/* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Clarence Dang All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //template static void ClearPointerList (QLinkedList *listPtr) { if (!listPtr) return; qDeleteAll (listPtr->begin (), listPtr->end ()); listPtr->clear (); } struct kpCommandHistoryBasePrivate { }; kpCommandHistoryBase::kpCommandHistoryBase (bool doReadConfig, KActionCollection *ac) : d (new kpCommandHistoryBasePrivate ()) { m_actionUndo = new KToolBarPopupAction (KIcon ("edit-undo"), undoActionText (), this); ac->addAction (KStandardAction::name (KStandardAction::Undo), m_actionUndo); m_actionUndo->setShortcuts (KStandardShortcut::shortcut (KStandardShortcut::Undo)); connect (m_actionUndo, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT (undo ())); m_actionRedo = new KToolBarPopupAction (KIcon ("edit-redo"), redoActionText (), this); ac->addAction (KStandardAction::name (KStandardAction::Redo), m_actionRedo); m_actionRedo->setShortcuts (KStandardShortcut::shortcut (KStandardShortcut::Redo)); connect (m_actionRedo, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT (redo ())); m_actionUndo->setEnabled (false); m_actionRedo->setEnabled (false); connect (m_actionUndo->menu (), SIGNAL (triggered (QAction *)), this, SLOT (undoUpToNumber (QAction *))); connect (m_actionRedo->menu (), SIGNAL (triggered (QAction *)), this, SLOT (redoUpToNumber (QAction *))); m_undoMinLimit = 10; m_undoMaxLimit = 500; m_undoMaxLimitSizeLimit = 16 * 1048576; m_documentRestoredPosition = 0; if (doReadConfig) readConfig (); } kpCommandHistoryBase::~kpCommandHistoryBase () { ::ClearPointerList (&m_undoCommandList); ::ClearPointerList (&m_redoCommandList); delete d; } // public int kpCommandHistoryBase::undoLimit () const { return undoMinLimit (); } // public void kpCommandHistoryBase::setUndoLimit (int limit) { setUndoMinLimit (limit); } // public int kpCommandHistoryBase::undoMinLimit () const { return m_undoMinLimit; } // public void kpCommandHistoryBase::setUndoMinLimit (int limit) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::setUndoMinLimit(" << limit << ")" << endl; #endif if (limit < 1 || limit > 5000/*"ought to be enough for anybody"*/) { kError () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::setUndoMinLimit(" << limit << ")" << endl; return; } if (limit == m_undoMinLimit) return; m_undoMinLimit = limit; trimCommandListsUpdateActions (); } // public int kpCommandHistoryBase::undoMaxLimit () const { return m_undoMaxLimit; } // public void kpCommandHistoryBase::setUndoMaxLimit (int limit) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::setUndoMaxLimit(" << limit << ")" << endl; #endif if (limit < 1 || limit > 5000/*"ought to be enough for anybody"*/) { kError () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::setUndoMaxLimit(" << limit << ")" << endl; return; } if (limit == m_undoMaxLimit) return; m_undoMaxLimit = limit; trimCommandListsUpdateActions (); } // public kpCommandSize::SizeType kpCommandHistoryBase::undoMaxLimitSizeLimit () const { return m_undoMaxLimitSizeLimit; } // public void kpCommandHistoryBase::setUndoMaxLimitSizeLimit (kpCommandSize::SizeType sizeLimit) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::setUndoMaxLimitSizeLimit(" << sizeLimit << ")" << endl; #endif if (sizeLimit < 0 || sizeLimit > (500 * 1048576)/*"ought to be enough for anybody"*/) { kError () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::setUndoMaxLimitSizeLimit(" << sizeLimit << ")" << endl; return; } if (sizeLimit == m_undoMaxLimitSizeLimit) return; m_undoMaxLimitSizeLimit = sizeLimit; trimCommandListsUpdateActions (); } // public void kpCommandHistoryBase::readConfig () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::readConfig()"; #endif KConfigGroup cfg (KGlobal::config (), kpSettingsGroupUndoRedo); setUndoMinLimit (cfg.readEntry (kpSettingUndoMinLimit, undoMinLimit ())); setUndoMaxLimit (cfg.readEntry (kpSettingUndoMaxLimit, undoMaxLimit ())); setUndoMaxLimitSizeLimit ( cfg.readEntry (kpSettingUndoMaxLimitSizeLimit, undoMaxLimitSizeLimit ())); trimCommandListsUpdateActions (); } // public void kpCommandHistoryBase::writeConfig () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::writeConfig()"; #endif KConfigGroup cfg (KGlobal::config (), kpSettingsGroupUndoRedo); cfg.writeEntry (kpSettingUndoMinLimit, undoMinLimit ()); cfg.writeEntry (kpSettingUndoMaxLimit, undoMaxLimit ()); cfg.writeEntry ( kpSettingUndoMaxLimitSizeLimit, undoMaxLimitSizeLimit ()); cfg.sync (); } // public void kpCommandHistoryBase::addCommand (kpCommand *command, bool execute) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::addCommand(" << command << ",execute=" << execute << ")" << endl; #endif if (execute) command->execute (); m_undoCommandList.push_front (command); ::ClearPointerList (&m_redoCommandList); #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\tdocumentRestoredPosition=" << m_documentRestoredPosition << endl; #endif if (m_documentRestoredPosition != INT_MAX) { if (m_documentRestoredPosition > 0) m_documentRestoredPosition = INT_MAX; else m_documentRestoredPosition--; #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\t\tdocumentRestoredPosition=" << m_documentRestoredPosition << endl; #endif } trimCommandListsUpdateActions (); } // public void kpCommandHistoryBase::clear () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::clear()"; #endif ::ClearPointerList (&m_undoCommandList); ::ClearPointerList (&m_redoCommandList); m_documentRestoredPosition = 0; updateActions (); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // protected slot void kpCommandHistoryBase::undoInternal () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::undoInternal()"; #endif kpCommand *undoCommand = nextUndoCommand (); if (!undoCommand) return; undoCommand->unexecute (); m_undoCommandList.erase (m_undoCommandList.begin ()); m_redoCommandList.push_front (undoCommand); #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\tdocumentRestoredPosition=" << m_documentRestoredPosition << endl; #endif if (m_documentRestoredPosition != INT_MAX) { m_documentRestoredPosition++; if (m_documentRestoredPosition == 0) emit documentRestored (); #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\t\tdocumentRestoredPosition=" << m_documentRestoredPosition << endl; #endif } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // protected slot void kpCommandHistoryBase::redoInternal () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::redoInternal()"; #endif kpCommand *redoCommand = nextRedoCommand (); if (!redoCommand) return; redoCommand->execute (); m_redoCommandList.erase (m_redoCommandList.begin ()); m_undoCommandList.push_front (redoCommand); #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\tdocumentRestoredPosition=" << m_documentRestoredPosition << endl; #endif if (m_documentRestoredPosition != INT_MAX) { m_documentRestoredPosition--; if (m_documentRestoredPosition == 0) emit documentRestored (); #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\t\tdocumentRestoredPosition=" << m_documentRestoredPosition << endl; #endif } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public slot virtual void kpCommandHistoryBase::undo () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::undo()"; #endif undoInternal (); trimCommandListsUpdateActions (); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public slot virtual void kpCommandHistoryBase::redo () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::redo()"; #endif redoInternal (); trimCommandListsUpdateActions (); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // public slot virtual void kpCommandHistoryBase::undoUpToNumber (QAction *which) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::undoUpToNumber(" << which << ")"; #endif for (int i = 0; i <= which->data().toInt() && !m_undoCommandList.isEmpty (); i++) { undoInternal (); } trimCommandListsUpdateActions (); } // public slot virtual void kpCommandHistoryBase::redoUpToNumber (QAction *which) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::redoUpToNumber(" << which << ")"; #endif for (int i = 0; i <= which->data().toInt() && !m_redoCommandList.isEmpty (); i++) { redoInternal (); } trimCommandListsUpdateActions (); } // protected QString kpCommandHistoryBase::undoActionText () const { kpCommand *undoCommand = nextUndoCommand (); if (undoCommand) return i18n ("&Undo: %1", undoCommand->name ()); else return i18n ("&Undo"); } // protected QString kpCommandHistoryBase::redoActionText () const { kpCommand *redoCommand = nextRedoCommand (); if (redoCommand) return i18n ("&Redo: %1", redoCommand->name ()); else return i18n ("&Redo"); } // protected QString kpCommandHistoryBase::undoActionToolTip () const { kpCommand *undoCommand = nextUndoCommand (); if (undoCommand) return i18n ("Undo: %1", undoCommand->name ()); else return i18n ("Undo"); } // protected QString kpCommandHistoryBase::redoActionToolTip () const { kpCommand *redoCommand = nextRedoCommand (); if (redoCommand) return i18n ("Redo: %1", redoCommand->name ()); else return i18n ("Redo"); } // protected void kpCommandHistoryBase::trimCommandListsUpdateActions () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::trimCommandListsUpdateActions()"; #endif trimCommandLists (); updateActions (); } // protected void kpCommandHistoryBase::trimCommandList (QLinkedList *commandList) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::trimCommandList()"; QTime timer; timer.start (); #endif if (!commandList) { kError () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::trimCommandList() passed 0 commandList" << endl; return; } #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\tsize=" << commandList->size () << " undoMinLimit=" << m_undoMinLimit << " undoMaxLimit=" << m_undoMaxLimit << " undoMaxLimitSizeLimit=" << m_undoMaxLimitSizeLimit << endl; #endif if ((int) commandList->size () <= m_undoMinLimit) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\t\tsize under undoMinLimit - done"; #endif