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Copyright 2007 David Nolden <david.nolden.kdevelop@art-master.de>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "setrepository.h"
#include <list>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <util/kdevvarlengtharray.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <language/duchain/repositories/itemrepository.h>
#include <QtCore/QMutex>
#include <QtCore/QStack>
#include <algorithm>
//#define DEBUG
#include "somehash.cpp"
#ifdef DEBUG
#define ifDebug(X) X
#define ifDebug(x)
#undef Q_ASSERT
#define Q_ASSERT(x)
#ifndef DEBUG
#define CHECK_SPLIT_POSITION(node) Q_ASSERT(!(node).leftNode || (getLeftNode(&node)->end() <= splitPositionForRange((node).start, (node).end) && getRightNode(&node)->start() >= splitPositionForRange((node).start, (node).end)))
namespace Utils {
* To achieve a maximum re-usage of nodes, we make sure that sub-nodes of a node always split at specific boundaries.
* For each range we can compute a position where that range should be split into its child-nodes.
* When creating a new node with 2 sub-nodes, we re-create those child-nodes if their boundaries don't represent those split-positions.
* We pick the split-positions deterministically, they are in order of priority:
* ((1<<31)*n, n = [0,...]
* ((1<<30)*n, n = [0,...]
* ((1<<29)*n, n = [0,...]
* ((1<<...)*n, n = [0,...]
* ...
* */
typedef BasicSetRepository::Index Index;
///The returned split position shall be the end of the first sub-range, and the start of the second
///@param splitBit should be initialized with 31, unless you know better. The value can then be used on while computing child split positions.
///In the end, it will contain the bit used to split the range. It will also contain zero if no split-position exists(length 1)
uint splitPositionForRange(uint start, uint end, uchar& splitBit) {
if(end-start == 1) {
splitBit = 0;
return 0;
while(true) {
uint position = ((end-1) >> splitBit) << splitBit; //Round to the split-position in this interval that is smaller than end
if(position > start && position < end)
return position;
Q_ASSERT(splitBit != 0);
return 0;
uint SetNodeData::calculateHash() const {
//A hash to reduce the amount of clashes
return hashlittle(this, sizeof(uint)*4, 1748231);
uint splitPositionForRange(uint start, uint end) {
uchar splitBit = 31;
return splitPositionForRange(start, end, splitBit);
class SetNodeDataRequest;
#define getLeftNode(node) repository.itemFromIndex(node->leftNode())
#define getRightNode(node) repository.itemFromIndex(node->rightNode())
#define nodeFromIndex(index) repository.itemFromIndex(index)
struct SetRepositoryAlgorithms {
SetRepositoryAlgorithms(SetDataRepository& _repository, BasicSetRepository* _setRepository) : repository(_repository), setRepository(_setRepository) {
Index count(const SetNodeData* node) const;
void localCheck(const SetNodeData* node);
void check(uint node);
void check(const SetNodeData* node);
QString shortLabel(const SetNodeData& node) const;
uint set_union(uint firstNode, uint secondNode, const SetNodeData* first, const SetNodeData* second, uchar splitBit = 31);
uint createSetFromNodes(uint leftNode, uint rightNode, const SetNodeData* left = 0, const SetNodeData* right = 0);
uint computeSetFromNodes(uint leftNode, uint rightNode, const SetNodeData* left, const SetNodeData* right, uchar splitBit);
uint set_intersect(uint firstNode, uint secondNode, const SetNodeData* first, const SetNodeData* second, uchar splitBit = 31);
bool set_contains(const SetNodeData* node, Index index);
