/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Pino Toscano * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "guiutils.h" // qt/kde includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // local includes #include "core/action.h" #include "core/annotations.h" #include "core/document.h" K_GLOBAL_STATIC( QList, s_data ) namespace GuiUtils { QString captionForAnnotation( const Okular::Annotation * ann ) { Q_ASSERT( ann ); QString ret; switch( ann->subType() ) { case Okular::Annotation::AText: if( ( (Okular::TextAnnotation*)ann )->textType() == Okular::TextAnnotation::Linked ) ret = i18n( "Pop-up Note" ); else ret = i18n( "Inline Note" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::ALine: if( ( (Okular::LineAnnotation*)ann )->linePoints().count() == 2 ) ret = i18n( "Straight Line" ); else ret = i18n( "Polygon" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::AGeom: ret = i18n( "Geometry" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::AHighlight: switch ( ( (Okular::HighlightAnnotation*)ann )->highlightType() ) { case Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Highlight: ret = i18n( "Highlight" ); break; case Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Squiggly: ret = i18n( "Squiggle" ); break; case Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Underline: ret = i18n( "Underline" ); break; case Okular::HighlightAnnotation::StrikeOut: ret = i18n( "Strike Out" ); break; } break; case Okular::Annotation::AStamp: ret = i18n( "Stamp" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::AInk: ret = i18n( "Freehand Line" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::ACaret: ret = i18n( "Caret" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::AFileAttachment: ret = i18n( "File Attachment" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::ASound: ret = i18n( "Sound" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::AMovie: ret = i18n( "Movie" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::AScreen: ret = i18nc( "Caption for a screen annotation", "Screen" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::AWidget: ret = i18nc( "Caption for a widget annotation", "Widget" ); break; case Okular::Annotation::A_BASE: break; } return ret; } QString authorForAnnotation( const Okular::Annotation * ann ) { Q_ASSERT( ann ); return !ann->author().isEmpty() ? ann->author() : i18nc( "Unknown author", "Unknown" ); } QString contentsHtml( const Okular::Annotation * ann ) { QString text = Qt::escape( ann->contents() ); text.replace( '\n', "
" ); return text; } QString prettyToolTip( const Okular::Annotation * ann ) { Q_ASSERT( ann ); QString author = authorForAnnotation( ann ); QString contents = contentsHtml( ann ); QString tooltip = QString( "" ) + i18n( "Author: %1", author ) + QString( "" ); if ( !contents.isEmpty() ) tooltip += QString( "

" ) + contents; tooltip += "
"; return tooltip; } QPixmap loadStamp( const QString& _name, const QSize& size, int iconSize ) { const QString name = _name.toLower(); const QString stampFile = KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "okular/pics/stamps/" + name + ".png" ); if ( !stampFile.isEmpty() ) { return QPixmap(stampFile).scaled(size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } QPixmap pixmap; const KIconLoader * il = iconLoader(); QString path; const int minSize = iconSize > 0 ? iconSize : qMin( size.width(), size.height() ); pixmap = il->loadIcon( name, KIconLoader::User, minSize, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), &path, true ); if ( path.isEmpty() ) pixmap = il->loadIcon( name, KIconLoader::NoGroup, minSize ); return pixmap; } void addIconLoader( KIconLoader * loader ) { s_data->append( loader ); } void removeIconLoader( KIconLoader * loader ) { s_data->removeAll( loader ); } KIconLoader* iconLoader() { return s_data->isEmpty() ? KIconLoader::global() : s_data->back(); } void saveEmbeddedFile( Okular::EmbeddedFile *ef, QWidget *parent ) { const QString caption = i18n( "Where do you want to save %1?", ef->name() ); const QString path = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( ef->name(), QString(), parent, caption, KFileDialog::ConfirmOverwrite ); if ( path.isEmpty() ) return; QFile f( path ); if ( !f.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { KMessageBox::error( parent, i18n( "Could not open \"%1\" for writing. File was not saved.", path ) ); return; } f.write( ef->data() ); f.close(); } // from Arthur - qt4 static inline int qt_div_255(int x) { return (x + (x>>8) + 0x80) >> 8; } void colorizeImage( QImage & grayImage, const QColor & color, unsigned int destAlpha ) { // Make sure that the image is Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied if ( grayImage.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied ) grayImage = grayImage.convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied ); // iterate over all pixels changing the alpha component value unsigned int * data = (unsigned int *)grayImage.bits(); unsigned int pixels = grayImage.width() * grayImage.height(); int red = color.red(), green = color.green(), blue = color.blue(); int source, sourceSat, sourceAlpha; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < pixels; ++i ) { // optimize this loop keeping byte order into account source = data[i]; sourceSat = qRed( source ); int newR = qt_div_255( sourceSat * red ), newG = qt_div_255( sourceSat * green ), newB = qt_div_255( sourceSat * blue ); if ( (sourceAlpha = qAlpha( source )) == 255 ) { // use destAlpha data[i] = qRgba( newR, newG, newB, destAlpha ); } else { // use destAlpha * sourceAlpha product if ( destAlpha < 255 ) sourceAlpha = qt_div_255( destAlpha * sourceAlpha ); data[i] = qRgba( newR, newG, newB, sourceAlpha ); } } } }