/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 by Daniel Nicoletti * * dantti12@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "PrinterModel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PrinterModel::PrinterModel(QObject *parent) : QStandardItemModel(parent), m_unavailable(true) { m_attributes << KCUPS_PRINTER_NAME; m_attributes << KCUPS_PRINTER_STATE; m_attributes << KCUPS_PRINTER_STATE_MESSAGE; m_attributes << KCUPS_PRINTER_IS_SHARED; m_attributes << KCUPS_PRINTER_IS_ACCEPTING_JOBS; m_attributes << KCUPS_PRINTER_TYPE; m_attributes << KCUPS_PRINTER_LOCATION; m_attributes << KCUPS_PRINTER_INFO; m_attributes << KCUPS_PRINTER_MAKE_AND_MODEL; m_attributes << KCUPS_PRINTER_COMMANDS; m_attributes << KCUPS_MARKER_CHANGE_TIME; m_attributes << KCUPS_MARKER_COLORS; m_attributes << KCUPS_MARKER_LEVELS; m_attributes << KCUPS_MARKER_NAMES; m_attributes << KCUPS_MARKER_TYPES; QHash roles = roleNames(); roles[DestStatus] = "stateMessage"; roles[DestName] = "printerName"; roles[DestState] = "printerState"; roles[DestIsDefault] = "isDefault"; roles[DestIsShared] = "isShared"; roles[DestIsAcceptingJobs] = "isAcceptingJobs"; roles[DestIsPaused] = "isPaused"; roles[DestIsClass] = "isClass"; roles[DestLocation] = "location"; roles[DestDescription] = "info"; roles[DestKind] = "kind"; roles[DestType] = "type"; roles[DestCommands] = "commands"; roles[DestMarkerChangeTime] = "markerChangeTime"; roles[DestMarkers] = "markers"; roles[DestIconName] = "iconName"; roles[DestRemote] = "remote"; setRoleNames(roles); // This is emitted when a printer is added connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerAdded(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(insertUpdatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer is modified connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerModified(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(insertUpdatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer has it's state changed connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerStateChanged(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(insertUpdatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer is stopped connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerStopped(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(insertUpdatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer is restarted connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerRestarted(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(insertUpdatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer is shutdown connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerShutdown(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(insertUpdatePrinter(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); // This is emitted when a printer is removed connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(printerDeleted(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(printerRemoved(QString,QString,QString,uint,QString,bool))); connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(serverAudit(QString)), SLOT(serverChanged(QString))); connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(serverStarted(QString)), SLOT(serverChanged(QString))); connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(serverStopped(QString)), SLOT(serverChanged(QString))); connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(serverRestarted(QString)), SLOT(serverChanged(QString))); // Deprecated stuff that works better than the above connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(rhPrinterAdded(QString)), this, SLOT(insertUpdatePrinter(QString))); connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(rhPrinterRemoved(QString)), this, SLOT(printerRemoved(QString))); connect(KCupsConnection::global(), SIGNAL(rhQueueChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(insertUpdatePrinter(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(slotCountChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(slotCountChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(slotCountChanged())); update(); } void PrinterModel::getDestsFinished() { KCupsRequest *request = qobject_cast(sender()); // When there is no printer IPP_NOT_FOUND is returned if (request->hasError() && request->error() != IPP_NOT_FOUND) { // clear the model after so that the proper widget can be shown clear(); emit error(request->error(), request->serverError(), request->errorMsg()); if (request->error() == IPP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE && !m_unavailable) { m_unavailable = true; emit serverUnavailableChanged(m_unavailable); } } else { if (m_unavailable) { m_unavailable = false; emit serverUnavailableChanged(m_unavailable); } KCupsPrinters printers = request->printers(); for (int i = 0; i < printers.size(); ++i) { // If there is a printer and it's not the current one add it // as a new destination int dest_row = destRow(printers.at(i).name()); if (dest_row == -1) { // not found, insert new one insertDest(i, printers.at(i)); } else if (dest_row == i) { // update the printer updateDest(item(i), printers.at(i)); } else { // found at wrong position // take it and insert on the right position QList row = takeRow(dest_row); insertRow(i, row); updateDest(item(i), printers.at(i)); } } // remove old printers // The above code starts from 0 and make sure // dest == modelIndex(x) and if it's not the // case it either inserts or moves it. // so any item > num_jobs can be safely deleted while (rowCount() > printers.size()) { removeRow(rowCount() - 1); } emit error(IPP_OK, QString(), QString()); } request->deleteLater(); } void PrinterModel::slotCountChanged() { emit countChanged(rowCount()); } QVariant PrinterModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (section == 0 && orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return i18n("Printers"); } return QVariant(); } int PrinterModel::count() const { return rowCount(); } bool PrinterModel::serverUnavailable() const { return m_unavailable; } void PrinterModel::pausePrinter(const QString &printerName) { QPointer request = new KCupsRequest; request->pausePrinter(printerName); request->waitTillFinished(); if (request) { request->deleteLater(); } } void PrinterModel::resumePrinter(const QString &printerName) { QPointer request = new KCupsRequest; request->resumePrinter(printerName); request->waitTillFinished(); if (request) { request->deleteLater(); } } void PrinterModel::rejectJobs(const QString &printerName) { QPointer request = new KCupsRequest; request->rejectJobs(printerName); request->waitTillFinished(); if (request) { request->deleteLater(); } } void PrinterModel::acceptJobs(const QString &printerName) { QPointer request = new KCupsRequest; request->acceptJobs(printerName); request->waitTillFinished(); if (request) { request->deleteLater(); } } void PrinterModel::update() { // kcmshell(6331) PrinterModel::update: (QHash(("printer-type", QVariant(int, 75534348) ) ( "marker-names" , QVariant(QStringList, ("Cyan", "Yellow", "Magenta", "Black") ) ) ( "printer-name" , QVariant(QString, "EPSON_Stylus_TX105") ) ( "marker-colors" , QVariant(QStringList, ("#00ffff", "#ffff00", "#ff00ff", "#000000") ) ) ( "printer-location" , QVariant(QString, "Luiz Vitor’s MacBook Pro") ) ( "marker-levels" , QVariant(QList, ) ) ( "marker-types" , QVariant(QStringList, ("inkCartridge", "inkCartridge", "inkCartridge", "inkCartridge") ) ) ( "printer-is-shared" , QVariant(bool, true) ) ( "printer-state-message" , QVariant(QString, "") ) ( "printer-commands" , QVariant(QStringList, ("Clean", "PrintSelfTestPage", "ReportLevels") ) ) ( "marker-change-time" , QVariant(int, 1267903160) ) ( "printer-state" , QVariant(int, 3) ) ( "printer-info" , QVariant(QString, "EPSON Stylus TX105") ) ( "printer-make-and-model" , QVariant(QString, "EPSON TX105 Series") ) ) ) // Get destinations with these attributes KCupsRequest *request = new KCupsRequest; connect(request, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(getDestsFinished())); request->getPrinters(m_attributes); } void PrinterModel::insertDest(int pos, const KCupsPrinter &printer) { // Create the printer item QStandardItem *stdItem = new QStandardItem(printer.name()); stdItem->setData(printer.name(), DestName); stdItem->setIcon(printer.icon()); // update the item updateDest(stdItem, printer); // insert the printer Item