uint set_subtract(uint firstNode, uint secondNode, const SetNodeData* first, const SetNodeData* second, uchar splitBit = 31);
//Required both nodes to be split correctly
bool set_equals(const SetNodeData* lhs, const SetNodeData* rhs);
QString dumpDotGraph(uint node) const;
///Finds or inserts the given ranges into the repository, and returns the set-index that represents them
uint setForIndices(std::vector<uint>::const_iterator begin, std::vector<uint>::const_iterator end, uchar splitBit = 31) {
Q_ASSERT(begin != end);
uint startIndex = *begin;
uint endIndex = *(end-1)+1;
if(endIndex == startIndex+1) {
SetNodeData data(startIndex, endIndex);
return repository.index( SetNodeDataRequest(&data, repository, setRepository) );
uint split = splitPositionForRange(startIndex, endIndex, splitBit);
std::vector<uint>::const_iterator splitIterator = std::lower_bound(begin, end, split);
Q_ASSERT(*splitIterator >= split);
Q_ASSERT(splitIterator > begin);
Q_ASSERT(*(splitIterator-1) < split);
return createSetFromNodes(setForIndices(begin, splitIterator, splitBit), setForIndices(splitIterator, end, splitBit));
QString dumpDotGraphInternal(uint node, bool master=false) const;
SetDataRepository& repository;
BasicSetRepository* setRepository;
void SetNodeDataRequest::destroy(SetNodeData* data, KDevelop::AbstractItemRepository& _repository) {
SetDataRepository& repository(static_cast<SetDataRepository&>(_repository));
if(repository.setRepository->delayedDeletion()) {
SetDataRepositoryBase::MyDynamicItem left = repository.dynamicItemFromIndex(data->leftNode());
SetDataRepositoryBase::MyDynamicItem right = repository.dynamicItemFromIndex(data->rightNode());
Q_ASSERT(left->m_refCount > 0);
Q_ASSERT(right->m_refCount > 0);
}else {
//Deleting a leaf
Q_ASSERT(data->end() - data->start() == 1);
SetNodeDataRequest::SetNodeDataRequest(const SetNodeData* _data, SetDataRepository& _repository, BasicSetRepository* _setRepository) : data(*_data), m_hash(_data->hash()), repository(_repository), setRepository(_setRepository), m_created(false) {
ifDebug( SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(repository); alg.check(_data) );
SetNodeDataRequest::~SetNodeDataRequest() {
//Eventually increase the reference-count of direct children
if(m_created) {
//Should create an item where the information of the requested item is permanently stored. The pointer
//@param item equals an allocated range with the size of itemSize().
void SetNodeDataRequest::createItem(SetNodeData* item) const {
Q_ASSERT((data.rightNode() && data.leftNode()) || (!data.rightNode() && !data.leftNode()));
m_created = true;
*item = data;
Q_ASSERT((item->rightNode() && item->leftNode()) || (!item->rightNode() && !item->leftNode()));
#ifdef DEBUG
//Make sure we split at the correct split position
if(item->hasSlaves()) {
uint split = splitPositionForRange(data.start, data.end);
const SetNodeData* left = repository.itemFromIndex(item->leftNode());
const SetNodeData* right = repository.itemFromIndex(item->rightNode());
Q_ASSERT(split >= left->end() && split <= right->start());
if(!data.leftNode() && setRepository) {
for(uint a = item->start(); a < item->end(); ++a)
bool SetNodeDataRequest::equals(const SetNodeData* item) const {
Q_ASSERT((item->rightNode() && item->leftNode()) || (!item->rightNode() && !item->leftNode()));
//Just compare child nodes, since data must be correctly split, this is perfectly ok
//Since this happens in very tight loops, we don't call an additional function here, but just do the check.
