/* Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi Copyright 2007-2008 David Nolden Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE KDEVELOP TEAM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef PP_MACRO_H #define PP_MACRO_H //krazy:excludeall=inline #include #include #include #include #include #define FOREACH_CUSTOM(item, container, size) for(int a = 0, mustDo = 1; a < (int)size; ++a) if((mustDo = 1)) for(item(container[a]); mustDo; mustDo = 0) namespace rpp { KDEVCPPRPP_EXPORT DECLARE_LIST_MEMBER_HASH(pp_macro, definition, KDevelop::IndexedString) KDEVCPPRPP_EXPORT DECLARE_LIST_MEMBER_HASH(pp_macro, formals, KDevelop::IndexedString) //This contains the data of a macro that can be marshalled by directly copying the memory class KDEVCPPRPP_EXPORT pp_macro { public: ///@todo enable structure packing pp_macro(const KDevelop::IndexedString& name = KDevelop::IndexedString()); pp_macro(const char* name); pp_macro(const pp_macro& rhs, bool dynamic = true); ~pp_macro(); uint classSize() const { return sizeof(pp_macro); } uint itemSize() const { return dynamicSize(); } typedef uint HashType; KDevelop::IndexedString name; KDevelop::IndexedString file; int sourceLine; //line bool defined: 1; // !isUndefMacro bool hidden: 1; //A temporary flag, don't manipulate it from outside bool function_like: 1; // hasArguments bool variadics: 1; bool fixed : 1; //If this is set, the macro can not be overridden or undefined. //If defineOnOverride is set, the macro is changed to "defined = true", if it is overridden. //If the macro also has a valid "file" entry, the macro will only be defined if the file-name of the overriding //macro ends with the string given in 'file'. bool defineOnOverride : 1; mutable bool m_valueHashValid : 1; //The valueHash is not necessarily valid mutable HashType m_valueHash; //Hash that represents the values of all macros bool operator==(const pp_macro& rhs) const; bool isUndef() const { return !defined; } unsigned int hash() const { return completeHash(); } HashType idHash() const { return name.hash(); } QString toString() const; struct NameCompare { bool operator () ( const pp_macro& lhs, const pp_macro& rhs ) const { return lhs.name.index() < rhs.name.index(); } #ifdef Q_CC_MSVC HashType operator () ( const pp_macro& macro ) const { return macro.idHash(); } enum { // parameters for hash table bucket_size = 4, // 0 < bucket_size min_buckets = 8}; // min_buckets = 2 ^^ N, 0 < N #endif }; //Hash over id and value struct CompleteHash { HashType operator () ( const pp_macro& lhs ) const { return lhs.completeHash(); } #ifdef Q_CC_MSVC bool operator () ( const pp_macro& lhs, const pp_macro& rhs ) const { HashType lhash = lhs.valueHash()+lhs.idHash(); HashType rhash = rhs.valueHash()+rhs.idHash(); if( lhash < rhash ) return true; else if( lhash > rhash ) return false; int df = lhs.name.str().compare( rhs.name.str() ); return df < 0; } enum { // parameters for hash table bucket_size = 4, // 0 < bucket_size min_buckets = 8}; // min_buckets = 2 ^^ N, 0 < N #endif }; HashType valueHash() const { if( !m_valueHashValid ) computeHash(); return m_valueHash; } ///Hash that identifies all of this macro, the value and the identity HashType completeHash() const { return valueHash() + idHash() * 3777; } void invalidateHash(); typedef KDevelop::IndexedString IndexedString; ///Convenient way of setting the definition, it is tokenized automatically ///@param definition utf-8 representation of the definition text void setDefinitionText(QByteArray definition); ///More convenient overload void setDefinitionText(QString definition); void setDefinitionText(const char* definition) { setDefinitionText(QByteArray(definition)); } START_APPENDED_LISTS(pp_macro) APPENDED_LIST_FIRST(pp_macro, IndexedString, definition) APPENDED_LIST(pp_macro, IndexedString, formals, definition) END_APPENDED_LISTS(pp_macro, formals) ///Returns true if this macro is stored in a central repository, else false. bool isRepositoryMacro() const { return !appendedListsDynamic(); } private: pp_macro& operator=(const pp_macro& rhs); void computeHash() const; }; } inline uint qHash( const rpp::pp_macro& m ) { return (uint)m.idHash(); } #endif // PP_MACRO_H