/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Weng Xuetian * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "app.h" #include "gtkaccelparse_p.h" #include "gdkkeysyms_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define USED_MASK (ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | Mod4Mask) // callback functions from glib code static void name_acquired_cb (GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* sender_name, const gchar* object_path, const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* signal_name, GVariant* parameters, gpointer self) { Q_UNUSED(connection); Q_UNUSED(sender_name); Q_UNUSED(object_path); Q_UNUSED(interface_name); Q_UNUSED(signal_name); Q_UNUSED(parameters); App* app = (App*) self; app->nameAcquired(); } static void name_lost_cb (GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* sender_name, const gchar* object_path, const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* signal_name, GVariant* parameters, gpointer self) { Q_UNUSED(connection); Q_UNUSED(sender_name); Q_UNUSED(object_path); Q_UNUSED(interface_name); Q_UNUSED(signal_name); Q_UNUSED(parameters); App* app = (App*) self; app->nameLost(); } static void ibus_connected_cb (IBusBus *m_bus, gpointer user_data) { Q_UNUSED(m_bus); App* app = (App*) user_data; app->init(); } static void ibus_disconnected_cb (IBusBus *m_bus, gpointer user_data) { Q_UNUSED(m_bus); App* app = (App*) user_data; app->finalize(); } static void initIconMap(QMap& iconMap) { iconMap["gtk-about"] = "help-about"; iconMap["gtk-add"] = "list-add"; iconMap["gtk-bold"] = "format-text-bold"; iconMap["gtk-cdrom"] = "media-optical"; iconMap["gtk-clear"] = "edit-clear"; iconMap["gtk-close"] = "window-close"; iconMap["gtk-copy"] = "edit-copy"; iconMap["gtk-cut"] = "edit-cut"; iconMap["gtk-delete"] = "edit-delete"; iconMap["gtk-dialog-authentication"] = "dialog-password"; iconMap["gtk-dialog-info"] = "dialog-information"; iconMap["gtk-dialog-warning"] = "dialog-warning"; iconMap["gtk-dialog-error"] = "dialog-error"; iconMap["gtk-dialog-question"] = "dialog-question"; iconMap["gtk-directory"] = "folder"; iconMap["gtk-execute"] = "system-run"; iconMap["gtk-file"] = "text-x-generic"; iconMap["gtk-find"] = "edit-find"; iconMap["gtk-find-and-replace"] = "edit-find-replace"; iconMap["gtk-floppy"] = "media-floppy"; iconMap["gtk-fullscreen"] = "view-fullscreen"; iconMap["gtk-goto-bottom"] = "go-bottom"; iconMap["gtk-goto-first"] = "go-first"; iconMap["gtk-goto-last"] = "go-last"; iconMap["gtk-goto-top"] = "go-top"; iconMap["gtk-go-back"] = "go-previous"; iconMap["gtk-go-down"] = "go-down"; iconMap["gtk-go-forward"] = "go-next"; iconMap["gtk-go-up"] = "go-up"; iconMap["gtk-harddisk"] = "drive-harddisk"; iconMap["gtk-help"] = "help-browser"; iconMap["gtk-home"] = "go-home"; iconMap["gtk-indent"] = "format-indent-more"; iconMap["gtk-info"] = "dialog-information"; iconMap["gtk-italic"] = "format-text-italic"; iconMap["gtk-jump-to"] = "go-jump"; iconMap["gtk-justify-center"] = "format-justify-center"; iconMap["gtk-justify-fill"] = "format-justify-fill"; iconMap["gtk-justify-left"] = "format-justify-left"; iconMap["gtk-justify-right"] = "format-justify-right"; iconMap["gtk-leave-fullscreen"] = "view-restore"; iconMap["gtk-missing-image"] = "image-missing"; iconMap["gtk-media-forward"] = "media-seek-forward"; iconMap["gtk-media-next"] = "media-skip-forward"; iconMap["gtk-media-pause"] = "media-playback-pause"; iconMap["gtk-media-play"] = "media-playback-start"; iconMap["gtk-media-previous"] = "media-skip-backward"; iconMap["gtk-media-record"] = "media-record"; iconMap["gtk-media-rewind"] = "media-seek-backward"; iconMap["gtk-media-stop"] = "media-playback-stop"; iconMap["gtk-network"] = "network-workgroup"; iconMap["gtk-new"] = "document-new"; iconMap["gtk-open"] = "document-open"; iconMap["gtk-page-setup"] = "document-page-setup"; iconMap["