## In kdevplatform, everything is supposed to be documented. Except the plugins, who don't have a Mainpage.dox EXTRACT_ALL = NO WARN_NO_PARAMDOC = YES WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED = YES ## Sort methods to make 'same as above' easier. SORT_MEMBER_DOCS = YES ## Predefined macros, to remove all the _EXPORT things ## from function definitions. PREDEFINED = KDEVPLATFORMEDITOR_EXPORT="" \ KDEVPLATFORMINTERFACES_EXPORT="" \ KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT="" \ KDEVPLATFORMOUTPUTVIEW_EXPORT="" \ KDEVPLATFORMPROJECT_EXPORT="" \ KDEVPLATFORMSHELL_EXPORT="" \ SUBLIME_EXPORT="" \ KDEVPLATFORMUTIL_EXPORT="" \ KDEVPLATFORMVCS_EXPORT="" \ KDE_DEPRECATED="" \ Q_OS_UNIX="" \ Q_SLOTS="slots" \ Q_SIGNALS="signals" \