/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 by Daniel Nicoletti * * dantti12@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "PrintQueueUi.h" #include "ui_PrintQueueUi.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PRINTER_ICON_SIZE 92 PrintQueueUi::PrintQueueUi(const KCupsPrinter &printer, QWidget *parent) : KDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::PrintQueueUi), m_destName(printer.name()), m_preparingMenu(false), m_printerPaused(false), m_lastState(0) { ui->setupUi(mainWidget()); // since setupUi needs to setup on the mainWidget() // we need to manually connect the buttons connect(ui->cancelJobPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cancelJob())); connect(ui->holdJobPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(holdJob())); connect(ui->resumeJobPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(resumeJob())); connect(ui->reprintPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reprintJob())); connect(ui->pausePrinterPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pausePrinter())); connect(ui->configurePrinterPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(configurePrinter())); connect(ui->whichJobsCB, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(whichJobsIndexChanged(int))); // Needed so we have our dialog size saved setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); setWindowIcon(printer.icon()); if (printer.info().isEmpty()) { m_title = printer.name(); } else { m_title = printer.name() % QLatin1String(" - ") % printer.info(); } setWindowTitle(m_title); setButtons(0); setSizeGripEnabled(true); (void) minimumSizeHint(); //Force the dialog to be laid out now layout()->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); m_isClass = printer.isClass(); // setup default options ui->jobsView->setCornerWidget(new QWidget); setupButtons(); // loads the standard key icon m_printerIcon = printer.icon().pixmap(PRINTER_ICON_SIZE, PRINTER_ICON_SIZE); ui->iconL->setPixmap(m_printerIcon); m_pauseIcon = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon("media-playback-pause", KIconLoader::NoGroup, KIconLoader::SizeMedium, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), 0, true); ui->printerStatusMsgL->setText(QString()); // setup the jobs model m_model = new JobModel(this); m_model->setParentWId(winId()); m_model->init(printer.name()); connect(m_model, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(updateButtons())); connect(m_model, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(update())); m_proxyModel = new JobSortFilterModel(this); m_proxyModel->setSourceModel(m_model); m_proxyModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true); ui->jobsView->setModel(m_proxyModel); ui->jobsView->setItemDelegate(new NoSelectionRectDelegate(this)); // sort by status column means the jobs will be sorted by the queue order ui->jobsView->sortByColumn(JobModel::ColStatus, Qt::AscendingOrder); connect(ui->jobsView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(updateButtons())); connect(ui->jobsView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(QPoint))); ui->jobsView->header()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->jobsView->header(), SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showHeaderContextMenu(QPoint))); QHeaderView *header = ui->jobsView->header(); header->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::Interactive); header->setStretchLastSection(false); header->setResizeMode(JobModel::ColStatus, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); header->setResizeMode(JobModel::ColName, QHeaderView::Stretch); header->setResizeMode(JobModel::ColUser, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); header->setResizeMode(JobModel::ColCreated, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); header->setResizeMode(JobModel::ColCompleted, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); header->setResizeMode(JobModel::ColPages, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); header->setResizeMode(JobModel::ColProcessed, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); header->setResizeMode(JobModel::ColSize, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); header->setResizeMode(JobModel::ColStatusMessage, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); header->setResizeMode(JobModel::ColPrinter, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); KConfig config("print-manager"); KConfigGroup