return item->leftNode() == data.leftNode() && item->rightNode() == data.rightNode() && item->start() == data.start() && item->end() == data.end();
class BasicSetRepository::Private {
Private(QString _name) : name(_name) {
~Private() {
QString name;
Set::Set() : m_tree(0), m_repository(0) {
Set::~Set() {
unsigned int Set::count() const {
if(!m_repository || !m_tree)
return 0;
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(m_repository->dataRepository, m_repository);
return alg.count(m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(m_tree));
Set::Set(uint treeNode, BasicSetRepository* repository) : m_tree(treeNode), m_repository(repository) {
Set::Set(const Set& rhs) {
m_repository = rhs.m_repository;
m_tree = rhs.m_tree;
Set& Set::operator=(const Set& rhs) {
m_repository = rhs.m_repository;
m_tree = rhs.m_tree;
return *this;
QString Set::dumpDotGraph() const {
if(!m_repository || !m_tree)
return QString();
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(m_repository->dataRepository, m_repository);
return alg.dumpDotGraph(m_tree);
Index SetRepositoryAlgorithms::count(const SetNodeData* node) const {
if(node->leftNode() && node->rightNode())
return count(getLeftNode(node)) + count(getRightNode(node));
return node->end() - node->start();
void SetRepositoryAlgorithms::localCheck(const SetNodeData* ifDebug(node) ) {
// Q_ASSERT(node->start() > 0);
Q_ASSERT(node->start() < node->end());
Q_ASSERT((node->leftNode() && node->rightNode()) || (!node->leftNode() && !node->rightNode()));
Q_ASSERT(!node->leftNode() || (getLeftNode(node())->start() == node->start() && getRightNode(node)->end() == node->end()));
Q_ASSERT(!node->leftNode() || (getLeftNode(node())->end() <= getRightNode(node)->start()));
void SetRepositoryAlgorithms::check(uint node) {
void SetRepositoryAlgorithms::check(const SetNodeData* node) {
// CHECK_SPLIT_POSITION(*node); Re-enable this
QString SetRepositoryAlgorithms::shortLabel(const SetNodeData& node) const {
return QString("n%1_%2").arg(node.start()).arg(node.end());
QString SetRepositoryAlgorithms::dumpDotGraphInternal(uint nodeIndex, bool master) const {
return QString("empty node");
const SetNodeData& node(*repository.itemFromIndex(nodeIndex));
QString color = "blue";
color = "red";
QString label = QString("%1 -> %2").arg(node.start()).arg(node.end());
label += ", with gaps";
QString ret = QString("%1[label=\"%2\", color=\"%3\"];\n").arg(shortLabel(node)).arg(label).arg(color);
if(node.leftNode()) {
const SetNodeData& left(*repository.itemFromIndex(node.leftNode()));
const SetNodeData& right(*repository.itemFromIndex(node.rightNode()));
ret += QString("%1 -> %2;\n").arg(shortLabel(node)).arg(shortLabel(left));
ret += QString("%1 -> %2;\n").arg(shortLabel(node)).arg(shortLabel(right));
ret += dumpDotGraphInternal(node.leftNode());
ret += dumpDotGraphInternal(node.rightNode());
return ret;
QString SetRepositoryAlgorithms::dumpDotGraph(uint nodeIndex) const {
QString ret = "digraph Repository {\n";
ret += dumpDotGraphInternal(nodeIndex, true);
ret += "}\n";
return ret;
const int nodeStackAlloc = 500;
class Set::Iterator::IteratorPrivate {
IteratorPrivate() : nodeStackSize(0), currentIndex(0), repository(0) {
nodeStack = nodeStackData.data();
IteratorPrivate(const IteratorPrivate& rhs) : nodeStackData(rhs.nodeStackData), nodeStackSize(rhs.nodeStackSize), currentIndex(rhs.currentIndex), repository(rhs.repository) {
nodeStack = nodeStackData.data();
void resizeNodeStack() {
nodeStackData.resize(nodeStackSize + 1);
nodeStack = nodeStackData.data();
KDevVarLengthArray<const SetNodeData*, nodeStackAlloc> nodeStackData;
const SetNodeData** nodeStack;
int nodeStackSize;
Index currentIndex;
BasicSetRepository* repository;
* Pushes the noed on top of the stack, changes currentIndex, and goes as deep as necessary for iteration.
* */
void startAtNode(const SetNodeData* node) {
Q_ASSERT(node->start() != node->end());
currentIndex = node->start();
do {
nodeStack[nodeStackSize++] = node;
if(nodeStackSize >= nodeStackAlloc)
break; //We need no finer granularity, because the range is contiguous
node = Set::Iterator::getDataRepository(repository).itemFromIndex(node->leftNode());
} while(node);
Q_ASSERT(currentIndex >= nodeStack[0]->start());
std::set<Index> Set::stdSet() const
Set::Iterator it = iterator();
std::set<Index> ret;
while(it) {
Q_ASSERT(ret.find(*it) == ret.end());
return ret;
Set::Iterator::Iterator(const Iterator& rhs) : d(new IteratorPrivate(*rhs.d)) {
Set::Iterator& Set::Iterator::operator=(const Iterator& rhs) {
delete d;
d = new IteratorPrivate(*rhs.d);
return *this;
Set::Iterator::Iterator() : d(new IteratorPrivate) {
Set::Iterator::~Iterator() {
delete d;
Set::Iterator::operator bool() const {
return d->nodeStackSize;
Set::Iterator& Set::Iterator::operator++() {
//const SetNodeData** currentNode = &d->nodeStack[d->nodeStackSize - 1];
if(d->currentIndex >= d->nodeStack[d->nodeStackSize - 1]->end()) {
//Advance to the next node
while(d->nodeStackSize && d->currentIndex >= d->nodeStack[d->nodeStackSize - 1]->end()) {
if(!d->nodeStackSize) {
//We were iterating the left slave of the node, now continue with the right.
