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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include "QtCore/qglobal.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qtools_p.h>
template <int N = 1>
class QFragment
quint32 parent;
quint32 left;
quint32 right;
quint32 color;
quint32 size_left_array[N];
quint32 size_array[N];
enum {size_array_max = N };
template <class Fragment>
class QFragmentMapData
enum Color { Red, Black };
void init();
class Header
quint32 root; // this relies on being at the same position as parent in the fragment struct
quint32 tag;
quint32 freelist;
quint32 node_count;
quint32 allocated;
enum {fragmentSize = sizeof(Fragment) };
int length(uint field = 0) const;
inline Fragment *fragment(uint index) {
return (fragments + index);
inline const Fragment *fragment(uint index) const {
return (fragments + index);
inline Fragment &F(uint index) { return fragments[index] ; }
inline const Fragment &F(uint index) const { return fragments[index] ; }
inline bool isRoot(uint index) const {
return !fragment(index)->parent;
inline uint position(uint node, uint field = 0) const {
Q_ASSERT(field < Fragment::size_array_max);
const Fragment *f = fragment(node);
uint offset = f->size_left_array[field];
while (f->parent) {
uint p = f->parent;
f = fragment(p);
if (f->right == node)
offset += f->size_left_array[field] + f->size_array[field];
node = p;
return offset;
inline uint sizeRight(uint node, uint field = 0) const {
Q_ASSERT(field < Fragment::size_array_max);
uint sr = 0;
const Fragment *f = fragment(node);
node = f->right;
while (node) {
f = fragment(node);
sr += f->size_left_array[field] + f->size_array[field];
node = f->right;
return sr;
inline uint sizeLeft(uint node, uint field = 0) const {
Q_ASSERT(field < Fragment::size_array_max);
return fragment(node)->size_left_array[field];
inline uint size(uint node, uint field = 0) const {
Q_ASSERT(field < Fragment::size_array_max);
return fragment(node)->size_array[field];
inline void setSize(uint node, int new_size, uint field = 0) {
Q_ASSERT(field < Fragment::size_array_max);
Fragment *f = fragment(node);
int diff = new_size - f->size_array[field];
f->size_array[field] = new_size;
while (f->parent) {
uint p = f->parent;
f = fragment(p);
if (f->left == node)
f->size_left_array[field] += diff;
node = p;
uint findNode(int k, uint field = 0) const;
uint insert_single(int key, uint length);
uint erase_single(uint f);
uint minimum(uint n) const {
while (n && fragment(n)->left)
n = fragment(n)->left;
return n;
uint maximum(uint n) const {
while (n && fragment(n)->right)
n = fragment(n)->right;
return n;
uint next(uint n) const;
uint previous(uint n) const;
inline uint root() const {
Q_ASSERT(!head->root || !fragment(head->root)->parent);
return head->root;
inline void setRoot(uint new_root) {
Q_ASSERT(!head->root || !fragment(new_root)->parent);
head->root = new_root;
inline bool isValid(uint n) const {
return n > 0 && n != head->freelist;
union {
Header *head;
Fragment *fragments;
void rotateLeft(uint x);
void rotateRight(uint x);
void rebalance(uint x);
void removeAndRebalance(uint z);
uint createFragment();
void freeFragment(uint f);
template <class Fragment>
: fragments(0)
template <class Fragment>
void QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::init()
// the following code will realloc an existing fragment or create a new one.
// it will also ignore errors when shrinking an existing fragment.
