/* This file is part of the KFloppy program, part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1997 Bernd Johannes Wuebben Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nicolas GOUTTE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "floppy.h" #include "format.h" #include #include #include #include #include //Added by qt3to4: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FloppyData::FloppyData(QWidget * parent) : KDialog( parent ), formatActions(0L), m_canLowLevel(false), m_canZeroOut( false ) { QWidget *widget = new QWidget(this); setMainWidget(widget); setButtons(None); formating = false; //abort = false; blocks = 0; QVBoxLayout* ml = new QVBoxLayout( widget ); ml->setSpacing( 10 ); QHBoxLayout* h1 = new QHBoxLayout(); ml->addItem( h1 ); QVBoxLayout* v1 = new QVBoxLayout( ); h1->addItem( v1 ); h1->addSpacing( 5 ); QGridLayout* g1 = new QGridLayout(); v1->addItem( g1 ); deviceComboBox = new KComboBox( false, widget ); label1 = new QLabel( i18n("Floppy &drive:"), widget ); label1->setBuddy( deviceComboBox ); g1->addWidget( label1, 0, 0, Qt::AlignLeft ); g1->addWidget( deviceComboBox, 0, 1 ); // Make the combo box editable, so that the user can enter a device name deviceComboBox->setEditable( true ); deviceComboBox->addItem(i18nc("Primary floppy drive", "Primary")); deviceComboBox->addItem(i18nc("Secondary floppy drive", "Secondary")); const QString deviceWhatsThis = i18n("Select the floppy drive."); label1->setWhatsThis( deviceWhatsThis); deviceComboBox->setWhatsThis( deviceWhatsThis); densityComboBox = new KComboBox( false, widget ); label2 = new QLabel( i18n("&Size:"), widget); label2->setBuddy( densityComboBox ); g1->addWidget( label2, 1, 0, Qt::AlignLeft ); g1->addWidget( densityComboBox, 1, 1 ); #if defined(ANY_LINUX) densityComboBox->addItem( i18n( "Auto-Detect" ) ); #endif densityComboBox->addItem(i18n("3.5\" 1.44MB")); densityComboBox->addItem(i18n("3.5\" 720KB")); densityComboBox->addItem(i18n("5.25\" 1.2MB")); densityComboBox->addItem(i18n("5.25\" 360KB")); const QString densityWhatsThis = i18n("This allows you to select the " "floppy disk's size and density."); label2->setWhatsThis( densityWhatsThis); densityComboBox->setWhatsThis( densityWhatsThis); filesystemComboBox = new KComboBox( false, widget ); label3 = new QLabel( i18n("F&ile system:"), widget); label3->setBuddy( filesystemComboBox ); g1->addWidget( label3, 2, 0, Qt::AlignLeft ); g1->addWidget( filesystemComboBox, 2, 1 ); g1->setColumnStretch(1, 1); #if defined(ANY_LINUX) label3->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "Linux", "KFloppy supports three file formats under Linux: MS-DOS, Ext2, and Minix" ) ); #elif defined(ANY_BSD) label3->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "BSD", "KFloppy supports three file formats under BSD: MS-DOS, UFS, and Ext2" ) ); #endif // If you modify the user visible string, change them also (far) below QString userFeedBack; uint numFileSystems = 0; #if defined(ANY_LINUX) filesystemComboBox->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "Linux", "KFloppy supports three file formats under Linux: MS-DOS, Ext2, and Minix" ) ); if (FATFilesystem::runtimeCheck()) { filesystemComboBox->addItem(i18n("DOS")); ++numFileSystems; userFeedBack += i18nc( "Linux", "Program mkdosfs found." ); } else { userFeedBack += i18nc( "Linux", "Program mkdosfs not found. MSDOS formatting not available." ); } userFeedBack += QLatin1String( "
" ); if (Ext2Filesystem::runtimeCheck()) { filesystemComboBox->addItem(i18n("ext2")); ++numFileSystems; userFeedBack += i18n( "Program mke2fs found." ); } else { userFeedBack += i18n( "Program mke2fs not found. Ext2 formatting not available" ); } userFeedBack += QLatin1String( "
