TODO for KDE 4.3 ---------------- ****** Tokamak 2 - Porto - February 2009 ******* ******* ******** Reference: *************************************************** 1) Junior Job (very easy) ---------------------- Display picture name as a configuration option for static pictures - in Settings dialog: add an option then 2 options: picture name or full path see frametest-url.tar.gz for starter see 2) Junior Job (very easy) ---------------------- Match Settings dialog with Desktop Configuration dialog as indicated in the pdf of Picture Frame for 4.3 3) Junior Job (medium) (Nepomuk, Strigi and EXIF) ----------------------- Based on frametest-back.tar.gz code, improve the displayed metadata for the picture properties, based on what is displayed by GWenView. see frametest-back.tar.gz at Make a dataengine to get the metadata from the file (so that could be reused by other apps) Get all data from Nepomuk & Strigi. If Exif data is not in Nepomuk, then get it from EXIF and save it in Nepomuk so next time it is there. Resources: - page 29 For 4.4: user interaction with Nepomuk metadata, add, remove and change tags,comment and rating. 4) Junior Job (easy) -------------------- Add Previous, Play/Pause, Next buttons in Slideshow mode to allow to skip or play/pause the slideshow see frametest-buttons.tar.gz for starter Annma: get a proper SVG pic from Nuno to do so 5) Junior Job (easy) (using Solid) ----------------------- Implement for Comic - put a patch on kdereviewboard Problem: when you are not connected, the comic displays nothing and never checks further the state of connection. - check about networking (see to check status (if connected or not) then if not: use Solid::Networking::Notifier and signal void statusChanged (Solid::Networking::Status status) to get the picture. 6) Junior Job (not assessed) ------------------------ Set a fixed point for the Picture to always been drawn from there. See bug 7) Junior Job (not assessed) ------------------------- Add transitions effects to the Slideshow mode Use Qt 4.5 (current qt-copy and trunk) and Kinetic use: git clone git:// see 8) Speed up code (advanced) and clean code ------------------------------------------ When reading pictures, use ThreadWaever and cache the next picture (the QImage) or a batch of next pictures. Note: have a look at Desktop Wallpapers in Slideshow mode which already caches the pictures. See in kdebase/workspace/plasma/wallpapers/ the classes Image and RenderThread Profiling tools: valgrind, callgrind, KCacheGrind (in kdesdk module) You need valgrind from your distribution and KCacheGrind from your KDE source (trunk or your distro). Profile it using "plasmoidviewer frame" Doc: Clean: separate the "get picture" part from the "paint picture" Add doc comment in .h files. Give better names and optimize code. Scaling: get the ratio of the frame and compare with the picture size. If close: use smoothTransform, if too much to scale use a less demanding transform Get the 2 pictures into 2 children applets. 9) PoTD engine (Matías Szeftel) (arlekin on IRC) ------------------------------- - see what providers are still active and what to add - credits: what to display to fullfill the proper credits requierements - GHNS access: how to make packages where to put the KNS xml file ( write a HowTo add a new provider - cache picture until midnight then get the new picture - General Image Engine for comic and frame ==> arlekin and mat69 => Another APOD 10) Integrate Crystal --------------------- crystal is in playground/base/plasma/applets and needs /playground/base/neopmuk-kde Use Wikimedia classes to get data from Wikimedia websites for example a batch of pictures from wikimedia-commons. ------------------------------------- Potential problems from using Kinetics - click to flip picture is also triggered by drop -> make a smal area as the click-to-flip? - do not call update() - Another wish (not researched yet)