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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include "qglobal.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "qgraphicslayoutitem.h"
#include "qgridlayoutengine_p.h"
#include "qstyleoption.h"
#include "qvarlengtharray.h"
#include "qgraphicswidget_p.h"
#include "qdebug.h"
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
template <typename T>
static void insertOrRemoveItems(QVector<T> &items, int index, int delta)
int count = items.count();
if (index < count) {
if (delta > 0) {
items.insert(index, delta, T());
} else if (delta < 0) {
items.remove(index, qMin(-delta, count - index));
static qreal growthFactorBelowPreferredSize(qreal desired, qreal sumAvailable, qreal sumDesired)
Q_ASSERT(sumDesired != 0.0);
return desired * qPow(sumAvailable / sumDesired, desired / sumDesired);
static qreal fixedDescent(qreal descent, qreal ascent, qreal targetSize)
if (descent < 0.0)
return -1.0;
Q_ASSERT(descent >= 0.0);
Q_ASSERT(ascent >= 0.0);
Q_ASSERT(targetSize >= ascent + descent);
qreal extra = targetSize - (ascent + descent);
return descent + (extra / qreal(2.0));
static qreal compare(const QGridLayoutBox &box1, const QGridLayoutBox &box2, int which)
qreal size1 = box1.q_sizes(which);
qreal size2 = box2.q_sizes(which);
if (which == MaximumSize) {
return size2 - size1;
} else {
return size1 - size2;
void QGridLayoutBox::add(const QGridLayoutBox &other, int stretch, qreal spacing)
Q_ASSERT(q_minimumDescent < 0.0);
q_minimumSize += other.q_minimumSize + spacing;
q_preferredSize += other.q_preferredSize + spacing;
q_maximumSize += ((stretch == 0) ? other.q_preferredSize : other.q_maximumSize) + spacing;
void QGridLayoutBox::combine(const QGridLayoutBox &other)
q_minimumDescent = qMax(q_minimumDescent, other.q_minimumDescent);
q_minimumAscent = qMax(q_minimumAscent, other.q_minimumAscent);
q_minimumSize = qMax(q_minimumAscent + q_minimumDescent,
qMax(q_minimumSize, other.q_minimumSize));
qreal maxMax;
if (q_maximumSize == FLT_MAX && other.q_maximumSize != FLT_MAX)
maxMax = other.q_maximumSize;
else if (other.q_maximumSize == FLT_MAX && q_maximumSize != FLT_MAX)
maxMax = q_maximumSize;
maxMax = qMax(q_maximumSize, other.q_maximumSize);
q_maximumSize = qMax(q_minimumSize, maxMax);
q_preferredSize = qBound(q_minimumSize, qMax(q_preferredSize, other.q_preferredSize),
void QGridLayoutBox::normalize()
q_maximumSize = qMax(qreal(0.0), q_maximumSize);
q_minimumSize = qBound(qreal(0.0), q_minimumSize, q_maximumSize);
q_preferredSize = qBound(q_minimumSize, q_preferredSize, q_maximumSize);
q_minimumDescent = qMin(q_minimumDescent, q_minimumSize);
Q_ASSERT((q_minimumDescent < 0.0) == (q_minimumAscent < 0.0));
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
void QGridLayoutBox::dump(int indent) const
qDebug("%*sBox (%g <= %g <= %g [%g/%g])", indent, "", q_minimumSize, q_preferredSize,
q_maximumSize, q_minimumAscent, q_minimumDescent);
bool operator==(const QGridLayoutBox &box1, const QGridLayoutBox &box2)
for (int i = 0; i < NSizes; ++i) {
if (box1.q_sizes(i) != box2.q_sizes(i))
return false;
return box1.q_minimumDescent == box2.q_minimumDescent
&& box1.q_minimumAscent == box2.q_minimumAscent;
void QGridLayoutRowData::reset(int count)
ignore.fill(false, count);
boxes.fill(QGridLayoutBox(), count);
stretches.fill(0, count);
spacings.fill(0.0, count);
hasIgnoreFlag = false;
void QGridLayoutRowData::distributeMultiCells(const QGridLayoutRowInfo &rowInfo)
MultiCellMap::const_iterator i = multiCellMap.constBegin();
for (; i != multiCellMap.constEnd(); ++i) {
int start = i.key().first;
int span = i.key().second;
int end = start + span;
const QGridLayoutBox &box = i.value().q_box;
int stretch = i.value().q_stretch;
QGridLayoutBox totalBox = this->totalBox(start, end);
QVarLengthArray<QGridLayoutBox> extras(span);
QVarLengthArray<qreal> dummy(span);
QVarLengthArray<qreal> newSizes(span);
for (int j = 0; j < NSizes; ++j) {
qreal extra = compare(box, totalBox, j);
if (extra > 0.0) {
calculateGeometries(start, end, box.q_sizes(j), dummy.data(), newSizes.data(),
0, totalBox, rowInfo);
for (int k = 0; k < span; ++k)
extras[k].q_sizes(j) = newSizes[k];
for (int k = 0; k < span; ++k) {
boxes[start + k].combine(extras[k]);
if (stretch != 0)
stretches[start + k] = qMax(stretches[start + k], stretch);
void QGridLayoutRowData::calculateGeometries(int start, int end, qreal targetSize, qreal *positions,
qreal *sizes, qreal *descents,
const QGridLayoutBox &totalBox,
const QGridLayoutRowInfo &rowInfo)
Q_ASSERT(end > start);
targetSize = qMax(totalBox.q_minimumSize, targetSize);
int n = end - start;
QVarLengthArray<qreal> newSizes(n);
QVarLengthArray<qreal> factors(n);
qreal sumFactors = 0.0;
int sumStretches = 0;
qreal sumAvailable;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (stretches[start + i] > 0)
sumStretches += stretches[start + i];
if (targetSize < totalBox.q_preferredSize) {
stealBox(start, end, MinimumSize, positions, sizes);
sumAvailable = targetSize - totalBox.q_minimumSize;
if (sumAvailable > 0.0) {
qreal sumDesired = totalBox.q_preferredSize - totalBox.q_minimumSize;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (ignore.testBit(start + i)) {
factors[i] = 0.0;
const QGridLayoutBox &box = boxes.at(start + i);