" ); if (MinixFilesystem::runtimeCheck()) { filesystemComboBox->addItem(i18n("Minix")); ++numFileSystems; userFeedBack += i18nc( "Linux", "Program mkfs.minix found." ); } else { userFeedBack += i18nc( "Linux", "Program mkfs.minix not found. Minix formatting not available" ); } #elif defined(ANY_BSD) filesystemComboBox->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "BSD", "KFloppy supports two file formats under BSD: MS-DOS and UFS" ) ); if (FATFilesystem::runtimeCheck()) { filesystemComboBox->addItem(i18n("DOS")); ++numFileSystems; userFeedBack += i18nc( "BSD", "Program newfs_msdos found." ); } else { userFeedBack += i18nc( "BSD", "Program newfs_msdos not found. MSDOS formatting not available." ); } userFeedBack += QLatin1String( "
" ); if (UFSFilesystem::runtimeCheck()) { filesystemComboBox->addItem(i18n("UFS")); ++numFileSystems; userFeedBack += i18nc( "BSD", "Program newfs found." ); } else { userFeedBack += i18nc( "BSD", "Program newfs not found. UFS formatting not available." ); } userFeedBack += QLatin1String( "
" ); if (Ext2Filesystem::runtimeCheck()) { filesystemComboBox->addItem(i18n("ext2")); ++numFileSystems; userFeedBack += i18n( "Program mke2fs found." ); } else { userFeedBack += i18n( "Program mke2fs not found. Ext2 formatting not available" ); } #endif v1->addSpacing( 10 ); buttongroup = new QGroupBox( i18n("&Formatting"), this ); QVBoxLayout* buttonGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout(buttongroup); quick = new QRadioButton( i18n( "Q&uick format" ), buttongroup ); buttonGroupLayout->addWidget(quick); quick->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "RadioButton_2" ) ); quick->setWhatsThis( i18n("Quick format is only a high-level format:" " it creates only a file system.") ); zerooutformat = new QRadioButton( i18n( "&Zero out and quick format"), buttongroup ); buttonGroupLayout->addWidget(zerooutformat); zerooutformat->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "RadioButton_ZeroOutFormat" ) ); zerooutformat->setWhatsThis( i18n("This first erases the floppy by writing zeros and then it creates the file system.") ); fullformat = new QRadioButton( i18n( "Fu&ll format"), buttongroup ); buttonGroupLayout->addWidget(fullformat); fullformat->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "RadioButton_3" ) ); fullformat->setWhatsThis( i18n("Full format is a low-level and high-level format. It erases everything on the disk.") ); v1->addWidget( buttongroup ); // ### TODO: we need some user feedback telling why full formatting is disabled. userFeedBack += QLatin1String( "
" ); m_canLowLevel = FDFormat::runtimeCheck(); if (m_canLowLevel){ fullformat->setChecked(true); userFeedBack += i18n( "Program fdformat found." ); } else { fullformat->setDisabled(true); quick->setChecked(true); userFeedBack += i18n( "Program fdformat not found. Full formatting disabled." ); } userFeedBack += QLatin1String( "
" ); m_canZeroOut = DDZeroOut::runtimeCheck(); if ( m_canZeroOut ) { zerooutformat->setChecked( true ); userFeedBack += i18n( "Program dd found." ); } else { zerooutformat->setDisabled(true); userFeedBack += i18n( "Program dd not found. Zeroing-out disabled." ); } verifylabel = new QCheckBox( this ); verifylabel->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "CheckBox_Integrity" ) ); verifylabel->setText(i18n( "&Verify integrity" )); verifylabel->setChecked(true); v1->addWidget( verifylabel, Qt::AlignLeft ); verifylabel->setWhatsThis( i18n("Check this if you want the floppy disk to be checked after formatting." " Please note that the floppy will be checked twice if you have selected full formatting.") ); labellabel = new QCheckBox( this ); labellabel->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "Checkbox_Label" ) ); labellabel->setText(i18n( "Volume la&bel:") ); labellabel->setChecked(true); v1->addWidget( labellabel, Qt::AlignLeft ); labellabel->setWhatsThis( i18n("Check this if you want a volume label for your floppy." " Please note that Minix does not support labels at all.") ); QHBoxLayout* h2 = new QHBoxLayout(); v1->addItem( h2 ); h2->addSpacing( 20 ); lineedit = new KLineEdit( widget ); // ### TODO