/* This file is part of KDevelop Copyright 2012 Olivier de Gaalon This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KDEVPLATFORM_JSONDUCONTEXTTESTS_H #define KDEVPLATFORM_JSONDUCONTEXTTESTS_H #include "language/duchain/ducontext.h" #include "jsontesthelpers.h" /** * JSON Object Specification: * FindDeclObject: Mapping of (string) search ids to DeclTestObjects * IndexDeclObject: Mapping of (string) declaration position indexes to DeclTestObjects * IndexCtxtObject: Mapping of (string) context position indexes to CtxtTestObjects * * Quick Reference: * findDeclarations : FindDeclObject * declarations : IndexDeclObject * childCount : int * localDeclarationCount : int * type : string * null : bool * owner : DeclTestObject * importedParents : IndexCtxtObject * range : string */ namespace KDevelop { namespace DUContextTests { using namespace JsonTestHelpers; ///JSON type: FindDeclObject ///@returns whether each declaration can be found and passes its tests ContextTest(findDeclarations) { VERIFY_TYPE(QVariantMap); QString INVALID_ERROR = "Attempted to test invalid context."; QString NOT_FOUND_ERROR = "Could not find declaration \"%1\"."; QString DECL_ERROR = "Declaration found with \"%1\" did not pass tests."; if (!ctxt) return INVALID_ERROR; QVariantMap findDecls = value.toMap(); for (QVariantMap::iterator it = findDecls.begin(); it != findDecls.end(); ++it) { QualifiedIdentifier searchId(it.key()); QList ret = ctxt->findDeclarations(searchId, CursorInRevision::invalid()); if (!ret.size()) return NOT_FOUND_ERROR.arg(it.key()); if (!runTests(it.value().toMap(), ret.first())) return DECL_ERROR.arg(it.key()); } return SUCCESS; } ///JSON type: IndexDeclObject ///@returns whether a declaration exists at each index and each declaration passes its tests ContextTest(declarations) { VERIFY_TYPE(QVariantMap); QString INVALID_ERROR = "Attempted to test invalid context."; QString NOT_FOUND_ERROR = "No declaration at index \"%1\"."; QString DECL_ERROR = "Declaration at index \"%1\" did not pass tests."; if (!ctxt) return INVALID_ERROR; QVariantMap findDecls = value.toMap(); for (QVariantMap::iterator it = findDecls.begin(); it != findDecls.end(); ++it) { int index = it.key().toInt(); QVector decls = ctxt->localDeclarations(0); if (decls.size() <= index) return NOT_FOUND_ERROR; if (!runTests(it.value().toMap(), decls.at(index))) return DECL_ERROR.arg(it.key()); } return SUCCESS; } ///JSON type: int ///@returns whether the number of child contexts matches the given value ContextTest(childCount) { return compareValues(ctxt->childContexts().size(), value, "Context's child count"); } ///JSON type: int ///@returns whether the number of local declarations matches the given value ContextTest(localDeclarationCount) { return compareValues(ctxt->localDeclarations().size(), value, "Context's local declaration count"); } ///JSON type: string ///@returns whether the context's type matches the given value ContextTest(type) { QString contextTypeString; switch(ctxt->type()) { case DUContext::Class: contextTypeString = "Class"; break; case DUContext::Enum: contextTypeString = "Enum"; break; case DUContext::Namespace: contextTypeString = "Namespace"; break; case DUContext::Function: contextTypeString = "Function"; break; case DUContext::Template: contextTypeString = "Template"; break; case DUContext::Global: contextTypeString = "Global"; break; case DUContext::Helper: contextTypeString = "Helper"; break; case DUContext::Other: contextTypeString = "Other"; break; } return compareValues(contextTypeString, value, "Context's type"); } ///JSON type: bool ///@returns whether the context's nullity matches the given value ContextTest(null) { return compareValues(ctxt == 0, value, "Context's nullity"); } //JSON type: DeclTestObject ///@returns the context's owner ContextTest(owner) { return testObject(ctxt->owner(), value, "Context's owner"); } ///JSON type: IndexCtxtObject ///@returns whether a context exists at each index and each context passes its tests ContextTest(importedParents) { VERIFY_TYPE(QVariantMap); QString INVALID_ERROR = "Attempted to test invalid context."; QString NOT_FOUND_ERROR = "No imported context at index \"%1\"."; QString CONTEXT_ERROR = "Context at index \"%1\" did not pass tests."; if (!ctxt) return INVALID_ERROR; QVariantMap findDecls = value.toMap(); for (QVariantMap::iterator it = findDecls.begin(); it != findDecls.end(); ++it) { int index = it.key().toInt(); QVector imports = ctxt->importedParentContexts(); if (imports.size() <= index) return NOT_FOUND_ERROR; if (!runTests(it.value().toMap(), imports.at(index).context(ctxt->topContext()))) return CONTEXT_ERROR.arg(it.key()); } return SUCCESS; } ///JSON type: string ///@returns stringified context range ContextTest(range) { if (!ctxt) { return "Invalid Context"; } return compareValues(rangeStr(ctxt->range()), value, "Contexts's range"); } } } #endif //KDEVPLATFORM_JSONDUCONTEXTTESTS_H