/* Copyright (c) 2007 Paolo Capriotti This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "backgroundlistmodel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "backgrounddelegate.h" #include "weatherwallpaper.h" BackgroundListModel::BackgroundListModel(float ratio, Plasma::Wallpaper *listener, QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent), m_listener(listener), m_structureParent(listener), m_ratio(ratio), m_size(0,0), m_resizeMethod(Plasma::Wallpaper::ScaledResize) { connect(&m_dirwatch, SIGNAL(deleted(QString)), this, SLOT(removeBackground(QString))); } BackgroundListModel::~BackgroundListModel() { qDeleteAll(m_packages); } void BackgroundListModel::removeBackground(const QString &path) { int index; while ((index = indexOf(path)) != -1) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), index, index); Plasma::Package *package = m_packages.at(index); m_packages.removeAt(index); delete package; endRemoveRows(); } } void BackgroundListModel::reload() { reload(QStringList()); } void BackgroundListModel::reload(const QStringList &selected) { QStringList dirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("wallpaper", QLatin1String( "" )); QList tmp; if (!m_packages.isEmpty()) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, m_packages.count() - 1); qDeleteAll(m_packages); m_packages.clear(); endRemoveRows(); } foreach (const QString &file, selected) { if (!contains(file) && QFile::exists(file)) { tmp << new Plasma::Package(file, Plasma::Wallpaper::packageStructure(m_structureParent)); } } { KProgressDialog progressDialog; initProgressDialog(&progressDialog); foreach (const QString &dir, dirs) { tmp += findAllBackgrounds(m_structureParent, this, dir, m_ratio, &progressDialog); } } // add new files to dirwatch foreach (Plasma::Package *b, tmp) { //TODO: packages need to be added to the dir watch as well if (!m_dirwatch.contains(b->path())) { m_dirwatch.addFile(b->path()); } } if (!tmp.isEmpty()) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, tmp.size() - 1); m_packages = tmp; endInsertRows(); } } void BackgroundListModel::addBackground(const QString& path) { if (!contains(path)) { if (!m_dirwatch.contains(path)) { m_dirwatch.addFile(path); } beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); Plasma::PackageStructure::Ptr structure = Plasma::Wallpaper::packageStructure(m_structureParent); Plasma::Package *pkg = new Plasma::Package(path, structure); m_packages.prepend(pkg); endInsertRows(); } } int BackgroundListModel::indexOf(const QString &path) const { for (int i = 0; i < m_packages.size(); i++) { if (path.startsWith(m_packages[i]->path())) { return i; } } return -1; } bool BackgroundListModel::contains(const QString &path) const { return indexOf(path) != -1; } int BackgroundListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return m_packages.size(); } QSize BackgroundListModel::bestSize(Plasma::Package *package) const { if (m_sizeCache.contains(package)) { return m_sizeCache.value(package); } QString image = package->filePath("preferred"); if (image.isEmpty()) { return QSize(); } KFileMetaInfo info(image, QString(), KFileMetaInfo::TechnicalInfo); QSize size(info.item(QLatin1String( "http://freedesktop.org/standards/xesam/1.0/core#width" )).value().toInt(), info.item(QLatin1String( "http://freedesktop.org/standards/xesam/1.0/core#height" )).value().toInt()); //backup solution if strigi does not work if (size.width() == 0 || size.height() == 0) { kDebug() << "fall back to QImage, check your strigi"; size = QImage(image).size(); } const_cast(this)->m_sizeCache.insert(package, size); return size; } QVariant BackgroundListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return QVariant(); } if (index.row() >= m_packages.size()) { return QVariant(); } Plasma::Package *b = package(index.row()); if (!b) { return QVariant(); } switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: { QString title = b->metadata().name(); if (title.isEmpty()) { return QFileInfo(b->filePath("preferred")).completeBaseName(); } return title; } break; case BackgroundDelegate::ScreenshotRole: { if (m_previews.contains(b)) { return m_previews.value(b); } KUrl file(b->filePath("preferred")); if (file.isValid()) { const KFileItem fileItem(KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, file); KIO::PreviewJob* job = KIO::filePreview(KFileItemList() << fileItem, QSize(BackgroundDelegate::SCREENSHOT_SIZE, BackgroundDelegate::SCREENSHOT_SIZE)); connect(job, SIGNAL(gotPreview(KFileItem,QPixmap)), this, SLOT(showPreview(KFileItem,QPixmap))); connect(job, SIGNAL(failed(KFileItem)), this, SLOT(previewFailed(KFileItem))); const_cast(this)->m_previewJobs.insert(file, QPersistentModelIndex(index)); } QPixmap