ifDebug( const SetNodeData& left = *d->repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(d->nodeStack[d->nodeStackSize - 1]->leftNode()); Q_ASSERT(left.end == d->currentIndex); )
const SetNodeData& right = *d->repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(d->nodeStack[d->nodeStackSize - 1]->rightNode());
Q_ASSERT(d->nodeStackSize == 0 || d->currentIndex < d->nodeStack[0]->end());
return *this;
BasicSetRepository::Index Set::Iterator::operator*() const {
return d->currentIndex;
Set::Iterator Set::iterator() const {
if(!m_tree || !m_repository)
return Iterator();
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
Iterator ret;
ret.d->repository = m_repository;
return ret;
//Creates a set item with the given children., they must be valid, and they must be split around their split-position.
uint SetRepositoryAlgorithms::createSetFromNodes(uint leftNode, uint rightNode, const SetNodeData* left, const SetNodeData* right) {
left = nodeFromIndex(leftNode);
right = nodeFromIndex(rightNode);
Q_ASSERT(left->end() <= right->start());
SetNodeData set(left->start(), right->end(), leftNode, rightNode);
Q_ASSERT(set.start() < set.end());
uint ret = repository.index(SetNodeDataRequest(&set, repository, setRepository));
Q_ASSERT(set.leftNode() >= 0x10000);
Q_ASSERT(set.rightNode() >= 0x10000);
Q_ASSERT(ret == repository.findIndex(SetNodeDataRequest(&set, repository, setRepository)));
ifDebug( check(ret) );
return ret;
//Constructs a set node from the given two sub-nodes. Those must be valid, they must not intersect, and they must have a correct split-hierarchy.
//The do not need to be split around their computed split-position.
uint SetRepositoryAlgorithms::computeSetFromNodes(uint leftNode, uint rightNode, const SetNodeData* left, const SetNodeData* right, uchar splitBit)
Q_ASSERT(left->end() <= right->start());
uint splitPosition = splitPositionForRange(left->start(), right->end(), splitBit);
if(splitPosition < left->end()) {
//The split-position intersects the left node
uint leftLeftNode = left->leftNode();
uint leftRightNode = left->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* leftLeft = this->getLeftNode(left);
const SetNodeData* leftRight = this->getRightNode(left);
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= leftLeft->end() && splitPosition <= leftRight->start());
//Create a new set from leftLeft, and from leftRight + right. That set will have the correct split-position.
uint newRightNode = computeSetFromNodes(leftRightNode, rightNode, leftRight, right, splitBit);
return createSetFromNodes(leftLeftNode, newRightNode, leftLeft);
}else if(splitPosition > right->start()) {
//The split-position intersects the right node
uint rightLeftNode = right->leftNode();
uint rightRightNode = right->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* rightLeft = this->getLeftNode(right);
const SetNodeData* rightRight = this->getRightNode(right);
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= rightLeft->end() && splitPosition <= rightRight->start());
//Create a new set from left + rightLeft, and from rightRight. That set will have the correct split-position.
uint newLeftNode = computeSetFromNodes(leftNode, rightLeftNode, left, rightLeft, splitBit);
return createSetFromNodes(newLeftNode, rightRightNode, 0, rightRight);
return createSetFromNodes(leftNode, rightNode, left, right);
uint SetRepositoryAlgorithms::set_union(uint firstNode, uint secondNode, const SetNodeData* first, const SetNodeData* second, uchar splitBit)
if(firstNode == secondNode)
return firstNode;
uint firstStart = first->start(), secondEnd = second->end();
if(firstStart >= secondEnd)
return computeSetFromNodes(secondNode, firstNode, second, first, splitBit);
uint firstEnd = first->end(), secondStart = second->start();
if(secondStart >= firstEnd)
return computeSetFromNodes(firstNode, secondNode, first, second, splitBit);
//The ranges of first and second do intersect
uint newStart = firstStart < secondStart ? firstStart : secondStart;
uint newEnd = firstEnd > secondEnd ? firstEnd : secondEnd;
//Compute the split-position for the resulting merged node
uint splitPosition = splitPositionForRange(newStart, newEnd, splitBit);
//Since the ranges overlap, we can be sure that either first or second contain splitPosition.
