/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007 by Robert Knight * * Copyright (C) 2008 by Alexis Ménard * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA . * ***************************************************************************/ // Own #include "taskgroupitem.h" #include "jobmanager.h" #include "dockmanager.h" #include "dockitem.h" #include "mediabuttons.h" #include "unity.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE #include #include #include #include "taskmanager/taskactions.h" #include "taskmanager/taskmanager.h" #include "taskmanager/taskgroup.h" #include "taskmanager/abstractgroupingstrategy.h" #include "taskmanager/taskitem.h" #include #include #include "tooltips/tooltipmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include "tasks.h" #include "taskitemlayout.h" #include "windowtaskitem.h" #include "applauncheritem.h" class DropIndicator : public QGraphicsWidget { public: DropIndicator(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags wFlags = 0) : QGraphicsWidget(parent, wFlags) , m_size(16) , m_orientation(Qt::Horizontal) { m_svg = new Plasma::Svg(); m_svg->setImagePath("icontasks/dropindicators"); m_svg->setContainsMultipleImages(true); m_svg->resize(m_size, m_size); setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); m_animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "pos", this); m_animation->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InOutQuad); m_animation->setDuration(50); } ~DropIndicator() { } void setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation) { m_orientation = orientation; } Qt::Orientation orientation() { return m_orientation; } void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); m_svg->paint(painter, rect().topLeft(), Qt::Horizontal == m_orientation ? "horizontal-dropindicator" : "vertical-dropindicator"); } void setSize(int size) { int sz = size; if (sz < 16) { sz = 16; } else if (sz > 32) { sz = 32; } else { sz = (sz / 4) * 4; } if (m_size != sz) { m_size = sz; m_svg->resize(m_size, m_size); } } void setPosition(const QRectF &r) { QPointF newPos = Qt::Horizontal == m_orientation ? QPointF(r.x() - (m_size / 2.0), r.y() + (r.height() - m_size) / 2.0) : QPointF(r.x() + (r.width() - m_size) / 2.0, r.y() - (m_size / 2.0)); if (isVisible()) { if (m_animation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running) { m_animation->stop(); } m_animation->setEndValue(newPos); m_animation->start(); } else { setVisible(true); setPos(newPos); } } private: int m_size; Plasma::Svg *m_svg; Qt::Orientation m_orientation; QPropertyAnimation *m_animation; }; TaskGroupItem::TaskGroupItem(QGraphicsWidget *parent, Tasks *applet) : AbstractTaskItem(parent, applet), m_tasksLayout(0), m_popupMenuTimer(0), m_lastActivated(-1), m_activeTaskIndex(0), m_maximumRows(1), m_offscreenWidget(0), m_offscreenLayout(0), m_collapsed(true), m_mainLayout(0), m_popupDialog(0), m_updateTimer(0), m_changes(TaskManager::TaskUnchanged), m_dropIndicator(0) { setAcceptDrops(true); setFlag(ItemClipsChildrenToShape, true); } TaskGroupItem::~TaskGroupItem() { if (!m_offscreenLayout && !m_mainLayout) { // only delete this if we have neither an offscreen layout or a mainlayout // if we do, then they will delete the layout for us. delete m_tasksLayout; } close(false); } void TaskGroupItem::activate() { } void TaskGroupItem::activateOrIconify() { bool includesActive = false; TaskManager::ItemList items(m_group.data()->members()); int iconified = 0; foreach (AbstractGroupableItem * item, items) { TaskManager::TaskItem *task = qobject_cast(item); if (task) { if (task->task()->isMinimized()) { ++ iconified; } if (task->task()->isActive()) { includesActive = true; } } } if (includesActive && items.size() - iconified > iconified) { // iconify foreach (TaskManager::AbstractGroupableItem * item, items) { TaskManager::TaskItem *task = qobject_cast(item); if (task) { task->task()->setIconified(true); } } } else { // activate QList winOrder(KWindowSystem::stackingOrder()); const int winCount = winOrder.size(); TaskManager::TaskItem* sortedItems[winCount]; memset(sortedItems, 0, sizeof(TaskManager::TaskItem*) * winCount); foreach (TaskManager::AbstractGroupableItem * item, items) { TaskManager::TaskItem *task = qobject_cast(item); if (task) { int index = winOrder.indexOf(task->task()->window()); if (index != -1) { sortedItems[index] = task; } } } for (int index = 0; index < winCount; ++ index) { TaskManager::TaskItem* task = sortedItems[index]; if (task) { task->task()->activate(); } } } } void TaskGroupItem::close() { close(true); } void TaskGroupItem::close(bool hide) { //kDebug(); //close the popup if the