WifiConnectionWidget 0 0 391 279 SSID: SSIDCombo 0 0 Mode: modeComboBox 0 0 Infrastructure Ad-hoc Access Point BSSID: BSSIDCombo 0 0 Restrict to device: macAddress 0 0 Cloned MAC address: clonedMacAddress 0 0 HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH;_ Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter Random... MTU: mtu 0 0 Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter Automatic bytes 9999 Mark this if you want to create a connection for a hidden network Mark this if you want to create a connection for a hidden network Hidden network: hiddenNetwork Band: band 0 0 Automatic A (5 GHz) B/G (2.4 GHz) Channel: channel 0 0 KComboBox QComboBox
KLineEdit QLineEdit
HwAddrComboBox QComboBox
SsidComboBox QComboBox
BssidComboBox QComboBox
SSIDCombo modeComboBox BSSIDCombo band macAddress clonedMacAddress btnRandomMacAddr mtu hiddenNetwork