Fragment *newFragments = (Fragment *)realloc(fragments, 64*fragmentSize);
if (newFragments) {
fragments = newFragments;
head->allocated = 64;
head->tag = (((quint32)'p') << 24) | (((quint32)'m') << 16) | (((quint32)'a') << 8) | 'p'; //TAG('p', 'm', 'a', 'p');
head->root = 0;
head->freelist = 1;
head->node_count = 0;
// mark all items to the right as unused
F(head->freelist).right = 0;
template <class Fragment>
template <class Fragment>
uint QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::createFragment()
Q_ASSERT(head->freelist <= head->allocated);
uint freePos = head->freelist;
if (freePos == head->allocated) {
// need to create some free space
uint needed = qAllocMore((freePos+1)*fragmentSize, 0);
Q_ASSERT(needed/fragmentSize > head->allocated);
Fragment *newFragments = (Fragment *)realloc(fragments, needed);
fragments = newFragments;
head->allocated = needed/fragmentSize;
F(freePos).right = 0;
uint nextPos = F(freePos).right;
if (!nextPos) {
nextPos = freePos+1;
if (nextPos < head->allocated)
F(nextPos).right = 0;
head->freelist = nextPos;
return freePos;
template <class Fragment>
void QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::freeFragment(uint i)
F(i).right = head->freelist;
head->freelist = i;
template <class Fragment>
uint QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::next(uint n) const {
if (F(n).right) {
n = F(n).right;
while (F(n).left)
n = F(n).left;
} else {
uint y = F(n).parent;
while (F(n).parent && n == F(y).right) {
n = y;
y = F(y).parent;
n = y;
return n;
template <class Fragment>
uint QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::previous(uint n) const {
if (!n)
return maximum(root());
if (F(n).left) {
n = F(n).left;
while (F(n).right)
n = F(n).right;
} else {
uint y = F(n).parent;
while (F(n).parent && n == F(y).left) {
n = y;
y = F(y).parent;
n = y;
return n;
x y
\ / \
y --> x b
/ \ \
a b a
template <class Fragment>
void QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::rotateLeft(uint x)
uint p = F(x).parent;
uint y = F(x).right;
if (y) {
F(x).right = F(y).left;
if (F(y).left)
F(F(y).left).parent = x;
F(y).left = x;
F(y).parent = p;
} else {
F(x).right = 0;
if (!p) {
Q_ASSERT(head->root == x);
head->root = y;
else if (x == F(p).left)
F(p).left = y;
F(p).right = y;
F(x).parent = y;
for (uint field = 0; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(y).size_left_array[field] += F(x).size_left_array[field] + F(x).size_array[field];
x y
/ / \
y --> a x
/ \ /
a b b
template <class Fragment>
void QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::rotateRight(uint x)
uint y = F(x).left;
uint p = F(x).parent;
if (y) {
F(x).left = F(y).right;
if (F(y).right)
F(F(y).right).parent = x;
F(y).right = x;
F(y).parent = p;
} else {
F(x).left = 0;
if (!p) {
Q_ASSERT(head->root == x);
head->root = y;
else if (x == F(p).right)
F(p).right = y;
F(p).left = y;
F(x).parent = y;
for (uint field = 0; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(x).size_left_array[field] -= F(y).size_left_array[field] + F(y).size_array[field];
template <class Fragment>
void QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::rebalance(uint x)
F(x).color = Red;
while (F(x).parent && F(F(x).parent).color == Red) {
uint p = F(x).parent;
uint pp = F(p).parent;
if (p == F(pp).left) {
uint y = F(pp).right;
if (y && F(y).color == Red) {
F(p).color = Black;
F(y).color = Black;
F(pp).color = Red;
x = pp;
} else {
if (x == F(p).right) {
x = p;
p = F(x).parent;
pp = F(p).parent;
F(p).color = Black;
if (pp) {
F(pp).color = Red;
} else {
uint y = F(pp).left;
if (y && F(y).color == Red) {
F(p).color = Black;
F(y).color = Black;
F(pp).color = Red;
x = pp;
} else {
if (x == F(p).left) {
x = p;
p = F(x).parent;
pp = F(p).parent;
F(p).color = Black;
if (pp) {
F(pp).color = Red;
F(root()).color = Black;
template <class Fragment>
uint QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::erase_single(uint z)
uint w = previous(z);
uint y = z;
uint x;
uint p;
if (!F(y).left) {
x = F(y).right;
} else if (!F(y).right) {
x = F(y).left;
} else {
y = F(y).right;
while (F(y).left)
y = F(y).left;
x = F(y).right;
if (y != z) {
F(F(z).left).parent = y;
F(y).left = F(z).left;
for (uint field = 0; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(y).size_left_array[field] = F(z).size_left_array[field];
if (y != F(z).right) {
z y
/ \ / \
a b a b
/ /
... --> ...