insertRow(pos, stdItem); } void PrinterModel::updateDest(QStandardItem *destItem, const KCupsPrinter &printer) { // store if the printer is the network default bool isDefault = printer.isDefault(); if (isDefault != destItem->data(DestIsDefault).toBool()) { destItem->setData(isDefault, DestIsDefault); } // store the printer state KCupsPrinter::Status state = printer.state(); if (state != destItem->data(DestState)) { destItem->setData(state, DestState); } kDebug() << state << printer.name(); // store if the printer is accepting jobs bool accepting = printer.isAcceptingJobs(); if (accepting != destItem->data(DestIsAcceptingJobs)) { destItem->setData(accepting, DestIsAcceptingJobs); } // store the printer status message QString status = destStatus(state, printer.stateMsg(), accepting); if (status != destItem->data(DestStatus)) { destItem->setData(status, DestStatus); } bool paused = (state == KCupsPrinter::Stopped || !accepting); if (paused != destItem->data(DestIsPaused)) { destItem->setData(paused, DestIsPaused); } // store if the printer is shared bool shared = printer.isShared(); if (shared != destItem->data(DestIsShared)) { destItem->setData(shared, DestIsShared); } // store if the printer is a class // the printer-type param is a flag bool isClass = printer.isClass(); if (isClass != destItem->data(DestIsClass)) { destItem->setData(isClass, DestIsClass); } // store if the printer type // the printer-type param is a flag uint printerType = printer.type(); if (printerType != destItem->data(DestType)) { destItem->setData(printerType, DestType); destItem->setData(printerType & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE, DestRemote); } // store the printer location QString location = printer.location(); if (location != destItem->data(DestLocation).toString()) { destItem->setData(location, DestLocation); } // store the printer icon name QString iconName = printer.iconName(); if (iconName != destItem->data(DestIconName).toString()) { destItem->setData(iconName, DestIconName); } if (destItem->data(DestName).toString() != destItem->text()){ if (destItem->text() != destItem->data(DestName).toString()){ destItem->setText(destItem->data(DestName).toString()); } } // store the printer description QString description = printer.info(); if (description != destItem->data(DestDescription).toString()){ destItem->setData(description, DestDescription); } // store the printer kind QString kind = printer.makeAndModel(); if (kind != destItem->data(DestKind)) { destItem->setData(kind, DestKind); } // store the printer commands QStringList commands = printer.commands(); if (commands != destItem->data(DestCommands)) { destItem->setData(commands, DestCommands); } int markerChangeTime = printer.markerChangeTime(); if (markerChangeTime != destItem->data(DestMarkerChangeTime)) { destItem->setData(printer.markerChangeTime(), DestMarkerChangeTime); QVariantHash markers; markers["marker-change-time"] = printer.markerChangeTime(); markers["marker-colors"] = printer.argument("marker-colors"); markers["marker-levels"] = printer.argument("marker-levels"); markers["marker-names"] = printer.argument("marker-names"); markers["marker-types"] = printer.argument("marker-types"); destItem->setData(markers, DestMarkers); } } int PrinterModel::destRow(const QString &destName) { // find the position of the jobId inside the model for (int i = 0; i < rowCount(); i++) { if (destName == item(i)->data(DestName).toString()) { return i; } } // -1 if not found return -1; } QString PrinterModel::destStatus(KCupsPrinter::Status state, const QString &message, bool isAcceptingJobs) const { switch (state) { case KCupsPrinter::Idle: if (message.isEmpty()){ return isAcceptingJobs ? i18n("Idle") : i18n("Idle, rejecting jobs"); } else { return isAcceptingJobs ? i18n("Idle - '%1'", message) : i18n("Idle, rejecting jobs - '%1'", message); } case KCupsPrinter::Printing: if (message.isEmpty()){ return i18n("In use"); } else { return i18n("In use - '%1'", message); } case KCupsPrinter::Stopped: if (message.isEmpty()){ return isAcceptingJobs ? i18n("Paused") : i18n("Paused, rejecting jobs"); } else { return isAcceptingJobs ? i18n("Paused - '%1'", message) : i18n("Paused, rejecting