//The node that contains it, will also be split by it.
if(splitPosition > firstStart && splitPosition < firstEnd && splitPosition > secondStart && splitPosition < secondEnd) {
//The split-position intersect with both first and second. Continue the union on both sides of the split-position, and merge it.
uint firstLeftNode = first->leftNode();
uint firstRightNode = first->rightNode();
uint secondLeftNode = second->leftNode();
uint secondRightNode = second->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* firstLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(firstLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* firstRight = repository.itemFromIndex(firstRightNode);
const SetNodeData* secondLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(secondLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* secondRight = repository.itemFromIndex(secondRightNode);
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= firstLeft->end() && splitPosition <= firstRight->start());
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= secondLeft->end() && splitPosition <= secondRight->start());
return createSetFromNodes( set_union(firstLeftNode, secondLeftNode, firstLeft, secondLeft, splitBit), set_union(firstRightNode, secondRightNode, firstRight, secondRight, splitBit) );
}else if(splitPosition > firstStart && splitPosition < firstEnd) {
uint firstLeftNode = first->leftNode();
uint firstRightNode = first->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* firstLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(firstLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* firstRight = repository.itemFromIndex(firstRightNode);
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= firstLeft->end() && splitPosition <= firstRight->start());
//splitPosition does not intersect second. That means that second is completely on one side of it.
//So we only need to union that side of first with second.
if(secondEnd <= splitPosition) {
return createSetFromNodes( set_union(firstLeftNode, secondNode, firstLeft, second, splitBit), firstRightNode, 0, firstRight );
Q_ASSERT(secondStart >= splitPosition);
return createSetFromNodes( firstLeftNode, set_union(firstRightNode, secondNode, firstRight, second, splitBit), firstLeft );
}else if(splitPosition > secondStart && splitPosition < secondEnd) {
uint secondLeftNode = second->leftNode();
uint secondRightNode = second->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* secondLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(secondLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* secondRight = repository.itemFromIndex(secondRightNode);
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= secondLeft->end() && splitPosition <= secondRight->start());
if(firstEnd <= splitPosition) {
return createSetFromNodes( set_union(secondLeftNode, firstNode, secondLeft, first, splitBit), secondRightNode, 0, secondRight );
Q_ASSERT(firstStart >= splitPosition);
return createSetFromNodes( secondLeftNode, set_union(secondRightNode, firstNode, secondRight, first, splitBit), secondLeft );
//We would have stopped earlier of first and second don't intersect
ifDebug( uint test = repository.findIndex(SetNodeDataRequest(first, repository, setRepository)); kDebug() << "found index:" << test; )
return 0;
bool SetRepositoryAlgorithms::set_equals(const SetNodeData* lhs, const SetNodeData* rhs)
if(lhs->leftNode() != rhs->leftNode() || lhs->rightNode() != rhs->rightNode())
return false;
return true;
uint SetRepositoryAlgorithms::set_intersect(uint firstNode, uint secondNode, const SetNodeData* first, const SetNodeData* second, uchar splitBit)
if(firstNode == secondNode)
return firstNode;
if(first->start() >= second->end())
return 0;
if(second->start() >= first->end())
return 0;
//The ranges of first and second do intersect
uint firstStart = first->start(), firstEnd = first->end(), secondStart = second->start(), secondEnd = second->end();
uint newStart = firstStart < secondStart ? firstStart : secondStart;
uint newEnd = firstEnd > secondEnd ? firstEnd : secondEnd;
//Compute the split-position for the resulting merged node
uint splitPosition = splitPositionForRange(newStart, newEnd, splitBit);
//Since the ranges overlap, we can be sure that either first or second contain splitPosition.