pix(BackgroundDelegate::SCREENSHOT_SIZE, BackgroundDelegate::SCREENSHOT_SIZE); pix.fill(Qt::transparent); const_cast(this)->m_previews.insert(b, pix); return pix; } break; case BackgroundDelegate::AuthorRole: return b->metadata().author(); break; case BackgroundDelegate::ResolutionRole:{ QSize size = bestSize(b); if (size.isValid()) { return QString(QLatin1String( "%1x%2" )).arg(size.width()).arg(size.height()); } return QString(); } break; default: return QVariant(); break; } } void BackgroundListModel::showPreview(const KFileItem &item, const QPixmap &preview) { QPersistentModelIndex index = m_previewJobs.value(item.url()); m_previewJobs.remove(item.url()); if (!index.isValid()) { return; } Plasma::Package *b = package(index.row()); if (!b) { return; } m_previews.insert(b, preview); static_cast(m_listener)->updateScreenshot(index); } void BackgroundListModel::previewFailed(const KFileItem &item) { m_previewJobs.remove(item.url()); } Plasma::Package* BackgroundListModel::package(int index) const { return m_packages.at(index); } void BackgroundListModel::initProgressDialog(KProgressDialog *progress) { progress->setAllowCancel(false); progress->setModal(true); progress->setLabelText(i18n("Finding images for the wallpaper slideshow.")); progress->progressBar()->setRange(0, 0); } QList BackgroundListModel::findAllBackgrounds(Plasma::Wallpaper *structureParent, const BackgroundListModel *container, const QString &path, float ratio, KProgressDialog *progress) { KProgressDialog *myProgress = 0; if (!progress) { myProgress = progress = new KProgressDialog; initProgressDialog(myProgress); } //kDebug() << "looking for" << path; QList res; // get all packages in this directory //kDebug() << "getting packages"; QStringList packages = Plasma::Package::listInstalledPaths(path); QSet validPackages; foreach (const QString &packagePath, packages) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); progress->setLabelText(i18n("Finding images for the wallpaper slideshow.") + QLatin1String( "\n\n" ) + i18n("Testing %1 for a Wallpaper package", packagePath)); Plasma::PackageStructure::Ptr structure = Plasma::Wallpaper::packageStructure(structureParent); Plasma::Package *pkg = new Plasma::Package(path + packagePath, structure); if (pkg->isValid() && (!container || !container->contains(pkg->path()))) { progress->setLabelText(i18n("Finding images for the wallpaper slideshow.") + QLatin1String( "\n\n" ) + i18n("Adding wallpaper package in %1", packagePath)); res.append(pkg); //kDebug() << " adding valid package:" << packagePath; validPackages << packagePath; } else { delete pkg; } } // search normal wallpapers //kDebug() << "listing normal files"; QDir dir(path); QStringList filters; filters << QLatin1String( "*.png" ) << QLatin1String( "*.jpeg" ) << QLatin1String( "*.jpg" ) << QLatin1String( "*.svg" ) << QLatin1String( "*.svgz" ); dir.setNameFilters(filters); dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden | QDir::Readable); QFileInfoList files = dir.entryInfoList(); foreach (const QFileInfo &wp, files) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); if (!container || !container->contains(wp.filePath())) { //kDebug() << " adding image file" << wp.filePath(); progress->setLabelText(i18n("Finding images for the wallpaper slideshow.") + QLatin1String( "\n\n" ) + i18n("Adding image %1", wp.filePath())); Plasma::PackageStructure::Ptr structure = Plasma::Wallpaper::packageStructure(structureParent); res.append(new Plasma::Package(wp.filePath(), structure)); } } // now recurse the dirs, skipping ones we found packages in //kDebug() << "recursing dirs"; dir.setFilter(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Readable); files = dir.entryInfoList(); foreach (const QFileInfo &wp, files) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); QString name = wp.fileName(); if (name != QLatin1String( "." ) && name != QLatin1String( ".." ) && !validPackages.contains(wp.fileName())) { //kDebug() << " " << name << wp.filePath(); res += findAllBackgrounds(structureParent, container, wp.filePath(), ratio, progress); } } //kDebug() << "completed."; delete myProgress; return res; } void BackgroundListModel::setWallpaperSize(QSize size) { m_size = size; } void BackgroundListModel::setResizeMethod(Plasma::Wallpaper::ResizeMethod resizeMethod) { m_resizeMethod = resizeMethod; } #include "backgroundlistmodel.moc"