ext2 supports 16 characters. Minix has not any label. UFS? lineedit->setText(i18nc( "Volume label, maximal 11 characters", "KDE Floppy" ) ); lineedit->setMaxLength(11); h2->addWidget( lineedit, Qt::AlignRight ); lineedit->setWhatsThis( i18n("This is for the volume label." " Due to a limitation of MS-DOS the label can only be 11 characters long." " Please note that Minix does not support labels, whatever you enter here.") ); connect(labellabel,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),lineedit,SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); QVBoxLayout* v3 = new QVBoxLayout(); h1->addItem( v3 ); formatbutton = new KPushButton( widget ); formatbutton->setText(i18n( "&Format") ); formatbutton->setAutoRepeat( false ); if (!numFileSystems) formatbutton->setDisabled(false); // We have not any helper program for creating any file system connect(formatbutton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(format())); v3->addWidget( formatbutton ); formatbutton->setWhatsThis( i18n("Click here to start formatting.") ); v3->addStretch( 1 ); //Setup the Help Menu helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this, KGlobal::mainComponent().aboutData(), false); helpbutton = new KPushButton( KStandardGuiItem::help(), widget ); helpbutton->setAutoRepeat( false ); helpbutton->setMenu(helpMenu->menu()); v3->addWidget( helpbutton ); quitbutton = new KPushButton( KStandardGuiItem::quit(), widget ); quitbutton->setAutoRepeat( false ); connect(quitbutton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(quit())); v3->addWidget( quitbutton ); ml->addSpacing( 10 ); frame = new QLabel( widget ); frame->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "NewsWindow" ) ); frame->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); frame->setWordWrap( true ); frame->setWhatsThis( i18n("This is the status window, where error messages are displayed.") ); QString frameText( userFeedBack ); frameText.prepend( QLatin1String( "" ) ); frameText.append( QLatin1String( "" ) ); frame->setText( frameText ); ml->addWidget( frame ); progress = new QProgressBar( widget ); progress->setDisabled( true ); ml->addWidget( progress ); progress->setWhatsThis( i18n("Shows progress of the format.")); readSettings(); setWidgets(); if (!numFileSystems) { QString errorMessage; errorMessage += QLatin1String( "" ); errorMessage += i18n("KFloppy cannot find any of the needed programs for creating file systems; please check your installation.

Log:"); errorMessage += QLatin1String( "
" ); errorMessage += userFeedBack; errorMessage += QLatin1String( "
" ); KMessageBox::error( this, errorMessage ); } } FloppyData::~FloppyData() { delete formatActions; } void FloppyData::closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) { quit(); } void FloppyData::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { switch(e->key()) { case Qt::Key_F1: KToolInvocation::invokeHelp(); break; default: KDialog::keyPressEvent(e); return; } } void FloppyData::show() { setCaption(i18n("KDE Floppy Formatter")); KDialog::show(); } bool FloppyData::findDevice() { // Note: this function does not handle user-given devices drive=-1; if( deviceComboBox->currentText() == i18nc("Primary floppy drive", "Primary") ) { drive=0; } else if( deviceComboBox->currentText() == i18nc("Secondary floppy drive", "Secondary") ) { drive=1; } blocks=-1; if( densityComboBox->currentText() == i18n("3.5\" 1.44MB")){ blocks = 1440; } else if( densityComboBox->currentText() == i18n("3.5\" 720KB")){ blocks = 720; } else if( densityComboBox->currentText() == i18n("5.25\" 1.2MB")){ blocks = 1200; } else if( densityComboBox->currentText() == i18n("5.25\" 360KB")){ blocks = 360; } #if defined(ANY_LINUX) else { // For Linux, anything else is Auto blocks = 0; } #endif return true; } bool FloppyData::setInitialDevice(const QString& dev) { QString newDevice = dev; KUrl url( newDevice ); if( url.isValid() && ( url.protocol() == QLatin1String( "media" ) || url.protocol() == QLatin1String( "system" ) ) ) { QString name = url.fileName(); QDBusInterface mediamanager( QLatin1String( "org.kde.kded" ), QLatin1String( "/modules/mediamanager" ), QLatin1String( "org.kde.MediaManager" ) ); QDBusReply reply = mediamanager.call( QLatin1String( "properties" ), name ); if (!reply.isValid()) { kError() << "Invalid reply from mediamanager" << endl; } else { QStringList properties = reply; newDevice = properties[5]; } } int drive = -1; if ( newDevice.startsWith(QLatin1String( "/dev/fd0" )) ) drive = 0; if ( newDevice.startsWith(QLatin1String( "/dev/fd1" ))) drive = 1; // ### TODO user given devices bool ok = (drive>=0); if (ok) deviceComboBox->setCurrentIndex(drive); return ok; } void FloppyData::quit(){ if (formatActions) formatActions->quit(); writeSettings(); kapp->quit(); delete this; } void FloppyData::setEnabled(bool b) { if (b) unsetCursor(); else setCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); label1->setEnabled(b); deviceComboBox->setEnabled(b); label2->setEnabled(b); densityComboBox->setEnabled(b); label3->setEnabled(b); filesystemComboBox->setEnabled(b); buttongroup->setEnabled(b); quick->setEnabled(b); fullformat->setEnabled(b && m_canLowLevel); zerooutformat->setEnabled(b && m_canZeroOut); verifylabel->setEnabled(b); labellabel->setEnabled(b); lineedit->setEnabled(b && labellabel->isChecked() ); helpbutton->setEnabled(b); quitbutton->setEnabled(b); formatbutton->setEnabled(b); progress->setDisabled( b ); // The other way round! } void FloppyData::reset() { DEBUGSETUP; formating = false; if (formatActions) { formatActions->quit(); delete formatActions; formatActions = 0L; } progress->setValue(0); formatbutton->setText(i18n("&Format")); setEnabled(true); } void FloppyData::format(){ if(formating){ //abort = true; reset(); return; } frame->clear(); const QString currentComboBoxDevice ( deviceComboBox->currentText() ); const bool userDevice = ( currentComboBoxDevice.startsWith (QLatin1String( "/dev/" )) ); #ifdef ANY_BSD if ( userDevice && filesystemComboBox->currentText() != i18n("UFS")) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18nc("BSD", "Formatting with BSD on a user-given device is only possible with UFS") ); return; } // no "else" ! #endif if ( userDevice && ( quick->isChecked() || zerooutformat->isChecked() ) ) { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n("Formatting will erase all data on the device:
" "(Please check the correctness of the device name.)
" "Are you sure you wish to proceed?
", currentComboBoxDevice ) , i18n("Proceed?") ) != KMessageBox::Continue) { return; } } else if ( userDevice ) { // The user has selected full formatting on a user-given device. That is not supported yet! KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Full formatting of a user-given device is not possible.") ); return; } else { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n("Formatting will erase all data on the disk.\n" "Are you sure you wish to proceed?"), i18n("Proceed?") ) != KMessageBox::Continue) { return; } } // formatbutton->setText(i18n("A&bort")); setEnabled(false); // Erase text box frame->setText( QString::null ); //krazy:exclude=nullstrassign for old broken gcc if ( !userDevice ) { if ( !findDevice() ) { reset(); return; } } delete formatActions; formatActions = new KFActionQueue(this); connect(formatActions,SIGNAL(status(QString,int)), this,SLOT(formatStatus(QString,int))); connect(formatActions,SIGNAL(done(KFAction*,bool)), this,SLOT(reset())); if ( quick->isChecked()) { formating=false; // No fdformat to push } else if ( zerooutformat->isChecked() ) { DDZeroOut* f = new DDZeroOut( this ); if ( userDevice ) { f->configureDevice( currentComboBoxDevice ); } else { f->configureDevice( drive, blocks ); } formatActions->queue(f); } else if ( userDevice ) { // We should not have got here, assume quick format formating=false; // No