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// Copyright 2008-2009 by Benoît Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
// accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
// by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
// defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QColor>
#include <QRect>
#include <QPainter>
#include <plasma/wallpaper.h>
#include "ui_config.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "tile.h"
#include "renderthread.h"
/** A Plasma Wallpaper that displays and allows to navigate through the Mandelbrot set
* The rendering is done in a separate MandelbrotRenderThread class. However the present Mandelbrot
* class serves as a central repository of data that is shared between all threads. Whence all the
* byzantine data members here. Definitely not very clean, but works, and this is just application code, right?
class Mandelbrot : public Plasma::Wallpaper
inline bool isPreviewing() { return width()*height()<100000; }
Mandelbrot(QObject* parent, const QVariantList& args);
/** saves the config and updates the image cache. called by plasma. \see Plasma::Wallpaper*/
virtual void save(KConfigGroup &config);
/** \see Plasma::Wallpaper */
virtual void paint(QPainter* painter, const QRectF& exposedRect);
/** \see Plasma::Wallpaper */
virtual QWidget* createConfigurationInterface(QWidget* parent);
/** \returns the width of the wallpaper in pixels */
int width() const { return (int)boundingRect().width(); }
/** \returns the height of the wallpaper in pixels */
int height() const { return (int)boundingRect().height(); }
/** \returns the complex coordinate of the center of the viewpoint \see m_center */
const QPointF& center() const { return m_center; }
/** \returns the half-width of the view in the complex plane \see m_zoom */
const qreal& zoom() const { return m_zoom; }
/** \returns the image of the wallpaper \see m_image */
QImage *image() { return m_image; }
/** \returns the first color of the gradient, a.k.a. the inside color \see m_color1 */
const QColor& color1() const { return m_color1; }
/** \returns the second color of the gradient, a.k.a. the frontier color \see m_color2 */
const QColor& color2() const { return m_color2; }
/** \returns the third color of the gradient, a.k.a. the outside color \see m_color3 */
const QColor& color3() const { return m_color3; }
/** \returns the quality level as set by the KComboBox in the UI. \see m_quality */
int quality() const { return m_quality; }
/** \returns true is the view is locked (as set in the UI in the corresponding checkbox) \see m_lock */
bool lock() const { return m_lock; }
/** \returns a reference to the current tiling state being rendered \see m_tiling*/
MandelbrotTiling& tiling() { return m_tiling; }
/** \returns the number of rendering threads \see m_renderThreadCount */
int renderThreadCount() const { return m_renderThreadCount; }
/** \returns a pointer to the i-th rendering thread \see m_renderThreads*/
MandelbrotRenderThread *renderThread(int i) { return m_renderThreads[i]; }
/** \returns the distance in the complex plane between two adjacent pixels. So a smaller value of resolution() means a
* closer zoom. \see zoom(), m_zoom
qreal resolution() const { return 2*zoom()/width(); }
/** \returns a statistical estimation of the minimum count of iterations before divergence, as estimated from a few samples.
* \note this functions only returns the precomputed result. You need to ask explicitly for it to be computed beforehand,
* by calling computeStats() */
int min_iter_divergence() const { return m_min_iter_divergence; }
/** \returns true if the host CPU has SSE2 instructions */
bool hasSSE2() const { return m_hasSSE2; }
/** \returns true if rendering should be aborted as soon as possible */
bool abortRenderingAsSoonAsPossible() const { return m_abortRenderingAsSoonAsPossible; }
/** \returns the maximum number of iterations to try before declaring non-divergence */
int maxIter() const;
/** \returns 1 for no supersampling, 2 for 4x (2x2) supersampling, 4 for 16x (4x4) supersampling, etc... */
int supersampling() const;
/** \returns a key based on a hash of all the parameters that influence rendering. So if keys agree, the resulting images
* can safely be assumed to also agree. */
QString key() const;
/** computes the stats, that is currently m_min_iter_before_divergence. \see min_iter_divergence() */
void computeStats();
/** sets the value of m_imageIsReady. \see m_imageIsReady */
void setImageIsReady(bool b) { m_imageIsReady = b; }
/** Signals that the configuration has changed */
void settingsChanged(bool);
public slots:
/** To be called whenever the given tile is done rendering */
void tileDone(const MandelbrotTile& t);
void exportImage();
void exportConfig();
void importConfig();
virtual void init(const KConfigGroup &config);
virtual void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
virtual void wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *event);
/** (re-)starts rendering.
* \param renderFirst pixel in the image that the user is most interested in. The nearest tiles will be rendered first.
void startRendering(const QPointF& renderFirst);
/** convenience overloaded function, starts from the middle of the image. For restarting, call abortRendering() beforehand. */
void startRendering() { startRendering(QPointF(width()/2,height()/2)); }
/** self-explanatory. For restarting, call abortRendering() beforehand. */
void loadFromCacheOrStartRendering();
/** self-explanatory */
void abortRendering();
/** \param delta the translation, in pixels */
void translateView(const QPointF& delta);
/** \param at the pixel to zoom to/from
* \param zoomFactor smaller than 1 for zoom in, bigger than 1 for zoom out */
void zoomView(const QPointF& at, qreal zoomFactor);
/** removes the current cache entry if it is obsolete, and inserts the new image into cache if it is ready */
void updateCache();
enum { ReadViewpoint=0x1, ReadLockStatus=0x2 };
void readConfig(const KConfigGroup &config, int options);
protected slots:
void setColor1(const QColor& color1);
void setColor2(const QColor& color2);
void setColor3(const QColor& color3);
void setQuality(int quality);
void setLock(int lock);
void checkRenderHints();
Ui::Config m_ui;
QColor m_color1, m_color2, m_color3;
int m_quality;
Qt::CheckState m_lock;
QImage *m_image;
MandelbrotTiling m_tiling;
QPointF m_center;
qreal m_zoom;
MandelbrotRenderThread **m_renderThreads;
int m_renderThreadCount;
QPointF m_mousePressPos, m_mouseLastMovePos;
Qt::MouseButtons m_mousePressedButtons;
int m_min_iter_divergence;
QString m_cacheKey;
int m_tilesFinishedRendering;
QAction m_exportImageAction;
QAction m_exportConfigAction;
QAction m_importConfigAction;
bool m_abortRenderingAsSoonAsPossible : 1;
bool m_hasSSE2 : 1;
bool m_imageIsReady : 1;
bool m_firstInit : 1;