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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Ivailo Monev
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Katie Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Katie API. It exists for the convenience
// of the Network Access API. This header file may change from
// version to version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <qplatformdefs.h>
#ifndef QT_NO_HTTP
#include <zlib.h>
static const unsigned char gz_magic[2] = {0x1f, 0x8b}; // gzip magic header
// gzip flag byte
#define HEAD_CRC 0x02 // bit 1 set: header CRC present
#define EXTRA_FIELD 0x04 // bit 2 set: extra field present
#define ORIG_NAME 0x08 // bit 3 set: original file name present
#define COMMENT 0x10 // bit 4 set: file comment present
#define RESERVED 0xE0 // bits 5..7: reserved
#include <QtNetwork/qtcpsocket.h>
// it's safe to include these even if SSL support is not enabled
#include <QtNetwork/qsslsocket.h>
#include <QtNetwork/qsslerror.h>
#include <QtNetwork/qnetworkrequest.h>
#include <QtNetwork/qnetworkreply.h>
#include "qbuffer.h"
#include "qobject_p.h"
#include "qhttpnetworkheader_p.h"
#include "qhttpnetworkrequest_p.h"
#include "qauthenticator_p.h"
#include "qbytedata_p.h"
class QHttpNetworkConnection;
class QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel;
class QHttpNetworkRequest;
class QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate;
class QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate;
class Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT QHttpNetworkReply : public QObject, public QHttpNetworkHeader
explicit QHttpNetworkReply(const QUrl &url = QUrl(), QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR);
virtual ~QHttpNetworkReply();
QUrl url() const;
void setUrl(const QUrl &url);
int majorVersion() const;
int minorVersion() const;
qint64 contentLength() const;
void setContentLength(qint64 length);
QList<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > header() const;
QByteArray headerField(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &defaultValue = QByteArray()) const;
void setHeaderField(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &data);
void parseHeader(const QByteArray &header); // mainly for testing
QHttpNetworkRequest request() const;
void setRequest(const QHttpNetworkRequest &request);
int statusCode() const;
void setStatusCode(int code);
QString errorString() const;
void setErrorString(const QString &error);
QString reasonPhrase() const;
qint64 bytesAvailable() const;
qint64 bytesAvailableNextBlock() const;
bool readAnyAvailable() const;
QByteArray readAny();
QByteArray readAll();
QByteArray read(qint64 amount);
qint64 sizeNextBlock();
void setDownstreamLimited(bool t);
void setReadBufferSize(qint64 size);
bool supportsUserProvidedDownloadBuffer();
void setUserProvidedDownloadBuffer(char*);
char* userProvidedDownloadBuffer();
bool isFinished() const;
bool isPipeliningUsed() const;
QHttpNetworkConnection* connection();
QSslConfiguration sslConfiguration() const;
void setSslConfiguration(const QSslConfiguration &config);
void ignoreSslErrors();
void ignoreSslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors);
void sslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors);
void readyRead();
void finished();
void finishedWithError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError errorCode, const QString &detail = QString());
void headerChanged();
// FIXME we need to change this to qint64!
void dataReadProgress(int done, int total);
void dataSendProgress(qint64 done, qint64 total);
void cacheCredentials(const QHttpNetworkRequest &request, QAuthenticator *authenticator);
void proxyAuthenticationRequired(const QNetworkProxy &proxy, QAuthenticator *authenticator);
void authenticationRequired(const QHttpNetworkRequest &request, QAuthenticator *authenticator);
friend class QHttpNetworkConnection;
friend class QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate;
friend class QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel;
class QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate : public QObjectPrivate, public QHttpNetworkHeaderPrivate
QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate(const QUrl &newUrl = QUrl());
qint64 readStatus(QAbstractSocket *socket);
bool parseStatus(const QByteArray &status);
qint64 readHeader(QAbstractSocket *socket);
void parseHeader(const QByteArray &header);
qint64 readBody(QAbstractSocket *socket, QByteDataBuffer *out);
qint64 readBodyVeryFast(QAbstractSocket *socket, char *b);
qint64 readBodyFast(QAbstractSocket *socket, QByteDataBuffer *rb);
bool findChallenge(bool forProxy, QByteArray &challenge) const;
QAuthenticatorPrivate::Method authenticationMethod(bool isProxy) const;
void clear();
void clearHttpLayerInformation();
qint64 readReplyBodyRaw(QAbstractSocket *in, QByteDataBuffer *out, qint64 size);
qint64 readReplyBodyChunked(QAbstractSocket *in, QByteDataBuffer *out);
qint64 getChunkSize(QAbstractSocket *in, qint64 *chunkSize);
void appendUncompressedReplyData(QByteArray &qba);
void appendUncompressedReplyData(QByteDataBuffer &data);
void appendCompressedReplyData(QByteDataBuffer &data);
bool shouldEmitSignals();
bool expectContent();
void eraseData();
qint64 bytesAvailable() const;
bool isChunked();
bool isConnectionCloseEnabled();
bool isGzipped();
bool gzipCheckHeader(QByteArray &content, int &pos);
int gunzipBodyPartially(QByteArray &compressed, QByteArray &inflated);
void gunzipBodyPartiallyEnd();
void removeAutoDecompressHeader();
enum ReplyState {
} state;
QHttpNetworkRequest request;
bool ssl;
int statusCode;
int majorVersion;
int minorVersion;
QString errorString;
QString reasonPhrase;
qint64 bodyLength;
qint64 contentRead;
qint64 totalProgress;
QByteArray fragment; // used for header, status, chunk header etc, not for reply data
bool chunkedTransferEncoding;
bool connectionCloseEnabled;
bool forceConnectionCloseEnabled;
bool lastChunkRead;
qint64 currentChunkSize;
qint64 currentChunkRead;
qint64 readBufferMaxSize;
QPointer<QHttpNetworkConnection> connection;
QPointer<QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel> connectionChannel;
bool initInflate;
bool streamEnd;
z_stream inflateStrm;
bool autoDecompress;
QByteDataBuffer responseData; // uncompressed body
QByteArray compressedData; // compressed body (temporary)
bool requestIsPrepared;
bool pipeliningUsed;
bool downstreamLimited;
char* userProvidedDownloadBuffer;
#endif // QT_NO_HTTP