group is removed if (m_popupDialog) { m_popupDialog->hide(); disconnect(m_popupDialog, 0, 0, 0); m_popupDialog->deleteLater(); m_popupDialog = 0; } if (m_group) { disconnect(m_group.data(), 0, this, 0); } if (m_updateTimer) { m_updateTimer->stop(); } if (!isRootGroup()) { unregisterFromHelpers(); if (hide) { setVisible(false); } } } bool TaskGroupItem::isRootGroup() const { return m_applet == parentWidget(); } void TaskGroupItem::updateTask(::TaskManager::TaskChanges changes) { if (!m_group || isRootGroup()) { return; } m_changes |= changes; if (!m_updateTimer) { m_updateTimer = new QTimer(this); m_updateTimer->setInterval(10); m_updateTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkUpdates())); } m_updateTimer->start(); } void TaskGroupItem::checkUpdates() { if (!m_group) { return; } bool needsUpdate = false; TaskFlags flags = m_flags; if (m_changes & TaskManager::StateChanged) { if (m_group.data()->isActive()) { flags |= TaskHasFocus; if (!(m_flags & TaskHasFocus)) { emit activated(this); } } else { flags &= ~TaskHasFocus; } if (m_group.data()->isMinimized()) { flags |= TaskIsMinimized; } else { flags &= ~TaskIsMinimized; } } if (m_changes & TaskManager::AttentionChanged) { if (m_group.data()->demandsAttention()) { flags |= TaskWantsAttention; } else { flags &= ~TaskWantsAttention; } } if (flags != m_flags) { needsUpdate = true; setTaskFlags(flags); } // basic title and icon if (m_changes & TaskManager::IconChanged) { needsUpdate = true; } if (m_changes & TaskManager::NameChanged) { needsUpdate = true; } if (IconTasks::ToolTipManager::self()->isVisible(this) && (m_changes & TaskManager::IconChanged || m_changes & TaskManager::NameChanged || m_changes & TaskManager::DesktopChanged)) { updateToolTip(); } m_changes = TaskManager::TaskUnchanged; if (needsUpdate) { //redraw queueUpdate(); } } void TaskGroupItem::updateToolTip() { if (!m_group) { return; } QWidget *dialog = m_applet->popupDialog(); if (dialog && dialog->isVisible()) { clearToolTip(); return; } IconTasks::ToolTipContent data; data.setClickable(true); data.setInstantPopup(m_applet->instantToolTip()); data.setHighlightWindows(m_applet->highlightWindows()); data.setVertical(Plasma::Vertical == m_applet->formFactor()); QMap map; if (m_applet->launcherIcons() && m_icon.isNull()) { KUrl launcherUrl(m_abstractItem->launcherUrl()); if (launcherUrl.isLocalFile() && KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(launcherUrl.toLocalFile())) { KDesktopFile f(launcherUrl.toLocalFile()); if (f.tryExec()) { m_icon = KIcon(f.readIcon()); } } } foreach (AbstractGroupableItem * item, m_group.data()->members()) { TaskManager::TaskItem *taskItem = qobject_cast(item); if (taskItem && taskItem->task()) { if (m_icon.isNull()) { m_icon = item->icon(); } map.insertMulti(taskItem->id(), IconTasks::ToolTipContent::Window(taskItem->task()->window(), item->name(), m_icon.pixmap(IconTasks::ToolTipContent::iconSize(), IconTasks::ToolTipContent::iconSize()), taskItem->task()->demandsAttention(), !m_applet->groupManager().showOnlyCurrentDesktop() || !taskItem->isOnCurrentDesktop() ? taskItem->task()->desktop() : 0)); } } data.setWindowDetailsToPreview(map.values()); QString key = mediaButtonKey(); if (!key.isEmpty()) { data.setPlayState(MediaButtons::self()->playbackStatus(key)); } IconTasks::ToolTipManager::self()->setContent(this, data); } void TaskGroupItem::reload() { if (!group()) { return; } QHash itemsToRemove = m_groupMembers; foreach (AbstractGroupableItem * item, group()->members()) { if (!item) { kDebug() << "invalid Item"; continue; } if (itemsToRemove.contains(item)) { itemsToRemove.insert(item, 0); } itemAdded(item); if (item->itemType() == TaskManager::GroupItemType) { TaskGroupItem *group = qobject_cast(abstractTaskItem(item)); if (group) { group->reload(); } } } QHashIterator it(itemsToRemove); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (it.key() && it.value()) { itemRemoved(it.key()); } } } void TaskGroupItem::setGroup(TaskManager::GroupPtr group) { //kDebug(); if (m_group.data() == group) { kDebug() << "already have this group!"; return; } if (m_group) { disconnect(m_group.data(), 0, this, 0); } m_group = group; m_abstractItem = group; if (m_group) { connect(m_abstractItem, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(clearAbstractItem())); connect(group, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(clearGroup())); connect(group, SIGNAL(itemRemoved(AbstractGroupableItem*)), this, SLOT(itemRemoved(AbstractGroupableItem*))); connect(group, SIGNAL(itemAdded(AbstractGroupableItem*)), this, SLOT(itemAdded(AbstractGroupableItem*))); //connect(group, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(group, SIGNAL(changed(::TaskManager::TaskChanges)), this, SLOT(updateTask(::TaskManager::TaskChanges))); connect(group, SIGNAL(itemPositionChanged(AbstractGroupableItem*)), this, SLOT(itemPositionChanged(AbstractGroupableItem*))); } //Add