/* Copyright 2008 David Nolden This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KDEVPLATFORM_APPENDEDLIST_H #define KDEVPLATFORM_APPENDEDLIST_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KDevelop { class AbstractItemRepository; /** * This file contains macros and classes that can be used to conveniently implement classes that store the data of an arbitrary count * of additional lists within the same memory block directly behind the class data, in a way that one the whole data can be stored by one copy-operation * to another place, like needed in ItemRepository. These macros simplify having two versions of a class: One that has its lists attached in memory, * and one version that has them contained as a directly accessible KDevVarLengthArray. Both versions have their lists accessible through access-functions, * have a completeSize() function that computes the size of the one-block version, and a copyListsFrom(..) function which can copy the lists from one * version to the other. * * @warning Always follow these rules: * You must call initializeAppendedLists(bool) on construction, also in any copy-constructor, but before calling copyFrom(..). * The parameter to that function should be whether the lists in the items should be dynamic, and thus most times "true". * You must call freeAppendedLists() on destruction, our you will be leaking memory(only when dynamic) * * For each embedded list, you must use macros to define a global hash that will be used to allocate the temporary lists, example fir identifier.cpp: * DEFINE_LIST_MEMBER_HASH(IdentifierPrivate, templateIdentifiers, uint); * * See identifier.cpp for an example how to use these classes. @todo Document this a bit more * */ enum { DynamicAppendedListMask = 1 << 31 }; enum { DynamicAppendedListRevertMask = ~DynamicAppendedListMask }; /** * Manages a repository of items for temporary usage. The items will be allocated with an index on alloc(), * and freed on free(index). When freed, the same index will be re-used for a later allocation, thus no real allocations * will be happening in most cases. * The returned indices will always be ored with DynamicAppendedListMask. * */ template class TemporaryDataManager { public: TemporaryDataManager(QString id = QString()) : m_itemsUsed(0), m_itemsSize(0), m_items(0), m_id(id) { uint first = alloc(); //Allocate the zero item, just to reserve that index Q_ASSERT(first == (uint)DynamicAppendedListMask); Q_UNUSED(first); } ~TemporaryDataManager() { free(DynamicAppendedListMask); //Free the zero index, so we don't get wrong warnings uint cnt = usedItemCount(); if(cnt) //Don't use kDebug, because that may not work during destruction std::cout << m_id.toLocal8Bit().data() << " There were items left on destruction: " << usedItemCount() << "\n"; for(uint a = 0; a < m_itemsUsed; ++a) delete m_items[a]; } inline T& getItem(uint index) { //For performance reasons this function does not lock the mutex, it's called too often and must be //extremely fast. There is special measures in alloc() to make this safe. Q_ASSERT(index & DynamicAppendedListMask); return *m_items[index & KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListRevertMask]; } ///Allocates an item index, which from now on you can get using getItem, until you call free(..) on the index. ///The returned item is not initialized and may contain random older content, so you should clear it after getting it for the first time uint alloc() { if(threadSafe) m_mutex.lockInline(); uint ret; if(!m_freeIndicesWithData.isEmpty()) { ret = m_freeIndicesWithData.pop(); }else if(!m_freeIndices.isEmpty()) { ret = m_freeIndices.pop(); Q_ASSERT(!m_items[ret]); m_items[ret] = new T; }else{ if(m_itemsUsed >= m_itemsSize) { //We need to re-allocate uint newItemsSize = m_itemsSize + 20 + (m_itemsSize/3); T** newItems = new T*[newItemsSize]; memcpy(newItems, m_items, sizeof(T*) * m_itemsSize); T** oldItems = m_items; m_items = newItems; m_itemsSize = newItemsSize; //The only function that does not lock the mutex is getItem(..), because that function must be very efficient. //Since it's only a few instructions from the moment m_items is read to the moment it's used, //deleting the old data after a few seconds