/ /
y x
/ \
0 x
p = F(y).parent;
if (x)
F(x).parent = p;
F(p).left = x;
F(y).right = F(z).right;
F(F(z).right).parent = y;
uint n = p;
while (n != y) {
for (uint field = 0; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(n).size_left_array[field] -= F(y).size_array[field];
n = F(n).parent;
} else {
z y
/ \ / \
a y --> a x
/ \
0 x
p = y;
uint zp = F(z).parent;
if (!zp) {
Q_ASSERT(head->root == z);
head->root = y;
} else if (F(zp).left == z) {
F(zp).left = y;
for (uint field = 0; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(zp).size_left_array[field] -= F(z).size_array[field];
} else {
F(zp).right = y;
F(y).parent = zp;
// Swap the colors
uint c = F(y).color;
F(y).color = F(z).color;
F(z).color = c;
y = z;
} else {
p p p p
/ / \ \
z --> x z --> x
| |
x x
p = F(z).parent;
if (x)
F(x).parent = p;
if (!p) {
Q_ASSERT(head->root == z);
head->root = x;
} else if (F(p).left == z) {
F(p).left = x;
for (uint field = 0; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(p).size_left_array[field] -= F(z).size_array[field];
} else {
F(p).right = x;
uint n = z;
while (F(n).parent) {
uint p = F(n).parent;
if (F(p).left == n) {
for (uint field = 0; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(p).size_left_array[field] -= F(z).size_array[field];
n = p;
if (F(y).color != Red) {
while (F(x).parent && (x == 0 || F(x).color == Black)) {
if (x == F(p).left) {
uint w = F(p).right;
if (F(w).color == Red) {
F(w).color = Black;
F(p).color = Red;
w = F(p).right;
if ((F(w).left == 0 || F(F(w).left).color == Black) &&
(F(w).right == 0 || F(F(w).right).color == Black)) {
F(w).color = Red;
x = p;
p = F(x).parent;
} else {
if (F(w).right == 0 || F(F(w).right).color == Black) {
if (F(w).left)
F(F(w).left).color = Black;
F(w).color = Red;
w = F(p).right;
F(w).color = F(p).color;
F(p).color = Black;
if (F(w).right)
F(F(w).right).color = Black;
} else {
uint w = F(p).left;
if (F(w).color == Red) {
F(w).color = Black;
F(p).color = Red;
w = F(p).left;
if ((F(w).right == 0 || F(F(w).right).color == Black) &&
(F(w).left == 0 || F(F(w).left).color == Black)) {
F(w).color = Red;
x = p;
p = F(x).parent;
} else {
if (F(w).left == 0 || F(F(w).left).color == Black) {
if (F(w).right)
F(F(w).right).color = Black;
F(w).color = Red;
w = F(p).left;
F(w).color = F(p).color;
F(p).color = Black;
if (F(w).left)
F(F(w).left).color = Black;
if (x)
F(x).color = Black;
return w;
template <class Fragment>
uint QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::findNode(int k, uint field) const
Q_ASSERT(field < Fragment::size_array_max);
uint x = root();
uint s = k;
while (x) {
if (sizeLeft(x, field) <= s) {
if (s < sizeLeft(x, field) + size(x, field))
return x;
s -= sizeLeft(x, field) + size(x, field);
x = F(x).right;
} else {
x = F(x).left;
return 0;
template <class Fragment>
uint QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::insert_single(int key, uint length)
Q_ASSERT(!findNode(key) || (int)this->position(findNode(key)) == key);
uint z = createFragment();
F(z).left = 0;
F(z).right = 0;
F(z).size_array[0] = length;
for (uint field = 1; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(z).size_array[field] = 1;
for (uint field = 0; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(z).size_left_array[field] = 0;
uint y = 0;
uint x = root();
Q_ASSERT(!x || F(x).parent == 0);
uint s = key;
bool right = false;
while (x) {
y = x;
if (s <= F(x).size_left_array[0]) {
x = F(x).left;
right = false;
} else {
s -= F(x).size_left_array[0] + F(x).size_array[0];
x = F(x).right;
right = true;
F(z).parent = y;
if (!y) {
head->root = z;
} else if (!right) {
F(y).left = z;
for (uint field = 0; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(y).size_left_array[field] = F(z).size_array[field];
} else {
F(y).right = z;
while (y && F(y).parent) {
uint p = F(y).parent;
if (F(p).left == y) {
for (uint field = 0; field < Fragment::size_array_max; ++field)
F(p).size_left_array[field] += F(z).size_array[field];
y = p;
return z;
template <class Fragment>
int QFragmentMapData<Fragment>::length(uint field) const {
uint root = this->root();
return root ? sizeLeft(root, field) + size(root, field) + sizeRight(root, field) : 0;
template <class Fragment> // NOTE: must inherit QFragment
class QFragmentMap
class Iterator
QFragmentMap *pt;
quint32 n;
Iterator() : pt(0), n(0) {}
Iterator(QFragmentMap *p, int node) : pt(p), n(node) {}
Iterator(const Iterator& it) : pt(it.pt), n(it.n) {}
inline bool atEnd() const { return !n; }