printQueue(&config, "PrintQueue"); if (printQueue.hasKey("ColumnState")) { // restore the header state order header->restoreState(printQueue.readEntry("ColumnState", QByteArray())); } else { // Hide some columns ColPrinter header->hideSection(JobModel::ColPrinter); header->hideSection(JobModel::ColUser); header->hideSection(JobModel::ColCompleted); header->hideSection(JobModel::ColSize); header->hideSection(JobModel::ColFromHost); } // This is emitted when a printer is modified connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerModified(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(updatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer has it's state changed connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerStateChanged(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(updatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer is stopped connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerStopped(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(updatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer is restarted connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerRestarted(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(updatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer is shutdown connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerShutdown(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(updatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer is removed connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerDeleted(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(updatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer/queue is changed // Deprecated stuff that works better than the above connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(rhPrinterAdded(QString)), this, SLOT(updatePrinter(QString))); connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(rhPrinterRemoved(QString)), this, SLOT(updatePrinter(QString))); connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(rhQueueChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updatePrinter(QString))); updatePrinter(m_destName); // Restore the dialog size restoreDialogSize(printQueue); } PrintQueueUi::~PrintQueueUi() { KConfig config("print-manager"); KConfigGroup configGroup(&config, "PrintQueue"); // save the header state order configGroup.writeEntry("ColumnState", ui->jobsView->header()->saveState()); // Save the dialog size saveDialogSize(configGroup); } int PrintQueueUi::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { return JobModel::LastColumn; } return 0; } void PrintQueueUi::setState(int state, const QString &message) { kDebug() << state << message; if (state != m_lastState || ui->printerStatusMsgL->text() != message) { // save the last state so the ui doesn't need to keep updating if (ui->printerStatusMsgL->text() != message) { ui->printerStatusMsgL->setText(message); } m_lastState = state; QPixmap icon(m_printerIcon); m_printerPaused = false; switch (state) { case KCupsPrinter::Idle: ui->statusL->setText(i18n("Printer ready")); ui->pausePrinterPB->setText(i18n("Pause Printer")); ui->pausePrinterPB->setIcon(KIcon("media-playback-pause")); break; case KCupsPrinter::Printing: if (!m_title.isNull()) { QString jobTitle = m_model->processingJob(); if (jobTitle.isEmpty()) { ui->statusL->setText(i18n("Printing...")); } else { ui->statusL->setText(i18n("Printing '%1'", jobTitle)); } ui->pausePrinterPB->setText(i18n("Pause Printer")); ui->pausePrinterPB->setIcon(KIcon("media-playback-pause")); } break; case KCupsPrinter::Stopped: m_printerPaused = true; ui->statusL->setText(i18n("Printer paused")); ui->pausePrinterPB->setText(i18n("Resume Printer")); ui->pausePrinterPB->setIcon(KIcon("media-playback-start")); // create a paiter to paint the action icon over the key icon { QPainter painter(&icon); // the emblem icon to size 32 int overlaySize = KIconLoader::SizeMedium; QPoint startPoint; // bottom right corner startPoint = QPoint(PRINTER_ICON_SIZE - overlaySize - 2, PRINTER_ICON_SIZE - overlaySize - 2); painter.drawPixmap(startPoint, m_pauseIcon); } break; default : ui->statusL->setText(i18n("Printer state unknown")); break; } // set the printer icon setWindowIcon(icon); } } void PrintQueueUi::showContextMenu(const QPoint &point) { // check if the click was actually over a job if (!ui->jobsView->indexAt(point).isValid() || m_preparingMenu) { return; } m_preparingMenu = true; bool moveTo = false; QItemSelection selection; // we