qreal desired = box.q_preferredSize - box.q_minimumSize;
factors[i] = growthFactorBelowPreferredSize(desired, sumAvailable, sumDesired);
sumFactors += factors[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Q_ASSERT(sumFactors > 0.0);
qreal delta = sumAvailable * factors[i] / sumFactors;
newSizes[i] = sizes[i] + delta;
} else {
bool isLargerThanMaximum = (targetSize > totalBox.q_maximumSize);
if (isLargerThanMaximum) {
stealBox(start, end, MaximumSize, positions, sizes);
sumAvailable = targetSize - totalBox.q_maximumSize;
} else {
stealBox(start, end, PreferredSize, positions, sizes);
sumAvailable = targetSize - totalBox.q_preferredSize;
if (sumAvailable > 0.0) {
qreal sumCurrentAvailable = sumAvailable;
bool somethingHasAMaximumSize = false;
qreal sumSizes = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
sumSizes += sizes[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (ignore.testBit(start + i)) {
newSizes[i] = 0.0;
factors[i] = 0.0;
const QGridLayoutBox &box = boxes.at(start + i);
qreal boxSize;
qreal desired;
if (isLargerThanMaximum) {
boxSize = box.q_maximumSize;
desired = rowInfo.boxes.value(start + i).q_maximumSize - boxSize;
} else {
boxSize = box.q_preferredSize;
desired = box.q_maximumSize - boxSize;
if (desired == 0.0) {
newSizes[i] = sizes[i];
factors[i] = 0.0;
} else {
Q_ASSERT(desired > 0.0);
int stretch = stretches[start + i];
if (sumStretches == 0) {
if (hasIgnoreFlag) {
factors[i] = (stretch < 0) ? qreal(1.0) : qreal(0.0);
} else {
factors[i] = (stretch < 0) ? sizes[i] : qreal(0.0);
} else if (stretch == sumStretches) {
factors[i] = 1.0;
} else if (stretch <= 0) {
factors[i] = 0.0;
} else {
qreal ultimateSize;
qreal ultimateSumSizes;
qreal x = ((stretch * sumSizes)
- (sumStretches * boxSize))
/ (sumStretches - stretch);
if (x >= 0.0) {
ultimateSize = boxSize + x;
ultimateSumSizes = sumSizes + x;
} else {
ultimateSize = boxSize;
ultimateSumSizes = (sumStretches * boxSize)
/ stretch;
We multiply these by 1.5 to give some space for a smooth transition
(at the expense of the stretch factors, which are not fully respected
during the transition).
ultimateSize = ultimateSize * 3 / 2;
ultimateSumSizes = ultimateSumSizes * 3 / 2;
qreal beta = ultimateSumSizes - sumSizes;
if (!beta) {
factors[i] = 1;
} else {
qreal alpha = qMin(sumCurrentAvailable, beta);
qreal ultimateFactor = (stretch * ultimateSumSizes / sumStretches)
- (boxSize);
qreal transitionalFactor = sumCurrentAvailable * (ultimateSize - boxSize) / beta;
factors[i] = ((alpha * ultimateFactor)
+ ((beta - alpha) * transitionalFactor)) / beta;
sumFactors += factors[i];
if (desired < sumCurrentAvailable)
somethingHasAMaximumSize = true;
newSizes[i] = -1.0;
bool keepGoing = somethingHasAMaximumSize;
while (keepGoing) {
keepGoing = false;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (newSizes[i] >= 0.0)
qreal maxBoxSize;
if (isLargerThanMaximum)
maxBoxSize = rowInfo.boxes.value(start + i).q_maximumSize;
maxBoxSize = boxes.at(start + i).q_maximumSize;
qreal avail = sumCurrentAvailable * factors[i] / sumFactors;
if (sizes[i] + avail >= maxBoxSize) {
newSizes[i] = maxBoxSize;
sumCurrentAvailable -= maxBoxSize - sizes[i];
sumFactors -= factors[i];
keepGoing = (sumCurrentAvailable > 0.0);
if (!keepGoing)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (newSizes[i] < 0.0) {
qreal delta = (sumFactors == 0.0) ? qreal(0.0)
: sumCurrentAvailable * factors[i] / sumFactors;
newSizes[i] = sizes[i] + delta;
if (sumAvailable > 0) {
qreal offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
qreal delta = newSizes[i] - sizes[i];
positions[i] += offset;
sizes[i] += delta;
offset += delta;
#if 0 // some "pixel allocation"
int surplus = targetSize - (positions[n - 1] + sizes[n - 1]);
Q_ASSERT(surplus >= 0 && surplus <= n);
int prevSurplus = -1;
while (surplus > 0 && surplus != prevSurplus) {
prevSurplus = surplus;
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const QGridLayoutBox &box = boxes.at(start + i);
int delta = (!ignore.testBit(start + i) && surplus > 0
&& factors[i] > 0 && sizes[i] < box.q_maximumSize)
? 1 : 0;
positions[i] += offset;
sizes[i] += delta;
offset += delta;
surplus -= delta;
Q_ASSERT(surplus == 0);
if (descents) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (ignore.testBit(start + i))
const QGridLayoutBox &box = boxes.at(start + i);
descents[i] = fixedDescent(box.q_minimumDescent, box.q_minimumAscent, sizes[i]);
QGridLayoutBox QGridLayoutRowData::totalBox(int start, int end) const
QGridLayoutBox result;
if (start < end) {
result.q_maximumSize = 0.0;
qreal nextSpacing = 0.0;
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
if (ignore.testBit(i))
result.add(boxes.at(i), stretches.at(i), nextSpacing);
nextSpacing = spacings.at(i);
return result;
void QGridLayoutRowData::stealBox(int start, int end, int which, qreal *positions, qreal *sizes)
qreal offset = 0.0;
qreal nextSpacing = 0.0;
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
qreal avail = 0.0;
if (!ignore.testBit(i)) {
const QGridLayoutBox &box = boxes.at(i);
avail = box.q_sizes(which);
offset += nextSpacing;
nextSpacing = spacings.at(i);
*positions++ = offset;
*sizes++ = avail;
offset += avail;
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
void QGridLayoutRowData::dump(int indent) const
qDebug("%*sData", indent, "");
