/* * Copyright (C) 2002 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle * Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013 * Rolf Eike Beer */ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KEYSMANAGER_H #define KEYSMANAGER_H #include "ui_adduid.h" #include "core/kgpgkey.h" #include "model/kgpgitemmodel.h" #include "model/kgpgitemnode.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KJob; #include class KSelectAction; class KStatusBar; class KMenu; class KLineEdit; class KAction; class KJob; class KShortcut; class KeyServer; class KgpgEditor; class KeyServer; class KeyListProxyModel; class KeyTreeView; class KGpgAddUid; class KGpgDelKey; class KGpgImport; class KGpgTransactionJob; class KStatusNotifierItem; class AddUid : public QWidget, public Ui::AddUid { public: explicit AddUid( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { setupUi( this ); } }; class KeysManager : public KXmlGuiWindow { Q_OBJECT public: explicit KeysManager(QWidget *parent = 0); ~KeysManager(); KGpgItemModel *getModel(); KgpgEditor *s_kgpgEditor; void saveToggleOpts(void); void showTrayMessage(const QString &message); /** * @brief returns the shortcut to go to the default key in a key selection */ KShortcut goDefaultShortcut() const; private: KToggleAction *sTrust; KToggleAction *sCreat; KToggleAction *sExpi; KToggleAction *sSize; KToggleAction *hPublic; KToggleAction *longId; KSelectAction *photoProps; KSelectAction *trustProps; signals: void readAgainOptions(); void certificate(QString); void closeAsked(); void fontChanged(QFont); public slots: void slotGenerateKey(); void refreshkey(); void readAllOptions(); void showKeyInfo(const QString &keyID); void slotSetDefaultKey(const QString &newID); void showKeyManager(); bool importRemoteKey(const QString &keyIDs); bool importRemoteKeys(const QStringList &keyIDs, const bool dialog = true); void showKeyServer(); void showOptions(); void slotOpenEditor(); void slotImport(const QString &text); void slotImport(const KUrl::List &files); /** * When you click on "encrypt the clipboard" in the systray, * this slot will open the dialog to choose a key and encrypt the * clipboard. */ void clipEncrypt(); void clipDecrypt(); void clipSign(); void slotImportDone(int ret); void refreshKeys(const QStringList &ids); protected: bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *e); void removeFromGroups(KGpgKeyNode *nd); void setDefaultKeyNode(KGpgKeyNode *key); private slots: void slotGenerateKeyDone(KJob *job); void slotShowTrust(); void slotShowSize(); void slotShowCreation(); void slotShowExpiration(); void slotAddUidFin(int res); void slotDelPhotoFinished(int res); void quitApp(); void slotShowLongId(bool); void slotSetTrustFilter(int); void slotGotoDefaultKey(); void slotDelUid(); void slotDelUidDone(int); void slotPrimUid(); void slotPrimUidDone(int result); void slotAddUid(); void slotAddUidEnable(const QString &name); void slotUpdatePhoto(); void slotDeletePhoto(); void slotAddPhoto(); void slotAddPhotoFinished(int res); void slotSetPhotoSize(int size); void slotShowPhoto(); void revokeWidget(); void slotRevokeDialogFinished(int result); void slotRevokeGenerated(int result); void doPrint(const QString &txt); void checkList(); void slotManpage(); void slotTip(); void slotExportFinished(int result); void slotProcessExportMail(int result); void slotProcessExportClip(int result); void readOptions(); void slotSetDefKey(); void confirmdeletekey(); void deleteseckey(); void signkey(); void signuid(); void caff(); void slotCaffDone(); void delsignkey(); void preimportsignkey(); void importallsignkey(); void signatureResult(int success); void delsignatureResult(int success); void defaultAction(const QModelIndex &); void defaultAction(KGpgNode *); void slotDefaultAction(); void showProperties(KGpgNode *); void keyproperties(); void slotexport(); void slotexportsec(); void slotExportSecFinished(int result); void slotMenu(const QPoint &); void slotPreImportKey(); void slotSendEmail(); void slotedit(); void editGroup(); void createNewGroup(); void deleteGroup(); void renameGroup(); void slotImportRevokeTxt(const QString &revokeText); void refreshKeyFromServer(); void slotKeyRefreshDone(int result); void slotregenerate(); void secretKeyDeleted(int); void getMissingSigs(QSet &missingKeys, const KGpgExpandableNode *nd); void slotEditDone(int exitcode); void importRemoteFinished(int result); void slotDelKeyDone(int ret); void slotSetClip(int result); void slotOpenKeyUrl(); void slotNetworkUp(); void slotNetworkDown(); private: KGpgItemModel *imodel; KeyListProxyModel *iproxy; KeyTreeView *iview; KGpgAddUid *m_adduid; KGpgTransactionJob *m_genkey; KGpgDelKey *m_delkey; QString globalkeyID; QString searchString; QList signList; QList refreshList; QHash m_addIds; ///< user ids to add to addressbook QClipboard::Mode m_clipboardmode; KMenu *m_popuppub; // popup on a public key KMenu *m_popupsec; // popup on a secret key KMenu *m_popupgroup; // popup on a group KMenu *m_popupout; // popup there is no key or when the user don't right-click on a key KMenu *m_popupsig; // popup on a signature KMenu *m_popupphoto; // popup on a photo KMenu *m_popupuid; // popup on an user id KMenu *m_popuporphan; // popup on an orphan key KLineEdit *m_listviewsearch; KDialog *addUidWidget; KAction *importSignatureKey; KAction *importAllSignKeys; KAction *signKey; KAction *signUid; KAction *signMailUid; KAction *refreshKey; KAction *editKey; KAction *setPrimUid; KAction *delUid; KAction *delSignKey; KAction *deleteKey; KAction *editCurrentGroup; KAction *delGroup; KAction *setDefaultKey; KAction *kserver; KAction *openEditor; KAction *goToDefaultKey; KAction *exportPublicKey; KAction *m_sendEmail; KAction *createGroup; KAction *m_groupRename; KAction *m_revokeKey; bool showTipOfDay; bool m_signuids; int keyCount; KGpgKeyNode *terminalkey; // the key currently edited in a terminal void startImport(KGpgImport *import); // react to network status changes bool m_online; Solid::Networking::Notifier *m_netnote; void toggleNetworkActions(bool online); KStatusNotifierItem *m_trayicon; void setupTrayIcon(); void setActionDescriptions(int cnt); /** * @brief show a message in the status bar * @param msg the text to show * @param keep if the text should stay visible or may be hidden after a while */ void changeMessage(const QString &msg, const bool keep = false); /** * @brief update the key and group counter in the status bar */ void updateStatusCounter(); /** * @brief sign the next key from signList * @param localsign if signature should be a local (not exportable) one * @param checklevel how careful the identity of the key was checked */ void signLoop(const bool localsign, const int checklevel); /** * @brief Opens the console when the user want to sign a key manually. * @param signer key to sign with * @param keyid key to sign * @param checking how carefule the identify was checked * @param local if signature should be local (not exportable) */ void signKeyOpenConsole(const QString &signer, const QString &keyid, const int checking, const bool local); }; #endif // KEYSMANAGER_H