General 0 0 293 319 General Precision &Maximum number of digits: false kcfg_Precision Maximum number of digits displayed KCalc can compute with many more digits than the number that fits on the display. This setting gives the maximum number of digits displayed, before KCalc starts using scientific notation, i.e. notation of the type 2.34e12. Whether to use fixed decimal places Set &decimal precision false Number of fixed decimal digits Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Grouping Whether to group digits Group digits true true Binary Octal Hexadecimal Misc Whether to beep on error &Beep on error true Whether to show the result in the window title Show &result in window title Whether to use Two's Complement for non-decimal numbers Select to use Two's Complement notation for Binary, Octal and Hexidecimal numbers. This is a common notation to represent negative numbers for non-decimal numbers in computers. Two's complement true Qt::Vertical 20 40 kcfg_Precision kcfg_Fixed kcfg_FixedPrecision kcfg_Fixed toggled(bool) kcfg_FixedPrecision setEnabled(bool) 97 76 256 94