for (int i = 0; i < ignore.count(); ++i) {
qDebug("%*s Row %d (stretch %d, spacing %g)", indent, "", i, stretches.at(i),
if (ignore.testBit(i))
qDebug("%*s Ignored", indent, "");
boxes.at(i).dump(indent + 2);
MultiCellMap::const_iterator it = multiCellMap.constBegin();
while (it != multiCellMap.constEnd()) {
qDebug("%*s Multi-cell entry <%d, %d> (stretch %d)", indent, "", it.key().first,
it.key().second, it.value().q_stretch);
it.value().q_box.dump(indent + 2);
QGridLayoutItem::QGridLayoutItem(QGridLayoutEngine *engine, QGraphicsLayoutItem *layoutItem,
int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan,
Qt::Alignment alignment, int itemAtIndex)
: q_engine(engine), q_layoutItem(layoutItem), q_alignment(alignment)
q_firstRows[Hor] = column;
q_firstRows[Ver] = row;
q_rowSpans[Hor] = columnSpan;
q_rowSpans[Ver] = rowSpan;
q_stretches[Hor] = -1;
q_stretches[Ver] = -1;
q_engine->insertItem(this, itemAtIndex);
int QGridLayoutItem::firstRow(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return q_firstRows[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
int QGridLayoutItem::firstColumn(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return q_firstRows[orientation == Qt::Horizontal];
int QGridLayoutItem::lastRow(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return firstRow(orientation) + rowSpan(orientation) - 1;
int QGridLayoutItem::lastColumn(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return firstColumn(orientation) + columnSpan(orientation) - 1;
int QGridLayoutItem::rowSpan(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return q_rowSpans[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
int QGridLayoutItem::columnSpan(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return q_rowSpans[orientation == Qt::Horizontal];
void QGridLayoutItem::setFirstRow(int row, Qt::Orientation orientation)
q_firstRows[orientation == Qt::Vertical] = row;
void QGridLayoutItem::setRowSpan(int rowSpan, Qt::Orientation orientation)
q_rowSpans[orientation == Qt::Vertical] = rowSpan;
int QGridLayoutItem::stretchFactor(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
int stretch = q_stretches[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
if (stretch >= 0)
return stretch;
QSizePolicy::Policy policy = sizePolicy(orientation);
if (policy & QSizePolicy::ExpandFlag) {
return 1;
} else if (policy & QSizePolicy::GrowFlag) {
return -1; // because we max it up
} else {
return 0;
void QGridLayoutItem::setStretchFactor(int stretch, Qt::Orientation orientation)
Q_ASSERT(stretch >= 0); // ### deal with too big stretches
q_stretches[orientation == Qt::Vertical] = stretch;
QSizePolicy::Policy QGridLayoutItem::sizePolicy(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
QSizePolicy sizePolicy(q_layoutItem->sizePolicy());
return (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) ? sizePolicy.horizontalPolicy()
: sizePolicy.verticalPolicy();
returns true if the size policy returns true for either hasHeightForWidth()
or hasWidthForHeight()
bool QGridLayoutItem::hasDynamicConstraint() const
return QGraphicsLayoutItemPrivate::get(q_layoutItem)->hasHeightForWidth()
|| QGraphicsLayoutItemPrivate::get(q_layoutItem)->hasWidthForHeight();
Qt::Orientation QGridLayoutItem::dynamicConstraintOrientation() const
if (QGraphicsLayoutItemPrivate::get(q_layoutItem)->hasHeightForWidth())
return Qt::Vertical;
else //if (QGraphicsLayoutItemPrivate::get(q_layoutItem)->hasWidthForHeight())
return Qt::Horizontal;
QSizePolicy::ControlTypes QGridLayoutItem::controlTypes(LayoutSide /* side */) const
return q_layoutItem->sizePolicy().controlType();
QSizeF QGridLayoutItem::sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF &constraint) const
return q_layoutItem->effectiveSizeHint(which, constraint);
QGridLayoutBox QGridLayoutItem::box(Qt::Orientation orientation, qreal constraint) const
QGridLayoutBox result;
QSizePolicy::Policy policy = sizePolicy(orientation);
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
QSizeF constraintSize(-1.0, constraint);
result.q_preferredSize = sizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize, constraintSize).width();
if (policy & QSizePolicy::ShrinkFlag) {
result.q_minimumSize = sizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize, constraintSize).width();
} else {
result.q_minimumSize = result.q_preferredSize;
if (policy & (QSizePolicy::GrowFlag | QSizePolicy::ExpandFlag)) {
result.q_maximumSize = sizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize, constraintSize).width();
} else {
result.q_maximumSize = result.q_preferredSize;
} else {
QSizeF constraintSize(constraint, -1.0);
result.q_preferredSize = sizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize, constraintSize).height();
if (policy & QSizePolicy::ShrinkFlag) {
result.q_minimumSize = sizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize, constraintSize).height();
} else {
result.q_minimumSize = result.q_preferredSize;
if (policy & (QSizePolicy::GrowFlag | QSizePolicy::ExpandFlag)) {
result.q_maximumSize = sizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize, constraintSize).height();
} else {
result.q_maximumSize = result.q_preferredSize;
result.q_minimumDescent = sizeHint(Qt::MinimumDescent, constraintSize).height();