//The node that contains it, will also be split by it.
if(splitPosition > firstStart && splitPosition < firstEnd && splitPosition > secondStart && splitPosition < secondEnd) {
//The split-position intersect with both first and second. Continue the intersection on both sides
uint firstLeftNode = first->leftNode();
uint firstRightNode = first->rightNode();
uint secondLeftNode = second->leftNode();
uint secondRightNode = second->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* firstLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(firstLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* firstRight = repository.itemFromIndex(firstRightNode);
const SetNodeData* secondLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(secondLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* secondRight = repository.itemFromIndex(secondRightNode);
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= firstLeft->end() && splitPosition <= firstRight->start());
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= secondLeft->end() && splitPosition <= secondRight->start());
uint newLeftNode = set_intersect(firstLeftNode, secondLeftNode, firstLeft, secondLeft, splitBit);
uint newRightNode = set_intersect(firstRightNode, secondRightNode, firstRight, secondRight, splitBit);
if(newLeftNode && newRightNode)
return createSetFromNodes( newLeftNode, newRightNode );
else if(newLeftNode)
return newLeftNode;
return newRightNode;
}else if(splitPosition > firstStart && splitPosition < firstEnd) {
uint firstLeftNode = first->leftNode();
uint firstRightNode = first->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* firstLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(firstLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* firstRight = repository.itemFromIndex(firstRightNode);
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= firstLeft->end() && splitPosition <= firstRight->start());
//splitPosition does not intersect second. That means that second is completely on one side of it.
//So we can completely ignore the other side of first.
if(secondEnd <= splitPosition) {
return set_intersect(firstLeftNode, secondNode, firstLeft, second, splitBit);
Q_ASSERT(secondStart >= splitPosition);
return set_intersect(firstRightNode, secondNode, firstRight, second, splitBit);
}else if(splitPosition > secondStart && splitPosition < secondEnd) {
uint secondLeftNode = second->leftNode();
uint secondRightNode = second->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* secondLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(secondLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* secondRight = repository.itemFromIndex(secondRightNode);
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= secondLeft->end() && splitPosition <= secondRight->start());
if(firstEnd <= splitPosition) {
return set_intersect(secondLeftNode, firstNode, secondLeft, first, splitBit);
Q_ASSERT(firstStart >= splitPosition);
return set_intersect(secondRightNode, firstNode, secondRight, first, splitBit);
//We would have stopped earlier of first and second don't intersect
return 0;
bool SetRepositoryAlgorithms::set_contains(const SetNodeData* node, Index index)
while(true) {
if(node->start() > index || node->end() <= index)
return false;
return true;
const SetNodeData* leftNode = nodeFromIndex(node->leftNode());
if(index < leftNode->end())
node = leftNode;
else {
const SetNodeData* rightNode = nodeFromIndex(node->rightNode());
node = rightNode;
return false;
uint SetRepositoryAlgorithms::set_subtract(uint firstNode, uint secondNode, const SetNodeData* first, const SetNodeData* second, uchar splitBit)
if(firstNode == secondNode)
return 0;
if(first->start() >= second->end() || second->start() >= first->end())
return firstNode;
//The ranges of first and second do intersect
uint firstStart = first->start(), firstEnd = first->end(), secondStart = second->start(), secondEnd = second->end();
uint newStart = firstStart < secondStart ? firstStart : secondStart;
uint newEnd = firstEnd > secondEnd ? firstEnd : secondEnd;
//Compute the split-position for the resulting merged node
uint splitPosition = splitPositionForRange(newStart, newEnd, splitBit);
//Since the ranges overlap, we can be sure that either first or second contain splitPosition.
//The node that contains it, will also be split by it.
if(splitPosition > firstStart && splitPosition < firstEnd && splitPosition > secondStart && splitPosition < secondEnd) {
//The split-position intersect with both first and second. Continue the subtract on both sides of the split-position, and merge it.
