/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2008 by Ely Levy * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "converter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // Because of the HACK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Epub; Converter::Converter() : mTextDocument(NULL) { } Converter::~Converter() { } // join the char * array into one QString QString _strPack(char **str, int size) { QString res; res = QString::fromUtf8(str[0]); for (int i=1;igetEpub(), type, &size); if (data) { emit addMetaData(key, _strPack((char **)data, size)); for (int i=0;iend(); bit = bit.next()) { for (QTextBlock::iterator fit = bit.begin(); !(fit.atEnd()); ++fit) { QTextFragment frag = fit.fragment(); if (frag.isValid() && frag.charFormat().isAnchor()) { QString hrefString = frag.charFormat().anchorHref(); // remove ./ or ../ // making it easier to compare, with links while(!hrefString.isNull() && ( hrefString.at(0) == '.' || hrefString.at(0) == '/') ){ hrefString.remove(0,1); } QUrl href(hrefString); if (href.isValid() && !href.isEmpty()) { if (href.isRelative()) { // Inside document link if(!hrefString.indexOf('#')) hrefString = name + hrefString; else if(QFileInfo(hrefString).path() == "." && curDir != ".") hrefString = curDir + '/' + hrefString; // QTextCharFormat sometimes splits a link in two // if there's no white space between words & the first one is an anchor // consider whole word to be an anchor ++fit; int fragLen = frag.length(); if(!fit.atEnd() && ((fit.fragment().position() - frag.position()) == 1)) fragLen += fit.fragment().length(); --fit; _insert_local_links(hrefString, QPair(frag.position(), frag.position()+fragLen)); } else { // Outside document link Okular::BrowseAction *action = new Okular::BrowseAction(href.toString()); emit addAction(action, frag.position(), frag.position() + frag.length()); } } const QStringList &names = frag.charFormat().anchorNames(); if (!names.empty()) { for (QStringList::const_iterator lit = names.constBegin(); lit != names.constEnd(); ++lit) { mSectionMap.insert(name + '#' + *lit, bit); } } } // end anchor case } } } void Converter::_insert_local_links(const QString &key, const QPair &value) { if(mLocalLinks.contains(key)){ mLocalLinks[key].append(value); } else { QVector< QPair > vec; vec.append(value); mLocalLinks.insert(key,vec); } } static QPoint calculateXYPosition( QTextDocument *document, int startPosition ) { const QTextBlock startBlock = document->findBlock( startPosition ); const QRectF startBoundingRect = document->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect( startBlock ); QTextLayout *startLayout = startBlock.layout(); if (!startLayout) { kWarning() << "Start layout not found" << startLayout; return QPoint(); } int startPos = startPosition - startBlock.position(); const QTextLine startLine = startLayout->lineForTextPosition( startPos ); double x = startBoundingRect.x() ; double y = startBoundingRect.y() + startLine.y(); y = (int)y % 800; return QPoint(x,y); } QTextDocument* Converter::convert( const QString &fileName ) { EpubDocument *newDocument = new EpubDocument(fileName); if (!newDocument->isValid()) { emit error(i18n("Error while opening the EPub document."), -1); delete newDocument; return NULL; } mTextDocument = newDocument; QTextCursor *_cursor = new QTextCursor( mTextDocument ); mLocalLinks.clear(); mSectionMap.clear(); // Emit the document meta data _emitData(Okular::DocumentInfo::Title, EPUB_TITLE); _emitData(Okular::DocumentInfo::Author, EPUB_CREATOR); _emitData(Okular::DocumentInfo::Subject, EPUB_SUBJECT); _emitData(Okular::DocumentInfo::Creator, EPUB_PUBLISHER); _emitData(Okular::DocumentInfo::Description, EPUB_DESCRIPTION); _emitData(Okular::DocumentInfo::CreationDate, EPUB_DATE); _emitData(Okular::DocumentInfo::Category, EPUB_TYPE); _emitData(Okular::DocumentInfo::Copyright, EPUB_RIGHTS); emit addMetaData( Okular::DocumentInfo::MimeType, "application/epub+zip"); struct eiterator *it; // iterate over the book it = epub_get_iterator(mTextDocument->getEpub(), EITERATOR_SPINE, 0); // if the background color of the document is non-white it will be handled by QTextDocument::setHtml() bool firstPage = true; QVector movieAnnots; QVector soundActions; const QSize videoSize(320, 240); do{ movieAnnots.clear(); soundActions.clear(); if(epub_it_get_curr(it)) { const QString link = QString::fromUtf8(epub_it_get_curr_url(it)); mTextDocument->setCurrentSubDocument(link); QString htmlContent = QString::fromUtf8(epub_it_get_curr(it)); // as QTextCharFormat::anchorNames() ignores sections, replace it with

htmlContent.replace(QRegExp("< *section"),"maxContentHeight(); const int maxWidth = mTextDocument->maxContentWidth(); QDomDocument dom; if(dom.setContent(htmlContent)) { QDomNodeList svgs = dom.elementsByTagName("svg"); if(!svgs.isEmpty()) { QList< QDomNode > imgNodes; for (uint i = 0; i < svgs.length(); ++i) { QDomNodeList images = svgs.at(i).toElement().elementsByTagName("image"); for (uint j = 0; j < images.length(); ++j) { QString lnk = images.at(i).toElement().attribute("xlink:href"); int ht = images.at(i).toElement().attribute("height").toInt(); int wd = images.at(i).toElement().attribute("width").toInt(); QImage img = mTextDocument->loadResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource,QUrl(lnk)).value(); if(ht == 0) ht = img.height(); if(wd == 0) wd = img.width(); if(ht > maxHeight) ht = maxHeight; if(wd > maxWidth) wd = maxWidth; mTextDocument->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource,QUrl(lnk),img); QDomDocument newDoc; newDoc.setContent(QString("").arg(lnk).arg(ht).arg(wd)); imgNodes.append(newDoc.documentElement()); } foreach (QDomNode nd, imgNodes) { svgs.at(i).parentNode().replaceChild(nd,svgs.at(i)); } } } // handle embedded videos QDomNodeList videoTags = dom.elementsByTagName("video"); if(!videoTags.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < videoTags.size(); ++i) { QDomNodeList sourceTags = videoTags.at(i).toElement().elementsByTagName("source"); if(!sourceTags.isEmpty()) { QString lnk = sourceTags.at(0).toElement().attribute("src"); Okular::Movie *movie = new Okular::Movie(mTextDocument->loadResource(EpubDocument::MovieResource,QUrl(lnk)).toString()); movie->setSize(videoSize); movie->setShowControls(true); Okular::MovieAnnotation *annot = new Okular::MovieAnnotation; annot->setMovie(movie); movieAnnots.push_back(annot); QDomDocument tempDoc; tempDoc.setContent(QString("

")); videoTags.at(i).parentNode().replaceChild(tempDoc.documentElement(),videoTags.at(i)); } } } //handle embedded audio QDomNodeList audioTags = dom.elementsByTagName("audio"); if(!audioTags.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < audioTags.size(); ++i) { QString lnk = audioTags.at(i).toElement().attribute("src"); Okular::Sound *sound = new Okular::Sound(mTextDocument->loadResource( EpubDocument::AudioResource, QUrl(lnk)).toByteArray()); Okular::SoundAction *soundAction = new Okular::SoundAction(1.0,true,true,false,sound); soundActions.push_back(soundAction); QDomDocument tempDoc; tempDoc.setContent(QString("
")); audioTags.at(i).parentNode().replaceChild(tempDoc.documentElement(),audioTags.at(i)); } } htmlContent = dom.toString(); } // HACK BEGIN Get the links without CSS to be blue // Remove if Qt ever gets fixed and the code in textdocumentgenerator.cpp works const QPalette orig = qApp->palette(); QPalette p = orig; p.setColor(QPalette::Link, Qt::blue); qApp->setPalette(p); // HACK END QTextBlock before; if(firstPage) { // preHtml & postHtml make it possible to have a margin around the content of the page const QString preHtml = QString("" "" "" "
").arg(mTextDocument->padding); const QString postHtml = "