if (result.q_minimumDescent >= 0.0)
result.q_minimumAscent = result.q_minimumSize - result.q_minimumDescent;
if (policy & QSizePolicy::IgnoreFlag)
result.q_preferredSize = result.q_minimumSize;
return result;
QRectF QGridLayoutItem::geometryWithin(qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height,
qreal rowDescent) const
rowDescent = -1.0; // ### This disables the descent
QGridLayoutBox vBox = box(Qt::Vertical);
if (vBox.q_minimumDescent < 0.0 || rowDescent < 0.0) {
qreal cellWidth = width;
qreal cellHeight = height;
QSizeF size = effectiveMaxSize(QSizeF(-1,-1));
if (hasDynamicConstraint()) {
if (dynamicConstraintOrientation() == Qt::Vertical) {
if (size.width() > cellWidth)
size = effectiveMaxSize(QSizeF(cellWidth, -1));
} else if (size.height() > cellHeight) {
size = effectiveMaxSize(QSizeF(-1, cellHeight));
size = size.boundedTo(QSizeF(cellWidth, cellHeight));
width = size.width();
height = size.height();
Qt::Alignment align = q_engine->effectiveAlignment(this);
switch (align & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask) {
case Qt::AlignHCenter:
x += (cellWidth - width)/2;
case Qt::AlignRight:
x += cellWidth - width;
switch (align & Qt::AlignVertical_Mask) {
case Qt::AlignVCenter:
y += (cellHeight - height)/2;
case Qt::AlignBottom:
y += cellHeight - height;
return QRectF(x, y, width, height);
} else {
qreal descent = vBox.q_minimumDescent;
qreal ascent = vBox.q_minimumSize - descent;
return QRectF(x, y + height - rowDescent - ascent, width, ascent + descent);
bool QGridLayoutItem::isIgnored()
if (QGraphicsItem *item = layoutItem()->graphicsItem()) {
return QGraphicsItemPrivate::get(item)->explicitlyHidden;
return false;
void QGridLayoutItem::setGeometry(const QRectF &rect)
void QGridLayoutItem::transpose()
qSwap(q_firstRows[Hor], q_firstRows[Ver]);
qSwap(q_rowSpans[Hor], q_rowSpans[Ver]);
qSwap(q_stretches[Hor], q_stretches[Ver]);
void QGridLayoutItem::insertOrRemoveRows(int row, int delta, Qt::Orientation orientation)
int oldFirstRow = firstRow(orientation);
if (oldFirstRow >= row) {
setFirstRow(oldFirstRow + delta, orientation);
} else if (lastRow(orientation) >= row) {
setRowSpan(rowSpan(orientation) + delta, orientation);
returns the effective maximumSize, will take the sizepolicy into
consideration. (i.e. if sizepolicy does not have QSizePolicy::Grow, then
maxSizeHint will be the preferredSize)
Note that effectiveSizeHint does not take sizePolicy into consideration,
(since it only evaluates the hints, as the name implies)
QSizeF QGridLayoutItem::effectiveMaxSize(const QSizeF &constraint) const
QSizeF size = constraint;
bool vGrow = (sizePolicy(Qt::Vertical) & QSizePolicy::GrowFlag) == QSizePolicy::GrowFlag;
bool hGrow = (sizePolicy(Qt::Horizontal) & QSizePolicy::GrowFlag) == QSizePolicy::GrowFlag;
if (!vGrow || !hGrow) {
QSizeF pref = layoutItem()->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize, constraint);
if (!vGrow)
if (!hGrow)
if (!size.isValid()) {
QSizeF maxSize = layoutItem()->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize, size);
if (size.width() == -1)
if (size.height() == -1)
return size;
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
void QGridLayoutItem::dump(int indent) const
qDebug("%*s%p (%d, %d) %d x %d", indent, "", q_layoutItem, firstRow(), firstColumn(),
rowSpan(), columnSpan());
if (q_stretches[Hor] >= 0)
qDebug("%*s Horizontal stretch: %d", indent, "", q_stretches[Hor]);
if (q_stretches[Ver] >= 0)
qDebug("%*s Vertical stretch: %d", indent, "", q_stretches[Ver]);
if (q_alignment != 0)
qDebug("%*s Alignment: %x", indent, "", uint(q_alignment));
qDebug("%*s Horizontal size policy: %x Vertical size policy: %x",
indent, "", sizePolicy(Qt::Horizontal), sizePolicy(Qt::Vertical));
void QGridLayoutRowInfo::insertOrRemoveRows(int row, int delta)
count += delta;
insertOrRemoveItems(stretches, row, delta);
insertOrRemoveItems(spacings, row, delta);
insertOrRemoveItems(alignments, row, delta);
insertOrRemoveItems(boxes, row, delta);
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
void QGridLayoutRowInfo::dump(int indent) const
qDebug("%*sInfo (count: %d)", indent, "", count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
QString message;
if (stretches.value(i).value() >= 0)
message += QString::fromAscii(" stretch %1").arg(stretches.value(i).value());
if (spacings.value(i).value() >= 0.0)
message += QString::fromAscii(" spacing %1").arg(spacings.value(i).value());
if (alignments.value(i) != 0)
message += QString::fromAscii(" alignment %1").arg(int(alignments.value(i)), 16);
if (!message.isEmpty() || boxes.value(i) != QGridLayoutBox()) {
qDebug("%*s Row %d:%s", indent, "", i, qPrintable(message));
if (boxes.value(i) != QGridLayoutBox())
boxes.value(i).dump(indent + 1);
m_visualDirection = Qt::LeftToRight;
int QGridLayoutEngine::rowCount(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical].count;
int QGridLayoutEngine::columnCount(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return q_infos[orientation == Qt::Horizontal].count;
int QGridLayoutEngine::itemCount() const
return q_items.count();
QGridLayoutItem *QGridLayoutEngine::itemAt(int index) const
Q_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < itemCount());
return q_items.at(index);
int QGridLayoutEngine::indexOf(QGraphicsLayoutItem *item) const
