/* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Clarence Dang Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Koller All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private void kpMainWindow::setupEditMenuActions () { KActionCollection *ac = actionCollection (); // Undo/Redo // CONFIG: Need GUI for config history size. d->commandHistory = new kpCommandHistory (true/*read config*/, this); if (d->configFirstTime) { // (so that cfg-file-editing user can modify in the meantime) d->commandHistory->writeConfig (); } d->actionCut = KStandardAction::cut (this, SLOT (slotCut ()), ac); d->actionCopy = KStandardAction::copy (this, SLOT (slotCopy ()), ac); d->actionPaste = KStandardAction::paste (this, SLOT (slotPaste ()), ac); d->actionPasteInNewWindow = ac->addAction ("edit_paste_in_new_window"); d->actionPasteInNewWindow->setText (i18n ("Paste in &New Window")); connect (d->actionPasteInNewWindow, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), SLOT (slotPasteInNewWindow ())); d->actionPasteInNewWindow->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_V); //d->actionDelete = KStandardAction::clear (this, SLOT (slotDelete ()), ac); d->actionDelete = ac->addAction ("edit_clear"); d->actionDelete->setText (i18n ("&Delete Selection")); connect (d->actionDelete, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), SLOT (slotDelete ())); d->actionSelectAll = KStandardAction::selectAll (this, SLOT (slotSelectAll ()), ac); d->actionDeselect = KStandardAction::deselect (this, SLOT (slotDeselect ()), ac); d->actionCopyToFile = ac->addAction ("edit_copy_to_file"); d->actionCopyToFile->setText (i18n ("C&opy to File...")); connect (d->actionCopyToFile, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), SLOT (slotCopyToFile ())); d->actionPasteFromFile = ac->addAction ("edit_paste_from_file"); d->actionPasteFromFile->setText (i18n ("Paste &From File...")); connect (d->actionPasteFromFile, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), SLOT (slotPasteFromFile ())); d->editMenuDocumentActionsEnabled = false; enableEditMenuDocumentActions (false); // Paste should always be enabled, as long as there is something to paste // (independent of whether we have a document or not) connect (QApplication::clipboard (), SIGNAL (dataChanged ()), this, SLOT (slotEnablePaste ())); slotEnablePaste (); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private void kpMainWindow::enableEditMenuDocumentActions (bool enable) { // d->actionCut // d->actionCopy // d->actionPaste // d->actionPasteInNewWindow // d->actionDelete d->actionSelectAll->setEnabled (enable); // d->actionDeselect d->editMenuDocumentActionsEnabled = enable; // d->actionCopyToFile // Unlike d->actionPaste, we disable this if there is no document. // This is because "File / Open" would do the same thing, if there is // no document. d->actionPasteFromFile->setEnabled (enable); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public QMenu *kpMainWindow::selectionToolRMBMenu () { return qobject_cast (guiFactory ()->container ("selectionToolRMBMenu", this)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private slot void kpMainWindow::slotCut () { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::slotCut() CALLED"; #endif kpSetOverrideCursorSaver cursorSaver (Qt::WaitCursor); Q_ASSERT (d->document && d->document->selection ()); toolEndShape (); slotCopy (); slotDelete (); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- static QMimeData *NewTextMimeData (const QString &text) { QMimeData *md = new QMimeData (); md->setText (text); return md; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private slot void kpMainWindow::slotCopy () { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::slotCopy() CALLED"; #endif kpSetOverrideCursorSaver cursorSaver (Qt::WaitCursor); Q_ASSERT (d->document && d->document->selection ()); toolEndShape (); kpAbstractSelection *sel = d->document->selection ()->clone (); if (dynamic_cast (sel)) { kpTextSelection *textSel = static_cast (sel); if (!textSel->text ().isEmpty ()) { QApplication::clipboard ()->setMimeData ( ::NewTextMimeData (textSel->text ()), QClipboard::Clipboard); // SYNC: Normally, users highlight text and press CTRL+C. // Highlighting text copies it to the X11 "middle // mouse button" clipboard. CTRL+C copies it to the // separate, Windows-like "CTRL+V" clipboard. // // However, KolourPaint doesn't support highlighting. // So when they press CTRL+C to copy all text, simulate // the highlighting by copying the text to the "middle // mouse button" clipboard. We don't do this for images // as no one ever middle-mouse-pastes images. // // Note that we don't share the QMimeData pointer with // the above in case Qt doesn't expect it. // // Once we change KolourPaint to support highlighted text // and CTRL+C to copy only the highlighted text, delete // this code. QApplication::clipboard ()->setMimeData ( ::NewTextMimeData (textSel->text ()), QClipboard::Selection); } } else if (dynamic_cast (sel)) { kpAbstractImageSelection *imageSel = static_cast (sel); // Transparency doesn't get sent across the aether so nuke it now // so that transparency mask doesn't get needlessly recalculated // if we ever call sel.setBaseImage(). imageSel->setTransparency (kpImageSelectionTransparency ()); kpImage rawImage; if (imageSel->hasContent ()) rawImage = imageSel->baseImage (); else rawImage = d->document->getSelectedBaseImage (); imageSel->setBaseImage ( rawImage ); QApplication::clipboard ()->setMimeData ( new kpSelectionDrag (*imageSel), QClipboard::Clipboard); } else Q_ASSERT (!"Unknown selection type"); delete sel; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private slot void kpMainWindow::slotEnablePaste () { const QMimeData *md = QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(QClipboard::Clipboard); // It's faster to test for QMimeData::hasText() first due to the // lazy evaluation of the '||' operator. const bool shouldEnable = (md->hasText() || kpSelectionDrag::canDecode(md)); d->actionPasteInNewWindow->setEnabled(shouldEnable); d->actionPaste->setEnabled(shouldEnable); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private QRect kpMainWindow::calcUsefulPasteRect (int imageWidth, int imageHeight) { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::calcUsefulPasteRect(" << imageWidth << "," << imageHeight << ")" << endl; #endif Q_ASSERT (d->document); // TODO: 1st choice is to paste sel near but not overlapping last deselect point if (d->mainView && d->scrollView) { const QPoint viewTopLeft (d->scrollView->horizontalScrollBar()->value (), d->scrollView->verticalScrollBar()->value ()); const QPoint docTopLeft = d->mainView->transformViewToDoc (viewTopLeft); if ((docTopLeft.x () + imageWidth <= d->document->width () && docTopLeft.y () + imageHeight <= d->document->height ()) || imageWidth <= docTopLeft.x () || imageHeight <= docTopLeft.y ()) { return QRect (docTopLeft.x (), docTopLeft.y (), imageWidth, imageHeight); } } return QRect (0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private void kpMainWindow::paste(const kpAbstractSelection &sel, bool forceTopLeft) { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::paste(forceTopLeft=" << forceTopLeft << ")" << endl; #endif kpSetOverrideCursorSaver cursorSaver (Qt::WaitCursor); toolEndShape (); // // Make sure we've got a document (esp. with File/Close) // if (!d->document) { kpDocument *newDoc = new kpDocument ( sel.width (), sel.height (), documentEnvironment ()); // will also create viewManager setDocument (newDoc); } // // Paste as new selection // const kpAbstractImageSelection *imageSel = dynamic_cast (&sel); if (imageSel && imageSel->hasContent () && imageSel->transparency ().isTransparent ()) { d->colorToolBar->flashColorSimilarityToolBarItem (); } kpAbstractSelection *selInUsefulPos = sel.clone (); if (!forceTopLeft) selInUsefulPos->moveTo (calcUsefulPasteRect (sel.width (), sel.height ()).topLeft ()); // TODO: Should use kpCommandHistory::addCreateSelectionCommand(), // as well, to really support pasting selection borders. addDeselectFirstCommand (new kpToolSelectionCreateCommand ( dynamic_cast (selInUsefulPos) ? i18n ("Text: Create Box") : i18n ("Selection: Create"), *selInUsefulPos, commandEnvironment ())); delete selInUsefulPos; #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "sel.size=" << QSize (sel.width (), sel.height ()) << " document.size=" << QSize (d->document->width (), d->document->height ()) << endl; #endif // If the selection is bigger than the document, automatically // resize the document (with the option of Undo'ing) to fit // the selection. // // No annoying dialog necessary. // if (sel.width () > d->document->width () || sel.height () > d->document->height ()) { d->commandHistory->addCommand ( new kpTransformResizeScaleCommand ( false/*act on doc, not sel*/, qMax (sel.width (), d->document->width ()), qMax (sel.height (), d->document->height ()), kpTransformResizeScaleCommand::Resize, commandEnvironment ())); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public void kpMainWindow::pasteText (const QString &text, bool forceNewTextSelection, const QPoint &newTextSelectionTopLeft) { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::pasteText(" << text << ",forceNewTextSelection=" << forceNewTextSelection << ",newTextSelectionTopLeft=" << newTextSelectionTopLeft << ")" << endl; #endif if ( text.isEmpty() ) return; kpSetOverrideCursorSaver cursorSaver (Qt::WaitCursor); toolEndShape (); QStringList textLines = text.split('\n'); if (!forceNewTextSelection && d->document && d->document->textSelection () && d->commandHistory && d->viewManager) { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "\treusing existing Text Selection"; #endif d->viewManager->setQueueUpdates(); kpTextSelection *textSel = d->document->textSelection (); if (!textSel->hasContent ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "\t\tneeds content"; #endif commandHistory ()->addCreateSelectionCommand ( new kpToolSelectionCreateCommand ( i18n ("Text: Create Box"), *textSel, commandEnvironment ()), false/*no exec*/); } kpMacroCommand *macroCmd = new kpMacroCommand (i18n ("Text: Paste"), commandEnvironment ()); // (yes, this is the same check as the previous "if") if (!textSel->hasContent ()) { kpCommand *giveContentCmd = new kpToolTextGiveContentCommand ( *textSel, QString ()/*uninteresting child of macro cmd*/, commandEnvironment ()); giveContentCmd->execute (); macroCmd->addCommand (giveContentCmd); } for (int i = 0; i < (int) textLines.size (); i++) { if (i > 0) { macroCmd->addCommand ( new kpToolTextEnterCommand ( QString()/*uninteresting child of macroCmd*/, d->viewManager->textCursorRow (), d->viewManager->textCursorCol (), kpToolTextEnterCommand::AddEnterNow, commandEnvironment ())); } macroCmd->addCommand ( new kpToolTextInsertCommand ( QString()/*uninteresting child of macroCmd*/, d->viewManager->textCursorRow (), d->viewManager->textCursorCol (), textLines [i], commandEnvironment ())); } d->commandHistory->addCommand (macroCmd, false/*no exec*/); d->viewManager->restoreQueueUpdates(); } else { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "\tcreating Text Selection"; #endif const kpTextStyle ts = textStyle (); const QFontMetrics fontMetrics = ts.fontMetrics (); int height = textLines.size () * fontMetrics.height (); if (textLines.size () >= 1) height += (textLines.size () - 1) * fontMetrics.leading (); int width = 0; for (QList ::const_iterator it = textLines.constBegin (); it != textLines.constEnd (); ++it) { const int w = fontMetrics.width (*it); if (w > width) width = w; } // limit the size to avoid memory overflow width = qMin(qMax(QApplication::desktop()->width(), d->document ? d->document->width() : 0), width); height = qMin(qMax(QApplication::desktop()->height(), d->document ? d->document->height() : 0), height); const int selWidth = qMax (kpTextSelection::MinimumWidthForTextStyle (ts), width + kpTextSelection::TextBorderSize () * 2); const int selHeight = qMax (kpTextSelection::MinimumHeightForTextStyle (ts), height + kpTextSelection::TextBorderSize () * 2); kpTextSelection newTextSel (QRect (0, 0, selWidth, selHeight), textLines, ts); if (newTextSelectionTopLeft != KP_INVALID_POINT) { newTextSel.moveTo (newTextSelectionTopLeft); paste (newTextSel, true/*force topLeft*/); } else { paste (newTextSel); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public void kpMainWindow::pasteTextAt (const QString &text, const QPoint &point, bool allowNewTextSelectionPointShift) { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::pasteTextAt(" << text << ",point=" << point << ",allowNewTextSelectionPointShift=" << allowNewTextSelectionPointShift << ")" << endl; #endif kpSetOverrideCursorSaver cursorSaver (Qt::WaitCursor); toolEndShape (); if (d->document && d->document->textSelection () && d->document->textSelection ()->pointIsInTextArea (point)) { kpTextSelection *textSel = d->document->textSelection (); int row, col; if (textSel->hasContent ()) { row = textSel->closestTextRowForPoint (point); col = textSel->closestTextColForPoint (point); } else { row = col = 0; } d->viewManager->setTextCursorPosition (row, col); pasteText (text); } else { QPoint pointToUse = point; if (allowNewTextSelectionPointShift) { // TODO: In terms of doc pixels, would be inconsistent behaviour // based on zoomLevel of view. // pointToUse -= QPoint (-view->selectionResizeHandleAtomicSize (), // -view->selectionResizeHandleAtomicSize ()); } pasteText (text, true/*force new text selection*/, pointToUse); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public slot void kpMainWindow::slotPaste() { kpSetOverrideCursorSaver cursorSaver(Qt::WaitCursor); toolEndShape(); const QMimeData *mimeData = QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(QClipboard::Clipboard); kpAbstractImageSelection *sel = kpSelectionDrag::decode(mimeData); if ( sel ) { sel->setTransparency(imageSelectionTransparency()); paste(*sel); delete sel; } else if ( mimeData->hasText() ) { pasteText(mimeData->text()); } else { kpSetOverrideCursorSaver cursorSaver(Qt::ArrowCursor); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("KolourPaint cannot paste the contents of" " the clipboard as it has an unknown format."), i18n("Cannot Paste")); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private slot void kpMainWindow::slotPasteInNewWindow () { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::slotPasteInNewWindow() CALLED"; #endif kpSetOverrideCursorSaver cursorSaver (Qt::WaitCursor); toolEndShape (); // // Pasting must ensure that: // // Requirement 1. the document is the same size as the image to be pasted. // Requirement 2. transparent pixels in the image must remain as transparent. // kpMainWindow *win = new kpMainWindow (0/*no document*/); win->show (); // Make "Edit / Paste in New Window" always paste white pixels as white. // Don't let selection transparency get in the way and paste them as // transparent. kpImageSelectionTransparency transparency = win->imageSelectionTransparency (); if (transparency.isTransparent ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "\tchanging image selection transparency to opaque"; #endif transparency.setOpaque (); // Since we are setting selection transparency programmatically // -- as opposed to in response to user input -- this will not // affect the selection transparency tool option widget's "last used" // config setting. win->setImageSelectionTransparency (transparency); } // (this handles Requirement 1. above) win->slotPaste (); // if slotPaste could not decode clipboard data, no document was created if ( win->document() ) { // (this handles Requirement 2. above; // slotDeselect() is not enough unless the document is filled with the // transparent color in advance) win->slotCrop(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public slot void kpMainWindow::slotDelete () { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::slotDelete() CALLED"; #endif if (!d->actionDelete->isEnabled ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "\taction not enabled - was probably called from kpTool::keyPressEvent()"; #endif return; } Q_ASSERT (d->document && d->document->selection ()); toolEndShape (); addImageOrSelectionCommand (new kpToolSelectionDestroyCommand ( d->document->textSelection () ? i18n ("Text: Delete Box") : // not to be confused with i18n ("Text: Delete") i18n ("Selection: Delete"), false/*no push onto doc*/, commandEnvironment ())); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private slot void kpMainWindow::slotSelectAll () { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::slotSelectAll() CALLED"; #endif Q_ASSERT (d->document); toolEndShape (); if (d->document->selection ()) slotDeselect (); // just the border - don't actually pull image from doc yet d->document->setSelection ( kpRectangularImageSelection (d->document->rect (), imageSelectionTransparency ())); if (tool ()) tool ()->somethingBelowTheCursorChanged (); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private void kpMainWindow::addDeselectFirstCommand (kpCommand *cmd) { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::addDeselectFirstCommand(" << cmd << ")" << endl; #endif kpAbstractSelection *sel = d->document->selection (); #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "\tsel=" << sel; #endif if (sel) { // if you just dragged out something with no action then // forget the drag if (!sel->hasContent ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "\tjust a fresh border - was nop - delete"; #endif d->document->selectionDelete (); if (tool ()) tool ()->somethingBelowTheCursorChanged (); if (cmd) d->commandHistory->addCommand (cmd); } else { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "\treal selection with image - push onto doc cmd"; #endif kpCommand *deselectCommand = new kpToolSelectionDestroyCommand ( dynamic_cast (sel) ? i18n ("Text: Finish") : i18n ("Selection: Deselect"), true/*push onto document*/, commandEnvironment ()); if (cmd) { kpMacroCommand *macroCmd = new kpMacroCommand (cmd->name (), commandEnvironment ()); macroCmd->addCommand (deselectCommand); macroCmd->addCommand (cmd); d->commandHistory->addCommand (macroCmd); } else d->commandHistory->addCommand (deselectCommand); } } else { if (cmd) d->commandHistory->addCommand (cmd); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public slot void kpMainWindow::slotDeselect () { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW && 1 kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::slotDeselect() CALLED"; #endif Q_ASSERT (d->document && d->document->selection ()); toolEndShape (); addDeselectFirstCommand (0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private slot void kpMainWindow::slotCopyToFile () { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::slotCopyToFile()"; #endif toolEndShape (); if (!d->document->selection ()) return; kpImage imageToSave; if (d->document->imageSelection ()) { kpAbstractImageSelection *imageSel = d->document->imageSelection (); if (!imageSel->hasContent ()) { // Not a floating selection - user has just selected a region; // haven't pulled it off yet so probably don't expect and can't // visualize selection transparency so give opaque, not transparent // image. imageToSave = d->document->getSelectedBaseImage (); } else imageToSave = imageSel->transparentImage (); } else if (d->document->textSelection ()) { imageToSave = d->document->textSelection ()->approximateImage (); } else Q_ASSERT (!"Unknown selection type"); kpDocumentSaveOptions chosenSaveOptions; bool allowOverwritePrompt, allowLossyPrompt; KUrl chosenURL = askForSaveURL (i18nc ("@title:window", "Copy to File"), d->lastCopyToURL.url (), imageToSave, d->lastCopyToSaveOptions, kpDocumentMetaInfo (), kpSettingsGroupEditCopyTo, false/*allow remote files*/, &chosenSaveOptions, d->copyToFirstTime, &allowOverwritePrompt, &allowLossyPrompt); if (chosenURL.isEmpty ()) return; if (!kpDocument::savePixmapToFile (imageToSave, chosenURL, chosenSaveOptions, kpDocumentMetaInfo (), allowOverwritePrompt, allowLossyPrompt, this)) { return; } addRecentURL (chosenURL); d->lastCopyToURL = chosenURL; d->lastCopyToSaveOptions = chosenSaveOptions; d->copyToFirstTime = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private slot void kpMainWindow::slotPasteFromFile () { #if DEBUG_KP_MAIN_WINDOW kDebug () << "kpMainWindow::slotPasteFromFile()"; #endif toolEndShape (); KUrl::List urls = askForOpenURLs(i18nc ("@title:window", "Paste From File"), false/*only 1 URL*/); if (urls.count () != 1) return; KUrl url = urls.first (); kpImage image = kpDocument::getPixmapFromFile (url, false/*show error message if doesn't exist*/, this); if (image.isNull ()) return; addRecentURL (url); paste (kpRectangularImageSelection ( QRect (0, 0, image.width (), image.height ()), image, imageSelectionTransparency ())); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------