KDevelop Custom Buildsystem Plugin Author: ------- Andreas Pakulat License: -------- See the LICENSE file. Description: ------------ This plugin allows to handle arbitrary custom buildsystems with KDevelop. It supports setting up commands and arguments to build, configure, clean, 'dist-clean' and install the project, so that KDevelop's actions work as expected. Additionally it allows to setup include directories (or import-directories) and defines for the project on a per-directory basis. This allows the C++ support and other language plugins to find file-references without manually adding them via the include-assistant. This should help all those that have a special build setup to still be able to embrace the features that KDevelop has to offer. Requirements: ------------- The only requirement is KDevPlatform, version 1.1.0 (which in turn means that KDE Platform 4.4 or later needs to be installed too) Installation: ------------- See the INSTALL file. Bugs: ----- Please report bugs at bugs.kde.org under the KDevelop product for the 'custom buildsystem' component.