already existing items reload(); updateTask(::TaskManager::EverythingChanged); if (!isRootGroup()) { registerWithHelpers(); } //kDebug() << "Task added, isActive = " << task->isActive(); } TaskManager::GroupPtr TaskGroupItem::group() const { return m_group.data(); } void TaskGroupItem::clearGroup() { //now it's useless } void TaskGroupItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *e) { //kDebug(); if (!KAuthorized::authorizeKAction("kwin_rmb") || !m_group) { QGraphicsWidget::contextMenuEvent(e); return; } Q_ASSERT(m_applet); //we are the master group item if (isRootGroup()) { e->ignore(); return; } QList actionList; QAction *a = m_applet->action("configure"); if (a && a->isEnabled()) { actionList.append(a); } TaskManager::BasicMenu menu(qobject_cast(this), m_group.data(), &m_applet->groupManager(), actionList, getAppMenu()); menu.adjustSize(); if (m_applet->formFactor() != Plasma::Vertical) { menu.setMinimumWidth(size().width()); } Q_ASSERT(m_applet->containment()); Q_ASSERT(m_applet->containment()->corona()); stopWindowHoverEffect(); menu.exec(m_applet->containment()->corona()->popupPosition(this, menu.size())); } QHash TaskGroupItem::members() const { return m_groupMembers; } int TaskGroupItem::count() const { return m_groupMembers.count(); } AbstractTaskItem *TaskGroupItem::createAbstractItem(TaskManager::AbstractGroupableItem *groupableItem) { //kDebug() << "item to create" << groupableItem << endl; AbstractTaskItem *item = 0; if (groupableItem->itemType() == TaskManager::GroupItemType) { TaskGroupItem *groupItem = new TaskGroupItem(this, m_applet); groupItem->setGroup(static_cast(groupableItem)); item = groupItem; } else if (groupableItem->itemType() == TaskManager::LauncherItemType) { AppLauncherItem *launcherItem = new AppLauncherItem(this, m_applet, static_cast(groupableItem)); item = launcherItem; } else { TaskManager::TaskItem * taskItem = static_cast(groupableItem); //if the taskItem is not either a startup o a task, return 0; if (!taskItem->startup() && !taskItem->task()) { return item; } WindowTaskItem *windowItem = new WindowTaskItem(this, m_applet); windowItem->setTask(taskItem); item = windowItem; } if (m_collapsed) { item->setPreferredOffscreenSize(); } return item; } void TaskGroupItem::itemAdded(TaskManager::AbstractGroupableItem * groupableItem) { //kDebug(); if (!m_applet) { kDebug() << "No applet"; return; } //returns the corresponding item or creates a new one AbstractTaskItem *item = m_groupMembers.value(groupableItem); if (!item) { item = createAbstractItem(groupableItem); if (item) { connect(item, SIGNAL(activated(AbstractTaskItem*)), this, SLOT(updateActive(AbstractTaskItem*))); TaskGroupItem *group = qobject_cast(item); if (group) { connect(item, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(relayoutItems())); } if (!isRootGroup()) { item->setVisible(false); } } else { kDebug() << "invalid Item"; return; } } m_groupMembers[groupableItem] = item; item->setParentItem(this); if (m_tasksLayout) { //add to layout either for popup or expanded group m_tasksLayout->addTaskItem(item); } else { //collapsed and no layout so far item->hide(); QRect rect = iconGeometry(); item->publishIconGeometry(rect); } if (item->isActive()) { //kDebug() << "item is Active" ; m_activeTaskIndex = indexOf(item); } else if (!m_group || m_group.data()->members().size() == 1) { m_activeTaskIndex = 0; } if (collapsed()) { update(); } } void TaskGroupItem::itemRemoved(TaskManager::AbstractGroupableItem * groupableItem) { //kDebug(); if (!m_applet) { kDebug() << "No Applet"; return; } AbstractTaskItem *item = m_groupMembers.take(groupableItem); if (!item) { kDebug() << "Item not found"; return; } //kDebug() << item->text(); disconnect(item, 0, 0, 0); if (m_tasksLayout) { m_tasksLayout->removeTaskItem(item); if (m_offscreenWidget) { m_offscreenWidget->adjustSize(); } if (m_popupDialog && m_popupDialog->isVisible() && m_applet->containment() && m_applet->containment()->corona()) { m_popupDialog->move(m_applet->containment()->corona()->popupPosition(this, m_popupDialog->size(), Qt::AlignCenter)); } } item->close(); //item->deleteLater(); QTimer::singleShot(0, item, SLOT(deleteLater())); } bool TaskGroupItem::isWindowItem() const { return false; } bool TaskGroupItem::isActive() const { //kDebug() << "Not Implemented"; return false; } bool TaskGroupItem::windowPreviewOpen() const { if (KWindowSystem::compositingActive() && isRootGroup()) { QHashIterator it(m_groupMembers); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); AbstractTaskItem *item = it.value(); if (!qobject_cast(item) && item->isToolTipVisible()) { return true; } } } return false; } QString TaskGroupItem::appName() const { if (isRootGroup()) { return text(); } foreach (AbstractTaskItem * member, m_groupMembers) { QString n(member->appName()); if (!n.isEmpty()) { return n; } } return QString(); } KUrl TaskGroupItem::launcherUrl() const { if (isRootGroup()) { return KUrl(); } foreach (AbstractTaskItem * member, m_groupMembers) { KUrl u(member->launcherUrl()); if (u.isValid()) { return u; } } return KUrl(); } QString TaskGroupItem::windowClass() const { if (isRootGroup()) { return QString(); } foreach (AbstractTaskItem * member, m_groupMembers) { QString c(member->windowClass()); if (!c.isEmpty()) { return c; } } return QString(); } void TaskGroupItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (!m_group) { return; } event->accept(); } void TaskGroupItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (m_applet->rootGroupItem() == this || !m_group) { return; } if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { if (Tasks::GC_MinMax != m_applet->groupClick() || event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { bool usePresentWindows=(event->modifiers()&Qt::ControlModifier || Tasks::GC_PresentWindows == m_applet->groupClick()) && KWindowSystem::compositingActive() && Plasma::WindowEffects::isEffectAvailable(Plasma::WindowEffects::PresentWindowsGroup); if (usePresentWindows) { QList ids; foreach (AbstractGroupableItem * groupable, m_group.data()->members()) { if (groupable->itemType() == TaskManager::GroupItemType) { //TODO: recurse through sub-groups? } else { TaskItem * item = dynamic_cast(groupable); if (item && item->task()) { ids << item->task()->info().win(); } } } Plasma::WindowEffects::presentWindows(m_applet->view()->winId(), ids); } else { if (m_popupMenuTimer) { m_popupMenuTimer->stop(); } popupMenu(); } } else { activateOrIconify(); } } AbstractTaskItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event); } void TaskGroupItem::handleActiveWindowChanged(WId id) { if (!m_popupDialog) { return; } if (id == m_popupDialog->winId()) { return; } m_popupDialog->hide(); QRect rect = iconGeometry(); publishIconGeometry(rect); } void TaskGroupItem::popupMenu() { //kDebug(); if (!m_collapsed) { return; } if (!m_offscreenWidget) { foreach (AbstractTaskItem * member, m_groupMembers) { member->setPreferredOffscreenSize(); } tasksLayout()->invalidate(); m_tasksLayout->setOrientation(Plasma::Vertical); m_tasksLayout->setMaximumRows(1); m_offscreenWidget = new QGraphicsWidget(this); m_offscreenLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(m_offscreenWidget); m_offscreenLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); //default are 4 on each side m_offscreenLayout->addItem(tasksLayout()); m_offscreenWidget->setLayout(m_offscreenLayout); m_offscreenWidget->adjustSize(); m_applet->containment()->corona()->addOffscreenWidget(m_offscreenWidget); m_offscreenLayout->activate(); } if (!m_popupDialog) { // Initialize popup dialog m_popupDialog = new Plasma::Dialog(0, Qt::Popup); KWindowSystem::setType(m_popupDialog->winId(), NET::PopupMenu); connect(m_popupDialog, SIGNAL(dialogVisible(bool)), this, SLOT(popupVisibilityChanged(bool))); connect(m_popupDialog, SIGNAL(dialogVisible(bool)), m_applet, SLOT(setPopupDialog(bool))); connect(KWindowSystem::self(), SIGNAL(activeWindowChanged(WId)), this, SLOT(handleActiveWindowChanged(WId))); KWindowSystem::setState(m_popupDialog->winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar | NET::SkipPager); m_popupDialog->setWindowFlags(Qt::Popup | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); int left, top, right, bottom; m_popupDialog->getContentsMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom); m_offscreenWidget->setMinimumWidth(size().width() - left - right); m_popupDialog->setGraphicsWidget(m_offscreenWidget); } if (m_popupDialog->isVisible()) { m_popupDialog->clearFocus(); if (m_applet->location() != Plasma::Floating) { m_popupDialog->animatedHide(Plasma::locationToInverseDirection(m_applet->location())); } else { m_popupDialog->hide(); } } else { m_tasksLayout->setOrientation(Plasma::Vertical); m_tasksLayout->setMaximumRows(1); m_offscreenWidget->layout()->activate(); QSizeF sz(m_offscreenWidget->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize)); foreach (AbstractTaskItem * member, m_groupMembers) { member->setPreferredOffscreenSize(); QSizeF m = member->preferredSize(); if (m.width() > sz.width()) { sz.setWidth(m.width()); } } m_offscreenWidget->resize(sz); m_popupDialog->syncToGraphicsWidget(); if (m_applet->containment() && m_applet->containment()->corona()) { m_popupDialog->move(m_applet->containment()->corona()->popupPosition(this, m_popupDialog->size(), Qt::AlignCenter)); } KWindowSystem::setState(m_popupDialog->winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar | NET::SkipPager); if (m_applet->location() != Plasma::Floating) { m_popupDialog->animatedShow(Plasma::locationToDirection(m_applet->location())); } else { m_popupDialog->show(); } m_popupDialog->raise(); } } void TaskGroupItem::popupVisibilityChanged(bool visible) { if (!visible) { QRect rect = iconGeometry(); publishIconGeometry(rect); update(); } } bool TaskGroupItem::focusNextPrevChild(bool next) { return focusSubTask(next, false); } bool TaskGroupItem::focusSubTask(bool next, bool activate) { const int subTasks = totalSubTasks(); if (subTasks > 0) { int index = -1; if (subTasks > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < subTasks; ++i) { if (selectSubTask(i)->taskFlags() & TaskHasFocus) { index = i; break; } } } if (next) { ++index; if (index >= subTasks) { index = 0; } } else { --index; if (index < 0) { index = (subTasks - 1); } } AbstractTaskItem *taskItem = selectSubTask(index); if (taskItem) { taskItem->setFocus(); m_activeTaskIndex = index; } if (activate && taskItem) { stopWindowHoverEffect(); taskItem->activate(); } return true; } else { return false; } } void TaskGroupItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (isRootGroup()) { return; } if (QPoint(event->screenPos() - event->buttonDownScreenPos(Qt::LeftButton)).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) { return; } //Wait a bit before starting drag //kDebug(); if (m_popupMenuTimer) { //kDebug() << "popupTimer stop"; m_popupMenuTimer->stop(); } //Wait a bit before starting drag AbstractTaskItem::mouseMoveEvent(event); } void TaskGroupItem::resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event) if (m_offscreenWidget && m_popupDialog) { int left, top, right, bottom; m_popupDialog->getContentsMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom); m_offscreenWidget->setMinimumWidth(size().width() - left - right); } AbstractTaskItem::resizeEvent(event); } void TaskGroupItem::expand() { if (!collapsed()) { //kDebug() << "already expanded"; return; } if (m_popupDialog) { m_popupDialog->hide(); } if (m_offscreenLayout) { m_offscreenLayout->removeItem(tasksLayout()); } if (!m_mainLayout) { //this layout is needed since we can't take a layout directly from a widget without destroying it m_mainLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(this); m_mainLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); //default are 4 on each side setLayout(m_mainLayout); } //set it back from the popup settings (always vertical and 1 row) tasksLayout()->setOrientation(m_applet->formFactor()); tasksLayout()->setMaximumRows(m_maximumRows); m_mainLayout->addItem(tasksLayout()); disconnect(m_applet, SIGNAL(constraintsChanged(Plasma::Constraints)), this, SLOT(constraintsChanged(Plasma::Constraints))); connect(m_applet, SIGNAL(constraintsChanged(Plasma::Constraints)), this, SLOT(constraintsChanged(Plasma::Constraints))); //connect(m_tasksLayout, SIGNAL(sizeHintChanged(Qt::SizeHint)), this, SLOT(updatePreferredSize())); m_collapsed = false; tasksLayout()->layoutItems(); //kDebug() << tasksLayout()->preferredSize() << preferredSize() << m_groupMembers.count(); emit changed(); checkSettings(); //kDebug() << "expanded"; } void TaskGroupItem::constraintsChanged(Plasma::Constraints constraints) { //kDebug(); if (constraints & Plasma::SizeConstraint && m_tasksLayout) { m_tasksLayout->layoutItems(); } if (constraints & Plasma::FormFactorConstraint && m_tasksLayout) { m_tasksLayout->setOrientation(m_applet->formFactor()); if (m_dropIndicator) { m_dropIndicator->setOrientation(Plasma::Vertical == m_applet->formFactor() ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal); } } } void TaskGroupItem::relayoutItems() { if (m_tasksLayout) { m_tasksLayout->layoutItems(); } } TaskItemLayout *TaskGroupItem::tasksLayout() { if (!m_tasksLayout) { m_tasksLayout = new TaskItemLayout(this, m_applet); m_tasksLayout->setMaximumRows(m_maximumRows); m_tasksLayout->setForceRows(false); // m_forceRows); m_tasksLayout->setOrientation(m_applet->formFactor()); } return m_tasksLayout; } void TaskGroupItem::collapse() { //kDebug() << (int)this; if (collapsed()) { //kDebug() << "already collapsed"; return; } m_mainLayout->removeItem(tasksLayout()); if (m_offscreenLayout) { m_offscreenLayout->addItem(tasksLayout()); } else { foreach (AbstractTaskItem * member, m_groupMembers) { scene()->removeItem(member); } } //kDebug(); //delete m_tasksLayout; disconnect(m_applet, SIGNAL(constraintsChanged(Plasma::Constraints)), this, SLOT(constraintsChanged(Plasma::Constraints))); m_collapsed = true; updatePreferredSize(); //kDebug(); emit changed(); checkSettings(); } bool TaskGroupItem::collapsed() const { return m_collapsed; } void TaskGroupItem::toCurrentDesktop() { if (!isRootGroup()) { foreach (AbstractTaskItem * member, m_groupMembers) { member->toCurrentDesktop(); } } } void TaskGroupItem::updatePreferredSize() { if (m_collapsed) { foreach (AbstractTaskItem * taskItem, m_groupMembers) { taskItem->setPreferredOffscreenSize(); } //FIXME: copypaste from abstracttaskitem: to be done better with proper sizeHint() setPreferredSize(basicPreferredSize()); } else { foreach (AbstractTaskItem * taskItem, m_groupMembers) { taskItem->setPreferredOnscreenSize(); } layout()->invalidate(); setPreferredSize(layout()->preferredSize()); //kDebug() << "expanded group" << layout()->preferredSize(); } //kDebug() << preferredSize(); emit sizeHintChanged(Qt::PreferredSize); } AbstractTaskItem *TaskGroupItem::directMember(AbstractTaskItem *item) { Q_ASSERT(item); Q_ASSERT(m_group); TaskManager::AbstractGroupableItem * directMember = m_group.data()->directMember(item->abstractItem()); if (!directMember) { kDebug() << "Error" << item->abstractItem(); } return abstractTaskItem(directMember); } void TaskGroupItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { if (collapsed()) { AbstractTaskItem::paint(painter, option, widget); } } void TaskGroupItem::itemPositionChanged(AbstractGroupableItem * item) { //kDebug(); if (!m_tasksLayout) { return; } Q_ASSERT(item); AbstractTaskItem *taskItem = abstractTaskItem(item); m_tasksLayout->removeTaskItem(taskItem); // NOTE: If the grouping strategy is "only when the taskbar is full", // removing the task from the layout might cause this group to // split, and so the task might be removed from the group. // This will cause deleteLater() to be called on taskItem, and // we are in danger of inserting a pointer that will soon be // invalid into the layout. So check that the task item is // still in the group. taskItem = abstractTaskItem(item); if (m_group && taskItem) { m_tasksLayout->insert(m_group.data()->members().indexOf(item), taskItem); } } void TaskGroupItem::dragEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event) { bool shouldIgnore = shouldIgnoreDragEvent(event); if ((collapsed() && shouldIgnore) || (isRootGroup() && !shouldIgnore)) { event->ignore(); //kDebug()<<"Drag enter accepted"; } else { event->accept(); if (!m_popupMenuTimer) { m_popupMenuTimer = new QTimer(this); m_popupMenuTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_popupMenuTimer->setInterval(500); connect(m_popupMenuTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(popupMenu())); } m_popupMenuTimer->start(); } } void TaskGroupItem::dragLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *) { if (m_popupMenuTimer) { m_popupMenuTimer->stop(); } if (m_dropIndicator && m_dropIndicator->isVisible()) { m_dropIndicator->setVisible(false); } } void TaskGroupItem::dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event) { if (isRootGroup()) { //#ifndef ICON_TASKS_SHOW_DROP_INDICATOR_FOR_MOVE int sourceIndex = event->mimeData()->property("icontasks-item-ptr").isValid() ? m_applet->rootGroupItem()->indexOf((AbstractTaskItem *)(event->mimeData()->property("icontasks-item-ptr").toULongLong()), false) : -1; //#else //int sourceIndex = event->mimeData()->property("icontasks-item-index").isValid() ? event->mimeData()->property("icontasks-item-index").toInt() : -1; //#endif bool isDesktopFile = -1 == sourceIndex && event->mimeData()->hasFormat("text/uri-list"); bool isLauncher = isDesktopFile || (-1 != sourceIndex && sourceIndex < m_applet->groupManager().launcherCount()); if (isLauncher && m_applet->groupManager().launchersLocked()) { return; } if (sourceIndex > -1 || isDesktopFile) { TaskItemLayout::Insert destIndex = m_tasksLayout->insertionIndexAt(event->pos()); bool visible = destIndex.index != sourceIndex && destIndex.index >= 0 && (destIndex.geom.x() > 0 || destIndex.geom.y() > 0 || 0 == destIndex.index); bool moveRight = sourceIndex > -1 && destIndex.index > sourceIndex; // qDebug() << event->pos() << sourceIndex << destIndex.index << destIndex.geom; if (visible && ((isLauncher && destIndex.index - (moveRight ? 1 : 0) < m_applet->groupManager().launcherCount()) || (!isLauncher && destIndex.index - (moveRight ? 