 ) if("${IPOD_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "0.8.2") set(IPOD_FOUND FALSE) endif() endif( IPOD_FOUND AND NOT WIN32 ) macro_log_feature( IPOD_FOUND "libgpod" "Support Apple iPod/iPad/iPhone audio devices" "" FALSE ${IPOD_MIN_VERSION} "" ) macro_optional_find_package(GDKPixBuf) macro_log_feature( GDKPIXBUF_FOUND "GDK-PixBuf" "Support for artwork on iPod audio devices via GDK-PixBuf" "" FALSE "2.0.x" "" ) endif( WITH_IPOD ) macro_optional_find_package(Mtp) macro_log_feature( MTP_FOUND "libmtp" "Enable Support for portable media devices that use the media transfer protocol" "" FALSE "1.0.0" "") if( WITH_MP3Tunes ) find_package(CURL) macro_log_feature( CURL_FOUND "curl" "cURL provides the necessary network libraries required by mp3tunes." "" FALSE "" "" ) find_package(LibXml2) macro_log_feature( LIBXML2_FOUND "libxml2" "LibXML2 is an XML parser required by mp3tunes." "" FALSE "" "" ) macro_optional_find_package(OpenSSL) macro_optional_find_package(Libgcrypt) if ( OPENSSL_FOUND OR LIBGCRYPT_FOUND ) set (_mp3tunes_crypto TRUE ) else ( OPENSSL_FOUND OR LIBGCRYPT_FOUND ) message( SEND_ERROR "Building with mp3tunes support REQUIRES either OpenSSL or GNU Libgcrypt" ) endif ( OPENSSL_FOUND OR LIBGCRYPT_FOUND ) macro_log_feature( _mp3tunes_crypto "openssl or libgcrypt" "OpenSSL or GNU Libgcrypt provides cryptographic functions required by mp3tunes." " or" FALSE "" "" ) find_package(Loudmouth) macro_log_feature( LOUDMOUTH_FOUND "loudmouth" "Loudmouth is the communication backend needed by mp3tunes for syncing." "" FALSE "" "" ) include(CheckQtGlib) macro_log_feature(QT4_GLIB_SUPPORT "Qt4 Glib support" "Qt4 must be compiled with glib support for mp3tunes" "" FALSE "" "") endif( WITH_MP3Tunes ) if( WITH_IPOD OR WITH_MP3Tunes ) find_package(GObject) macro_log_feature( GOBJECT_FOUND "gobject" "Required by libgpod and mp3tunes." "" FALSE "2.x" "" ) find_package(GLIB2) macro_log_feature( GLIB2_FOUND "glib2" "Required by libgpod and mp3tunes" "" FALSE "2.x" "") endif( WITH_IPOD OR WITH_MP3Tunes ) find_program( CLAMZ_FOUND clamz PATH ) macro_log_feature( CLAMZ_FOUND "clamz" "Optional requirement to download songs from the Amazon MP3 store. Highly recommended on Linux, as the official downloader from Amazon is quite broken on many systems." "" FALSE ) find_package(PythonInterp) macro_log_feature(PYTHONINTERP_FOUND "Python" "Required for generating the autocompletion file for the script console" "" FALSE "2.x" "") include_directories( ${KDE4_INCLUDES} ) if( KDE4_BUILD_TESTS AND NOT WIN32 ) ENABLE_TESTING() add_subdirectory( tests ) endif( KDE4_BUILD_TESTS AND NOT WIN32 ) add_subdirectory( src ) # Also display taglib in the feature log macro_log_feature( TAGLIB_FOUND "taglib" "Support for Audio metadata." "" TRUE "${TAGLIB_MIN_VERSION}" "Required for tag reading" ) # following line is here (and not near TAGLIB_MOD_FOUND) because there may be no MacroLogFeature without kdelibs macro_log_feature( TAGLIB_MOD_FOUND "taglib" "Additional support for Audio metadata of mod, s3m, it and xm files." "" FALSE "1.8" "" ) macro_log_feature( TAGLIB_OPUS_FOUND "taglib" "Additional support for Audio metadata of opus files." "" FALSE "1.9" "" ) endif( WITH_PLAYER ) if( WITH_UTILITIES ) set(EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} CACHE PATH "Base directory for executables and libraries" FORCE) set(BIN_INSTALL_DIR "${EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin" CACHE PATH "The subdirectory to the binaries prefix (default prefix/bin)" FORCE) add_subdirectory( utilities ) endif( WITH_UTILITIES ) if( WITH_PLAYGROUND ) add_subdirectory( playground ) message(STATUS "Included playground subdirectory in configuration") endif( WITH_PLAYGROUND ) include(CTest)