/* * Copyright 2008-2009 Petri Damstén * Copyright 2012 Luís Gabriel Lima * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "weatherstation.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lcd.h" using namespace KUnitConversion; WeatherStation::WeatherStation(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : WeatherPopupApplet(parent, args) , m_declarativeWidget(0) , m_lcdPanel(0) { resize(250, 350); } WeatherStation::~WeatherStation() { } void WeatherStation::init() { QGraphicsLinearLayout *layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(this); m_declarativeWidget = new Plasma::DeclarativeWidget(this); layout->addItem(m_declarativeWidget); m_declarativeWidget->engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("weatherStation", this); Plasma::PackageStructure::Ptr structure = Plasma::PackageStructure::load("Plasma/Generic"); Plasma::Package package(QString(), "org.kde.lcdweather", structure); m_declarativeWidget->setQmlPath(package.filePath("mainscript")); m_lcdPanel = new LCD(this); m_lcdPanel->setSvg("weatherstation/lcd_panel"); m_lcdPanel->setLabel("temperature-label", i18n("OUTDOOR TEMP")); m_lcdPanel->hide(); WeatherPopupApplet::init(); } QGraphicsWidget* WeatherStation::graphicsWidget() { return m_declarativeWidget; } void WeatherStation::createConfigurationInterface(KConfigDialog *parent) { WeatherPopupApplet::createConfigurationInterface(parent); WeatherConfig* wc = weatherConfig(); wc->setConfigurableUnits(WeatherConfig::Temperature | WeatherConfig::Speed | WeatherConfig::Pressure); QWidget *w = new QWidget(); m_appearanceConfig.setupUi(w); m_appearanceConfig.backgroundCheckBox->setChecked(m_useBackground); m_appearanceConfig.tooltipCheckBox->setChecked(m_showToolTip); parent->addPage(w, i18n("Appearance"), icon()); connect(m_appearanceConfig.backgroundCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(m_appearanceConfig.tooltipCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); } bool WeatherStation::useBackground() const { return m_useBackground; } void WeatherStation::setUseBackground(bool use) { if (use == m_useBackground) return; m_useBackground = use; m_lcdPanel->clear(); if (m_useBackground) { m_lcdPanel->setItemOn("lcd_background"); } m_lcdPanel->setItemOn("background"); emit useBackgroundChanged(); } void WeatherStation::setLCDIcon() { if (m_lcdPanel->size().toSize() != size().toSize()) { m_lcdPanel->resize(size()); } setPopupIcon(QIcon(m_lcdPanel->toPixmap())); } void WeatherStation::configAccepted() { setUseBackground(m_appearanceConfig.backgroundCheckBox->isChecked()); m_showToolTip = m_appearanceConfig.tooltipCheckBox->isChecked(); KConfigGroup cfg = config(); cfg.writeEntry("background", m_useBackground); cfg.writeEntry("tooltip", m_showToolTip); WeatherPopupApplet::configAccepted(); } void WeatherStation::configChanged() { KConfigGroup cfg = config(); setUseBackground(cfg.readEntry("background", true)); m_showToolTip = cfg.readEntry("tooltip", true); if (!m_showToolTip) { emit weatherLabelChanged(i18n("CURRENT WEATHER")); Plasma::ToolTipManager::self()->clearContent(this); } setLCDIcon(); WeatherPopupApplet::configChanged(); } Value WeatherStation::value(const QString& value, int unit) { if (value.isEmpty() || value == "N/A") { return Value(); } return Value(value.toDouble(), unit); } void WeatherStation::dataUpdated(const QString& source, const Plasma::DataEngine::Data &data) { WeatherPopupApplet::dataUpdated(source, data); if (!data.contains("Place")) return; QString v = data["Temperature"].toString(); Value temp = value(v, data["Temperature Unit"].toInt()); setTemperature(temp, (v.indexOf('.') > -1)); setPressure(conditionIcon(), value(data["Pressure"].toString(), data["Pressure Unit"].toInt()), data["Pressure Tendency"].toString()); setHumidity(data["Humidity"].toString()); setWind(value(data["Wind Speed"].toString(), data["Wind Speed Unit"].toInt()), data["Wind Direction"].toString()); emit providerLabelChanged(data["Credit"].toString()); m_url = data["Credit Url"].toString(); if (m_showToolTip) setToolTip(data["Place"].toString()); } QString WeatherStation::fitValue(const Value& value, int digits) { if (!value.isValid()) { return "-"; } double v = value.number(); int mainDigits = (int)floor(log10(fabs(v))) + 1; int precision = 0; mainDigits += ((v < 0) ? 1 : 0); // minus sign if (mainDigits < digits) { precision = 1; } return QString::number(v, 'f', precision); } QString WeatherStation::fromCondition(const QString& rawCondition) { QString::SplitBehavior skip = QString::SkipEmptyParts; const QString condition = rawCondition.split("weather-", skip).first(); QString id; if (condition == "clear-night") { id = "moon"; } else if (condition == "clear") { id = "sun"; } else if (condition == "few-clouds-night" || condition == "clouds-night") { id = "cloud_nights"; } else if (condition == "few-clouds" || condition == "clouds") { id = "cloud_days"; } else if (condition == "hail") { id = "hail"; } else if (condition == "many-clouds" || condition == "mist") { id = "clouds_mist"; } else if (condition == "showers-night" || condition == "showers-day") { id = "half_showers"; } else if (condition == "showers") { id = "showers"; } else if (condition == "showers-scattered-night" || condition == "showers-scattered-day" || condition == "showers-scattered") { id = "showers_scattered"; } else if (condition == "snow") { id = "snow"; } else if (condition == "snow-rain") { id = "snow_rain"; } else if (condition == "snow-scattered-night" || condition == "snow-scattered-day" || condition == "snow-scattered") { id = "snow_scattered"; } else if (condition == "storm") { id = "snow_storm"; } return id; } void WeatherStation::setPressure(const QString& condition, const Value& pressure, const QString& tendencyString) { QString currentCondition = "weather:" + fromCondition(condition); Value value = pressure.convertTo(pressureUnit()); QString s = fitValue(value, 5); qreal t; if (tendencyString.toLower() == "rising") { t = 1.0; } else if (tendencyString.toLower() == "falling") { t = -1.0; } else { t = tendencyString.toDouble(); } QString direction; if (t > 0.0) { direction = "up"; } else if (t < 0.0) { direction = "down"; } emit pressureChanged(currentCondition, s, value.unit()->symbol(), direction); } void WeatherStation::setTemperature(const Value& temperature, bool hasDigit) { hasDigit = hasDigit || (temperatureUnit() != temperature.unit()); Value v = temperature.convertTo(temperatureUnit()); QString temp = hasDigit ? fitValue(v, 3) : QString::number(v.number()); m_lcdPanel->setLabel("temperature-unit-label", v.unit()->symbol()); m_lcdPanel->setNumber("temperature", temp); setLCDIcon(); emit temperatureChanged(temp, v.unit()->symbol()); } void WeatherStation::setHumidity(QString humidity) { if (humidity != "N/A") humidity.remove('%'); emit humidityChanged(humidity); } void WeatherStation::setToolTip(const QString& place) { emit weatherLabelChanged(place.toUpper()); QString t = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), KLocale::FancyLongDate); Plasma::ToolTipContent ttc(place, i18n("Last updated: %1", t)); Plasma::ToolTipManager::self()->setContent(this, ttc); } void WeatherStation::setWind(const Value& speed, const QString& dir) { Value value = speed.convertTo(speedUnit()); QString s = fitValue(value, 3); QString direction = dir; if (dir == "N/A") direction = ""; emit windChanged(direction, s, value.unit()->symbol()); } void WeatherStation::clicked() { if(!m_url.isEmpty()) KToolInvocation::invokeBrowser(m_url); } #include "weatherstation.moc"