this had to be done the hardway, at least for now. altough
KHelpMenu can return KMenu pointer it does not play well with the
rest of the code and will require quite some changes (AFAICT) so
for now I opted to re-create standard KHelpMenu with the actions
available for most applications (see TODO bellow). sadly, whatsThis
slot is not yet part of the public KDE UI API (or am I doing
something wrong?) and switchApplicationLanguage has just been made
(see kdelibs) and as such the action does nothing but does not
cause trouble either so - it has been added.
TODO: Tips of the day
since it is a multi-component application some of the translations
did not apply, specificly those that are bundled and only basic
(kdelibs4) translations were loaded. to fix this manually load the
catalogs has to be done
with this changes kuassel will find its own headers and also not
place the version header on the-level of the output directory
which will cause other sub-projects build to fail
Here is a short list of what exactly changed:
- made it run only single instance via KUniqueApplication
- make it store config and data in KDE directories
- added irc protocol service provider files for use in KDE
- removed Dock and Phonon notification support
- removed Web links preview support
- rebranded (incomplete, but mostly done)
Things that need doing:
- use KDE localiztion implementation
- the --url argument needed for the service does not actually join
- use KStyle instead of stylesheets?
- implement a help menu like other KDE apps
- integrate with various KDE parts?
the version imported is based on upstream 9c5fd60 with its bundled
copies of miniz (alternative to zlib), oxygen icons and other
non-relevant cruft removed. KDE integreation hardcoded having in
mind it will improve (icons handling, browser integration, etc.)
rebranding is not done yet and credits to the original authors and
contributors are and will be left mostly intact with the exception
of adding new.