for (int i = 0; i < q_items.size(); ++i) {
if (item == q_items.at(i)->layoutItem())
return i;
return -1;
int QGridLayoutEngine::effectiveFirstRow(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return q_cachedEffectiveFirstRows[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
int QGridLayoutEngine::effectiveLastRow(Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return q_cachedEffectiveLastRows[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
void QGridLayoutEngine::setSpacing(qreal spacing, Qt::Orientations orientations)
Q_ASSERT(spacing >= 0.0);
if (orientations & Qt::Horizontal)
if (orientations & Qt::Vertical)
qreal QGridLayoutEngine::spacing(const QLayoutStyleInfo &styleInfo, Qt::Orientation orientation) const
if (q_defaultSpacings[orientation == Qt::Vertical].isDefault()) {
QStyle *style = styleInfo.style();
QStyleOption option;
qreal defaultSpacing = (qreal)style->pixelMetric(orientation == Qt::Vertical ? QStyle::PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing
: QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing, &option, styleInfo.widget());
q_defaultSpacings[orientation == Qt::Vertical].setCachedValue(defaultSpacing);
return q_defaultSpacings[orientation == Qt::Vertical].value();
void QGridLayoutEngine::setRowSpacing(int row, qreal spacing, Qt::Orientation orientation)
Q_ASSERT(row >= 0);
QGridLayoutRowInfo &rowInfo = q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
if (row >= rowInfo.spacings.count())
rowInfo.spacings.resize(row + 1);
if (spacing >= 0)
rowInfo.spacings[row] = QLayoutParameter<qreal>();
qreal QGridLayoutEngine::rowSpacing(int row, Qt::Orientation orientation) const
QLayoutParameter<qreal> spacing = q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical].spacings.value(row);
if (!spacing.isDefault())
return spacing.value();
return q_defaultSpacings[orientation == Qt::Vertical].value();
void QGridLayoutEngine::setRowStretchFactor(int row, int stretch, Qt::Orientation orientation)
Q_ASSERT(row >= 0);
Q_ASSERT(stretch >= 0);
maybeExpandGrid(row, -1, orientation);
QGridLayoutRowInfo &rowInfo = q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
if (row >= rowInfo.stretches.count())
rowInfo.stretches.resize(row + 1);
int QGridLayoutEngine::rowStretchFactor(int row, Qt::Orientation orientation) const
QStretchParameter stretch = q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical].stretches.value(row);
if (!stretch.isDefault())
return stretch.value();
return 0;
void QGridLayoutEngine::setStretchFactor(QGraphicsLayoutItem *layoutItem, int stretch,
Qt::Orientation orientation)
Q_ASSERT(stretch >= 0);
if (QGridLayoutItem *item = findLayoutItem(layoutItem))
item->setStretchFactor(stretch, orientation);
int QGridLayoutEngine::stretchFactor(QGraphicsLayoutItem *layoutItem, Qt::Orientation orientation) const
if (QGridLayoutItem *item = findLayoutItem(layoutItem))
return item->stretchFactor(orientation);
return 0;
void QGridLayoutEngine::setRowSizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, int row, qreal size,
Qt::Orientation orientation)
Q_ASSERT(row >= 0);
Q_ASSERT(size >= 0.0);
maybeExpandGrid(row, -1, orientation);
QGridLayoutRowInfo &rowInfo = q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
if (row >= rowInfo.boxes.count())
rowInfo.boxes.resize(row + 1);
rowInfo.boxes[row].q_sizes(which) = size;
qreal QGridLayoutEngine::rowSizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, int row, Qt::Orientation orientation) const
return q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical].boxes.value(row).q_sizes(which);
void QGridLayoutEngine::setRowAlignment(int row, Qt::Alignment alignment,
Qt::Orientation orientation)
Q_ASSERT(row >= 0);
maybeExpandGrid(row, -1, orientation);
QGridLayoutRowInfo &rowInfo = q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
if (row >= rowInfo.alignments.count())
rowInfo.alignments.resize(row + 1);
rowInfo.alignments[row] = alignment;
Qt::Alignment QGridLayoutEngine::rowAlignment(int row, Qt::Orientation orientation) const
Q_ASSERT(row >= 0);
return q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical].alignments.value(row);
void QGridLayoutEngine::setAlignment(QGraphicsLayoutItem *layoutItem, Qt::Alignment alignment)
if (QGridLayoutItem *item = findLayoutItem(layoutItem))
Qt::Alignment QGridLayoutEngine::alignment(QGraphicsLayoutItem *layoutItem) const
if (QGridLayoutItem *item = findLayoutItem(layoutItem))
return item->alignment();
return 0;
Qt::Alignment QGridLayoutEngine::effectiveAlignment(const QGridLayoutItem *layoutItem) const
Qt::Alignment align = layoutItem->alignment();
if (!(align & Qt::AlignVertical_Mask)) {
// no vertical alignment, respect the row alignment
int y = layoutItem->firstRow();
align |= (rowAlignment(y, Qt::Vertical) & Qt::AlignVertical_Mask);
if (!(align & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask)) {
// no horizontal alignment, respect the column alignment
int x = layoutItem->firstColumn();
align |= (rowAlignment(x, Qt::Horizontal) & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask);
return align;
The \a index is only used by QGraphicsLinearLayout to ensure that itemAt() reflects the order
of visual arrangement. Strictly speaking it does not have to, but most people expect it to.