uint firstLeftNode = first->leftNode();
uint firstRightNode = first->rightNode();
uint secondLeftNode = second->leftNode();
uint secondRightNode = second->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* firstLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(firstLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* firstRight = repository.itemFromIndex(firstRightNode);
const SetNodeData* secondLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(secondLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* secondRight = repository.itemFromIndex(secondRightNode);
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= firstLeft->end() && splitPosition <= firstRight->start());
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= secondLeft->end() && splitPosition <= secondRight->start());
uint newLeftNode = set_subtract(firstLeftNode, secondLeftNode, firstLeft, secondLeft, splitBit);
uint newRightNode = set_subtract(firstRightNode, secondRightNode, firstRight, secondRight, splitBit);
if(newLeftNode && newRightNode)
return createSetFromNodes(newLeftNode, newRightNode);
else if(newLeftNode)
return newLeftNode;
return newRightNode;
}else if(splitPosition > firstStart && splitPosition < firstEnd) {
// Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= firstLeft->end() && splitPosition <= firstRight->start());
uint firstLeftNode = first->leftNode();
uint firstRightNode = first->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* firstLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(firstLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* firstRight = repository.itemFromIndex(firstRightNode);
//splitPosition does not intersect second. That means that second is completely on one side of it.
//So we only need to subtract that side of first with second.
uint newLeftNode = firstLeftNode, newRightNode = firstRightNode;
if(secondEnd <= splitPosition) {
newLeftNode = set_subtract(firstLeftNode, secondNode, firstLeft, second, splitBit);
Q_ASSERT(secondStart >= splitPosition);
newRightNode = set_subtract(firstRightNode, secondNode, firstRight, second, splitBit);
if(newLeftNode && newRightNode)
return createSetFromNodes(newLeftNode, newRightNode);
else if(newLeftNode)
return newLeftNode;
return newRightNode;
}else if(splitPosition > secondStart && splitPosition < secondEnd) {
uint secondLeftNode = second->leftNode();
uint secondRightNode = second->rightNode();
const SetNodeData* secondLeft = repository.itemFromIndex(secondLeftNode);
const SetNodeData* secondRight = repository.itemFromIndex(secondRightNode);
Q_ASSERT(splitPosition >= secondLeft->end() && splitPosition <= secondRight->start());
if(firstEnd <= splitPosition) {
return set_subtract(firstNode, secondLeftNode, first, secondLeft, splitBit);
Q_ASSERT(firstStart >= splitPosition);
return set_subtract(firstNode, secondRightNode, first, secondRight, splitBit);
//We would have stopped earlier of first and second don't intersect
return 0;
Set BasicSetRepository::createSetFromIndices(const std::vector<Index>& indices) {
QMutexLocker lock(m_mutex);
return Set();
SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(dataRepository, this);
return Set(alg.setForIndices(indices.begin(), indices.end()), this);
Set BasicSetRepository::createSet(Index i) {
QMutexLocker lock(m_mutex);
SetNodeData data(i, i+1);
return Set(dataRepository.index( SetNodeDataRequest(&data, dataRepository, this) ), this);
Set BasicSetRepository::createSet(const std::set<Index>& indices) {
return Set();
QMutexLocker lock(m_mutex);
std::vector<Index> indicesVector;
for( std::set<Index>::const_iterator it = indices.begin(); it != indices.end(); ++it )
return createSetFromIndices(indicesVector);
BasicSetRepository::BasicSetRepository(QString name, KDevelop::ItemRepositoryRegistry* registry, bool delayedDeletion) : d(new Private(name)), dataRepository(this, name, registry), m_mutex(0), m_delayedDeletion(delayedDeletion) {
m_mutex = dataRepository.mutex();
struct StatisticsVisitor {
StatisticsVisitor(const SetDataRepository& _rep) : nodeCount(0), badSplitNodeCount(0), zeroRefCountNodes(0), rep(_rep) {
bool operator() (const SetNodeData* item) {
if(item->m_refCount == 0)
uint split = splitPositionForRange(item->start(), item->end());
if(split < rep.itemFromIndex(item->leftNode())->end() || split > rep.itemFromIndex(item->rightNode())->start())
return true;
uint nodeCount;
uint badSplitNodeCount;
uint zeroRefCountNodes;
const SetDataRepository& rep;
void BasicSetRepository::printStatistics() const {
StatisticsVisitor stats(dataRepository);
kDebug() << "count of nodes:" << stats.nodeCount << "count of nodes with bad split:" << stats.badSplitNodeCount << "count of nodes with zero reference-count:" << stats.zeroRefCountNodes;
BasicSetRepository::~BasicSetRepository() {
delete d;
