/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 by Albert Astals Cid * * Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros * * Copyright (C) 2012 by Guillermo A. Amaral B. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "generator_pdf.h" // qt/kde includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ui_pdfsettingswidget.h" #include "pdfsettings.h" #include #include "annots.h" #include "formfields.h" #include "popplerembeddedfile.h" Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Poppler::Annotation*) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Poppler::FontInfo) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(const Poppler::LinkMovie*) static const int defaultPageWidth = 595; static const int defaultPageHeight = 842; class PDFOptionsPage : public QWidget { public: PDFOptionsPage() { setWindowTitle( i18n( "PDF Options" ) ); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); m_printAnnots = new QCheckBox(i18n("Print annotations"), this); m_printAnnots->setToolTip(i18n("Include annotations in the printed document")); m_printAnnots->setWhatsThis(i18n("Includes annotations in the printed document. You can disable this if you want to print the original unannotated document.")); layout->addWidget(m_printAnnots); m_forceRaster = new QCheckBox(i18n("Force rasterization"), this); m_forceRaster->setToolTip(i18n("Rasterize into an image before printing")); m_forceRaster->setWhatsThis(i18n("Forces the rasterization of each page into an image before printing it. This usually gives somewhat worse results, but is useful when printing documents that appear to print incorrectly.")); layout->addWidget(m_forceRaster); layout->addStretch(1); setPrintAnnots( true ); // Default value } bool printAnnots() { return m_printAnnots->isChecked(); } void setPrintAnnots( bool printAnnots ) { m_printAnnots->setChecked( printAnnots ); } bool printForceRaster() { return m_forceRaster->isChecked(); } void setPrintForceRaster( bool forceRaster ) { m_forceRaster->setChecked( forceRaster ); } private: QCheckBox *m_printAnnots; QCheckBox *m_forceRaster; }; static void fillViewportFromLinkDestination( Okular::DocumentViewport &viewport, const Poppler::LinkDestination &destination ) { viewport.pageNumber = destination.pageNumber() - 1; if (!viewport.isValid()) return; // get destination position // TODO add other attributes to the viewport (taken from link) // switch ( destination->getKind() ) // { // case destXYZ: if (destination.isChangeLeft() || destination.isChangeTop()) { // TODO remember to change this if we implement DPI and/or rotation double left, top; left = destination.left(); top = destination.top(); viewport.rePos.normalizedX = left; viewport.rePos.normalizedY = top; viewport.rePos.enabled = true; viewport.rePos.pos = Okular::DocumentViewport::TopLeft; } /* TODO if ( dest->getChangeZoom() ) make zoom change*/ /* break; default: // implement the others cases break;*/ // } } Okular::Sound* createSoundFromPopplerSound( const Poppler::SoundObject *popplerSound ) { Okular::Sound *sound = popplerSound->soundType() == Poppler::SoundObject::Embedded ? new Okular::Sound( popplerSound->data() ) : new Okular::Sound( popplerSound->url() ); sound->setSamplingRate( popplerSound->samplingRate() ); sound->setChannels( popplerSound->channels() ); sound->setBitsPerSample( popplerSound->bitsPerSample() ); switch ( popplerSound->soundEncoding() ) { case Poppler::SoundObject::Raw: sound->setSoundEncoding( Okular::Sound::Raw ); break; case Poppler::SoundObject::Signed: sound->setSoundEncoding( Okular::Sound::Signed ); break; case Poppler::SoundObject::muLaw: sound->setSoundEncoding( Okular::Sound::muLaw ); break; case Poppler::SoundObject::ALaw: sound->setSoundEncoding( Okular::Sound::ALaw ); break; } return sound; } Okular::Movie* createMovieFromPopplerMovie( const Poppler::MovieObject *popplerMovie ) { Okular::Movie *movie = new Okular::Movie( popplerMovie->url() ); movie->setSize( popplerMovie->size() ); movie->setRotation( (Okular::Rotation)( popplerMovie->rotation() / 90 ) ); movie->setShowControls( popplerMovie->showControls() ); movie->setPlayMode( (Okular::Movie::PlayMode)popplerMovie->playMode() ); movie->setAutoPlay( false ); // will be triggered by external MovieAnnotation movie->setShowPosterImage( popplerMovie->showPosterImage() ); movie->setPosterImage( popplerMovie->posterImage() ); return movie; } /** * Note: the function will take ownership of the popplerLink object. */ Okular::Action* createLinkFromPopplerLink(const Poppler::Link *popplerLink) { Okular::Action *link = 0; const Poppler::LinkGoto *popplerLinkGoto; const Poppler::LinkExecute *popplerLinkExecute; const Poppler::LinkBrowse *popplerLinkBrowse; const Poppler::LinkAction *popplerLinkAction; const Poppler::LinkSound *popplerLinkSound; const Poppler::LinkMovie *popplerLinkMovie; Okular::DocumentViewport viewport; bool deletePopplerLink = true; switch(popplerLink->linkType()) { case Poppler::Link::None: break; case Poppler::Link::Goto: { popplerLinkGoto = static_cast(popplerLink); const Poppler::LinkDestination dest = popplerLinkGoto->destination(); const QString destName = dest.destinationName(); if (destName.isEmpty()) { fillViewportFromLinkDestination( viewport, dest ); link = new Okular::GotoAction(popplerLinkGoto->fileName(), viewport); } else { link = new Okular::GotoAction(popplerLinkGoto->fileName(), destName); } } break; case Poppler::Link::Execute: popplerLinkExecute = static_cast(popplerLink); link = new Okular::ExecuteAction( popplerLinkExecute->fileName(), popplerLinkExecute->parameters() ); break; case Poppler::Link::Browse: popplerLinkBrowse = static_cast(popplerLink); link = new Okular::BrowseAction( popplerLinkBrowse->url() ); break; case Poppler::Link::Action: popplerLinkAction = static_cast(popplerLink); link = new Okular::DocumentAction( (Okular::DocumentAction::DocumentActionType)popplerLinkAction->actionType() ); break; case Poppler::Link::Sound: { popplerLinkSound = static_cast(popplerLink); Poppler::SoundObject *popplerSound = popplerLinkSound->sound(); Okular::Sound *sound = createSoundFromPopplerSound( popplerSound ); link = new Okular::SoundAction( popplerLinkSound->volume(), popplerLinkSound->synchronous(), popplerLinkSound->repeat(), popplerLinkSound->mix(), sound ); } break; case Poppler::Link::Movie: { deletePopplerLink = false; // we'll delete it inside resolveMediaLinkReferences() after we have resolved all references popplerLinkMovie = static_cast( popplerLink ); Okular::MovieAction::OperationType operation = Okular::MovieAction::Play; switch ( popplerLinkMovie->operation() ) { case Poppler::LinkMovie::Play: operation = Okular::MovieAction::Play; break; case Poppler::LinkMovie::Stop: operation = Okular::MovieAction::Stop; break; case Poppler::LinkMovie::Pause: operation = Okular::MovieAction::Pause; break; case Poppler::LinkMovie::Resume: operation = Okular::MovieAction::Resume; break; }; Okular::MovieAction *movieAction = new Okular::MovieAction( operation ); movieAction->setNativeId( QVariant::fromValue( popplerLinkMovie ) ); link = movieAction; } break; } if ( deletePopplerLink ) delete popplerLink; return link; } /** * Note: the function will take ownership of the popplerLink objects. */ static QLinkedList generateLinks( const QList &popplerLinks ) { QLinkedList links; foreach(const Poppler::Link *popplerLink, popplerLinks) { QRectF linkArea = popplerLink->linkArea(); double nl = linkArea.left(), nt = linkArea.top(), nr = linkArea.right(), nb = linkArea.bottom(); // create the rect using normalized coords and attach the Okular::Link to it Okular::ObjectRect * rect = new Okular::ObjectRect( nl, nt, nr, nb, false, Okular::ObjectRect::Action, createLinkFromPopplerLink(popplerLink) ); // add the ObjectRect to the container links.push_front( rect ); } return links; } /** NOTES on threading: * internal: thread race prevention is done via the 'docLock' mutex. the * mutex is needed only because we have the asynchronous thread; else * the operations are all within the 'gui' thread, scheduled by the * Qt scheduler and no mutex is needed. * external: dangerous operations are all locked via mutex internally, and the * only needed external thing is the 'canGeneratePixmap' method * that tells if the generator is free (since we don't want an * internal queue to store PixmapRequests). A generatedPixmap call * without the 'ready' flag set, results in undefined behavior. * So, as example, printing while generating a pixmap asynchronously is safe, * it might only block the gui thread by 1) waiting for the mutex to unlock * in async thread and 2) doing the 'heavy' print operation. */ static KAboutData createAboutData() { KAboutData aboutData( "okular_poppler", "okular_poppler", ki18n( "PDF Backend" ), "0.6.5", ki18n( "A PDF file renderer" ), KAboutData::License_GPL, ki18n( "© 2005-2008 Albert Astals Cid" ) ); aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Albert Astals Cid" ), KLocalizedString(), "aacid@kde.org" ); return aboutData; } OKULAR_EXPORT_PLUGIN(PDFGenerator, createAboutData()) static void PDFGeneratorPopplerDebugFunction(const QString &message, const QVariant &closure) { Q_UNUSED(closure); kDebug() << "[Poppler]" << message; } PDFGenerator::PDFGenerator( QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args ) : Generator( parent, args ), pdfdoc( 0 ), docInfoDirty( true ), docSynopsisDirty( true ), docEmbeddedFilesDirty( true ), nextFontPage( 0 ), annotProxy( 0 ), synctex_scanner( 0 ) { setFeature( Threaded ); setFeature( TextExtraction ); setFeature( FontInfo ); setFeature( PrintPostscript ); if ( Okular::FilePrinter::ps2pdfAvailable() ) setFeature( PrintToFile ); setFeature( ReadRawData ); setFeature( TiledRendering ); // You only need to do it once not for each of the documents but it is cheap enough // so doing it all the time won't hurt either Poppler::setDebugErrorFunction(PDFGeneratorPopplerDebugFunction, QVariant()); } PDFGenerator::~PDFGenerator() { delete pdfOptionsPage; } //BEGIN Generator inherited functions Okular::Document::OpenResult PDFGenerator::loadDocumentWithPassword( const QString & filePath, QVector & pagesVector, const QString &password ) { #ifndef NDEBUG if ( pdfdoc ) { kDebug(PDFDebug) << "PDFGenerator: multiple calls to loadDocument. Check it."; return Okular::Document::OpenError; } #endif // create PDFDoc for the given file pdfdoc = Poppler::Document::load( filePath, 0, 0 ); Okular::Document::OpenResult success = init(pagesVector, password); if (success == Okular::Document::OpenSuccess) { // no need to check for the existence of a synctex file, no parser will be // created if none exists initSynctexParser(filePath); if ( !synctex_scanner && QFile::exists(filePath + QLatin1String( "sync" ) ) ) { loadPdfSync(filePath, pagesVector); } } return success; } Okular::Document::OpenResult PDFGenerator::loadDocumentFromDataWithPassword( const QByteArray & fileData, QVector & pagesVector, const QString &password ) { #ifndef NDEBUG if ( pdfdoc ) { kDebug(PDFDebug) << "PDFGenerator: multiple calls to loadDocument. Check it."; return Okular::Document::OpenError; } #endif // create PDFDoc for the given file pdfdoc = Poppler::Document::loadFromData( fileData, 0, 0 ); return init(pagesVector, password); } Okular::Document::OpenResult PDFGenerator::init(QVector & pagesVector, const QString &password) { if ( !pdfdoc ) return Okular::Document::OpenError; if ( pdfdoc->isLocked() ) { pdfdoc->unlock( password.toLatin1(), password.toLatin1() ); if ( pdfdoc->isLocked() ) { delete pdfdoc; pdfdoc = 0; return Okular::Document::OpenNeedsPassword; } } // build Pages (currentPage was set -1 by deletePages) int pageCount = pdfdoc->numPages(); if (pageCount < 0) { delete pdfdoc; pdfdoc = 0; return Okular::Document::OpenError; } pagesVector.resize(pageCount); rectsGenerated.fill(false, pageCount); annotationsHash.clear(); loadPages(pagesVector, 0, false); // update the configuration reparseConfig(); // create annotation proxy annotProxy = new PopplerAnnotationProxy( pdfdoc, userMutex() ); // the file has been loaded correctly return Okular::Document::OpenSuccess; } bool PDFGenerator::doCloseDocument() { // remove internal objects userMutex()->lock(); delete annotProxy; annotProxy = 0; delete pdfdoc; pdfdoc = 0; userMutex()->unlock(); docInfoDirty = true; docSynopsisDirty = true; docSyn.clear(); docEmbeddedFilesDirty = true; qDeleteAll(docEmbeddedFiles); docEmbeddedFiles.clear(); nextFontPage = 0; rectsGenerated.clear(); if ( synctex_scanner ) { synctex_scanner_free( synctex_scanner ); synctex_scanner = 0; } return true; } void PDFGenerator::loadPages(QVector &pagesVector, int rotation, bool clear) { // TODO XPDF 3.01 check const int count = pagesVector.count(); double w = 0, h = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < count ; i++ ) { // get xpdf page Poppler::Page * p = pdfdoc->page( i ); Okular::Page * page; if (p) { const QSizeF pSize = p->pageSizeF(); w = pSize.width() / 72.0 * dpi().width(); h = pSize.height() / 72.0 * dpi().height(); Okular::Rotation orientation = Okular::Rotation0; switch (p->orientation()) { case Poppler::Page::Landscape: orientation = Okular::Rotation90; break; case Poppler::Page::UpsideDown: orientation = Okular::Rotation180; break; case Poppler::Page::Seascape: orientation = Okular::Rotation270; break; case Poppler::Page::Portrait: orientation = Okular::Rotation0; break; } if (rotation % 2 == 1) qSwap(w,h); // init a Okular::page, add transition and annotation information page = new Okular::Page( i, w, h, orientation ); addTransition( p, page ); if ( true ) //TODO real check addAnnotations( p, page ); Poppler::Link * tmplink = p->action( Poppler::Page::Opening ); if ( tmplink ) { page->setPageAction( Okular::Page::Opening, createLinkFromPopplerLink( tmplink ) ); } tmplink = p->action( Poppler::Page::Closing ); if ( tmplink ) { page->setPageAction( Okular::Page::Closing, createLinkFromPopplerLink( tmplink ) ); } page->setDuration( p->duration() ); page->setLabel( p->label() ); addFormFields( p, page ); // kWarning(PDFDebug).nospace() << page->width() << "x" << page->height(); #ifdef PDFGENERATOR_DEBUG kDebug(PDFDebug) << "load page" << i << "with rotation" << rotation << "and orientation" << orientation; #endif delete p; if (clear && pagesVector[i]) delete pagesVector[i]; } else { page = new Okular::Page( i, defaultPageWidth, defaultPageHeight, Okular::Rotation0 ); } // set the Okular::page at the right position in document's pages vector pagesVector[i] = page; } } const Okular::DocumentInfo * PDFGenerator::generateDocumentInfo() { if ( docInfoDirty ) { userMutex()->lock(); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::MimeType, "application/pdf" ); if ( pdfdoc ) { // compile internal structure reading properties from PDFDoc docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Title, pdfdoc->info("Title") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Subject, pdfdoc->info("Subject") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Author, pdfdoc->info("Author") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Keywords, pdfdoc->info("Keywords") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Creator, pdfdoc->info("Creator") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Producer, pdfdoc->info("Producer") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::CreationDate, KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( pdfdoc->date("CreationDate"), KLocale::LongDate, true ) ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::ModificationDate, KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( pdfdoc->date("ModDate"), KLocale::LongDate, true ) ); int major, minor; pdfdoc->getPdfVersion(&major, &minor); docInfo.set( "format", i18nc( "PDF v. ", "PDF v. %1.%2", major, minor ), i18n( "Format" ) ); docInfo.set( "encryption", pdfdoc->isEncrypted() ? i18n( "Encrypted" ) : i18n( "Unencrypted" ), i18n("Security") ); docInfo.set( "optimization", pdfdoc->isLinearized() ? i18n( "Yes" ) : i18n( "No" ), i18n("Optimized") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Pages, QString::number( pdfdoc->numPages() ) ); } else { // TODO not sure one can reach here, check and if it is not possible, remove the code docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Title, i18n("Unknown") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Subject, i18n("Unknown") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Author, i18n("Unknown") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Keywords, i18n("Unknown") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Creator, i18n("Unknown") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Producer, i18n("Unknown") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::CreationDate, i18n("Unknown Date") ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::ModificationDate, i18n("Unknown Date") ); docInfo.set( "format", "PDF", i18n( "Format" ) ); docInfo.set( "encryption", i18n( "Unknown Encryption" ), i18n( "Security" ) ); docInfo.set( "optimization", i18n( "Unknown Optimization" ), i18n( "Optimized" ) ); docInfo.set( Okular::DocumentInfo::Pages, i18n("Unknown") ); } userMutex()->unlock(); // if pdfdoc is valid then we cached good info -> don't cache them again if ( pdfdoc ) docInfoDirty = false; } return &docInfo; } const Okular::DocumentSynopsis * PDFGenerator::generateDocumentSynopsis() { if ( !docSynopsisDirty ) return &docSyn; if ( !pdfdoc ) return NULL; userMutex()->lock(); QDomDocument *toc = pdfdoc->toc(); userMutex()->unlock(); if ( !toc ) return NULL; addSynopsisChildren(toc, &docSyn); delete toc; docSynopsisDirty = false; return &docSyn; } static Okular::FontInfo::FontType convertPopplerFontInfoTypeToOkularFontInfoType( Poppler::FontInfo::Type type ) { switch ( type ) { case Poppler::FontInfo::Type1: return Okular::FontInfo::Type1; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::Type1C: return Okular::FontInfo::Type1C; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::Type3: return Okular::FontInfo::Type3; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::TrueType: return Okular::FontInfo::TrueType; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::CIDType0: return Okular::FontInfo::CIDType0; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::CIDType0C: return Okular::FontInfo::CIDType0C; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::CIDTrueType: return Okular::FontInfo::CIDTrueType; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::Type1COT: return Okular::FontInfo::Type1COT; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::TrueTypeOT: return Okular::FontInfo::TrueTypeOT; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::CIDType0COT: return Okular::FontInfo::CIDType0COT; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::CIDTrueTypeOT: return Okular::FontInfo::CIDTrueTypeOT; break; case Poppler::FontInfo::unknown: default: ; } return Okular::FontInfo::Unknown; } static Okular::FontInfo::EmbedType embedTypeForPopplerFontInfo( const Poppler::FontInfo &fi ) { Okular::FontInfo::EmbedType ret = Okular::FontInfo::NotEmbedded; if ( fi.isEmbedded() ) { if ( fi.isSubset() ) { ret = Okular::FontInfo::EmbeddedSubset; } else { ret = Okular::FontInfo::FullyEmbedded; } } return ret; } Okular::FontInfo::List PDFGenerator::fontsForPage( int page ) { Okular::FontInfo::List list; if ( page != nextFontPage ) return list; QList fonts; userMutex()->lock(); pdfdoc->scanForFonts( 1, &fonts ); userMutex()->unlock(); foreach (const Poppler::FontInfo &font, fonts) { Okular::FontInfo of; of.setName( font.name() ); of.setType( convertPopplerFontInfoTypeToOkularFontInfoType( font.type() ) ); of.setEmbedType( embedTypeForPopplerFontInfo( font) ); of.setFile( font.file() ); of.setCanBeExtracted( of.embedType() != Okular::FontInfo::NotEmbedded ); QVariant nativeId; nativeId.setValue( font ); of.setNativeId( nativeId ); list.append( of ); } ++nextFontPage; return list; } const QList *PDFGenerator::embeddedFiles() const { if (docEmbeddedFilesDirty) { userMutex()->lock(); const QList &popplerFiles = pdfdoc->embeddedFiles(); foreach(Poppler::EmbeddedFile* pef, popplerFiles) { docEmbeddedFiles.append(new PDFEmbeddedFile(pef)); } userMutex()->unlock(); docEmbeddedFilesDirty = false; } return &docEmbeddedFiles; } bool PDFGenerator::isAllowed( Okular::Permission permission ) const { bool b = true; switch ( permission ) { case Okular::AllowModify: b = pdfdoc->okToChange(); break; case Okular::AllowCopy: b = pdfdoc->okToCopy(); break; case Okular::AllowPrint: b = pdfdoc->okToPrint(); break; case Okular::AllowNotes: b = pdfdoc->okToAddNotes(); break; case Okular::AllowFillForms: b = pdfdoc->okToFillForm(); break; default: ; } return b; } QImage PDFGenerator::image( Okular::PixmapRequest * request ) { // debug requests to this (xpdf) generator //kDebug(PDFDebug) << "id: " << request->id << " is requesting " << (request->async ? "ASYNC" : "sync") << " pixmap for page " << request->page->number() << " [" << request->width << " x " << request->height << "]."; // compute dpi used to get an image with desired width and height Okular::Page * page = request->page(); double pageWidth = page->width(), pageHeight = page->height(); if ( page->rotation() % 2 ) qSwap( pageWidth, pageHeight ); qreal fakeDpiX = request->width() / pageWidth * dpi().width(); qreal fakeDpiY = request->height() / pageHeight * dpi().height(); // generate links rects only the first time bool genObjectRects = !rectsGenerated.at( page->number() ); // 0. LOCK [waits for the thread end] userMutex()->lock(); // 1. Set OutputDev parameters and Generate contents // note: thread safety is set on 'false' for the GUI (this) thread Poppler::Page *p = pdfdoc->page(page->number()); // 2. Take data from outputdev and attach it to the Page QImage img; if (p) { if ( request->isTile() ) { QRect rect = request->normalizedRect().geometry( request->width(), request->height() ); img = p->renderToImage( fakeDpiX, fakeDpiY, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), Poppler::Page::Rotate0 ); } else { img = p->renderToImage(fakeDpiX, fakeDpiY, -1, -1, -1, -1, Poppler::Page::Rotate0 ); } } else { img = QImage( request->width(), request->height(), QImage::Format_Mono ); img.fill( Qt::white ); } if ( p && genObjectRects ) { // TODO previously we extracted Image type rects too, but that needed porting to poppler // and as we are not doing anything with Image type rects i did not port it, have a look at // dead gp_outputdev.cpp on image extraction page->setObjectRects( generateLinks(p->links()) ); rectsGenerated[ request->page()->number() ] = true; resolveMediaLinkReferences( page ); } // 3. UNLOCK [re-enables shared access] userMutex()->unlock(); delete p; return img; } template void resolveMediaLinks( Okular::Action *action, enum Okular::Annotation::SubType subType, QHash &annotationsHash ) { OkularLinkType *okularAction = static_cast( action ); const PopplerLinkType *popplerLink = action->nativeId().value(); QHashIterator it( annotationsHash ); while ( it.hasNext() ) { it.next(); if ( it.key()->subType() == subType ) { const PopplerAnnotationType *popplerAnnotation = static_cast( it.value() ); if ( popplerLink->isReferencedAnnotation( popplerAnnotation ) ) { okularAction->setAnnotation( static_cast( it.key() ) ); okularAction->setNativeId( QVariant() ); delete popplerLink; // delete the associated Poppler::LinkMovie object, it's not needed anymore break; } } } } void PDFGenerator::resolveMediaLinkReference( Okular::Action *action ) { if ( !action ) return; if ( action->actionType() != Okular::Action::Movie ) return; resolveMediaLinks( action, Okular::Annotation::AMovie, annotationsHash ); } void PDFGenerator::resolveMediaLinkReferences( Okular::Page *page ) { resolveMediaLinkReference( const_cast( page->pageAction( Okular::Page::Opening ) ) ); resolveMediaLinkReference( const_cast( page->pageAction( Okular::Page::Closing ) ) ); foreach ( Okular::Annotation *annotation, page->annotations() ) { if ( annotation->subType() == Okular::Annotation::AScreen ) { Okular::ScreenAnnotation *screenAnnotation = static_cast( annotation ); resolveMediaLinkReference( screenAnnotation->additionalAction( Okular::Annotation::PageOpening ) ); resolveMediaLinkReference( screenAnnotation->additionalAction( Okular::Annotation::PageClosing ) ); } if ( annotation->subType() == Okular::Annotation::AWidget ) { Okular::WidgetAnnotation *widgetAnnotation = static_cast( annotation ); resolveMediaLinkReference( widgetAnnotation->additionalAction( Okular::Annotation::PageOpening ) ); resolveMediaLinkReference( widgetAnnotation->additionalAction( Okular::Annotation::PageClosing ) ); } } foreach ( Okular::FormField *field, page->formFields() ) resolveMediaLinkReference( field->activationAction() ); } Okular::TextPage* PDFGenerator::textPage( Okular::Page *page ) { #ifdef PDFGENERATOR_DEBUG kDebug(PDFDebug) << "page" << page->number(); #endif // build a TextList... QList textList; double pageWidth, pageHeight; Poppler::Page *pp = pdfdoc->page( page->number() ); if (pp) { userMutex()->lock(); textList = pp->textList(); userMutex()->unlock(); QSizeF s = pp->pageSizeF(); pageWidth = s.width(); pageHeight = s.height(); delete pp; } else { pageWidth = defaultPageWidth; pageHeight = defaultPageHeight; } Okular::TextPage *tp = abstractTextPage(textList, pageHeight, pageWidth, (Poppler::Page::Rotation)page->orientation()); qDeleteAll(textList); return tp; } void PDFGenerator::requestFontData(const Okular::FontInfo &font, QByteArray *data) { Poppler::FontInfo fi = font.nativeId().value(); *data = pdfdoc->fontData(fi); } #define DUMMY_QPRINTER_COPY bool PDFGenerator::print( QPrinter& printer ) { #ifdef DUMMY_QPRINTER_COPY // Get the real page size to pass to the ps generator QPrinter dummy( QPrinter::PrinterResolution ); dummy.setFullPage( true ); dummy.setOrientation( printer.orientation() ); dummy.setPageSize( printer.pageSize() ); dummy.setPaperSize( printer.paperSize( QPrinter::Millimeter ), QPrinter::Millimeter ); int width = dummy.width(); int height = dummy.height(); #else int width = printer.width(); int height = printer.height(); #endif if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { lastPrintError = InvalidPageSizePrintError; return false; } // Create the tempfile to send to FilePrinter, which will manage the deletion KTemporaryFile tf; tf.setSuffix( ".ps" ); if ( !tf.open() ) { lastPrintError = TemporaryFileOpenPrintError; return false; } QString tempfilename = tf.fileName(); // Generate the list of pages to be printed as selected in the print dialog QList pageList = Okular::FilePrinter::pageList( printer, pdfdoc->numPages(), document()->currentPage() + 1, document()->bookmarkedPageList() ); // TODO rotation tf.setAutoRemove(false); QString pstitle = metaData(QLatin1String("Title"), QVariant()).toString(); if ( pstitle.trimmed().isEmpty() ) { pstitle = document()->currentDocument().fileName(); } bool printAnnots = true; bool forceRasterize = false; if ( pdfOptionsPage ) { printAnnots = pdfOptionsPage->printAnnots(); forceRasterize = pdfOptionsPage->printForceRaster(); } Poppler::PSConverter *psConverter = pdfdoc->psConverter(); psConverter->setOutputDevice(&tf); psConverter->setPageList(pageList); psConverter->setPaperWidth(width); psConverter->setPaperHeight(height); psConverter->setRightMargin(0); psConverter->setBottomMargin(0); psConverter->setLeftMargin(0); psConverter->setTopMargin(0); psConverter->setStrictMargins(false); psConverter->setForceRasterize(forceRasterize); psConverter->setTitle(pstitle); if (!printAnnots) psConverter->setPSOptions(psConverter->psOptions() | Poppler::PSConverter::HideAnnotations ); userMutex()->lock(); if (psConverter->convert()) { userMutex()->unlock(); delete psConverter; tf.close(); int ret = Okular::FilePrinter::printFile( printer, tempfilename, document()->orientation(), Okular::FilePrinter::SystemDeletesFiles, Okular::FilePrinter::ApplicationSelectsPages, document()->bookmarkedPageRange() ); lastPrintError = Okular::FilePrinter::printError( ret ); return (lastPrintError == NoPrintError); } else { lastPrintError = FileConversionPrintError; delete psConverter; userMutex()->unlock(); } tf.close(); return false; } QVariant PDFGenerator::metaData( const QString & key, const QVariant & option ) const { if ( key == "StartFullScreen" ) { QMutexLocker ml(userMutex()); // asking for the 'start in fullscreen mode' (pdf property) if ( pdfdoc->pageMode() == Poppler::Document::FullScreen ) return true; } else if ( key == "NamedViewport" && !option.toString().isEmpty() ) { Okular::DocumentViewport viewport; QString optionString = option.toString(); // if option starts with "src:" assume that we are handling a // source reference if ( optionString.startsWith( "src:", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { fillViewportFromSourceReference( viewport, optionString ); } else { // asking for the page related to a 'named link destination'. the // option is the link name. @see addSynopsisChildren. userMutex()->lock(); Poppler::LinkDestination *ld = pdfdoc->linkDestination( optionString ); userMutex()->unlock(); if ( ld ) { fillViewportFromLinkDestination( viewport, *ld ); } delete ld; } if ( viewport.pageNumber >= 0 ) return viewport.toString(); } else if ( key == "DocumentTitle" ) { userMutex()->lock(); QString title = pdfdoc->info( "Title" ); userMutex()->unlock(); return title; } else if ( key == "OpenTOC" ) { QMutexLocker ml(userMutex()); if ( pdfdoc->pageMode() == Poppler::Document::UseOutlines ) return true; } else if ( key == "HasUnsupportedXfaForm" ) { QMutexLocker ml(userMutex()); return pdfdoc->formType() == Poppler::Document::XfaForm; } return QVariant(); } bool PDFGenerator::reparseConfig() { if ( !pdfdoc ) return false; bool somethingchanged = false; // load paper color QColor color = documentMetaData( "PaperColor", true ).value< QColor >(); // if paper color is changed we have to rebuild every visible pixmap in addition // to the outputDevice. it's the 'heaviest' case, other effect are just recoloring // over the page rendered on 'standard' white background. if ( color != pdfdoc->paperColor() ) { userMutex()->lock(); pdfdoc->setPaperColor(color); userMutex()->unlock(); somethingchanged = true; } bool aaChanged = setDocumentRenderHints(); somethingchanged = somethingchanged || aaChanged; return somethingchanged; } void PDFGenerator::addPages( KConfigDialog *dlg ) { Ui_PDFSettingsWidget pdfsw; QWidget* w = new QWidget(dlg); pdfsw.setupUi(w); dlg->addPage(w, PDFSettings::self(), i18n("PDF"), "application-pdf", i18n("PDF Backend Configuration") ); } bool PDFGenerator::setDocumentRenderHints() { bool