(And if it didn't we would have to add itemArrangedAt(int index) or something..)
void QGridLayoutEngine::insertItem(QGridLayoutItem *item, int index)
maybeExpandGrid(item->lastRow(), item->lastColumn());
if (index == -1)
q_items.insert(index, item);
for (int i = item->firstRow(); i <= item->lastRow(); ++i) {
for (int j = item->firstColumn(); j <= item->lastColumn(); ++j) {
if (itemAt(i, j))
qWarning("QGridLayoutEngine::addItem: Cell (%d, %d) already taken", i, j);
setItemAt(i, j, item);
void QGridLayoutEngine::addItem(QGridLayoutItem *item)
insertItem(item, -1);
void QGridLayoutEngine::removeItem(QGridLayoutItem *item)
for (int i = item->firstRow(); i <= item->lastRow(); ++i) {
for (int j = item->firstColumn(); j <= item->lastColumn(); ++j) {
if (itemAt(i, j) == item)
setItemAt(i, j, 0);
QGridLayoutItem *QGridLayoutEngine::findLayoutItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem *layoutItem) const
for (int i = q_items.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
QGridLayoutItem *item = q_items.at(i);
if (item->layoutItem() == layoutItem)
return item;
return 0;
QGridLayoutItem *QGridLayoutEngine::itemAt(int row, int column, Qt::Orientation orientation) const
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
qSwap(row, column);
if (uint(row) >= uint(rowCount()) || uint(column) >= uint(columnCount()))
return 0;
return q_grid.at((row * internalGridColumnCount()) + column);
void QGridLayoutEngine::invalidate()
q_cachedEffectiveFirstRows[Hor] = -1;
q_cachedEffectiveFirstRows[Ver] = -1;
q_cachedEffectiveLastRows[Hor] = -1;
q_cachedEffectiveLastRows[Ver] = -1;
q_cachedSize = QSizeF();
q_cachedConstraintOrientation = UnknownConstraint;
static void visualRect(QRectF *geom, Qt::LayoutDirection dir, const QRectF &contentsRect)
if (dir == Qt::RightToLeft)
geom->moveRight(contentsRect.right() - (geom->left() - contentsRect.left()));
void QGridLayoutEngine::setGeometries(const QLayoutStyleInfo &styleInfo,
const QRectF &contentsGeometry)
if (rowCount() < 1 || columnCount() < 1)
ensureGeometries(styleInfo, contentsGeometry.size());
for (int i = q_items.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
QGridLayoutItem *item = q_items.at(i);
qreal x = q_xx[item->firstColumn()];
qreal y = q_yy[item->firstRow()];
qreal width = q_widths[item->lastColumn()];
qreal height = q_heights[item->lastRow()];
if (item->columnSpan() != 1)
width += q_xx[item->lastColumn()] - x;
if (item->rowSpan() != 1)
height += q_yy[item->lastRow()] - y;
QRectF geom = item->geometryWithin(contentsGeometry.x() + x, contentsGeometry.y() + y,
width, height, q_descents[item->lastRow()]);
visualRect(&geom, visualDirection(), contentsGeometry);
// ### candidate for deletion
QRectF QGridLayoutEngine::cellRect(const QLayoutStyleInfo &styleInfo,
const QRectF &contentsGeometry, int row, int column, int rowSpan,
int columnSpan) const
if (uint(row) >= uint(rowCount()) || uint(column) >= uint(columnCount())
|| rowSpan < 1 || columnSpan < 1)
return QRectF();
ensureGeometries(styleInfo, contentsGeometry.size());
int lastColumn = qMax(column + columnSpan, columnCount()) - 1;
int lastRow = qMax(row + rowSpan, rowCount()) - 1;
qreal x = q_xx[column];
qreal y = q_yy[row];
qreal width = q_widths[lastColumn];
qreal height = q_heights[lastRow];
if (columnSpan != 1)
width += q_xx[lastColumn] - x;
if (rowSpan != 1)
height += q_yy[lastRow] - y;
return QRectF(contentsGeometry.x() + x, contentsGeometry.y() + y, width, height);
QSizeF QGridLayoutEngine::sizeHint(const QLayoutStyleInfo &styleInfo, Qt::SizeHint which,
const QSizeF &constraint) const
QGridLayoutBox sizehint_totalBoxes[NOrientations];
bool sizeHintCalculated = false;
if (hasDynamicConstraint() && rowCount() > 0 && columnCount() > 0) {
if (constraintOrientation() == Qt::Vertical) {
//We have items whose height depends on their width
if (constraint.width() >= 0) {
if (q_cachedDataForStyleInfo != styleInfo)
ensureColumnAndRowData(&q_columnData, &sizehint_totalBoxes[Hor], styleInfo, NULL, NULL, Qt::Horizontal);
sizehint_totalBoxes[Hor] = q_totalBoxes[Hor];
QVector<qreal> sizehint_xx;
QVector<qreal> sizehint_widths;
qreal width = constraint.width();
//Calculate column widths and positions, and put results in q_xx.data() and q_widths.data() so that we can use this information as
//constraints to find the row heights
q_columnData.calculateGeometries(0, columnCount(), width, sizehint_xx.data(), sizehint_widths.data(),
0, sizehint_totalBoxes[Hor], q_infos[Hor]);
ensureColumnAndRowData(&q_rowData, &sizehint_totalBoxes[Ver], styleInfo, sizehint_xx.data(), sizehint_widths.data(), Qt::Vertical);
sizeHintCalculated = true;
} else {
if (constraint.height() >= 0) {
//We have items whose width depends on their height
ensureColumnAndRowData(&q_rowData, &sizehint_totalBoxes[Ver], styleInfo, NULL, NULL, Qt::Vertical);
QVector<qreal> sizehint_yy;
QVector<qreal> sizehint_heights;
qreal height = constraint.height();
//Calculate row heights and positions, and put results in q_yy.data() and q_heights.data() so that we can use this information as
//constraints to find the column widths
q_rowData.calculateGeometries(0, rowCount(), height, sizehint_yy.data(), sizehint_heights.data(),
0, sizehint_totalBoxes[Ver], q_infos[Ver]);
ensureColumnAndRowData(&q_columnData, &sizehint_totalBoxes[Hor], styleInfo, sizehint_yy.data(), sizehint_heights.data(), Qt::Horizontal);