void BasicSetRepository::itemRemovedFromSets(uint /*index*/) {
void BasicSetRepository::itemAddedToSets(uint /*index*/) {
////////////Set convenience functions//////////////////
bool Set::contains(Index index) const
if(!m_tree || !m_repository)
return false;
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(m_repository->dataRepository, m_repository);
return alg.set_contains(m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(m_tree), index);
Set Set::operator +(const Set& first) const
return *this;
else if(!m_tree || !m_repository)
return first;
Q_ASSERT(m_repository == first.m_repository);
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(m_repository->dataRepository, m_repository);
uint retNode = alg.set_union(m_tree, first.m_tree, m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(m_tree), m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(first.m_tree));
return Set(retNode, m_repository);
Set& Set::operator +=(const Set& first) {
return *this;
else if(!m_tree || !m_repository) {
m_tree = first.m_tree;
m_repository = first.m_repository;
return *this;
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(m_repository->dataRepository, m_repository);
m_tree = alg.set_union(m_tree, first.m_tree, m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(m_tree), m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(first.m_tree));
return *this;
Set Set::operator &(const Set& first) const {
if(!first.m_tree || !m_tree)
return Set();
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(m_repository->dataRepository, m_repository);
Set ret( alg.set_intersect(m_tree, first.m_tree, m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(m_tree), m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(first.m_tree)), m_repository );
return ret;
Set& Set::operator &=(const Set& first) {
if(!first.m_tree || !m_tree) {
m_tree = 0;
return *this;
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(m_repository->dataRepository, m_repository);
m_tree = alg.set_intersect(m_tree, first.m_tree, m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(m_tree), m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(first.m_tree));
return *this;
Set Set::operator -(const Set& rhs) const {
if(!m_tree || !rhs.m_tree)
return *this;
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(m_repository->dataRepository, m_repository);
Set ret( alg.set_subtract(m_tree, rhs.m_tree, m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(m_tree), m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(rhs.m_tree)), m_repository );
ifDebug( alg.check(ret.m_tree) );
return ret;
Set& Set::operator -=(const Set& rhs) {
if(!m_tree || !rhs.m_tree)
return *this;
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
SetRepositoryAlgorithms alg(m_repository->dataRepository, m_repository);
m_tree = alg.set_subtract(m_tree, rhs.m_tree, m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(m_tree), m_repository->dataRepository.itemFromIndex(rhs.m_tree));
return *this;
BasicSetRepository* Set::repository() const {
return m_repository;
void Set::staticRef() {
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
SetNodeData* data = m_repository->dataRepository.dynamicItemFromIndexSimple(m_tree);
///Mutex must be locked
void Set::unrefNode(uint current) {
SetNodeData* data = m_repository->dataRepository.dynamicItemFromIndexSimple(current);
if(!m_repository->delayedDeletion()) {
if(data->m_refCount == 0) {
}else {
//Deleting a leaf
Q_ASSERT(data->end() - data->start() == 1);
///Decrease the static reference-count of this set by one. This set must have a reference-count > 1.
///If this set reaches the reference-count zero, it will be deleted, and all sub-nodes that also reach the reference-count zero
///will be deleted as well. @warning Either protect ALL your sets by using reference-counting, or don't use it at all.
void Set::staticUnref() {
QMutexLocker lock(m_repository->m_mutex);
StringSetRepository::StringSetRepository(QString name) : Utils::BasicSetRepository(name) {
void StringSetRepository::itemRemovedFromSets(uint index) {
///Call the IndexedString destructor with enabled reference-counting
KDevelop::IndexedString string = KDevelop::IndexedString::fromIndex(index);
KDevelop::enableDUChainReferenceCounting(&string, sizeof(KDevelop::IndexedString));
string.~IndexedString(); //Call destructor with enabled reference-counting
void StringSetRepository::itemAddedToSets(uint index) {
///Call the IndexedString constructor with enabled reference-counting
KDevelop::IndexedString string = KDevelop::IndexedString::fromIndex(index);
char data[sizeof(KDevelop::IndexedString)];
KDevelop::enableDUChainReferenceCounting(data, sizeof(KDevelop::IndexedString));
new (data) KDevelop::IndexedString(string); //Call constructor with enabled reference-counting