need to map the selection to source to get the real indexes selection = m_proxyModel->mapSelectionToSource(ui->jobsView->selectionModel()->selection()); // if the selection is empty the user clicked on an empty space if (!selection.indexes().isEmpty()) { foreach (const QModelIndex &index, selection.indexes()) { if (index.column() == 0 && index.flags() & Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled) { // Found a move to item moveTo = true; break; } } // if we can move a job create the menu if (moveTo) { // context menu QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this); // move to menu QMenu *moveToMenu = new QMenu(i18n("Move to"), this); // get printers we can move to QPointer request = new KCupsRequest; QStringList attr; attr << KCUPS_PRINTER_NAME; attr << KCUPS_PRINTER_INFO; request->getPrinters(attr); request->waitTillFinished(); if (!request) { return; } KCupsPrinters printers = request->printers(); request->deleteLater(); foreach (const KCupsPrinter &printer, printers) { // If there is a printer and it's not the current one add it // as a new destination if (printer.name() != m_destName) { QAction *action = moveToMenu->addAction(printer.info()); action->setData(printer.name()); } } if (!moveToMenu->isEmpty()) { menu->addMenu(moveToMenu); // show the menu on the right point QAction *action = menu->exec(ui->jobsView->mapToGlobal(point)); if (action) { // move the job modifyJob(JobModel::Move, action->data().toString()); } } } } m_preparingMenu = false; } void PrintQueueUi::showHeaderContextMenu(const QPoint &point) { // Displays a menu containing the header name, and // a check box to indicate if it's being shown QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this); for (int i = 0; i < m_proxyModel->columnCount(); i++) { QAction *action; QString name; name = m_proxyModel->headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); action = menu->addAction(name); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(!ui->jobsView->header()->isSectionHidden(i)); action->setData(i); } QAction *action = menu->exec(ui->jobsView->header()->mapToGlobal(point)); if (action) { int section = action->data().toInt(); if (action->isChecked()) { ui->jobsView->header()->showSection(section); } else { ui->jobsView->header()->hideSection(section); } } } void PrintQueueUi::updatePrinter(const QString &printer) { kDebug() << printer << m_destName; if (printer != m_destName) { // It was another printer that changed return; } QStringList attr; attr << KCUPS_PRINTER_INFO; attr << KCUPS_PRINTER_TYPE; attr << KCUPS_PRINTER_STATE; attr << KCUPS_PRINTER_STATE_MESSAGE; KCupsRequest *request = new KCupsRequest; connect(request, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(getAttributesFinished())); request->getPrinterAttributes(printer, m_isClass, attr); } void PrintQueueUi::updatePrinter(const QString &text, const QString &printerUri, const QString &printerName, uint printerState, const QString &printerStateReasons, bool printerIsAcceptingJobs) { // REALLY? all these parameters just to say foo was added?? Q_UNUSED(text) Q_UNUSED(printerUri) Q_UNUSED(printerState) Q_UNUSED(printerStateReasons) Q_UNUSED(printerIsAcceptingJobs) kDebug() << printerName << printerStateReasons; updatePrinter(printerName); } void PrintQueueUi::getAttributesFinished() { KCupsRequest *request = qobject_cast(sender()); kDebug() << request->hasError() << request->printers().isEmpty(); if (request->hasError() || request->printers().isEmpty()) { // if cups stops we disable our queue setEnabled(false); request->deleteLater(); // DO not delete before using as the request is in another thread return; } else if (isEnabled() == false) { // if cups starts again we enable our queue setEnabled(true); } KCupsPrinter printer = request->printers().first(); // get printer-info if (printer.info().isEmpty()) { m_title = printer.name(); } else { m_title = printer.name() % QLatin1String(" - ") % printer.info(); } // get printer-state setState(printer.state(), printer.stateMsg()); // store if the printer is a class m_isClass = printer.isClass(); request->deleteLater(); update(); } void PrintQueueUi::update() { // Set window title if (m_model->rowCount()) { if (m_destName.isNull()) { setWindowTitle(i18np("All Printers (%1 Job)", "All Printers (%1 Jobs)", m_model->rowCount())); } else { setWindowTitle(i18np("%2 (%1 Job)", "%2 (%1 Jobs)", m_model->rowCount(), m_title)); } } else { setWindowTitle(m_destName.isNull() ? i18n("All