return; } #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY && 0 kDebug () << "\tsize over undoMinLimit - iterating thru cmds:"; #endif QLinkedList ::iterator it = commandList->begin (); int upto = 0; kpCommandSize::SizeType sizeSoFar = 0; while (it != commandList->end ()) { bool advanceIt = true; if (sizeSoFar <= m_undoMaxLimitSizeLimit) { sizeSoFar += (*it)->size (); } #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY && 0 kDebug () << "\t\t" << upto << ":" << " name='" << (*it)->name () << "' size=" << (*it)->size () << " sizeSoFar=" << sizeSoFar << endl; #endif if (upto >= m_undoMinLimit) { if (upto >= m_undoMaxLimit || sizeSoFar > m_undoMaxLimitSizeLimit) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY && 0 kDebug () << "\t\t\tkill"; #endif delete (*it); it = m_undoCommandList.erase (it); advanceIt = false; } } if (advanceIt) it++; upto++; } #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\ttook " << timer.elapsed () << "ms"; #endif } // protected void kpCommandHistoryBase::trimCommandLists () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::trimCommandLists()"; #endif trimCommandList (&m_undoCommandList); trimCommandList (&m_redoCommandList); #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\tdocumentRestoredPosition=" << m_documentRestoredPosition << endl; #endif if (m_documentRestoredPosition != INT_MAX) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\t\tundoCmdList.size=" << m_undoCommandList.size () << " redoCmdList.size=" << m_redoCommandList.size () << endl; #endif if (m_documentRestoredPosition > (int) m_redoCommandList.size () || -m_documentRestoredPosition > (int) m_undoCommandList.size ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\t\t\tinvalidate documentRestoredPosition"; #endif m_documentRestoredPosition = INT_MAX; } } } static void populatePopupMenu (KMenu *popupMenu, const QString &undoOrRedo, const QLinkedList &commandList) { if (!popupMenu) return; popupMenu->clear (); QLinkedList ::const_iterator it = commandList.begin (); int i = 0; while (i < 10 && it != commandList.end ()) { QAction *action = new QAction(i18n ("%1: %2", undoOrRedo, (*it)->name ()), popupMenu); action->setData(i); popupMenu->addAction (action); i++, it++; } if (it != commandList.end ()) { // TODO: maybe have a scrollview show all the items instead, like KOffice in KDE 3 // LOCOMPAT: should be centered text. popupMenu->addTitle (i18np ("%1 more item", "%1 more items", commandList.size () - i)); } } // protected void kpCommandHistoryBase::updateActions () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::updateActions()"; #endif m_actionUndo->setEnabled ((bool) nextUndoCommand ()); // Don't want to keep changing toolbar text. // TODO: As a bad side-effect, the menu doesn't have "Undo: " // anymore. In any case, the KDE4 KToolBarPopupAction // sucks in menus as it forces the clicking of a submenu. IMO, // there should be no submenu in the menu. //m_actionUndo->setText (undoActionText ()); // But in icon mode, a tooltip with context is useful. m_actionUndo->setToolTip (undoActionToolTip ()); #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY QTime timer; timer.start (); #endif populatePopupMenu (qobject_cast (m_actionUndo->menu ()), i18n ("Undo"), m_undoCommandList); #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\tpopuplatePopupMenu undo=" << timer.elapsed () << "ms" << endl;; #endif m_actionRedo->setEnabled ((bool) nextRedoCommand ()); // Don't want to keep changing toolbar text. // TODO: As a bad side-effect, the menu doesn't have "Undo: " // anymore. In any case, the KDE4 KToolBarPopupAction // sucks in menus as it forces the clicking of a submenu. IMO, // there should be no submenu in the menu. //m_actionRedo->setText (redoActionText ()); // But in icon mode, a tooltip with context is useful. m_actionRedo->setToolTip (redoActionToolTip ()); #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY timer.restart (); #endif populatePopupMenu (qobject_cast (m_actionRedo->menu ()), i18n ("Redo"), m_redoCommandList); #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "\tpopuplatePopupMenu redo=" << timer.elapsed () << "ms" << endl; #endif } // public kpCommand *kpCommandHistoryBase::nextUndoCommand () const { if (m_undoCommandList.isEmpty ()) return 0; return m_undoCommandList.first (); } // public kpCommand *kpCommandHistoryBase::nextRedoCommand () const { if (m_redoCommandList.isEmpty ()) return 0; return m_redoCommandList.first (); } // public void kpCommandHistoryBase::setNextUndoCommand (kpCommand *command) { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::setNextUndoCommand(" << command << ")" << endl; #endif if (m_undoCommandList.isEmpty ()) return; delete *m_undoCommandList.begin (); *m_undoCommandList.begin () = command; trimCommandListsUpdateActions (); } // public slot virtual void kpCommandHistoryBase::documentSaved () { #if DEBUG_KP_COMMAND_HISTORY kDebug () << "kpCommandHistoryBase::documentSaved()"; #endif m_documentRestoredPosition = 0; } #include "moc_kpCommandHistoryBase.cpp"