The following checklist is supposed to help you make sure you don't forget anything important in a commit. Before hacking: * Does it fit Amarok's vision or at least not work against it? * Who will maintain the code? Before committing: * Does it conform to Amarok's coding style? * Has it been added to the changelog in case of a bug, feature or UI change? * Does it introduce new dependencies? * Does the diff contain only the changes you made and files you added/removed? Does it contain all of them? * Do existing regression tests still pass? * Does it add new strings? Is Amarok in string freeze? * Are you pushing a big change that does not fix a bug while Amarok is in beta? * Is there a feature request, bug report or review request associated with it? (Please close them with the commit message.) Additionally for commits introducing new features: * Is Amarok in feature freeze? * Are new tests needed? * Has it been reviewed by a usability person? * Does user documentation exist?