Printers") : m_title); } } void PrintQueueUi::updateButtons() { bool cancel, hold, release, reprint; // Set all options to false cancel = hold = release = reprint = false; QItemSelection selection; // we need to map the selection to source to get the real indexes selection = m_proxyModel->mapSelectionToSource(ui->jobsView->selectionModel()->selection()); // enable or disable the job action buttons if something is selected if (!selection.indexes().isEmpty()) { foreach (const QModelIndex &index, selection.indexes()) { if (index.column() == 0) { switch (static_cast(index.data(JobModel::RoleJobState).toInt())) { case IPP_JOB_CANCELED : case IPP_JOB_COMPLETED : case IPP_JOB_ABORTED : break; case IPP_JOB_HELD : case IPP_JOB_STOPPED : release = true; cancel = true; break; default: cancel = hold = true; break; } if (index.data(JobModel::RoleJobRestartEnabled).toBool()) { reprint = true; } } } } ui->cancelJobPB->setEnabled(cancel); ui->holdJobPB->setEnabled(hold); ui->resumeJobPB->setEnabled(release); ui->reprintPB->setEnabled(reprint); } void PrintQueueUi::modifyJob(int action, const QString &destName) { // get all selected indexes QItemSelection selection; // we need to map the selection to source to get the real indexes selection = m_proxyModel->mapSelectionToSource(ui->jobsView->selectionModel()->selection()); foreach (const QModelIndex &index, selection.indexes()) { if (index.column() == 0) { KCupsRequest *request; request = m_model->modifyJob(index.row(), static_cast(action), destName); if (!request) { // probably the job already has this state // or this is an unknown action continue; } request->waitTillFinished(); if (request->hasError()) { QString msg, jobName; jobName = m_model->item(index.row(), static_cast(JobModel::ColName))->text(); switch (action) { case JobModel::Cancel: msg = i18n("Failed to cancel '%1'", jobName); break; case JobModel::Hold: msg = i18n("Failed to hold '%1'", jobName); break; case JobModel::Release: msg = i18n("Failed to release '%1'", jobName); break; case JobModel::Reprint: msg = i18n("Failed to reprint '%1'", jobName); break; case JobModel::Move: msg = i18n("Failed to move '%1' to '%2'", jobName, destName); break; } KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, msg, request->errorMsg(), i18n("Failed")); } request->deleteLater(); } } } void PrintQueueUi::pausePrinter() { // STOP and RESUME printer QPointer request = new KCupsRequest; if (m_printerPaused) { kDebug() << m_destName << "m_printerPaused"; request->resumePrinter(m_destName); } else { kDebug() << m_destName << "NOT m_printerPaused"; request->pausePrinter(m_destName); } request->waitTillFinished(); if (request) { request->deleteLater(); } } void PrintQueueUi::configurePrinter() { QDBusMessage message; message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(QLatin1String("org.kde.ConfigurePrinter"), QLatin1String("/"), QLatin1String("org.kde.ConfigurePrinter"), QLatin1String("ConfigurePrinter")); message << qVariantFromValue(m_destName); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message); } void PrintQueueUi::cancelJob() { // CANCEL a job modifyJob(JobModel::Cancel); } void PrintQueueUi::holdJob() { // HOLD a job modifyJob(JobModel::Hold); } void PrintQueueUi::resumeJob() { // RESUME a job modifyJob(JobModel::Release); } void PrintQueueUi::reprintJob() { modifyJob(JobModel::Reprint); } void PrintQueueUi::whichJobsIndexChanged(int index) { switch (index) { case 1: m_model->setWhichJobs(JobModel::WhichCompleted); break; case 2: m_model->setWhichJobs(JobModel::WhichAll); break; default: m_model->setWhichJobs(JobModel::WhichActive); break; } } void PrintQueueUi::setupButtons() { // setup jobs buttons // cancel action ui->cancelJobPB->setIcon(KIcon("dialog-cancel")); // hold job action ui->holdJobPB->setIcon(KIcon("document-open-recent")); // resume job action // TODO we need a new icon ui->resumeJobPB->setIcon(KIcon("media-playback-start")); ui->reprintPB->setIcon(KIcon("view-refresh")); ui->whichJobsCB->setItemIcon(0, KIcon("view-filter")); ui->whichJobsCB->setItemIcon(1, KIcon("view-filter")); ui->whichJobsCB->setItemIcon(2, KIcon("view-filter")); // stop start printer ui->pausePrinterPB->setIcon(KIcon("media-playback-pause")); // configure printer ui->configurePrinterPB->setIcon(KIcon("configure")); } void PrintQueueUi::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { // emits finished signal to be removed the cache emit finished(); QWidget::closeEvent(event); } #include "moc_PrintQueueUi.cpp"