// vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: /* Gwenview: an image viewer Copyright 2008 Aurélien Gâteau This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Cambridge, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Self #include "moc_previewitemdelegate.cpp" // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE #include #include #include #include #include #include // Local #include "contextbarbutton.h" #include "itemeditor.h" #include "paintutils.h" #include "thumbnailview.h" #include "timeutils.h" #include "tooltipwidget.h" // Define this to be able to fine tune the rendering of the selection // background through a config file //#define FINETUNE_SELECTION_BACKGROUND #ifdef FINETUNE_SELECTION_BACKGROUND #include #include #endif //#define DEBUG_DRAW_BORDER //#define DEBUG_DRAW_CURRENT namespace Gwenview { /** * Space between the item outer rect and the content, and between the * thumbnail and the caption */ const int ITEM_MARGIN = 5; /** How darker is the border line around selection */ const int SELECTION_BORDER_DARKNESS = 140; /** Radius of the selection rounded corners, in pixels */ const int SELECTION_RADIUS = 5; /** Space between the item outer rect and the context bar */ const int CONTEXTBAR_MARGIN = 1; /** How dark is the shadow, 0 is invisible, 255 is as dark as possible */ const int SHADOW_STRENGTH = 128; /** How many pixels around the thumbnail are shadowed */ const int SHADOW_SIZE = 4; static KFileItem fileItemForIndex(const QModelIndex& index) { Q_ASSERT(index.isValid()); QVariant data = index.data(KDirModel::FileItemRole); return qvariant_cast(data); } static KUrl urlForIndex(const QModelIndex& index) { KFileItem item = fileItemForIndex(index); return item.url(); } struct PreviewItemDelegatePrivate { /** * Maps full text to elided text. */ mutable QHash mElidedTextCache; // Key is height * 1000 + width typedef QHash ShadowCache; mutable ShadowCache mShadowCache; PreviewItemDelegate* q; ThumbnailView* mView; QWidget* mContextBar; QToolButton* mSaveButton; QPixmap mSaveButtonPixmap; QToolButton* mToggleSelectionButton; QToolButton* mFullScreenButton; QToolButton* mRotateLeftButton; QToolButton* mRotateRightButton; QPersistentModelIndex mIndexUnderCursor; QSize mThumbnailSize; PreviewItemDelegate::ThumbnailDetails mDetails; PreviewItemDelegate::ContextBarActions mContextBarActions; Qt::TextElideMode mTextElideMode; QPointer mToolTip; QScopedPointer mToolTipAnimation; void initSaveButtonPixmap() { if (!mSaveButtonPixmap.isNull()) { return; } // Necessary otherwise we won't see the save button itself mSaveButton->adjustSize(); mSaveButtonPixmap = QPixmap(mSaveButton->sizeHint()); mSaveButtonPixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); mSaveButton->render(&mSaveButtonPixmap, QPoint(), QRegion(), QWidget::DrawChildren); } void showContextBar(const QRect& rect, const QPixmap& thumbnailPix) { if (mContextBarActions == PreviewItemDelegate::NoAction) { return; } mContextBar->adjustSize(); // Center bar, except if only showing SelectionAction. const int posX = mContextBarActions == PreviewItemDelegate::SelectionAction ? 0 : (rect.width() - mContextBar->width()) / 2; const int posY = qMax(CONTEXTBAR_MARGIN, mThumbnailSize.height() - thumbnailPix.height() - mContextBar->height()); mContextBar->move(rect.topLeft() + QPoint(posX, posY)); mContextBar->show(); } void initToolTip() { mToolTip = new ToolTipWidget(mView->viewport()); mToolTip->setOpacity(0); mToolTip->show(); } bool hoverEventFilter(QHoverEvent* event) { QModelIndex index = mView->indexAt(event->pos()); if (index != mIndexUnderCursor) { updateHoverUi(index); } else { // Same index, nothing to do, but repaint anyway in case we are // over the rating row mView->update(mIndexUnderCursor); } return false; } void updateHoverUi(const QModelIndex& index) { QModelIndex oldIndex = mIndexUnderCursor; mIndexUnderCursor = index; mView->update(oldIndex); if (KGlobalSettings::singleClick() && KGlobalSettings::changeCursorOverIcon()) { mView->setCursor(mIndexUnderCursor.isValid() ? Qt::PointingHandCursor : Qt::ArrowCursor); } if (mIndexUnderCursor.isValid()) { updateToggleSelectionButton(); updateImageButtons(); const QRect rect = mView->visualRect(mIndexUnderCursor); const QPixmap thumbnailPix = mView->thumbnailForIndex(index); showContextBar(rect, thumbnailPix); if (mView->isModified(mIndexUnderCursor)) { showSaveButton(rect); } else { mSaveButton->hide(); } showToolTip(index); mView->update(mIndexUnderCursor); } else { mContextBar->hide(); mSaveButton->hide(); hideToolTip(); } } bool mouseButtonEventFilter(QEvent::Type type) { return false; } QPoint saveButtonPosition(const QRect& itemRect) const { QSize buttonSize = mSaveButton->sizeHint(); int posX = itemRect.right() - buttonSize.width(); int posY = itemRect.top() + mThumbnailSize.height() + 2 * ITEM_MARGIN - buttonSize.height(); return QPoint(posX, posY); } void showSaveButton(const QRect& itemRect) const { mSaveButton->move(saveButtonPosition(itemRect)); mSaveButton->show(); } void drawBackground(QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QColor& bgColor, const QColor& borderColor) const { int bgH, bgS, bgV; int borderH, borderS, borderV, borderMargin; #ifdef FINETUNE_SELECTION_BACKGROUND QSettings settings(QDir::homePath() + "/colors.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); bgH = settings.value("bg/h").toInt(); bgS = settings.value("bg/s").toInt(); bgV = settings.value("bg/v").toInt(); borderH = settings.value("border/h").toInt(); borderS = settings.value("border/s").toInt(); borderV = settings.value("border/v").toInt(); borderMargin = settings.value("border/margin").toInt(); #else bgH = 0; bgS = -20; bgV = 43; borderH = 0; borderS = -100; borderV = 60; borderMargin = 1; #endif painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); QRectF rectF = QRectF(rect).adjusted(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5); QPainterPath path = PaintUtils::roundedRectangle(rectF, SELECTION_RADIUS); QLinearGradient gradient(rectF.topLeft(), rectF.bottomLeft()); gradient.setColorAt(0, PaintUtils::adjustedHsv(bgColor, bgH, bgS, bgV)); gradient.setColorAt(1, bgColor); painter->fillPath(path, gradient); painter->setPen(borderColor); painter->drawPath(path); painter->setPen(PaintUtils::adjustedHsv(borderColor, borderH, borderS, borderV)); rectF = rectF.adjusted(borderMargin, borderMargin, -borderMargin, -borderMargin); path = PaintUtils::roundedRectangle(rectF, SELECTION_RADIUS); painter->drawPath(path); } void drawShadow(QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect) const { const QPoint shadowOffset(-SHADOW_SIZE, -SHADOW_SIZE + 1); int key = rect.height() * 1000 + rect.width(); ShadowCache::Iterator it = mShadowCache.find(key); if (it == mShadowCache.end()) { QSize size = QSize(rect.width() + 2 * SHADOW_SIZE, rect.height() + 2 * SHADOW_SIZE); QColor color(0, 0, 0, SHADOW_STRENGTH); QPixmap shadow = PaintUtils::generateFuzzyRect(size, color, SHADOW_SIZE); it = mShadowCache.insert(key, shadow); } painter->drawPixmap(rect.topLeft() + shadowOffset, it.value()); } void drawText(QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QColor& fgColor, const QString& fullText) const { QFontMetrics fm = mView->fontMetrics(); // Elide text QString text; QHash::const_iterator it = mElidedTextCache.constFind(fullText); if (it == mElidedTextCache.constEnd()) { text = fm.elidedText(fullText, mTextElideMode, rect.width()); mElidedTextCache[fullText] = text; } else { text = it.value(); } // Compute x pos int posX; if (text.length() == fullText.length()) { // Not elided, center text posX = (rect.width() - fm.width(text)) / 2; } else { // Elided, left align posX = 0; } // Draw text painter->setPen(fgColor); painter->drawText(rect.left() + posX, rect.top() + fm.ascent(), text); } bool isTextElided(const QString& text) const { QHash::const_iterator it = mElidedTextCache.constFind(text); if (it == mElidedTextCache.constEnd()) { return false; } return it.value().length() < text.length(); } /** * Show a tooltip only if the item has been elided. * This function places the tooltip over the item text. */ void showToolTip(const QModelIndex& index) { if (mDetails == 0) { // No text to display return; } // Gather tip text QStringList textList; bool elided = false; if (mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::FileNameDetail) { const QString text = index.data().toString(); elided |= isTextElided(text); textList << text; } // FIXME: Duplicated from drawText const KFileItem fileItem = fileItemForIndex(index); const bool isDir = fileItem.isDir(); if (mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::DateDetail) { if (!isDir) { const KDateTime dt = TimeUtils::dateTimeForFileItem(fileItem); const QString text = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dt); elided |= isTextElided(text); textList << text; } } if (!isDir && (mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::ImageSizeDetail)) { QSize fullSize; QPixmap thumbnailPix = mView->thumbnailForIndex(index, &fullSize); if (fullSize.isValid()) { const QString text = QString("%1x%2").arg(fullSize.width()).arg(fullSize.height()); elided |= isTextElided(text); textList << text; } } if (!isDir && (mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::FileSizeDetail)) { const KIO::filesize_t size = fileItem.size(); if (size > 0) { const QString text = KIO::convertSize(size); elided |= isTextElided(text); textList << text; } } if (!elided) { hideToolTip(); return; } bool newTipLabel = !mToolTip; if (!mToolTip) { initToolTip(); } mToolTip->setText(textList.join("\n")); QSize tipSize = mToolTip->sizeHint(); // Compute tip position QRect rect = mView->visualRect(index); const int textY = ITEM_MARGIN + mThumbnailSize.height() + ITEM_MARGIN; const int spacing = 1; QRect geometry( QPoint(rect.topLeft() + QPoint((rect.width() - tipSize.width()) / 2, textY + spacing)), tipSize ); if (geometry.left() < 0) { geometry.moveLeft(0); } else if (geometry.right() > mView->viewport()->width()) { geometry.moveRight(mView->viewport()->width()); } // Show tip QParallelAnimationGroup* anim = new QParallelAnimationGroup(); QPropertyAnimation* fadeIn = new QPropertyAnimation(mToolTip, "opacity"); fadeIn->setStartValue(mToolTip->opacity()); fadeIn->setEndValue(1.); anim->addAnimation(fadeIn); if (newTipLabel) { mToolTip->setGeometry(geometry); } else { QPropertyAnimation* move = new QPropertyAnimation(mToolTip, "geometry"); move->setStartValue(mToolTip->geometry()); move->setEndValue(geometry); anim->addAnimation(move); } mToolTipAnimation.reset(anim); mToolTipAnimation->start(); } void hideToolTip() { if (!mToolTip) { return; } QSequentialAnimationGroup* anim = new QSequentialAnimationGroup(); anim->addPause(500); QPropertyAnimation* fadeOut = new QPropertyAnimation(mToolTip, "opacity"); fadeOut->setStartValue(mToolTip->opacity()); fadeOut->setEndValue(0.); anim->addAnimation(fadeOut); mToolTipAnimation.reset(anim); mToolTipAnimation->start(); QObject::connect(anim, SIGNAL(finished()), mToolTip, SLOT(deleteLater())); } int itemWidth() const { return mThumbnailSize.width() + 2 * ITEM_MARGIN; } int itemHeight() const { const int lineHeight = mView->fontMetrics().height(); int textHeight = 0; if (mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::FileNameDetail) { textHeight += lineHeight; } if (mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::DateDetail) { textHeight += lineHeight; } if (mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::ImageSizeDetail) { textHeight += lineHeight; } if (mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::FileSizeDetail) { textHeight += lineHeight; } if (textHeight == 0) { // Keep at least one row of text, so that we can show folder names textHeight = lineHeight; } return mThumbnailSize.height() + textHeight + 3 * ITEM_MARGIN; } void selectIndexUnderCursorIfNoMultiSelection() { if (mView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().size() <= 1) { mView->setCurrentIndex(mIndexUnderCursor); } } void updateToggleSelectionButton() { mToggleSelectionButton->setIcon(SmallIcon( mView->selectionModel()->isSelected(mIndexUnderCursor) ? "list-remove" : "list-add" )); } void updateImageButtons() { const KFileItem item = fileItemForIndex(mIndexUnderCursor); const bool isImage = !item.isDir(); mFullScreenButton->setEnabled(isImage); mRotateLeftButton->setEnabled(isImage); mRotateRightButton->setEnabled(isImage); } void updateContextBar() { if (mContextBarActions == PreviewItemDelegate::NoAction) { mContextBar->hide(); return; } const int width = itemWidth(); const int buttonWidth = mRotateRightButton->sizeHint().width(); mFullScreenButton->setVisible(mContextBarActions & PreviewItemDelegate::FullScreenAction); bool rotate = mContextBarActions & PreviewItemDelegate::RotateAction; mRotateLeftButton->setVisible(rotate && width >= 3 * buttonWidth); mRotateRightButton->setVisible(rotate && width >= 4 * buttonWidth); mContextBar->adjustSize(); } void updateViewGridSize() { mView->setGridSize(QSize(itemWidth(), itemHeight())); } }; PreviewItemDelegate::PreviewItemDelegate(ThumbnailView* view) : QItemDelegate(view) , d(new PreviewItemDelegatePrivate) { d->q = this; d->mView = view; view->viewport()->installEventFilter(this); // Set this attribute so that the viewport receives QEvent::HoverMove and // QEvent::HoverLeave events. We use these events in the event filter // installed on the viewport. // Some styles set this attribute themselves (Oxygen and Skulpture do) but // others do not (Plastique, Cleanlooks...) view->viewport()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Hover); d->mThumbnailSize = view->thumbnailSize(); d->mDetails = FileNameDetail; d->mContextBarActions = SelectionAction | FullScreenAction | RotateAction; d->mTextElideMode = Qt::ElideRight; connect(view, SIGNAL(rowsRemovedSignal(QModelIndex,int,int)), SLOT(slotRowsChanged())); connect(view, SIGNAL(rowsInsertedSignal(QModelIndex,int,int)), SLOT(slotRowsChanged())); connect(view, SIGNAL(thumbnailSizeChanged(QSize)), SLOT(setThumbnailSize(QSize))); // Button frame d->mContextBar = new QWidget(d->mView->viewport()); d->mContextBar->hide(); d->mToggleSelectionButton = new ContextBarButton("list-add"); connect(d->mToggleSelectionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotToggleSelectionClicked())); d->mFullScreenButton = new ContextBarButton("view-fullscreen"); connect(d->mFullScreenButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotFullScreenClicked())); d->mRotateLeftButton = new ContextBarButton("object-rotate-left"); connect(d->mRotateLeftButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRotateLeftClicked())); d->mRotateRightButton = new ContextBarButton("object-rotate-right"); connect(d->mRotateRightButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRotateRightClicked())); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(d->mContextBar); layout->setMargin(2); layout->setSpacing(2); layout->addWidget(d->mToggleSelectionButton); layout->addWidget(d->mFullScreenButton); layout->addWidget(d->mRotateLeftButton); layout->addWidget(d->mRotateRightButton); // Save button d->mSaveButton = new ContextBarButton("document-save", d->mView->viewport()); d->mSaveButton->hide(); connect(d->mSaveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSaveClicked())); } PreviewItemDelegate::~PreviewItemDelegate() { delete d; } QSize PreviewItemDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem & /*option*/, const QModelIndex & /*index*/) const { return d->mView->gridSize(); } bool PreviewItemDelegate::eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event) { if (object == d->mView->viewport()) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::ToolTip: return true; case QEvent::HoverMove: case QEvent::HoverLeave: return d->hoverEventFilter(static_cast(event)); case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: return d->mouseButtonEventFilter(event->type()); default: return false; } } else { // Necessary for the item editor to work correctly (especially closing // the editor with the Escape key) return QItemDelegate::eventFilter(object, event); } } void PreviewItemDelegate::paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const { int thumbnailHeight = d->mThumbnailSize.height(); QSize fullSize; QPixmap thumbnailPix = d->mView->thumbnailForIndex(index, &fullSize); const KFileItem fileItem = fileItemForIndex(index); const bool opaque = !thumbnailPix.hasAlphaChannel(); const bool isDir = fileItem.isDir(); QRect rect = option.rect; const bool selected = option.state & QStyle::State_Selected; const bool underMouse = option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver; const QWidget* viewport = d->mView->viewport(); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW_BORDER painter->setPen(Qt::red); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter->drawRect(rect); #endif // Select color group QPalette::ColorGroup cg; if ((option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) && (option.state & QStyle::State_Active)) { cg = QPalette::Normal; } else if ((option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled)) { cg = QPalette::Inactive; } else { cg = QPalette::Disabled; } // Select colors QColor bgColor, borderColor, fgColor; if (selected || underMouse) { bgColor = option.palette.color(cg, QPalette::Highlight); borderColor = bgColor.dark(SELECTION_BORDER_DARKNESS); } else { bgColor = viewport->palette().color(viewport->backgroundRole()); borderColor = bgColor.light(200); } fgColor = viewport->palette().color(viewport->foregroundRole()); // Compute thumbnailRect QRect thumbnailRect = QRect( rect.left() + (rect.width() - thumbnailPix.width()) / 2, rect.top() + (thumbnailHeight - thumbnailPix.height()) + ITEM_MARGIN, thumbnailPix.width(), thumbnailPix.height()); // Draw background const QRect backgroundRect = thumbnailRect.adjusted(-ITEM_MARGIN, -ITEM_MARGIN, ITEM_MARGIN, ITEM_MARGIN); if (selected) { d->drawBackground(painter, backgroundRect, bgColor, borderColor); } else if (underMouse) { painter->setOpacity(0.2); d->drawBackground(painter, backgroundRect, bgColor, borderColor); painter->setOpacity(1.); } else if (opaque) { d->drawShadow(painter, thumbnailRect); } // Draw thumbnail if (opaque) { painter->setPen(borderColor); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); QRect borderRect = thumbnailRect.adjusted(-1, -1, 0, 0); painter->drawRect(borderRect); } painter->drawPixmap(thumbnailRect.left(), thumbnailRect.top(), thumbnailPix); // Draw modified indicator bool isModified = d->mView->isModified(index); if (isModified) { // Draws a pixmap of the save button frame, as an indicator that // the image has been modified QPoint framePosition = d->saveButtonPosition(rect); d->initSaveButtonPixmap(); painter->drawPixmap(framePosition, d->mSaveButtonPixmap); } // Draw busy indicator if (d->mView->isBusy(index)) { QPixmap pix = d->mView->busySequenceCurrentPixmap(); painter->drawPixmap( thumbnailRect.left() + (thumbnailRect.width() - pix.width()) / 2, thumbnailRect.top() + (thumbnailRect.height() - pix.height()) / 2, pix); } if (index == d->mIndexUnderCursor) { // Show bar again: if the thumbnail has changed, we may need to update // its position. Don't do it if we are over rotate buttons, though: it // would not be nice to move the button now, the user may want to // rotate the image one more time. // The button will get moved when the mouse leaves. if (!d->mRotateLeftButton->underMouse() && !d->mRotateRightButton->underMouse()) { d->showContextBar(rect, thumbnailPix); } if (isModified) { // If we just rotated the image with the buttons from the // button frame, we need to show the save button frame right now. d->showSaveButton(rect); } else { d->mSaveButton->hide(); } } QRect textRect( rect.left() + ITEM_MARGIN, rect.top() + 2 * ITEM_MARGIN + thumbnailHeight, rect.width() - 2 * ITEM_MARGIN, d->mView->fontMetrics().height()); if (isDir || (d->mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::FileNameDetail)) { d->drawText(painter, textRect, fgColor, index.data().toString()); textRect.moveTop(textRect.bottom()); } if (!isDir && (d->mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::DateDetail)) { const KDateTime dt = TimeUtils::dateTimeForFileItem(fileItem); d->drawText(painter, textRect, fgColor, KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dt)); textRect.moveTop(textRect.bottom()); } if (!isDir && (d->mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::ImageSizeDetail)) { if (fullSize.isValid()) { const QString text = QString("%1x%2").arg(fullSize.width()).arg(fullSize.height()); d->drawText(painter, textRect, fgColor, text); textRect.moveTop(textRect.bottom()); } } if (!isDir && (d->mDetails & PreviewItemDelegate::FileSizeDetail)) { const KIO::filesize_t size = fileItem.size(); if (size > 0) { const QString st = KIO::convertSize(size); d->drawText(painter, textRect, fgColor, st); textRect.moveTop(textRect.bottom()); } } #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW_CURRENT if (d->mView->currentIndex() == index) { painter->fillRect(rect.left(), rect.top(), 12, 12, Qt::red); } #endif } void PreviewItemDelegate::setThumbnailSize(const QSize& value) { d->mThumbnailSize = value; d->updateViewGridSize(); d->updateContextBar(); d->mElidedTextCache.clear(); } void PreviewItemDelegate::slotSaveClicked() { saveDocumentRequested(urlForIndex(d->mIndexUnderCursor)); } void PreviewItemDelegate::slotRotateLeftClicked() { d->selectIndexUnderCursorIfNoMultiSelection(); rotateDocumentLeftRequested(urlForIndex(d->mIndexUnderCursor)); } void PreviewItemDelegate::slotRotateRightClicked() { d->selectIndexUnderCursorIfNoMultiSelection(); rotateDocumentRightRequested(urlForIndex(d->mIndexUnderCursor)); } void PreviewItemDelegate::slotFullScreenClicked() { showDocumentInFullScreenRequested(urlForIndex(d->mIndexUnderCursor)); } void PreviewItemDelegate::slotToggleSelectionClicked() { d->mView->selectionModel()->select(d->mIndexUnderCursor, QItemSelectionModel::Toggle); d->updateToggleSelectionButton(); } PreviewItemDelegate::ThumbnailDetails PreviewItemDelegate::thumbnailDetails() const { return d->mDetails; } void PreviewItemDelegate::setThumbnailDetails(PreviewItemDelegate::ThumbnailDetails details) { d->mDetails = details; d->updateViewGridSize(); d->mView->scheduleDelayedItemsLayout(); } PreviewItemDelegate::ContextBarActions PreviewItemDelegate::contextBarActions() const { return d->mContextBarActions; } void PreviewItemDelegate::setContextBarActions(PreviewItemDelegate::ContextBarActions actions) { d->mContextBarActions = actions; d->updateContextBar(); } Qt::TextElideMode PreviewItemDelegate::textElideMode() const { return d->mTextElideMode; } void PreviewItemDelegate::setTextElideMode(Qt::TextElideMode mode) { if (d->mTextElideMode == mode) { return; } d->mTextElideMode = mode; d->mElidedTextCache.clear(); d->mView->viewport()->update(); } void PreviewItemDelegate::slotRowsChanged() { // We need to update hover ui because the current index may have // disappeared: for example if the current image is removed with "del". QPoint pos = d->mView->viewport()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); QModelIndex index = d->mView->indexAt(pos); d->updateHoverUi(index); } QWidget * PreviewItemDelegate::createEditor(QWidget* parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& /*option*/, const QModelIndex& /*index*/) const { return new ItemEditor(parent); } void PreviewItemDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget* widget, const QModelIndex& index) const { ItemEditor* edit = qobject_cast(widget); if (!edit) { return; } edit->setText(index.data().toString()); } void PreviewItemDelegate::updateEditorGeometry(QWidget* widget, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const { ItemEditor* edit = qobject_cast(widget); if (!edit) { return; } QString text = index.data().toString(); int textWidth = edit->fontMetrics().width(" " + text + " "); QRect textRect( option.rect.left() + (option.rect.width() - textWidth) / 2, option.rect.top() + 2 * ITEM_MARGIN + d->mThumbnailSize.height(), textWidth, edit->sizeHint().height()); edit->setGeometry(textRect); } void PreviewItemDelegate::setModelData(QWidget* widget, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index) const { ItemEditor* edit = qobject_cast(widget); if (!edit) { return; } if (index.data().toString() != edit->text()) { model->setData(index, edit->text(), Qt::EditRole); } } } // namespace