gtk-paste"] = "edit-paste"; iconMap["gtk-preferences"] = "preferences-system"; iconMap["gtk-print"] = "document-print"; iconMap["gtk-print-error"] = "printer-error"; iconMap["gtk-properties"] = "document-properties"; iconMap["gtk-quit"] = "application-exit"; iconMap["gtk-redo"] = "edit-redo"; iconMap["gtk-refresh"] = "view-refresh"; iconMap["gtk-remove"] = "list-remove"; iconMap["gtk-revert-to-saved"] = "document-revert"; iconMap["gtk-save"] = "document-save"; iconMap["gtk-save-as"] = "document-save-as"; iconMap["gtk-select-all"] = "edit-select-all"; iconMap["gtk-sort-ascending"] = "view-sort-ascending"; iconMap["gtk-sort-descending"] = "view-sort-descending"; iconMap["gtk-spell-check"] = "tools-check-spelling"; iconMap["gtk-stop"] = "process-stop"; iconMap["gtk-strikethrough"] = "format-text-strikethrough"; iconMap["gtk-underline"] = "format-text-underline"; iconMap["gtk-undo"] = "edit-undo"; iconMap["gtk-unindent"] = "format-indent-less"; iconMap["gtk-zoom-100"] = "zoom-original"; iconMap["gtk-zoom-fit"] = "zoom-fit-best"; iconMap["gtk-zoom-in"] = "zoom-in"; iconMap["gtk-zoom-out"] = "zoom-out"; } App::App(int argc, char** argv): QApplication(argc, argv) ,m_init(false) ,m_bus(0) ,m_impanel(0) ,m_keyboardGrabbed(false) ,m_doGrab(false) { ibus_init (); m_bus = ibus_bus_new (); g_signal_connect (m_bus, "connected", G_CALLBACK (ibus_connected_cb), this); g_signal_connect (m_bus, "disconnected", G_CALLBACK (ibus_disconnected_cb), this); if (ibus_bus_is_connected (m_bus)) { init(); } initIconMap(m_iconMap); } uint App::getPrimaryModifier(uint state) { const GdkModifierType masks[] = { GDK_MOD5_MASK, GDK_MOD4_MASK, GDK_MOD3_MASK, GDK_MOD2_MASK, GDK_MOD1_MASK, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_LOCK_MASK, GDK_LOCK_MASK }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(masks) / sizeof(masks[0]); i++) { GdkModifierType mask = masks[i]; if ((state & mask) == mask) return mask; } return 0; } bool App::x11EventFilter(XEvent* event) { if (event->xany.window == QX11Info::appRootWindow()) { if (event->type == KeyPress) { #ifndef XK_XKB_KEYS KeySym sym = XKeycodeToKeysym(QX11Info::display(), event->xkey.keycode, 0); #else KeySym sym = XkbKeycodeToKeysym(QX11Info::display(), event->xkey.keycode, 0); #endif uint state = event->xkey.state & USED_MASK; bool forward; if ((forward = m_triggersList.contains(qMakePair(sym, state))) || m_triggersList.contains(qMakePair(sym, state & (~ShiftMask)))) { if (m_keyboardGrabbed) { ibus_panel_impanel_navigate(m_impanel, false, forward); } else { if (grabXKeyboard()) { ibus_panel_impanel_navigate(m_impanel, true, forward); } else { ibus_panel_impanel_move_next(m_impanel); } } } } else if (event->type == KeyRelease) { keyRelease(*event); } } return QApplication::x11EventFilter(event); } void App::keyRelease(const XEvent& event) { const XKeyEvent& ev = event.xkey; unsigned int mk = ev.state & (ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | Mod4Mask); // ev.state is state before the key release, so just checking mk being 0 isn't enough // using XQueryPointer() also doesn't seem to work well, so the check that all // modifiers are released: only one modifier is active and the currently released // key is this modifier - if yes, release the grab int mod_index = -1; for (int i = ShiftMapIndex; i <= Mod5MapIndex; ++i) if ((mk & (1 << i)) != 0) { if (mod_index >= 0) return; mod_index = i; } bool release = false; if (mod_index == -1) release = true; else { XModifierKeymap* xmk = XGetModifierMapping(QX11Info::display()); for (int i = 0; i < xmk->max_keypermod; i++) if (xmk->modifiermap[xmk->max_keypermod * mod_index + i] == ev.keycode) release = true; XFreeModifiermap(xmk); } if (!release) { return; } if (m_keyboardGrabbed) { accept(); } } void App::init() { // only init once if (m_init) { return; } GDBusConnection* connection = ibus_bus_get_connection (m_bus); g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (connection, "org.freedesktop.DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "NameAcquired", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", IBUS_SERVICE_PANEL, G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE, name_acquired_cb, this, NULL); g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (connection, "org.freedesktop.DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "NameLost", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", IBUS_SERVICE_PANEL, G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE, name_lost_cb, this, NULL); ibus_bus_request_name (m_bus, IBUS_SERVICE_PANEL, IBUS_BUS_NAME_FLAG_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT | IBUS_BUS_NAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING); m_init = true; } void App::nameAcquired() { if (m_impanel) { g_object_unref(m_impanel); } m_impanel = ibus_panel_impanel_new (ibus_bus_get_connection (m_bus)); ibus_panel_impanel_set_bus(m_impanel, m_bus); ibus_panel_impanel_set_app(m_impanel, this); } void App::nameLost() { if (m_impanel) { g_object_unref(m_impanel); } m_impanel = NULL; } QByteArray App::normalizeIconName(const QByteArray& icon) const { if (m_iconMap.contains(icon)) { return m_iconMap[icon]; } return icon; } void App::setTriggerKeys(QList< TriggerKey > triggersList) { if (m_doGrab) { ungrabKey(); } m_triggersList = triggersList; if (m_doGrab) { grabKey(); } } void App::setDoGrab(bool doGrab) { if (m_doGrab != doGrab) {; if (doGrab) { grabKey(); } else { ungrabKey(); } m_doGrab = doGrab; } } void App::grabKey() { Q_FOREACH(const TriggerKey& key, m_triggersList) { KeySym sym = key.first; uint modifiers = key.second; Display* xdisplay = QX11Info::display(); KeyCode keycode = XKeysymToKeycode (xdisplay, (gulong) sym); if (keycode == 0) { g_warning ("Can not convert keyval=%lu to keycode!", sym); } XGrabKey(QX11Info::display(), keycode, modifiers, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); if ((modifiers & ShiftMask) == 0) { XGrabKey(QX11Info::display(), keycode, modifiers | ShiftMask, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); } } } void App::ungrabKey() { Q_FOREACH(const TriggerKey& key, m_triggersList) { KeySym sym = key.first; uint modifiers = key.second; Display* xdisplay = QX11Info::display(); KeyCode keycode = XKeysymToKeycode (xdisplay, (gulong) sym); if (keycode == 0) { g_warning ("Can not convert keyval=%lu to keycode!", sym); } XUngrabKey(QX11Info::display(), keycode, modifiers, QX11Info::appRootWindow()); if ((modifiers & ShiftMask) == 0) { XUngrabKey(QX11Info::display(), keycode, modifiers | ShiftMask, QX11Info::appRootWindow()); } } } bool App::grabXKeyboard() { if (m_keyboardGrabbed) return false; if (QWidget::keyboardGrabber() != NULL) return false; if (activePopupWidget() != NULL) return false; Qt::HANDLE w = QX11Info::appRootWindow(); if (XGrabKeyboard(QX11Info::display(), w, False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, QX11Info::appTime()) == GrabSuccess) { m_keyboardGrabbed = true; } return m_keyboardGrabbed; } void App::ungrabXKeyboard() { if (!m_keyboardGrabbed) { // grabXKeyboard() may fail sometimes, so don't fail, but at least warn anyway qDebug() << "ungrabXKeyboard() called but keyboard not grabbed!"; } m_keyboardGrabbed = false; XUngrabKeyboard(QX11Info::display(), CurrentTime); } void App::accept() { if (m_keyboardGrabbed) { ungrabXKeyboard(); } ibus_panel_impanel_accept(m_impanel); } void App::finalize() { clean(); App::exit(0); } void App::clean() { if (m_impanel) { g_object_unref(m_impanel); m_impanel = 0; } if (m_bus) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(m_bus, (gpointer) ibus_disconnected_cb, this); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(m_bus, (gpointer) ibus_connected_cb, this); g_object_unref(m_bus); m_bus = 0; } ungrabKey(); } App::~App() { clean(); }