sizeHintCalculated = true;
if (!sizeHintCalculated) {
//No items with height for width, so it doesn't matter which order we do these in
if (q_cachedDataForStyleInfo != styleInfo) {
ensureColumnAndRowData(&q_columnData, &sizehint_totalBoxes[Hor], styleInfo, NULL, NULL, Qt::Horizontal);
ensureColumnAndRowData(&q_rowData, &sizehint_totalBoxes[Ver], styleInfo, NULL, NULL, Qt::Vertical);
} else {
sizehint_totalBoxes[Hor] = q_totalBoxes[Hor];
sizehint_totalBoxes[Ver] = q_totalBoxes[Ver];
switch (which) {
case Qt::MinimumSize:
return QSizeF(sizehint_totalBoxes[Hor].q_minimumSize, sizehint_totalBoxes[Ver].q_minimumSize);
case Qt::PreferredSize:
return QSizeF(sizehint_totalBoxes[Hor].q_preferredSize, sizehint_totalBoxes[Ver].q_preferredSize);
case Qt::MaximumSize:
return QSizeF(sizehint_totalBoxes[Hor].q_maximumSize, sizehint_totalBoxes[Ver].q_maximumSize);
case Qt::MinimumDescent:
return QSizeF(-1.0, sizehint_totalBoxes[Hor].q_minimumDescent); // ### doesn't work
return QSizeF();
QSizePolicy::ControlTypes QGridLayoutEngine::controlTypes(LayoutSide side) const
Qt::Orientation orientation = (side == Top || side == Bottom) ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal;
int row = (side == Top || side == Left) ? effectiveFirstRow(orientation)
: effectiveLastRow(orientation);
QSizePolicy::ControlTypes result = 0;
for (int column = columnCount(orientation) - 1; column >= 0; --column) {
if (QGridLayoutItem *item = itemAt(row, column, orientation))
result |= item->controlTypes(side);
return result;
void QGridLayoutEngine::transpose()
for (int i = q_items.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
qSwap(q_defaultSpacings[Hor], q_defaultSpacings[Ver]);
qSwap(q_infos[Hor], q_infos[Ver]);
void QGridLayoutEngine::setVisualDirection(Qt::LayoutDirection direction)
m_visualDirection = direction;
Qt::LayoutDirection QGridLayoutEngine::visualDirection() const
return m_visualDirection;
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
void QGridLayoutEngine::dump(int indent) const
qDebug("%*sEngine", indent, "");
qDebug("%*s Items (%d)", indent, "", q_items.count());
int i;
for (i = 0; i < q_items.count(); ++i)
q_items.at(i)->dump(indent + 2);
qDebug("%*s Grid (%d x %d)", indent, "", internalGridRowCount(),
for (int row = 0; row < internalGridRowCount(); ++row) {
QString message = QLatin1String("[ ");
for (int column = 0; column < internalGridColumnCount(); ++column) {
message += QString::number(q_items.indexOf(itemAt(row, column))).rightJustified(3);
message += QLatin1Char(' ');
message += QLatin1Char(']');
qDebug("%*s %s", indent, "", qPrintable(message));
if (q_defaultSpacings[Hor].value() >= 0.0 || q_defaultSpacings[Ver].value() >= 0.0)
qDebug("%*s Default spacings: %g %g", indent, "", q_defaultSpacings[Hor].value(),
qDebug("%*s Column and row info", indent, "");
q_infos[Hor].dump(indent + 2);
q_infos[Ver].dump(indent + 2);
qDebug("%*s Column and row data", indent, "");
q_columnData.dump(indent + 2);
q_rowData.dump(indent + 2);
qDebug("%*s Geometries output", indent, "");
QVector<qreal> *cellPos = &q_yy;
for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
QString message;
for (i = 0; i < cellPos->count(); ++i) {
message += QLatin1String((message.isEmpty() ? "[" : ", "));
message += QString::number(cellPos->at(i));
message += QLatin1Char(']');
qDebug("%*s %s %s", indent, "", (pass == 0 ? "rows:" : "columns:"), qPrintable(message));
cellPos = &q_xx;
void QGridLayoutEngine::maybeExpandGrid(int row, int column, Qt::Orientation orientation)
invalidate(); // ### move out of here?
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
qSwap(row, column);
if (row < rowCount() && column < columnCount())
int oldGridRowCount = internalGridRowCount();
int oldGridColumnCount = internalGridColumnCount();
q_infos[Ver].count = qMax(row + 1, rowCount());
q_infos[Hor].count = qMax(column + 1, columnCount());
int newGridRowCount = internalGridRowCount();
int newGridColumnCount = internalGridColumnCount();
int newGridSize = newGridRowCount * newGridColumnCount;
if (newGridSize != q_grid.count()) {
if (newGridColumnCount != oldGridColumnCount) {
for (int i = oldGridRowCount - 1; i >= 1; --i) {
for (int j = oldGridColumnCount - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
int oldIndex = (i * oldGridColumnCount) + j;
int newIndex = (i * newGridColumnCount) + j;
Q_ASSERT(newIndex > oldIndex);
q_grid[newIndex] = q_grid[oldIndex];
q_grid[oldIndex] = 0;
void QGridLayoutEngine::regenerateGrid()
for (int i = q_items.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
QGridLayoutItem *item = q_items.at(i);
for (int j = item->firstRow(); j <= item->lastRow(); ++j) {
for (int k = item->firstColumn(); k <= item->lastColumn(); ++k) {
setItemAt(j, k, item);
void QGridLayoutEngine::setItemAt(int row, int column, QGridLayoutItem *item)
Q_ASSERT(row >= 0 && row < rowCount());
Q_ASSERT(column >= 0 && column < columnCount());
q_grid[(row * internalGridColumnCount()) + column] = item;
void QGridLayoutEngine::insertOrRemoveRows(int row, int delta, Qt::Orientation orientation)
int oldRowCount = rowCount(orientation);
Q_ASSERT(uint(row) <= uint(oldRowCount));
// appending rows (or columns) is easy
if (row == oldRowCount && delta > 0) {
maybeExpandGrid(oldRowCount + delta - 1, -1, orientation);
