/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2007 - 2010 Lukas Appelhans This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "bttransferfactory.h" // header inclusion order is crucial because of signal emit clashes #include "bttransfer.h" #include "btdatasource.h" #include "bttransferhandler.h" #include "btdetailswidget.h" #include "advanceddetails/btadvanceddetailswidget.h" #include #include #include #include KGET_EXPORT_PLUGIN(BTTransferFactory) BTTransferFactory::BTTransferFactory(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : TransferFactory(parent, args) { if (!bt::InitLibKTorrent()) { kError(5001) << "Failed to initialize libktorrent"; KGet::showNotification(0, "error", i18n("Cannot initialize libktorrent. Torrent support might not work.")); } } BTTransferFactory::~BTTransferFactory() { } Transfer * BTTransferFactory::createTransfer(const KUrl &srcUrl, const KUrl &destUrl, TransferGroup * parent, Scheduler * scheduler, const QDomElement * e ) { kDebug(5001) << "BTTransferFactory::createTransfer"; if (isSupported(srcUrl)) { return new BTTransfer(parent, this, scheduler, srcUrl, destUrl, e); } return 0; } TransferHandler * BTTransferFactory::createTransferHandler(Transfer * transfer, Scheduler * scheduler) { BTTransfer * bttransfer = qobject_cast(transfer); if (!bttransfer) { kError(5001) << "WARNING! passing a non-BTTransfer pointer!!"; return 0; } return new BTTransferHandler(bttransfer, scheduler); } QWidget * BTTransferFactory::createDetailsWidget( TransferHandler * transfer ) { BTTransferHandler * bttransfer = static_cast(transfer); return new BTDetailsWidget(bttransfer); } const QList BTTransferFactory::actions(TransferHandler *handler) { BTTransferHandler * bttransfer = static_cast(handler); QList actions; if (bttransfer && bttransfer->torrentControl()) { KAction *openAdvancedDetailsAction = new KAction(KIcon("document-open"), i18n("&Advanced Details"), this); connect(openAdvancedDetailsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), bttransfer, SLOT(createAdvancedDetails())); actions.append(openAdvancedDetailsAction); KAction *openScanDlg = new KAction(KIcon("document-open"), i18n("&Scan Files"), this); connect(openScanDlg, SIGNAL(triggered()), bttransfer, SLOT(createScanDlg())); actions.append(openScanDlg); } if (bttransfer) return actions; else return QList(); } TransferDataSource * BTTransferFactory::createTransferDataSource(const KUrl &srcUrl, const QDomElement &type, QObject *parent) { Q_UNUSED(srcUrl) Q_UNUSED(type) Q_UNUSED(parent) /*if (srcUrl.fileName().endsWith(".torrent")) return new BTDataSource();*/ return 0; } bool BTTransferFactory::isSupported(const KUrl &url) const { return url.url().endsWith(QLatin1String(".torrent")); }