changed = false; const Poppler::Document::RenderHints oldhints = pdfdoc->renderHints(); #define SET_HINT(hintname, hintdefvalue, hintflag) \ { \ bool newhint = documentMetaData(hintname, hintdefvalue).toBool(); \ if (newhint != oldhints.testFlag(hintflag)) \ { \ pdfdoc->setRenderHint(hintflag, newhint); \ changed = true; \ } \ } SET_HINT("GraphicsAntialias", true, Poppler::Document::Antialiasing) SET_HINT("TextAntialias", true, Poppler::Document::TextAntialiasing) SET_HINT("TextHinting", false, Poppler::Document::TextHinting) #undef SET_HINT // load thin line mode const int thinLineMode = PDFSettings::enhanceThinLines(); const bool enableThinLineSolid = thinLineMode == PDFSettings::EnumEnhanceThinLines::Solid; const bool enableShapeLineSolid = thinLineMode == PDFSettings::EnumEnhanceThinLines::Shape; const bool thinLineSolidWasEnabled = (oldhints & Poppler::Document::ThinLineSolid) == Poppler::Document::ThinLineSolid; const bool thinLineShapeWasEnabled = (oldhints & Poppler::Document::ThinLineShape) == Poppler::Document::ThinLineShape; if (enableThinLineSolid != thinLineSolidWasEnabled) { pdfdoc->setRenderHint(Poppler::Document::ThinLineSolid, enableThinLineSolid); changed = true; } if (enableShapeLineSolid != thinLineShapeWasEnabled) { pdfdoc->setRenderHint(Poppler::Document::ThinLineShape, enableShapeLineSolid); changed = true; } return changed; } Okular::ExportFormat::List PDFGenerator::exportFormats() const { static Okular::ExportFormat::List formats; if ( formats.isEmpty() ) { formats.append( Okular::ExportFormat::standardFormat( Okular::ExportFormat::PlainText ) ); } return formats; } bool PDFGenerator::exportTo( const QString &fileName, const Okular::ExportFormat &format ) { if ( format.mimeType()->name() == QLatin1String( "text/plain" ) ) { QFile f( fileName ); if ( !f.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) return false; QTextStream ts( &f ); int num = document()->pages(); for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) { QString text; userMutex()->lock(); Poppler::Page *pp = pdfdoc->page(i); if (pp) { text = pp->text(QRect()).normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_KC); } userMutex()->unlock(); ts << text; delete pp; } f.close(); return true; } return false; } //END Generator inherited functions inline void append (Okular::TextPage* ktp, const QString &s, double l, double b, double r, double t) { // kWarning(PDFDebug).nospace() << "text: " << s << " at (" << l << "," << t << ")x(" << r <<","<append(s, new Okular::NormalizedRect(l, t, r, b)); } Okular::TextPage * PDFGenerator::abstractTextPage(const QList &text, double height, double width,int rot) { Q_UNUSED(rot); Okular::TextPage* ktp=new Okular::TextPage; Poppler::TextBox *next; #ifdef PDFGENERATOR_DEBUG kDebug(PDFDebug) << "getting text page in generator pdf - rotation:" << rot; #endif QString s; bool addChar; foreach (Poppler::TextBox *word, text) { const int qstringCharCount = word->text().length(); next=word->nextWord(); int textBoxChar = 0; for (int j = 0; j < qstringCharCount; j++) { const QChar c = word->text().at(j); if (c.isHighSurrogate()) { s = c; addChar = false; } else if (c.isLowSurrogate()) { s += c; addChar = true; } else { s = c; addChar = true; } if (addChar) { QRectF charBBox = word->charBoundingBox(textBoxChar); append(ktp, (j==qstringCharCount-1 && !next) ? (s + "\n") : s, charBBox.left()/width, charBBox.bottom()/height, charBBox.right()/width, charBBox.top()/height); textBoxChar++; } } if ( word->hasSpaceAfter() && next ) { // TODO Check with a document with vertical text // probably won't work and we will need to do comparisons // between wordBBox and nextWordBBox to see if they are // vertically or horizontally aligned QRectF wordBBox = word->boundingBox(); QRectF nextWordBBox = next->boundingBox(); append(ktp, " ", wordBBox.right()/width, wordBBox.bottom()/height, nextWordBBox.left()/width, wordBBox.top()/height); } } return ktp; } void PDFGenerator::addSynopsisChildren( QDomNode * parent, QDomNode * parentDestination ) { // keep track of the current listViewItem QDomNode n = parent->firstChild(); while( !n.isNull() ) { // convert the node to an element (sure it is) QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // The name is the same QDomElement item = docSyn.createElement( e.tagName() ); parentDestination->appendChild(item); if (!e.attribute("ExternalFileName").isNull()) item.setAttribute("ExternalFileName", e.attribute("ExternalFileName")); if (!e.attribute("DestinationName").isNull()) item.setAttribute("ViewportName", e.attribute("DestinationName")); if (!e.attribute("Destination").isNull()) { Okular::DocumentViewport vp; fillViewportFromLinkDestination( vp, Poppler::LinkDestination(e.attribute("Destination")) ); item.setAttribute( "Viewport", vp.toString() ); } if (!e.attribute("Open").isNull()) item.setAttribute("Open", e.attribute("Open")); if (!e.attribute("DestinationURI").isNull()) item.setAttribute("URL", e.attribute("DestinationURI")); // descend recursively and advance to the next node if ( e.hasChildNodes() ) addSynopsisChildren( &n, & item ); n = n.nextSibling(); } } void PDFGenerator::addAnnotations( Poppler::Page * popplerPage, Okular::Page * page ) { QSet subtypes; subtypes << Poppler::Annotation::AFileAttachment << Poppler::Annotation::ASound << Poppler::Annotation::AMovie << Poppler::Annotation::AWidget << Poppler::Annotation::AScreen << Poppler::Annotation::AText << Poppler::Annotation::ALine << Poppler::Annotation::AGeom << Poppler::Annotation::AHighlight << Poppler::Annotation::AInk << Poppler::Annotation::AStamp << Poppler::Annotation::ACaret; QList popplerAnnotations = popplerPage->annotations( subtypes ); foreach(Poppler::Annotation *a, popplerAnnotations) { bool doDelete = true; Okular::Annotation * newann = createAnnotationFromPopplerAnnotation( a, &doDelete ); if (newann) { page->addAnnotation(newann); if ( a->subType() == Poppler::Annotation::AScreen ) { Poppler::ScreenAnnotation *annotScreen = static_cast( a ); Okular::ScreenAnnotation *screenAnnotation = static_cast( newann ); // The activation action const Poppler::Link *actionLink = annotScreen->action(); if ( actionLink ) screenAnnotation->setAction( createLinkFromPopplerLink( actionLink ) ); // The additional actions const Poppler::Link *pageOpeningLink = annotScreen->additionalAction( Poppler::Annotation::PageOpeningAction ); if ( pageOpeningLink ) screenAnnotation->setAdditionalAction( Okular::Annotation::PageOpening, createLinkFromPopplerLink( pageOpeningLink ) ); const Poppler::Link *pageClosingLink = annotScreen->additionalAction( Poppler::Annotation::PageClosingAction ); if ( pageClosingLink ) screenAnnotation->setAdditionalAction( Okular::Annotation::PageClosing, createLinkFromPopplerLink( pageClosingLink ) ); } if ( a->subType() == Poppler::Annotation::AWidget ) { Poppler::WidgetAnnotation *annotWidget = static_cast( a ); Okular::WidgetAnnotation *widgetAnnotation = static_cast( newann ); // The additional actions const Poppler::Link *pageOpeningLink = annotWidget->additionalAction( Poppler::Annotation::PageOpeningAction ); if ( pageOpeningLink ) widgetAnnotation->setAdditionalAction( Okular::Annotation::PageOpening, createLinkFromPopplerLink( pageOpeningLink ) ); const Poppler::Link *pageClosingLink = annotWidget->additionalAction( Poppler::Annotation::PageClosingAction ); if ( pageClosingLink ) widgetAnnotation->setAdditionalAction( Okular::Annotation::PageClosing, createLinkFromPopplerLink( pageClosingLink ) ); } if ( !doDelete ) annotationsHash.insert( newann, a ); } if ( doDelete ) delete a; } } void PDFGenerator::addTransition( Poppler::Page * pdfPage, Okular::Page * page ) // called on opening when MUTEX is not used { Poppler::PageTransition *pdfTransition = pdfPage->transition(); if ( !pdfTransition || pdfTransition->type() == Poppler::PageTransition::Replace ) return; Okular::PageTransition *transition = new Okular::PageTransition(); switch ( pdfTransition->type() ) { case Poppler::PageTransition::Replace: // won't get here, added to avoid warning break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Split: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Split ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Blinds: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Blinds ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Box: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Box ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Wipe: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Wipe ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Dissolve: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Dissolve ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Glitter: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Glitter ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Fly: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Fly ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Push: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Push ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Cover: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Cover ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Uncover: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Uncover ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Fade: transition->setType( Okular::PageTransition::Fade ); break; } transition->setDuration( pdfTransition->duration() ); switch ( pdfTransition->alignment() ) { case Poppler::PageTransition::Horizontal: transition->setAlignment( Okular::PageTransition::Horizontal ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Vertical: transition->setAlignment( Okular::PageTransition::Vertical ); break; } switch ( pdfTransition->direction() ) { case Poppler::PageTransition::Inward: transition->setDirection( Okular::PageTransition::Inward ); break; case Poppler::PageTransition::Outward: transition->setDirection( Okular::PageTransition::Outward ); break; } transition->setAngle( pdfTransition->angle() ); transition->setScale( pdfTransition->scale() ); transition->setIsRectangular( pdfTransition->isRectangular() ); page->setTransition( transition ); } void PDFGenerator::addFormFields( Poppler::Page * popplerPage, Okular::Page * page ) { QList popplerFormFields = popplerPage->formFields(); QLinkedList okularFormFields; foreach( Poppler::FormField *f, popplerFormFields ) { Okular::FormField * of = 0; switch ( f->type() ) { case Poppler::FormField::FormButton: of = new PopplerFormFieldButton( static_cast( f ) ); break; case Poppler::FormField::FormText: of = new PopplerFormFieldText( static_cast( f ) ); break; case Poppler::FormField::FormChoice: of = new PopplerFormFieldChoice( static_cast( f ) ); break; default: ; } if ( of ) // form field created, good - it will take care of the Poppler::FormField okularFormFields.append( of ); else // no form field available - delete the Poppler::FormField delete f; } if ( !okularFormFields.isEmpty() ) page->setFormFields( okularFormFields ); } struct pdfsyncpoint { QString file; qlonglong x; qlonglong y; int row; int column; int page; }; void PDFGenerator::loadPdfSync( const QString & filePath, QVector & pagesVector ) { QFile f( filePath + QLatin1String( "sync" ) ); if ( !f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) return; QTextStream ts( &f ); // first row: core name of the pdf output const QString coreName = ts.readLine(); // second row: version string, in the form 'Version %u' QString versionstr = ts.readLine(); QRegExp versionre( "Version (\\d+)" ); versionre.setCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive ); if ( !versionre.exactMatch( versionstr ) ) return; QHash points; QStack fileStack; int currentpage = -1; const QLatin1String texStr( ".tex" ); const QChar spaceChar = QChar::fromLatin1( ' ' ); fileStack.push( coreName + texStr ); QString line; while ( !ts.atEnd() ) { line = ts.readLine(); const QStringList tokens = line.split( spaceChar, QString::SkipEmptyParts ); const int tokenSize = tokens.count(); if ( tokenSize < 1 ) continue; if ( tokens.first() == QLatin1String( "l" ) && tokenSize >= 3 ) { int id = tokens.at( 1 ).toInt(); QHash::const_iterator it = points.constFind( id ); if ( it == points.constEnd() ) { pdfsyncpoint pt; pt.x = 0; pt.y = 0; pt.row = tokens.at( 2 ).toInt(); pt.column = 0; // TODO pt.page = -1; pt.file = fileStack.top(); points[ id ] = pt; } } else if ( tokens.first() == QLatin1String( "s" ) && tokenSize >= 2 ) { currentpage = tokens.at( 1 ).toInt() - 1; } else if ( tokens.first() == QLatin1String( "p*" ) && tokenSize >= 4 ) { // TODO kDebug(PDFDebug) << "PdfSync: 'p*' line ignored"; } else if ( tokens.first() == QLatin1String( "p" ) && tokenSize >= 4 ) { int id = tokens.at( 1 ).toInt(); QHash::iterator it = points.find( id ); if ( it != points.end() ) { it->x = tokens.at( 2 ).toInt(); it->y = tokens.at( 3 ).toInt(); it->page = currentpage; } } else if ( line.startsWith( QLatin1Char( '(' ) ) && tokenSize == 1 ) { QString newfile = line; // chop the leading '(' newfile.remove( 0, 1 ); if ( !newfile.endsWith( texStr ) ) { newfile += texStr; } fileStack.push( newfile ); } else if ( line == QLatin1String( ")" ) ) { if ( !fileStack.isEmpty() ) { fileStack.pop(); } else kDebug(PDFDebug) << "PdfSync: going one level down too much"; } else kDebug(PDFDebug).nospace() << "PdfSync: unknown line format: '" << line << "'"; } QVector< QLinkedList< Okular::SourceRefObjectRect * > > refRects( pagesVector.size() ); foreach ( const pdfsyncpoint& pt, points ) { // drop pdfsync points not completely valid if ( pt.page < 0 || pt.page >= pagesVector.size() ) continue; // magic numbers for TeX's RSU's (Ridiculously Small Units) conversion to pixels Okular::NormalizedPoint p( ( pt.x * dpi().width() ) / ( 72.27 * 65536.0 * pagesVector[pt.page]->width() ), ( pt.y * dpi().height() ) / ( 72.27 * 65536.0 * pagesVector[pt.page]->height() ) ); QString file = pt.file; Okular::SourceReference * sourceRef = new Okular::SourceReference( file, pt.row, pt.column ); refRects[ pt.page ].append( new Okular::SourceRefObjectRect( p, sourceRef ) ); } for ( int i = 0; i < refRects.size(); ++i ) if ( !refRects.at(i).isEmpty() ) pagesVector[i]->setSourceReferences( refRects.at(i) ); } void PDFGenerator::initSynctexParser( const QString& filePath ) { synctex_scanner = synctex_scanner_new_with_output_file( QFile::encodeName( filePath ), 0, 1); } const Okular::SourceReference * PDFGenerator::dynamicSourceReference( int pageNr, double absX, double absY ) { if ( !synctex_scanner ) return 0; if (synctex_edit_query(synctex_scanner, pageNr + 1, absX * 72. / dpi().width(), absY * 72. / dpi().height()) > 0) { synctex_node_t node; // TODO what should we do if there is really more than one node? while (( node = synctex_next_result( synctex_scanner ) )) { int line = synctex_node_line(node); int col = synctex_node_column(node); // column extraction does not seem to be implemented in synctex so far. set the SourceReference default value. if ( col == -1 ) { col = 0; } const char *name = synctex_scanner_get_name( synctex_scanner, synctex_node_tag( node ) ); Okular::SourceReference * sourceRef = new Okular::SourceReference( QFile::decodeName( name ), line, col ); return sourceRef; } } return 0; } PDFGenerator::PrintError PDFGenerator::printError() const { return lastPrintError; } void PDFGenerator::fillViewportFromSourceReference( Okular::DocumentViewport & viewport, const QString & reference ) const { if ( !synctex_scanner ) return; // The reference is of form "src:1111Filename", where "1111" // points to line number 1111 in the file "Filename". // Extract the file name and the numeral part from the reference string. // This will fail if Filename starts with a digit. QString name, lineString; // Remove "src:". Presence of substring has been checked before this // function is called. name = reference.mid( 4 ); // split int nameLength = name.length(); int i = 0; for( i = 0; i < nameLength; ++i ) { if ( !name[i].isDigit() ) break; } lineString = name.left( i ); name = name.mid( i ); // Remove spaces. name = name.trimmed(); lineString = lineString.trimmed(); // Convert line to integer. bool ok; int line = lineString.toInt( &ok ); if (!ok) line = -1; // Use column == -1 for now. if( synctex_display_query( synctex_scanner, QFile::encodeName(name), line, -1 ) > 0 ) { synctex_node_t node; // For now use the first hit. Could possibly be made smarter // in case there are multiple hits. while( ( node = synctex_next_result( synctex_scanner ) ) ) { // TeX pages start at 1. viewport.pageNumber = synctex_node_page( node ) - 1; if ( !viewport.isValid() ) return; // TeX small points ... double px = (synctex_node_visible_h( node ) * dpi().width()) / 72.27; double py = (synctex_node_visible_v( node ) * dpi().height()) / 72.27; viewport.rePos.normalizedX = px / document()->page(viewport.pageNumber)->width(); viewport.rePos.normalizedY = ( py + 0.5 ) / document()->page(viewport.pageNumber)->height(); viewport.rePos.enabled = true; viewport.rePos.pos = Okular::DocumentViewport::Center; return; } } } QWidget* PDFGenerator::printConfigurationWidget() const { if ( !pdfOptionsPage ) { const_cast(this)->pdfOptionsPage = new PDFOptionsPage(); } return pdfOptionsPage; } bool PDFGenerator::supportsOption( SaveOption option ) const { switch ( option ) { case SaveChanges: { // Saving files with /Encrypt is supported after Poppler 0.22 return true; } default: ; } return false; } bool PDFGenerator::save( const QString &fileName, SaveOptions options, QString *errorText ) { Poppler::PDFConverter *pdfConv = pdfdoc->pdfConverter(); pdfConv->setOutputFileName( fileName ); if ( options & SaveChanges ) pdfConv->setPDFOptions( pdfConv->pdfOptions() | Poppler::PDFConverter::WithChanges ); QMutexLocker locker( userMutex() ); bool success = pdfConv->convert(); if (!success) { switch (pdfConv->lastError()) { case Poppler::BaseConverter::NotSupportedInputFileError: // This can only happen with Poppler before 0.22 and /Encrypt break; case Poppler::BaseConverter::NoError: case Poppler::BaseConverter::FileLockedError: // we can't get here break; case Poppler::BaseConverter::OpenOutputError: // the default text message is good for this case break; } } delete pdfConv; return success; } Okular::AnnotationProxy* PDFGenerator::annotationProxy() const { return annotProxy; } #include "moc_generator_pdf.cpp" /* kate: replace-tabs on; indent-width 4; */