should be safe. m_deleteLater.append(qMakePair(time(0), oldItems)); //We do this in this place so it isn't called too often. The result is that we will always have some additional data around. //However the index itself should anyway not consume too much data. if(!m_deleteLater.isEmpty()) { while(!m_deleteLater.isEmpty()) { //We delete after 5 seconds if(time(0) - m_deleteLater.first().first > 5) { delete[] m_deleteLater.first().second; m_deleteLater.removeFirst(); }else{ break; } } } } ret = m_itemsUsed; m_items[m_itemsUsed] = new T; ++m_itemsUsed; Q_ASSERT(m_itemsUsed <= m_itemsSize); } if(threadSafe) m_mutex.unlockInline(); Q_ASSERT(!(ret & DynamicAppendedListMask)); return ret | DynamicAppendedListMask; } void free(uint index) { Q_ASSERT(index & DynamicAppendedListMask); index &= KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListRevertMask; if(threadSafe) m_mutex.lockInline(); freeItem(m_items[index]); m_freeIndicesWithData.push(index); //Hold the amount of free indices with data between 100 and 200 if(m_freeIndicesWithData.size() > 200) { for(int a = 0; a < 100; ++a) { uint deleteIndexData = m_freeIndicesWithData.pop(); delete m_items[deleteIndexData]; m_items[deleteIndexData] = 0; m_freeIndices.push(deleteIndexData); } } if(threadSafe) m_mutex.unlockInline(); } uint usedItemCount() const { uint ret = 0; for(uint a = 0; a < m_itemsUsed; ++a) if(m_items[a]) ++ret; return ret - m_freeIndicesWithData.size(); } private: //To save some memory, clear the lists void freeItem(T* item) { item->clear(); ///@todo make this a template specialization that only does this for containers } uint m_itemsUsed, m_itemsSize; T** m_items; QStack m_freeIndicesWithData; QStack m_freeIndices; QMutex m_mutex; QString m_id; QList > m_deleteLater; }; ///Foreach macro that takes a container and a function-name, and will iterate through the vector returned by that function, using the length returned by the function-name with "Size" appended. //This might be a little slow #define FOREACH_FUNCTION(item, container) \ for(uint a__ = 0, mustDo__ = 1, containerSize = container ## Size(); a__ < containerSize; ++a__) \ if((mustDo__ == 0 || mustDo__ == 1) && (mustDo__ = 2)) \ for(item(container()[a__]); mustDo__; mustDo__ = 0) #define DEFINE_LIST_MEMBER_HASH(container, member, type) \ typedef KDevelop::TemporaryDataManager > temporaryHash ## container ## member ## Type; \ K_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(temporaryHash ## container ## member ## Type, temporaryHash ## container ## member ## Static, ( #container "::" #member )) \ temporaryHash ## container ## member ## Type& temporaryHash ## container ## member() { \ return *temporaryHash ## container ## member ## Static; \ } #define DECLARE_LIST_MEMBER_HASH(container, member, type) \ KDevelop::TemporaryDataManager >& temporaryHash ## container ## member(); ///This implements the interfaces so this container can be used as a predecessor for classes with appended lists. ///You should do this within the abstract base class that opens a tree of classes that can have appended lists, ///so each class that uses them, can also give its predecessor to START_APPENDE_LISTS, to increase flexibility. ///This creates a boolean entry that is initialized when initializeAppendedLists is called. ///You can call appendedListsDynamic() to find out whether the item is marked as dynamic. ///When this item is used, the same rules have to be followed as for a class with appended lists: You have to call ///initializeAppendedLists(...) and freeAppendedLists(..) ///Also, when you use this, you have to implement a uint classSize() function, that returns the size of the class including derived classes, ///but not including the dynamic data. Optionally you can implement a static bool appendedListDynamicDefault() function, that returns the default-value for the "dynamic" parameter. ///to initializeAppendedLists. #define APPENDED_LISTS_STUB(container) \ bool m_dynamic : 1; \ unsigned int offsetBehindLastList() const { return 0; } \ uint dynamicSize() const { return classSize(); } \ template bool listsEqual(const T& /*rhs*/) const { return true; } \ template void copyAllFrom(const T& /*rhs*/) const { } \ void initializeAppendedLists(bool