The most global class is 'Project'. It is a singleton and keeps project-related data/settings 'Settings' is also a singleton (src/prefs). ==LokalizeMainWindow== 'LokalizeMainWindow' is the main window with multitabs interface. Uses QMdiArea for tabbing interface, and guiFactory()->addClient()/guiFactory()->removeClient() to merge actions from tabs (editor, project overview, tm-search tab), and StatusBarProxy to deliver info from tabs. Tabs are KMainWindows + KXmlGuiCleints. ==Project Overview tab== Hacks KDirLister to merge contents from two dirs. uses kdesdk/strigi-analyzer/po to scan translation files ==Editor tab== 'EditorTab' is a dispatcher (controller) for one catalog editing window (tab). 'EditorView' is msgid/msgstr viewer/editor for it. 'MsgCtxtView', 'GlossaryView' and other QDockWidget derivatives provide specialized features. All specialized actions should go into views (QDockWidgets) or separate classes used from views. 'Catalog' is a controller+proxymodel for CatalogStorage translation files 'CatalogStorage' is interface for different storage models (QVector for gettext, QDom for xliff) ==Translation Memory== Implemented as series of jobs running in second thread (src/tm/jobs.cpp). See initDB() for database schema ==Glossary== SAX parser/generator based. Tries to preserve unknown metadata on saving when possible. API docs: