/* This file is part of KDevelop Copyright 2008 David Nolden This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "declarationid.h" #include "ducontext.h" #include "topducontext.h" #include "duchain.h" #include "declaration.h" #include "persistentsymboltable.h" #include "instantiationinformation.h" #include "../editor/cursorinrevision.h" #include namespace KDevelop { DeclarationId::DeclarationId(const IndexedQualifiedIdentifier& id, uint additionalId, const IndexedInstantiationInformation& specialization) : m_direct(false) , m_specialization(specialization) { indirect.m_identifier = id; indirect.m_additionalIdentity = additionalId; } DeclarationId::DeclarationId(const IndexedDeclaration& decl, const IndexedInstantiationInformation& specialization) : direct(decl) , m_direct(true) , m_specialization(specialization) { } bool DeclarationId::isDirect() const { return m_direct; } void DeclarationId::setSpecialization(const IndexedInstantiationInformation& spec) { m_specialization = spec; } IndexedInstantiationInformation DeclarationId::specialization() const { return m_specialization; } KDevVarLengthArray DeclarationId::getDeclarations(const TopDUContext* top) const { KDevVarLengthArray ret; if(m_direct == false) { //Find the declaration by its qualified identifier and additionalIdentity QualifiedIdentifier id(indirect.m_identifier); if(top) { //Do filtering PersistentSymbolTable::FilteredDeclarationIterator filter = PersistentSymbolTable::self().getFilteredDeclarations(id, top->recursiveImportIndices()); for(; filter; ++filter) { Declaration* decl = filter->data(); if(decl && indirect.m_additionalIdentity == decl->additionalIdentity()) { //Hit ret.append(decl); } } }else{ //Just accept anything PersistentSymbolTable::Declarations decls = PersistentSymbolTable::self().getDeclarations(id); PersistentSymbolTable::Declarations::Iterator decl = decls.iterator(); for(; decl; ++decl) { const IndexedDeclaration& iDecl(*decl); ///@todo think this over once we don't pull in all imported top-context any more //Don't trigger loading of top-contexts from here, it will create a lot of problems if((!DUChain::self()->isInMemory(iDecl.topContextIndex()))) continue; if(!top) { Declaration* decl = iDecl.data(); if(decl && indirect.m_additionalIdentity == decl->additionalIdentity()) { //Hit ret.append(decl); } } } } }else{ Declaration* decl = direct.declaration(); if(decl) ret.append(decl); } if(!ret.isEmpty() && m_specialization.index()) { KDevVarLengthArray newRet; FOREACH_ARRAY(Declaration* decl, ret) { Declaration* specialized = decl->specialize(m_specialization, top ? top : decl->topContext()); if(specialized) newRet.append(specialized); } return newRet; } return ret; } Declaration* DeclarationId::getDeclaration(const TopDUContext* top, bool instantiateIfRequired) const { Declaration* ret = 0; if(m_direct == false) { //Find the declaration by its qualified identifier and additionalIdentity QualifiedIdentifier id(indirect.m_identifier); if(top) { //Do filtering PersistentSymbolTable::FilteredDeclarationIterator filter = PersistentSymbolTable::self().getFilteredDeclarations(id, top->recursiveImportIndices()); for(; filter; ++filter) { Declaration* decl = filter->data(); if(decl && indirect.m_additionalIdentity == decl->additionalIdentity()) { //Hit ret = decl; if(!ret->isForwardDeclaration()) break; } } }else{ //Just accept anything PersistentSymbolTable::Declarations decls = PersistentSymbolTable::self().getDeclarations(id); PersistentSymbolTable::Declarations::Iterator decl = decls.iterator(); for(; decl; ++decl) { const IndexedDeclaration& iDecl(*decl); ///@todo think this over once we don't pull in all imported top-context any more //Don't trigger loading of top-contexts from here, it will create a lot of problems if((!DUChain::self()->isInMemory(iDecl.topContextIndex()))) continue; if(!top) { Declaration* decl = iDecl.data(); if(decl && indirect.m_additionalIdentity == decl->additionalIdentity()) { //Hit ret = decl; if(!ret->isForwardDeclaration()) break; } } } } }else{ //Find the declaration by m_topContext and m_declaration ret = direct.declaration(); } if(ret) { if(m_specialization.isValid()) { const TopDUContext* topContextForSpecialization = top; if(!instantiateIfRequired) topContextForSpecialization = 0; //If we don't want to instantiate new declarations, set the top-context to zero, so specialize(..) will only look-up else if(!topContextForSpecialization) topContextForSpecialization = ret->topContext(); return ret->specialize(m_specialization, topContextForSpecialization); }else{ return ret; } }else return 0; } QualifiedIdentifier DeclarationId::qualifiedIdentifier() const { if(!m_direct) { QualifiedIdentifier baseIdentifier = indirect.m_identifier.identifier(); if(!m_specialization.index()) return baseIdentifier; return m_specialization.information().applyToIdentifier(baseIdentifier); } else { Declaration* decl = getDeclaration(0); if(decl) return decl->qualifiedIdentifier(); return QualifiedIdentifier(QString("(unknown direct declaration)")); } return QualifiedIdentifier(QString("(missing)")) + indirect.m_identifier.identifier(); } }