// vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: /* Gwenview: an image viewer Copyright 2009 Aurélien Gâteau This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Cambridge, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Self #include "moc_historymodel.cpp" // Qt #include #include #include // KDE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Local #include namespace Gwenview { struct HistoryItem : public QStandardItem { void save() const { KConfig config(mConfigPath, KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup group(&config, "general"); group.writeEntry("url", mUrl); group.writeEntry("dateTime", mDateTime.toString(Qt::ISODate)); config.sync(); } static HistoryItem* create(const KUrl& url, const QDateTime& dateTime, const QString& storageDir) { if (!KStandardDirs::makeDir(storageDir, 0600)) { kError() << "Could not create history dir" << storageDir; return 0; } KTemporaryFile file; file.setAutoRemove(false); file.setPrefix(storageDir); file.setSuffix("rc"); if (!file.open()) { kError() << "Could not create history file"; return 0; } HistoryItem* item = new HistoryItem(url, dateTime, file.fileName()); item->save(); return item; } static HistoryItem* load(const QString& fileName) { KConfig config(fileName, KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup group(&config, "general"); KUrl url(group.readEntry("url")); if (!url.isValid()) { kError() << "Invalid url" << url; return 0; } QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(group.readEntry("dateTime"), Qt::ISODate); if (!dateTime.isValid()) { kError() << "Invalid dateTime" << dateTime; return 0; } return new HistoryItem(url, dateTime, fileName); } KUrl url() const { return mUrl; } QDateTime dateTime() const { return mDateTime; } void setDateTime(const QDateTime& dateTime) { if (mDateTime != dateTime) { mDateTime = dateTime; save(); } } void unlink() { QFile::remove(mConfigPath); } private: KUrl mUrl; QDateTime mDateTime; QString mConfigPath; HistoryItem(const KUrl& url, const QDateTime& dateTime, const QString& configPath) : mUrl(url) , mDateTime(dateTime) , mConfigPath(configPath) { mUrl.cleanPath(); KUrl urlForView = mUrl; urlForView.adjustPath(KUrl::RemoveTrailingSlash); setText(urlForView.pathOrUrl()); QString iconName = KMimeType::iconNameForUrl(mUrl); setIcon(KIcon(iconName)); setData(QVariant(mUrl), KFilePlacesModel::UrlRole); KFileItem fileItem(KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, mUrl); setData(QVariant(fileItem), KDirModel::FileItemRole); QString date = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(mDateTime, KLocale::FancyLongDate); setData(QVariant(i18n("Last visited: %1", date)), Qt::ToolTipRole); } bool operator<(const QStandardItem& other) const { return mDateTime > static_cast(&other)->mDateTime; } }; struct HistoryModelPrivate { HistoryModel* q; QString mStorageDir; int mMaxCount; QMap mHistoryItemForUrl; void load() { QDir dir(mStorageDir); if (!dir.exists()) { return; } Q_FOREACH(const QString & name, dir.entryList(QStringList() << "*rc")) { HistoryItem* item = HistoryItem::load(dir.filePath(name)); if (!item) { continue; } KUrl itemUrl = item->url(); if (UrlUtils::urlIsFastLocalFile(itemUrl)) { if (!QFile::exists(itemUrl.path())) { kDebug() << "Removing" << itemUrl.path() << "from recent folders. It does not exist anymore"; item->unlink(); delete item; continue; } } HistoryItem* existingItem = mHistoryItemForUrl.value(item->url()); if (existingItem) { // We already know this url(!) update existing item dateTime // and get rid of duplicate if (existingItem->dateTime() < item->dateTime()) { existingItem->setDateTime(item->dateTime()); } item->unlink(); delete item; } else { mHistoryItemForUrl.insert(item->url(), item); q->appendRow(item); } } q->sort(0); } void garbageCollect() { while (q->rowCount() > mMaxCount) { HistoryItem* item = static_cast(q->takeRow(q->rowCount() - 1).at(0)); mHistoryItemForUrl.remove(item->url()); item->unlink(); delete item; } } }; HistoryModel::HistoryModel(QObject* parent, const QString& storageDir, int maxCount) : QStandardItemModel(parent) , d(new HistoryModelPrivate) { d->q = this; d->mStorageDir = storageDir; d->mMaxCount = maxCount; d->load(); } HistoryModel::~HistoryModel() { delete d; } void HistoryModel::addUrl(const KUrl& url, const QDateTime& _dateTime) { QDateTime dateTime = _dateTime.isValid() ? _dateTime : QDateTime::currentDateTime(); HistoryItem* historyItem = d->mHistoryItemForUrl.value(url); if (historyItem) { historyItem->setDateTime(dateTime); sort(0); } else { historyItem = HistoryItem::create(url, dateTime, d->mStorageDir); if (!historyItem) { kError() << "Could not save history for url" << url; return; } d->mHistoryItemForUrl.insert(url, historyItem); appendRow(historyItem); sort(0); d->garbageCollect(); } } bool HistoryModel::removeRows(int start, int count, const QModelIndex& parent) { Q_ASSERT(!parent.isValid()); for (int row = start + count - 1; row >= start ; --row) { HistoryItem* historyItem = static_cast(item(row, 0)); Q_ASSERT(historyItem); d->mHistoryItemForUrl.remove(historyItem->url()); historyItem->unlink(); } return QStandardItemModel::removeRows(start, count, parent); } } // namespace