if (LIBARCHIVE_FOUND) if( NOT HAVE_LIBARCHIVE_LZMA_SUPPORT OR NOT HAVE_LIBARCHIVE_XZ_SUPPORT ) message(STATUS "Your libarchive does not have support for lzma and/or xz archives. libarchive >= 2.7.0 is recommended.") endif( NOT HAVE_LIBARCHIVE_LZMA_SUPPORT OR NOT HAVE_LIBARCHIVE_XZ_SUPPORT ) if( NOT HAVE_LIBARCHIVE_RPM_SUPPORT ) message(STATUS "Your libarchive does not have support for rpm archives. libarchive >= 2.8.0 is required for this.") endif( NOT HAVE_LIBARCHIVE_RPM_SUPPORT ) if( NOT HAVE_LIBARCHIVE_CAB_SUPPORT ) message(STATUS "Your libarchive does not have support for cab archives. libarchive >= 3.0.0 is required for this.") endif( NOT HAVE_LIBARCHIVE_CAB_SUPPORT ) add_subdirectory( libarchive ) # message(STATUS "Your libarchive does not have support for archive_read_disk api. libarchive >= 2.6.0 is needed.") endif (LIBARCHIVE_FOUND) add_subdirectory( clirarplugin ) add_subdirectory( libsinglefileplugin ) add_subdirectory( clilhaplugin ) set(SUPPORTED_ARK_MIMETYPES "${SUPPORTED_ARK_MIMETYPES}" PARENT_SCOPE)