# - Try to find the libgpod library # Once done this will define # # IPOD_FOUND - system has libgpod # IPOD_INCLUDE_DIRS - the libgpod include directory # IPOD_LIBRARIES - Link these to use libgpod # IPOD_CFLAGS - Compiler switches required for using libgpod # IPOD_VERSION - Version number of libgpod # if (IPOD_INCLUDE_DIRS AND IPOD_LIBRARIES) # in cache already SET(IPOD_FOUND TRUE) else (IPOD_INCLUDE_DIRS AND IPOD_LIBRARIES) if(NOT WIN32) # use pkg-config to get the directories and then use these values # in the FIND_PATH() and FIND_LIBRARY() calls find_package(PkgConfig) PKG_SEARCH_MODULE(IPOD libgpod-1.0) else(NOT WIN32) find_path(IPOD_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES gpod/itdb.h PATH_SUFFIXES gpod-1.0 ) find_library(IPOD_LIBRARIES NAMES gpod libgpod gpod-4 libgpod-4 ) if(IPOD_INCLUDE_DIRS AND IPOD_LIBRARIES) set(IPOD_FOUND ON) endif(IPOD_INCLUDE_DIRS AND IPOD_LIBRARIES) endif(NOT WIN32) IF (IPOD_FOUND) IF (NOT IPOD_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found libgpod-1 ${IPOD_VERSION}") ENDIF (NOT IPOD_FIND_QUIETLY) ELSE (IPOD_FOUND) IF (IPOD_FIND_REQUIRED) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT find libgpod-1, check FindPkgConfig output above!") ENDIF (IPOD_FIND_REQUIRED) ENDIF (IPOD_FOUND) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(IPOD_INCLUDE_DIRS) endif (IPOD_INCLUDE_DIRS AND IPOD_LIBRARIES)