dynamic = appendedListDynamicDefault()) { m_dynamic = dynamic; } \ void freeAppendedLists() { } \ bool appendedListsDynamic() const { return m_dynamic; } ///use this if the class does not have a base class that also uses appended lists #define START_APPENDED_LISTS(container) \ unsigned int offsetBehindBase() const { return 0; } \ void freeDynamicData() { freeAppendedLists(); } ///Use this if one of the base-classes of the container also has the appended lists interfaces implemented. ///To reduce the probability of future problems, you should give the direct base class this one inherits from. ///@note: Multiple inheritance is not supported, however it will work ok if only one of the base-classes uses appended lists. #define START_APPENDED_LISTS_BASE(container, base) \ unsigned int offsetBehindBase() const { return base :: offsetBehindLastList(); } \ void freeDynamicData() { freeAppendedLists(); base::freeDynamicData(); } #define APPENDED_LIST_COMMON(container, type, name) \ uint name ## Data; \ unsigned int name ## Size() const { if((name ## Data & KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListRevertMask) == 0) return 0; if(!appendedListsDynamic()) return name ## Data; else return temporaryHash ## container ## name().getItem(name ## Data).size(); } \ KDevVarLengthArray& name ## List() { name ## NeedDynamicList(); return temporaryHash ## container ## name().getItem(name ## Data); }\ template bool name ## Equals(const T& rhs) const { unsigned int size = name ## Size(); if(size != rhs.name ## Size()) return false; for(uint a = 0; a < size; ++a) {if(!(name()[a] == rhs.name()[a])) return false;} return true; } \ template void name ## CopyFrom( const T& rhs ) { \ if(rhs.name ## Size() == 0 && (name ## Data & KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListRevertMask) == 0) return; \ if(appendedListsDynamic()) { \ name ## NeedDynamicList(); \ KDevVarLengthArray& item( temporaryHash ## container ## name().getItem(name ## Data) ); \ item.clear(); \ const type* otherCurr = rhs.name(); \ const type* otherEnd = otherCurr + rhs.name ## Size(); \ for(; otherCurr < otherEnd; ++otherCurr) \ item.append(*otherCurr); \ }else{ \ Q_ASSERT(name ## Data == 0); /* It is dangerous to overwrite the contents of non-dynamic lists(Most probably a mistake) */ \ name ## Data = rhs.name ## Size(); \ type* curr = const_cast(name()); type* end = curr + name ## Size(); \ const type* otherCurr = rhs.name(); \ for(; curr < end; ++curr, ++otherCurr) \ new (curr) type(*otherCurr); /* Call the copy constructors */ \ }\ } \ void name ## NeedDynamicList() { \ Q_ASSERT(appendedListsDynamic()); \ if((name ## Data & KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListRevertMask) == 0) {\ name ## Data = temporaryHash ## container ## name().alloc();\ Q_ASSERT(temporaryHash ## container ## name().getItem(name ## Data).isEmpty()); \ } \ } \ void name ## Initialize(bool dynamic) { name ## Data = (dynamic ? KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListMask : 0); } \ void name ## Free() { \ if(appendedListsDynamic()) { \ if(name ## Data & KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListRevertMask) temporaryHash ## container ## name().free(name ## Data);\ } else { \ type* curr = const_cast(name()); \ type* end = curr + name ## Size(); \ for(; curr < end; ++curr) curr->~type(); /*call destructors*/ \ } \ } \ ///@todo Make these things a bit faster(less recursion) #define APPENDED_LIST_FIRST(container, type, name) \ APPENDED_LIST_COMMON(container, type, name) \ const type* name() const { \ if((name ## Data & KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListRevertMask) == 0) return 0; \ if(!appendedListsDynamic()) return reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(this) + classSize() + offsetBehindBase()); \ else return temporaryHash ## container ## name().getItem(name ## Data).data(); \ } \ unsigned int name ## OffsetBehind() const { return name ## Size() * sizeof(type) + offsetBehindBase(); } \ template bool name ## ListChainEquals( const T& rhs ) const { return name ## Equals(rhs); } \ template void name ## CopyAllFrom( const T& rhs ) { name ## CopyFrom(rhs); } \ void name ## InitializeChain(bool dynamic) { name ## Initialize(dynamic); } \ void name ## FreeChain() { name ## Free(); } #define APPENDED_LIST(container, type, name, predecessor) \ APPENDED_LIST_COMMON(container, type, name) \ const type* name() const {\ if((name ## Data & KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListRevertMask) == 0) return 0; \ if(!appendedListsDynamic()) return reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(this) + classSize() + predecessor ## OffsetBehind()); \ else return temporaryHash ## container ## name().getItem(name ## Data).data(); \ } \ unsigned int name ## OffsetBehind() const { return name ## Size() * sizeof(type) + predecessor ## OffsetBehind(); } \ template bool name ## ListChainEquals( const T& rhs ) const { return name ## Equals(rhs) && predecessor ## ListChainEquals(rhs); } \ template void name ## CopyAllFrom( const T& rhs ) { predecessor ## CopyAllFrom(rhs); name ## CopyFrom(rhs); } \ void name ## InitializeChain(bool dynamic) { name ## Initialize(dynamic); predecessor ## InitializeChain(dynamic); } \ void name ## FreeChain() { name ## Free(); predecessor ## FreeChain(); } #define END_APPENDED_LISTS(container, predecessor) \ /* Returns the size of the object containing the appended lists, including them */ \ unsigned int completeSize() const { return classSize() + predecessor ## OffsetBehind(); } \ /* Compares all local appended lists(not from base classes) and returns true if they are equal */ \ template bool listsEqual(const T& rhs) const { return predecessor ## ListChainEquals(rhs); } \ /* Copies all the local appended lists(not from base classes) from the given item.*/ \ template void copyListsFrom(const T& rhs) { return predecessor ## CopyAllFrom(rhs); } \ void initializeAppendedLists(bool dynamic = appendedListDynamicDefault()) { \ predecessor ## Data = (dynamic ? KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListMask : 0); \ predecessor ## InitializeChain(dynamic); \ } \ void freeAppendedLists() { predecessor ## FreeChain(); } \ bool appendedListsDynamic() const { return predecessor ## Data & KDevelop::DynamicAppendedListMask; } \ unsigned int offsetBehindLastList() const { return predecessor ## OffsetBehind(); } \ uint dynamicSize() const { return offsetBehindLastList() + classSize(); } /** * This is a class that allows you easily putting instances of your class into an ItemRepository as seen in itemrepository.h. * All your class needs to do is: * - Be implemented using the APPENDED_LIST macros. * - Have a real copy-constructor that additionally takes a "bool dynamic = true" parameter, which should be given to initializeAppendedLists * - Except for these appended lists, only contain directly copyable data like indices(no pointers, no virtual functions) * - Implement operator==(..) which should compare everything, including the lists. @warning The default operator will not work! * - Implement a hash() function. The hash should equal for two instances when operator==(..) returns true. * - Should be completely functional without a constructor called, only the data copied * - Implement a "bool persistent() const" function, that should check the reference-count or other information to decide whether the item should stay in the repository * If those conditions are fulfilled, the data can easily be put into a repository using this request class. * */ template class AppendedListItemRequest { public: AppendedListItemRequest(const Type& item) : m_item(item) { } enum { AverageSize = sizeof(Type) + averageAppendedBytes }; unsigned int hash() const { return m_item.hash(); } uint itemSize() const { return m_item.dynamicSize(); } void createItem(Type* item) const { new (item) Type(m_item, false); } static void destroy(Type* item, KDevelop::AbstractItemRepository&) { item->~Type(); } static bool persistent(const Type* item) { return item->persistent(); } bool equals(const Type* item) const { return m_item == *item; } const Type& m_item; }; } ///This function is outside of the namespace, so it can always be found. It's used as default-parameter to initializeAppendedLists(..), ///and you can for example implement a function called like this in your local class hierarchy to override this default. inline bool appendedListDynamicDefault() { return true; } #endif