lib/sorting.h lib/mousewheelbehavior.h lib/documentview/documentview.h lib/documentview/rasterimageview.h lib/print/printoptionspage.h General.Name,General.ImageSize,Exif.Photo.ExposureTime,Exif.Photo.Flash 100 true 0.5 The percentage of memory used by Gwenview before it warns the user and suggest saving changes. new A list of filename extensions Gwenview should not try to load. We exclude *.new as well because this is the extension used for temporary files by KSaveFile. false Horizontal 1 false false information General.Name,Exif.Image.DateTime 75 true RasterImageView::AlphaBackgroundCheckBoard #ffffff MouseWheelBehavior::Scroll false true 350, 100 DocumentView::SoftwareAnimation false false Defines what happens when going to image B after having zoomed an area of image A. When true: zoom and position is kept. When false: image B is zoomed out to fit the screen. 128 3./2. false Sorting::Name 1 true Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter PrintOptionsPage::ScaleToPage false 15.0 10.0 PrintOptionsPage::Centimeters true false true false false 5.0 24 false