"; mTextDocument->setHtml(preHtml + htmlContent + postHtml); firstPage = false; before = mTextDocument->begin(); } else { before = _cursor->block(); _cursor->insertHtml(htmlContent); } // HACK BEGIN qApp->setPalette(orig); // HACK END QTextCursor csr(mTextDocument); // a temporary cursor csr.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start); int index = 0; while( !(csr = mTextDocument->find("",csr)).isNull() ) { const int posStart = csr.position(); const QPoint startPoint = calculateXYPosition(mTextDocument, posStart); QImage img(KStandardDirs::locate("data", "okular/pics/okular-epub-movie.png")); img = img.scaled(videoSize); csr.insertImage(img); const int posEnd = csr.position(); const QRect videoRect(startPoint,videoSize); movieAnnots[index]->setBoundingRectangle(Okular::NormalizedRect(videoRect,mTextDocument->pageSize().width(), mTextDocument->pageSize().height())); emit addAnnotation(movieAnnots[index++],posStart,posEnd); csr.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextWord); } csr.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start); index = 0; const QString keyToSearch(""); while( !(csr = mTextDocument->find(keyToSearch, csr)).isNull() ) { const int posStart = csr.position() - keyToSearch.size(); const QImage img(KStandardDirs::locate("data", "okular/pics/okular-epub-sound-icon.png")); csr.insertImage(img); const int posEnd = csr.position(); qDebug() << posStart << posEnd;; emit addAction(soundActions[index++],posStart,posEnd); csr.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextWord); } mSectionMap.insert(link, before); _handle_anchors(before, link); const int page = mTextDocument->pageCount(); // it will clear the previous format // useful when the last line had a bullet _cursor->insertBlock(QTextBlockFormat()); while(mTextDocument->pageCount() == page) _cursor->insertText("\n"); } } while (epub_it_get_next(it)); epub_free_iterator(it); // handle toc struct titerator *tit; // FIXME: support other method beside NAVMAP and GUIDE tit = epub_get_titerator(mTextDocument->getEpub(), TITERATOR_NAVMAP, 0); if (!tit) tit = epub_get_titerator(mTextDocument->getEpub(), TITERATOR_GUIDE, 0); if (tit) { do { if (epub_tit_curr_valid(tit)) { char *clink = epub_tit_get_curr_link(tit); QString link = QString::fromUtf8(clink); char *label = epub_tit_get_curr_label(tit); QTextBlock block = mTextDocument->begin(); // must point somewhere if (mSectionMap.contains(link)) { block = mSectionMap.value(link); } else { // load missing resource char *data = 0; int size = epub_get_data(mTextDocument->getEpub(), clink, &data); if (data) { _cursor->insertBlock(); // try to load as image and if not load as html block = _cursor->block(); QImage image; mSectionMap.insert(link, block); #ifndef QT_KATIE if (image.loadFromData((unsigned char *)data, size)) { #else if (image.loadFromData(data, size)) { #endif mTextDocument->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl(link), image); _cursor->insertImage(link); } else { _cursor->insertHtml(QString::fromUtf8(data)); // Add anchors to hashes _handle_anchors(block, link); } // Start new file in a new page int page = mTextDocument->pageCount(); while(mTextDocument->pageCount() == page) _cursor->insertText("\n"); } free(data); } if (block.isValid()) { // be sure we actually got a block emit addTitle(epub_tit_get_curr_depth(tit), QString::fromUtf8(label), block); } else { kDebug() << "Error: no block found for"<< link; } if (clink) free(clink); if (label) free(label); } } while (epub_tit_next(tit)); epub_free_titerator(tit); } else { kDebug() << "no toc found"; } // adding link actions QHashIterator > > hit(mLocalLinks); while (hit.hasNext()) { hit.next(); const QTextBlock block = mSectionMap.value(hit.key()); for (int i = 0; i < hit.value().size(); ++i) { if (block.isValid()) { // be sure we actually got a block Okular::DocumentViewport viewport = calculateViewport(mTextDocument, block); Okular::GotoAction *action = new Okular::GotoAction(QString(), viewport); emit addAction(action, hit.value()[i].first, hit.value()[i].second); } else { kDebug() << "Error: no block found for "<< hit.key(); } } } delete _cursor; return mTextDocument; }