jobs - '%1'", message); } default : if (message.isEmpty()){ return i18n("Unknown"); } else { return i18n("Unknown - '%1'", message); } } } void PrinterModel::clear() { removeRows(0, rowCount()); } Qt::ItemFlags PrinterModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { Q_UNUSED(index) return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled; } void PrinterModel::insertUpdatePrinter(const QString &printerName) { KCupsRequest *request = new KCupsRequest; connect(request, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(insertUpdatePrinterFinished())); // TODO how do we know if it's a class if this DBus signal // does not tell us request->getPrinterAttributes(printerName, false, m_attributes); } void PrinterModel::insertUpdatePrinter(const QString &text, const QString &printerUri, const QString &printerName, uint printerState, const QString &printerStateReasons, bool printerIsAcceptingJobs) { Q_UNUSED(text) Q_UNUSED(printerUri) Q_UNUSED(printerState) Q_UNUSED(printerStateReasons) Q_UNUSED(printerIsAcceptingJobs) kDebug() << text << printerUri << printerName << printerState << printerStateReasons << printerIsAcceptingJobs; insertUpdatePrinter(printerName); } void PrinterModel::insertUpdatePrinterFinished() { KCupsRequest *request = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!request->hasError()) { foreach (const KCupsPrinter &printer, request->printers()) { // If there is a printer and it's not the current one add it // as a new destination int dest_row = destRow(printer.name()); if (dest_row == -1) { // not found, insert new one insertDest(0, printer); } else { // update the printer updateDest(item(dest_row), printer); } } } request->deleteLater(); } void PrinterModel::printerRemoved(const QString &printerName) { kDebug() << printerName; // Look for the removed printer int dest_row = destRow(printerName); if (dest_row != -1) { removeRows(dest_row, 1); } } void PrinterModel::printerRemoved(const QString &text, const QString &printerUri, const QString &printerName, uint printerState, const QString &printerStateReasons, bool printerIsAcceptingJobs) { // REALLY? all these parameters just to say foo was deleted?? Q_UNUSED(text) Q_UNUSED(printerUri) Q_UNUSED(printerState) Q_UNUSED(printerStateReasons) Q_UNUSED(printerIsAcceptingJobs) kDebug() << text << printerUri << printerName << printerState << printerStateReasons << printerIsAcceptingJobs; // Look for the removed printer int dest_row = destRow(printerName); if (dest_row != -1) { removeRows(dest_row, 1); } } void PrinterModel::printerStateChanged(const QString &text, const QString &printerUri, const QString &printerName, uint printerState, const QString &printerStateReasons, bool printerIsAcceptingJobs) { kDebug() << text << printerUri << printerName << printerState << printerStateReasons << printerIsAcceptingJobs; } void PrinterModel::printerStopped(const QString &text, const QString &printerUri, const QString &printerName, uint printerState, const QString &printerStateReasons, bool printerIsAcceptingJobs) { kDebug() << text << printerUri << printerName << printerState << printerStateReasons << printerIsAcceptingJobs; } void PrinterModel::printerRestarted(const QString &text, const QString &printerUri, const QString &printerName, uint printerState, const QString &printerStateReasons, bool printerIsAcceptingJobs) { kDebug() << text << printerUri << printerName << printerState << printerStateReasons << printerIsAcceptingJobs; } void PrinterModel::printerShutdown(const QString &text, const QString &printerUri, const QString &printerName, uint printerState, const QString &printerStateReasons, bool printerIsAcceptingJobs) { kDebug() << text << printerUri << printerName << printerState << printerStateReasons << printerIsAcceptingJobs; } void PrinterModel::printerModified(const QString &text, const QString &printerUri, const QString &printerName, uint printerState, const QString &printerStateReasons, bool printerIsAcceptingJobs) { kDebug() << text << printerUri << printerName << printerState << printerStateReasons << printerIsAcceptingJobs; } void PrinterModel::serverChanged(const QString &text) { kDebug() << text; update(); } #include "moc_PrinterModel.cpp"