VncPreferences 0 0 436 151 Connection Connection type: kcfg_Quality 280 0 Use this to specify the performance of your connection. Note that you should select the speed of the weakest link - even if you have a high speed connection, it will not help you if the remote computer uses a slow modem. Choosing a level of quality that is too high on a slow link will cause slower response times. Choosing a lower quality will increase latencies in high speed connections and results in lower image quality, especially in 'Low Quality' mode. High Quality (LAN, direct connection) Medium Quality (DSL, Cable, fast Internet) Low Quality (Modem, ISDN, slow Internet) Scale to Size: false 280 0 Here you can specify the resolution of the remote desktop. This resolution determines the size of the desktop that will be presented to you. 1 Minimal (640x480) Small (800x600) Normal (1024x768) Large (1280x1024) Very Large (1600x1200) Current Screen Resolution Custom Resolution (...) false &Width: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_ScalingWidth false This is the width of the remote desktop. You can only change this value manually if you select Custom as desktop resolution above. 9999 800 false H&eight: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_ScalingHeight false This is the height of the remote desktop. You can only change this value manually if you select Custom as desktop resolution above. 9999 600 Qt::Vertical 428 16 KComboBox QComboBox