bool operator==(const Iterator& it) const { return pt == it.pt && n == it.n; }
bool operator!=(const Iterator& it) const { return pt != it.pt || n != it.n; }
bool operator<(const Iterator &it) const { return position() < it.position(); }
Fragment *operator*() { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->fragment(n); }
const Fragment *operator*() const { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->fragment(n); }
Fragment *operator->() { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->fragment(n); }
const Fragment *operator->() const { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->fragment(n); }
int position() const { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->data.position(n); }
const Fragment *value() const { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->fragment(n); }
Fragment *value() { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->fragment(n); }
Iterator& operator++() {
n = pt->data.next(n);
return *this;
Iterator& operator--() {
n = pt->data.previous(n);
return *this;
class ConstIterator
const QFragmentMap *pt;
quint32 n;
* Functions
ConstIterator() : pt(0), n(0) {}
ConstIterator(const QFragmentMap *p, int node) : pt(p), n(node) {}
ConstIterator(const ConstIterator& it) : pt(it.pt), n(it.n) {}
ConstIterator(const Iterator& it) : pt(it.pt), n(it.n) {}
inline bool atEnd() const { return !n; }
bool operator==(const ConstIterator& it) const { return pt == it.pt && n == it.n; }
bool operator!=(const ConstIterator& it) const { return pt != it.pt || n != it.n; }
bool operator<(const ConstIterator &it) const { return position() < it.position(); }
const Fragment *operator*() const { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->fragment(n); }
const Fragment *operator->() const { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->fragment(n); }
int position() const { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->data.position(n); }
int size() const { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->data.size(n); }
const Fragment *value() const { Q_ASSERT(!atEnd()); return pt->fragment(n); }
ConstIterator& operator++() {
n = pt->data.next(n);
return *this;
ConstIterator& operator--() {
n = pt->data.previous(n);
return *this;
QFragmentMap() {}
if (!data.fragments)
return; // in case of out-of-memory, we won't have fragments
for (Iterator it = begin(); !it.atEnd(); ++it)
inline void clear() {
for (Iterator it = begin(); !it.atEnd(); ++it)
inline Iterator begin() { return Iterator(this, data.minimum(data.root())); }
inline Iterator end() { return Iterator(this, 0); }
inline ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator(this, data.minimum(data.root())); }
inline ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator(this, 0); }
inline ConstIterator last() const { return ConstIterator(this, data.maximum(data.root())); }
inline bool isEmpty() const { return data.head->node_count == 0; }
inline int numNodes() const { return data.head->node_count; }
int length(uint field = 0) const { return data.length(field); }
Iterator find(int k, uint field = 0) { return Iterator(this, data.findNode(k, field)); }
ConstIterator find(int k, uint field = 0) const { return ConstIterator(this, data.findNode(k, field)); }
uint findNode(int k, uint field = 0) const { return data.findNode(k, field); }
uint insert_single(int key, uint length)
uint f = data.insert_single(key, length);
if (f != 0) {
Fragment *frag = fragment(f);
return f;
uint erase_single(uint f)
if (f != 0) {
Fragment *frag = fragment(f);
return data.erase_single(f);
inline Fragment *fragment(uint index) {
Q_ASSERT(index != 0);
return data.fragment(index);
inline const Fragment *fragment(uint index) const {
Q_ASSERT(index != 0);
return data.fragment(index);
inline uint position(uint node, uint field = 0) const { return data.position(node, field); }
inline bool isValid(uint n) const { return data.isValid(n); }
inline uint next(uint n) const { return data.next(n); }
inline uint previous(uint n) const { return data.previous(n); }
inline uint size(uint node, uint field = 0) const { return data.size(node, field); }
inline void setSize(uint node, int new_size, uint field = 0)
{ data.setSize(node, new_size, field);
if (node != 0 && field == 0) {
Fragment *frag = fragment(node);
inline int firstNode() const { return data.minimum(data.root()); }
friend class Iterator;
friend class ConstIterator;
QFragmentMapData<Fragment> data;
QFragmentMap(const QFragmentMap& m);
QFragmentMap& operator= (const QFragmentMap& m);