fdformat to push } else { FDFormat *f = new FDFormat(this); f->configureDevice(drive,blocks); f->configure(verifylabel->isChecked()); formatActions->queue(f); } if ( filesystemComboBox->currentText() == i18n("DOS") ) { FATFilesystem *f = new FATFilesystem(this); f->configure(verifylabel->isChecked(), labellabel->isChecked(), lineedit->text()); if ( userDevice ) { f->configureDevice( currentComboBoxDevice ); } else { f->configureDevice(drive,blocks); } formatActions->queue(f); } else if ( filesystemComboBox->currentText() == i18n("ext2") ) { Ext2Filesystem *f = new Ext2Filesystem(this); f->configure(verifylabel->isChecked(), labellabel->isChecked(), lineedit->text()); if ( userDevice ) { f->configureDevice( currentComboBoxDevice ); } else { f->configureDevice(drive,blocks); } formatActions->queue(f); } #ifdef ANY_BSD else if ( filesystemComboBox->currentText() == i18n("UFS") ) { FloppyAction *f = new UFSFilesystem(this); f->configureDevice(drive,blocks); formatActions->queue(f); } #endif #ifdef ANY_LINUX else if ( filesystemComboBox->currentText() == i18n("Minix") ) { MinixFilesystem *f = new MinixFilesystem(this); f->configure(verifylabel->isChecked(), labellabel->isChecked(), lineedit->text()); if ( userDevice ) { f->configureDevice( currentComboBoxDevice ); } else { f->configureDevice(drive,blocks); } formatActions->queue(f); } #endif formatActions->exec(); } void FloppyData::formatStatus(const QString &s,int p) { kDebug(2002) << "FloppyData::formatStatus: " << s << " : " << p ; if (!s.isEmpty()) { const QString oldText ( frame->text() ); if ( oldText.isEmpty() ) { frame->setText( s ); } else { frame->setText( oldText + QLatin1Char( '\n' ) + s ); } } if ((0<=p) && (p<=100)) progress->setValue(p); } void FloppyData::writeSettings(){ KConfigGroup config = KGlobal::config()->group("GeneralData"); densityconfig = densityComboBox->currentText().trimmed(); filesystemconfig = filesystemComboBox->currentText().trimmed(); driveconfig = deviceComboBox->currentText().trimmed(); quickformatconfig = quick->isChecked(); labelnameconfig = lineedit->text().trimmed(); labelconfig = labellabel->isChecked(); verifyconfig = verifylabel->isChecked(); config.writeEntry("CreateLabel",labelconfig); config.writeEntry("Label",labelnameconfig); config.writeEntry("QuickFormat",quickformatconfig); config.writeEntry("FloppyDrive",driveconfig); config.writeEntry("Density",densityconfig); config.writeEntry("Filesystem",filesystemconfig); config.writeEntry("Verify",verifyconfig); config.sync(); } void FloppyData::readSettings(){ KConfigGroup config = KGlobal::config()->group("GeneralData"); verifyconfig = config.readEntry("Verify", 1); labelconfig = config.readEntry("CreateLabel",1); labelnameconfig = config.readEntry( "Label", i18nc("Volume label, maximal 11 characters", "KDE Floppy") ); quickformatconfig = config.readEntry("QuickFormat",0); driveconfig = config.readEntry( "FloppyDrive", i18nc("Primary floppy drive", "Primary") ); #if defined(ANY_LINUX) densityconfig = config.readEntry( "Density", i18n( "Auto-Detect" ) ); #else densityconfig = config.readEntry( "Density", i18n("3.5\" 1.44MB") ); #endif filesystemconfig = config.readEntry( "Filesystem", i18n("DOS") ); } void FloppyData::setWidgets(){ labellabel->setChecked(labelconfig); verifylabel->setChecked(verifyconfig); quick->setChecked(quickformatconfig || !m_canLowLevel); fullformat->setChecked(!quickformatconfig && m_canLowLevel); lineedit->setText(labelnameconfig); for(int i = 0 ; i < deviceComboBox->count(); i++){ if ( deviceComboBox->itemText(i) == driveconfig){ deviceComboBox->setCurrentIndex(i); } } for(int i = 0 ; i < filesystemComboBox->count(); i++){ if ( filesystemComboBox->itemText(i) == filesystemconfig){ filesystemComboBox->setCurrentIndex(i); } } for(int i = 0 ; i < densityComboBox->count(); i++){ if ( densityComboBox->itemText(i) == densityconfig){ densityComboBox->setCurrentIndex(i); } } } #include "floppy.moc"