1 : 0) >= m_applet->groupManager().launcherCount()))) { //#ifndef ICON_TASKS_SHOW_DROP_INDICATOR_FOR_MOVE if (!isDesktopFile) { dropEvent(event); return; } //#endif if (!m_dropIndicator) { m_dropIndicator = new DropIndicator(parentItem()); m_dropIndicator->setOrientation(Plasma::Vertical == m_applet->formFactor() ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal); m_dropIndicator->setVisible(false); } if (!m_dropIndicator->isVisible()) { m_dropIndicator->setSize((Plasma::Vertical == m_applet->formFactor() ? destIndex.geom.height() : destIndex.geom.width()) / 3.0); } m_dropIndicator->setPosition(QRectF(mapToParent(destIndex.geom.topLeft()), destIndex.geom.size())); return; } } if (m_dropIndicator && m_dropIndicator->isVisible()) { m_dropIndicator->setVisible(false); } } } AbstractTaskItem *TaskGroupItem::taskItemForWId(WId id) { QHashIterator it(m_groupMembers); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); AbstractTaskItem *item = it.value(); TaskGroupItem *group = qobject_cast(item); if (group) { item = group->taskItemForWId(id); if (item) { return item; } } else { TaskManager::TaskItem *task = qobject_cast(it.key()); if (task && task->task() && task->task()->window() == id) { return item; } } } return 0; } static QString agiName(TaskManager::AbstractGroupableItem *i) { if (i->itemType() == TaskManager::TaskItemType && !i->isStartupItem()) { return static_cast(i)->taskName().toLower(); } else { return i->name().toLower(); } } AbstractTaskItem *TaskGroupItem::matchingItem(TaskManager::AbstractGroupableItem *from) { QHashIterator it(m_groupMembers); AbstractTaskItem *itm = 0L; QString n = agiName(from); KUrl launcherUrl = from->launcherUrl(); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); AbstractGroupableItem *item = it.key(); AbstractTaskItem *taskItem = it.value(); QString name = agiName(item); if ((name == n || (!launcherUrl.isEmpty() && item->launcherUrl() == launcherUrl)) && (qobject_cast(taskItem) || !taskItem->busyWidget())) { itm = taskItem; } } return itm; } void TaskGroupItem::dropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event) { if (m_dropIndicator && m_dropIndicator->isVisible()) { m_dropIndicator->setVisible(false); } //kDebug() << "TaskItemLayout dropEvent"; if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat(TaskManager::Task::mimetype()) || event->mimeData()->hasFormat(TaskManager::Task::groupMimetype())) { bool ok; QList ids = TaskManager::Task::idsFromMimeData(event->mimeData(), &ok); if (!ok) { //kDebug() << "FAIL!"; event->ignore(); return; } AbstractTaskItem *targetTask = dynamic_cast(scene()->itemAt(mapToScene(event->pos()))); // kDebug() << "Pos: " << event->pos() << mapToScene(event->pos()) << "item" << scene()->itemAt(mapToScene(event->pos())) << "target Task " << dynamic_cast(targetTask); //kDebug() << "got" << ids.count() << "windows"; foreach (WId id, ids) { handleDroppedId(id, targetTask, event); } //kDebug() << "TaskItemLayout dropEvent done"; event->acceptProposedAction(); } else if (!m_applet->groupManager().launchersLocked() && event->mimeData()->hasFormat("text/uri-list")) { KUrl::List urls = KUrl::List::fromMimeData(event->mimeData()); foreach (const KUrl & url, urls) { const bool exists = m_applet->groupManager().launcherExists(url); if (exists) { // it exists; if we are doing manual sorting, make sure it is in the right location if // it is in this group .. otherwise, we can do nothing. if (m_applet->groupManager().sortingStrategy() == TaskManager::GroupManager::ManualSorting) { QHashIterator it(m_groupMembers); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (it.key()->itemType() == TaskManager::LauncherItemType && it.key()->launcherUrl() == url) { layoutTaskItem(it.value(), event->pos()); break; } } } } else { m_applet->groupManager().addLauncher(url, QIcon(), QString(), QString(), QString(), m_tasksLayout->insertionIndexAt(event->pos()).index); } } } else { event->ignore(); } } void TaskGroupItem::handleDroppedId(WId id, AbstractTaskItem *, QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event) { AbstractTaskItem *taskItem = m_applet->rootGroupItem()->taskItemForWId(id); if (!taskItem) { //kDebug() << "Invalid TaskItem"; return; } if (!taskItem->parentGroup()) { //kDebug() << "group invalid"; return; } TaskManager::GroupPtr group = taskItem->parentGroup()->group(); //kDebug() << id << taskItem->text() << (QObject*)targetTask; // kDebug() << "first item: " << dynamic_cast(m_taskItems.first()) << "layout widget" << dynamic_cast(this); if (m_applet->groupManager().sortingStrategy() == TaskManager::GroupManager::ManualSorting) { //Move action if (group == m_group.data()) { //same group //kDebug() << "Drag within group"; layoutTaskItem(taskItem, event->pos()); } else