Ivailo Monev 849ba7a632 replace system with local header inclusions where applicable
Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <xakepa10@laimg.moc>
2019-07-16 11:50:03 +00:00

202 lines
7.6 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Ivailo Monev
** This file is part of the QtDeclarative module of the Katie Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include <QtGui/qtextoption.h>
#include "qdeclarativeimplicitsizeitem_p.h"
#include "qdeclarativeglobal_p.h"
class QDeclarativeTextPrivate;
class Q_DECLARATIVE_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeText : public QDeclarativeImplicitSizeItem
Q_PROPERTY(QString text READ text WRITE setText NOTIFY textChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QFont font READ font WRITE setFont NOTIFY fontChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor color READ color WRITE setColor NOTIFY colorChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(TextStyle style READ style WRITE setStyle NOTIFY styleChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor styleColor READ styleColor WRITE setStyleColor NOTIFY styleColorChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(HAlignment horizontalAlignment READ hAlign WRITE setHAlign RESET resetHAlign NOTIFY horizontalAlignmentChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(VAlignment verticalAlignment READ vAlign WRITE setVAlign NOTIFY verticalAlignmentChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(WrapMode wrapMode READ wrapMode WRITE setWrapMode NOTIFY wrapModeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int lineCount READ lineCount NOTIFY lineCountChanged REVISION 1)
Q_PROPERTY(bool truncated READ truncated NOTIFY truncatedChanged REVISION 1)
Q_PROPERTY(int maximumLineCount READ maximumLineCount WRITE setMaximumLineCount NOTIFY maximumLineCountChanged RESET resetMaximumLineCount REVISION 1)
Q_PROPERTY(TextFormat textFormat READ textFormat WRITE setTextFormat NOTIFY textFormatChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(TextElideMode elide READ elideMode WRITE setElideMode NOTIFY elideModeChanged) //### elideMode?
Q_PROPERTY(qreal paintedWidth READ paintedWidth NOTIFY paintedSizeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal paintedHeight READ paintedHeight NOTIFY paintedSizeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal lineHeight READ lineHeight WRITE setLineHeight NOTIFY lineHeightChanged REVISION 1)
Q_PROPERTY(LineHeightMode lineHeightMode READ lineHeightMode WRITE setLineHeightMode NOTIFY lineHeightModeChanged REVISION 1)
QDeclarativeText(QDeclarativeItem *parent=0);
enum HAlignment { AlignLeft = Qt::AlignLeft,
AlignRight = Qt::AlignRight,
AlignHCenter = Qt::AlignHCenter,
AlignJustify = Qt::AlignJustify }; // ### VERSIONING: Only in QtQuick 1.1
enum VAlignment { AlignTop = Qt::AlignTop,
AlignBottom = Qt::AlignBottom,
AlignVCenter = Qt::AlignVCenter };
enum TextStyle { Normal,
Sunken };
enum TextFormat { PlainText = Qt::PlainText,
RichText = Qt::RichText,
AutoText = Qt::AutoText,
StyledText = 4 };
enum TextElideMode { ElideLeft = Qt::ElideLeft,
ElideRight = Qt::ElideRight,
ElideMiddle = Qt::ElideMiddle,
ElideNone = Qt::ElideNone };
enum WrapMode { NoWrap = QTextOption::NoWrap,
WordWrap = QTextOption::WordWrap,
WrapAnywhere = QTextOption::WrapAnywhere,
WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere = QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere, // COMPAT
Wrap = QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
enum LineHeightMode { ProportionalHeight, FixedHeight };
QString text() const;
void setText(const QString &);
QFont font() const;
void setFont(const QFont &font);
QColor color() const;
void setColor(const QColor &c);
TextStyle style() const;
void setStyle(TextStyle style);
QColor styleColor() const;
void setStyleColor(const QColor &c);
HAlignment hAlign() const;
void setHAlign(HAlignment align);
void resetHAlign();
HAlignment effectiveHAlign() const;
VAlignment vAlign() const;
void setVAlign(VAlignment align);
WrapMode wrapMode() const;
void setWrapMode(WrapMode w);
int lineCount() const;
bool truncated() const;
int maximumLineCount() const;
void setMaximumLineCount(int lines);
void resetMaximumLineCount();
TextFormat textFormat() const;
void setTextFormat(TextFormat format);
TextElideMode elideMode() const;
void setElideMode(TextElideMode);
qreal lineHeight() const;
void setLineHeight(qreal lineHeight);
LineHeightMode lineHeightMode() const;
void setLineHeightMode(LineHeightMode);
void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *);
virtual void componentComplete();
int resourcesLoading() const; // mainly for testing
qreal paintedWidth() const;
qreal paintedHeight() const;
QRectF boundingRect() const;
void textChanged(const QString &text);
void linkActivated(const QString &link);
void fontChanged(const QFont &font);
void colorChanged(const QColor &color);
void styleChanged(TextStyle style);
void styleColorChanged(const QColor &color);
void horizontalAlignmentChanged(HAlignment alignment);
void verticalAlignmentChanged(VAlignment alignment);
void wrapModeChanged();
Q_REVISION(1) void lineCountChanged();
Q_REVISION(1) void truncatedChanged();
Q_REVISION(1) void maximumLineCountChanged();
void textFormatChanged(TextFormat textFormat);
void elideModeChanged(TextElideMode mode);
void paintedSizeChanged();
Q_REVISION(1) void lineHeightChanged(qreal lineHeight);
Q_REVISION(1) void lineHeightModeChanged(LineHeightMode mode);
void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
virtual void geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry,
const QRectF &oldGeometry);
Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE_D(QGraphicsItem::d_ptr.data(), QDeclarativeText)