// REFACTOR: Move into kpPainter /* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Clarence Dang Copyright (c) 2010 Tasuku Suzuki All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define DEBUG_KP_SELECTION 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void kpTextSelection::drawPreeditString(QPainter &painter, int &x, int y, const kpPreeditText &preeditText) const { int i = 0; QString preeditString = preeditText.preeditString (); QString str; foreach (const QInputMethodEvent::Attribute &attr, preeditText.textFormatList ()) { int start = attr.start; int length = attr.length; QTextCharFormat format = qvariant_cast (attr.value).toCharFormat (); if (i > start) { length = length - i + start; start = i; } if (length <= 0) continue; if (i < start) { str = preeditString.mid (i, start - i); painter.drawText (x, y, str); x += painter.fontMetrics ().width (str); } painter.save(); str = preeditString.mid (start, length); int width = painter.fontMetrics().width (str); if (format.background ().color () != Qt::black) { painter.save (); painter.setPen (format.background ().color ()); painter.setBrush (format.background()); painter.drawRect (x, y - painter.fontMetrics ().ascent (), width, painter.fontMetrics ().height ()); painter.restore (); } if (format.foreground ().color () != Qt::black) { painter.setBrush (format.foreground ()); painter.setPen (format.foreground ().color ()); } if (format.underlineStyle ()) { painter.drawLine (x, y + painter.fontMetrics ().descent (), x + width, y + painter.fontMetrics ().descent ()); } painter.drawText (x, y, str); x += width; painter.restore (); i = start + length; } if (i < preeditString.length ()) { str = preeditString.mid (i); painter.drawText (x, y, str); x += painter.fontMetrics ().width (str); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public virtual [kpAbstractSelection] void kpTextSelection::paint(QImage *destPixmap, const QRect &docRect) const { #if DEBUG_KP_SELECTION kDebug () << "kpTextSelection::paint() textStyle: fcol=" << (int *) d->textStyle.foregroundColor ().toQRgb () << " bcol=" << (int *) d->textStyle.backgroundColor ().toQRgb () << endl; #endif // Drawing text is slow so if the text box will be rendered completely // outside of , don't bother rendering it at all. const QRect modifyingRect = docRect.intersect (boundingRect ()); if (modifyingRect.isEmpty ()) return; // Is the text box completely invisible? if (textStyle ().foregroundColor ().isTransparent () && textStyle ().backgroundColor ().isTransparent ()) { return; } kpImage floatImage(modifyingRect.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); floatImage.fill(0); QRect theWholeAreaRect, theTextAreaRect; theWholeAreaRect = boundingRect ().translated (-modifyingRect.topLeft ()); theTextAreaRect = textAreaRect ().translated (-modifyingRect.topLeft ()); QList theTextLines = textLines(); kpTextStyle theTextStyle = textStyle(); const QFontMetrics fontMetrics (theTextStyle.font ()); #if DEBUG_KP_SELECTION kDebug () << "kpTextSelection_Paint.cpp:DrawTextHelper"; kDebug () << "\theight=" << fontMetrics.height () << " leading=" << fontMetrics.leading () << " ascent=" << fontMetrics.ascent () << " descent=" << fontMetrics.descent () << " lineSpacing=" << fontMetrics.lineSpacing () << endl; #endif QPainter painter(&floatImage); // Fill in the background using the transparent/opaque tool setting if ( theTextStyle.isBackgroundTransparent() ) painter.fillRect(theWholeAreaRect, Qt::transparent); else painter.fillRect(theWholeAreaRect, theTextStyle.backgroundColor().toQColor()); painter.setClipRect(theWholeAreaRect); painter.setPen(theTextStyle.foregroundColor().toQColor()); painter.setFont(theTextStyle.font()); if ( theTextStyle.foregroundColor().toQColor().alpha() < 255 ) { // if the foreground color has an alpha channel, we want to // see through the background, so we first need to punch holes // into the background where the text is painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Clear); int baseLine = theTextAreaRect.y () + fontMetrics.ascent (); foreach (const QString &str, theTextLines) { painter.drawText (theTextAreaRect.x (), baseLine, str); baseLine += fontMetrics.lineSpacing (); // if the next textline would already be below the visible text area, stop drawing if ( (baseLine - fontMetrics.ascent()) > (theTextAreaRect.y() + theTextAreaRect.height()) ) break; } // the next text drawing will now blend the text foreground color with // what is really below the text background painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); } // Draw a line at a time instead of using QPainter::drawText(QRect,...). // Else, the line heights become >QFontMetrics::height() if you type Chinese // characters (!) and then the cursor gets out of sync. int baseLine = theTextAreaRect.y () + fontMetrics.ascent (); kpPreeditText thePreeditText = preeditText(); if ( theTextLines.isEmpty() ) { if ( ! thePreeditText.isEmpty() ) { int x = theTextAreaRect.x(); drawPreeditString(painter, x, baseLine, thePreeditText); } } else { int i = 0; int row = thePreeditText.position().y(); int col = thePreeditText.position().x(); foreach (const QString &str, theTextLines) { if (row == i && !thePreeditText.isEmpty()) { QString left = str.left(col); QString right = str.mid(col); int x = theTextAreaRect.x(); painter.drawText(x, baseLine, left); x += fontMetrics.width(left); drawPreeditString(painter, x, baseLine, thePreeditText); painter.drawText(x, baseLine, right); } else { painter.drawText(theTextAreaRect.x (), baseLine, str); } baseLine += fontMetrics.lineSpacing(); i++; // if the next textline would already be below the visible text area, stop drawing if ( (baseLine - fontMetrics.ascent()) > (theTextAreaRect.y() + theTextAreaRect.height()) ) break; } } // ... convert that into "painting" transparent pixels on top of // the document. kpPixmapFX::paintPixmapAt (destPixmap, modifyingRect.topLeft () - docRect.topLeft (), floatImage); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public virtual [kpAbstractSelection] void kpTextSelection::paintBorder (QImage *destPixmap, const QRect &docRect, bool selectionFinished) const { paintRectangularBorder (destPixmap, docRect, selectionFinished); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public kpImage kpTextSelection::approximateImage () const { kpImage retImage (width (), height (), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); retImage.fill(0); paint (&retImage, boundingRect ()); return retImage; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------