if (m_group) { //task item was dragged outside of group -> group move AbstractTaskItem *directMember = abstractTaskItem(m_group.data()->directMember(group)); if (directMember) { layoutTaskItem(directMember, event->pos()); //we need to get the group right under the receiver group } } } } void TaskGroupItem::layoutTaskItem(AbstractTaskItem* item, const QPointF &pos) { if (!m_tasksLayout || !item->abstractItem()) { return; } int insertIndex = m_tasksLayout->insertionIndexAt(pos).index; // kDebug() << "Item inserting at: " << insertIndex << "of: " << numberOfItems(); m_applet->groupManager().manualSortingRequest(item->abstractItem(), insertIndex); } void TaskGroupItem::updateActive(AbstractTaskItem *task) { if (!m_tasksLayout) { return; } m_activeTaskIndex = indexOf(task); } int TaskGroupItem::indexOf(AbstractTaskItem *task, bool descendGroups) { if (!m_group || !task) { //kDebug() << "Error"; return -1; } int index = 0; foreach (AbstractGroupableItem * item, m_group.data()->members()) { AbstractTaskItem *taskItem = abstractTaskItem(item); if (!taskItem) { continue; } if (task == taskItem) { if (descendGroups) { TaskGroupItem *groupItem = qobject_cast(taskItem); if (groupItem) { int subIndex = groupItem->indexOf(groupItem->activeSubTask()); if (subIndex == -1) { index += groupItem->count(); } else { return index + subIndex; } } } return index; } if (descendGroups) { TaskGroupItem *groupItem = qobject_cast(taskItem); if (groupItem) { int subIndex = groupItem->indexOf(task); if (subIndex == -1) { index += groupItem->count(); } else { return index + subIndex; } } else { ++index; } } else { ++index; } } return -1; } AbstractTaskItem * TaskGroupItem::activeSubTask() { if (!m_group) { return 0; } foreach (AbstractGroupableItem * item, m_group.data()->members()) { AbstractTaskItem *taskItem = abstractTaskItem(item); if (taskItem && taskItem->isActive()) { TaskGroupItem *groupItem = qobject_cast(taskItem); if (groupItem) { return groupItem->activeSubTask(); } return taskItem; } } return 0; } int TaskGroupItem::totalSubTasks() { int count = 0; foreach (AbstractGroupableItem * item, group()->members()) { AbstractTaskItem *taskItem = abstractTaskItem(item); if (taskItem) { TaskGroupItem *groupItem = qobject_cast(taskItem); if (groupItem) { count += groupItem->count(); } else if (!qobject_cast(taskItem)) { count++; } } } return count; } AbstractTaskItem * TaskGroupItem::selectSubTask(int index) { foreach (AbstractGroupableItem * item, group()->members()) { AbstractTaskItem *taskItem = abstractTaskItem(item); if (taskItem) { TaskGroupItem *groupItem = qobject_cast(taskItem); if (groupItem) { if (index < groupItem->count()) { return groupItem->abstractTaskItem(groupItem->group()->members().at(index)); } else { index -= groupItem->count(); } } else if (qobject_cast(taskItem)) { continue; } else if (index == 0) { return taskItem; } else { --index; } } } return NULL; } void TaskGroupItem::wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *event) { focusSubTask((event->delta() < 0), true); } int TaskGroupItem::maxRows() { return m_maximumRows; } void TaskGroupItem::setMaxRows(int rows) { m_maximumRows = rows; if (m_tasksLayout) { m_tasksLayout->setMaximumRows(m_maximumRows); } } int TaskGroupItem::optimumCapacity() { if (m_tasksLayout) { return m_tasksLayout->maximumRows() * m_tasksLayout->preferredColumns(); } return 1; } AbstractTaskItem* TaskGroupItem::abstractTaskItem(AbstractGroupableItem * item) { if (!item) { return 0; } AbstractTaskItem *abstractTaskItem = m_groupMembers.value(item); if (!abstractTaskItem) { foreach (AbstractTaskItem * taskItem, m_groupMembers) { TaskGroupItem *group = qobject_cast(taskItem); if (group) { abstractTaskItem = group->abstractTaskItem(item); if (abstractTaskItem) { break; } } } } //kDebug() << "item not found"; return abstractTaskItem; } void TaskGroupItem::setAdditionalMimeData(QMimeData* mimeData) { if (m_group) { m_group.data()->addMimeData(mimeData); } } void TaskGroupItem::publishIconGeometry() const { // only do this if we are a collapsed group, with a GroupPtr and members if (!collapsed() || !m_group || m_groupMembers.isEmpty()) { return; } QRect rect = iconGeometry(); publishIconGeometry(rect); } void TaskGroupItem::publishIconGeometry(const QRect &rect) const { foreach (AbstractTaskItem * item, m_groupMembers) { WindowTaskItem *windowItem = qobject_cast(item); if (windowItem) { windowItem->publishIconGeometry(rect); continue; } TaskGroupItem *groupItem = qobject_cast(item); if (groupItem) { groupItem->publishIconGeometry(rect); } } } QWidget *TaskGroupItem::popupDialog() const { return m_popupDialog; } #include "moc_taskgroupitem.cpp"