q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical].insertOrRemoveRows(row, delta);
for (int i = q_items.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
q_items.at(i)->insertOrRemoveRows(row, delta, orientation);
q_grid.resize(internalGridRowCount() * internalGridColumnCount());
void QGridLayoutEngine::fillRowData(QGridLayoutRowData *rowData, const QLayoutStyleInfo &styleInfo,
qreal *colPositions, qreal *colSizes,
Qt::Orientation orientation) const
const int ButtonMask = QSizePolicy::ButtonBox | QSizePolicy::PushButton;
const QGridLayoutRowInfo &rowInfo = q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
const QGridLayoutRowInfo &columnInfo = q_infos[orientation == Qt::Horizontal];
LayoutSide top = (orientation == Qt::Vertical) ? Top : Left;
LayoutSide bottom = (orientation == Qt::Vertical) ? Bottom : Right;
QStyle *style = styleInfo.style();
QStyleOption option;
const QLayoutParameter<qreal> &defaultSpacing = q_defaultSpacings[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
qreal innerSpacing = 0.0;
if (style)
innerSpacing = (qreal)style->pixelMetric(orientation == Qt::Vertical ? QStyle::PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing
: QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing,
&option, styleInfo.widget());
if (innerSpacing >= 0.0)
for (int row = 0; row < rowInfo.count; ++row) {
bool rowIsEmpty = true;
bool rowIsIdenticalToPrevious = (row > 0);
for (int column = 0; column < columnInfo.count; ++column) {
QGridLayoutItem *item = itemAt(row, column, orientation);
if (rowIsIdenticalToPrevious && item != itemAt(row - 1, column, orientation))
rowIsIdenticalToPrevious = false;
if (item && !item->isIgnored())
rowIsEmpty = false;
if ((rowIsEmpty || rowIsIdenticalToPrevious)
&& rowInfo.spacings.value(row).isDefault()
&& rowInfo.stretches.value(row).isDefault()
&& rowInfo.boxes.value(row) == QGridLayoutBox())
rowData->ignore.setBit(row, true);
if (rowInfo.spacings.value(row).isUser()) {
rowData->spacings[row] = rowInfo.spacings.at(row).value();
} else if (!defaultSpacing.isDefault()) {
rowData->spacings[row] = defaultSpacing.value();
rowData->stretches[row] = rowInfo.stretches.value(row).value();
struct RowAdHocData {
int q_row;
unsigned int q_hasButtons : 8;
unsigned int q_hasNonButtons : 8;
inline RowAdHocData() : q_row(-1), q_hasButtons(false), q_hasNonButtons(false) {}
inline void init(int row) {
this->q_row = row;
q_hasButtons = false;
q_hasNonButtons = false;
inline bool hasOnlyButtons() const { return q_hasButtons && !q_hasNonButtons; }
inline bool hasOnlyNonButtons() const { return q_hasNonButtons && !q_hasButtons; }
RowAdHocData lastRowAdHocData;
RowAdHocData nextToLastRowAdHocData;
RowAdHocData nextToNextToLastRowAdHocData;
rowData->hasIgnoreFlag = false;
for (int row = 0; row < rowInfo.count; ++row) {
if (rowData->ignore.testBit(row))
QGridLayoutBox &rowBox = rowData->boxes[row];
if (option.state & QStyle::State_Window) {
nextToNextToLastRowAdHocData = nextToLastRowAdHocData;
nextToLastRowAdHocData = lastRowAdHocData;
bool userRowStretch = rowInfo.stretches.value(row).isUser();
int &rowStretch = rowData->stretches[row];
bool hasIgnoreFlag = true;
for (int column = 0; column < columnInfo.count; ++column) {
QGridLayoutItem *item = itemAt(row, column, orientation);
if (item) {
int itemRow = item->firstRow(orientation);
int itemColumn = item->firstColumn(orientation);
if (itemRow == row && itemColumn == column) {
int itemStretch = item->stretchFactor(orientation);
if (!(item->sizePolicy(orientation) & QSizePolicy::IgnoreFlag))
hasIgnoreFlag = false;
int itemRowSpan = item->rowSpan(orientation);
int effectiveRowSpan = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < itemRowSpan; ++i) {
if (!rowData->ignore.testBit(i + itemRow))
QGridLayoutBox *box;
if (effectiveRowSpan == 1) {
box = &rowBox;
if (!userRowStretch && itemStretch != 0)
rowStretch = qMax(rowStretch, itemStretch);
} else {
QGridLayoutMultiCellData &multiCell =
rowData->multiCellMap[qMakePair(row, itemRowSpan)];
box = &multiCell.q_box;
multiCell.q_stretch = itemStretch;
// Items with constraints need to be passed the constraint
if (colSizes && colPositions && item->hasDynamicConstraint() && orientation == item->dynamicConstraintOrientation()) {
/* Get the width of the item by summing up the widths of the columns that it spans.
* We need to have already calculated the widths of the columns by calling
* q_columns->calculateGeometries() before hand and passing the value in the colSizes
* and colPositions parameters.
* The variable name is still colSizes even when it actually has the row sizes
qreal length = colSizes[item->lastColumn(orientation)];
if (item->columnSpan(orientation) != 1)
length += colPositions[item->lastColumn(orientation)] - colPositions[item->firstColumn(orientation)];
box->combine(item->box(orientation, length));
} else {
if (effectiveRowSpan == 1) {
QSizePolicy::ControlTypes controls = item->controlTypes(top);
if (controls & ButtonMask)
lastRowAdHocData.q_hasButtons = true;
if (controls & ~ButtonMask)
lastRowAdHocData.q_hasNonButtons = true;
if (row < rowInfo.boxes.count()) {
QGridLayoutBox rowBoxInfo = rowInfo.boxes.at(row);
rowBox.q_minimumSize = qMax(rowBox.q_minimumSize, rowBoxInfo.q_minimumSize);
rowBox.q_maximumSize = qMax(rowBox.q_minimumSize,
(rowBoxInfo.q_maximumSize != FLT_MAX ?
rowBoxInfo.q_maximumSize : rowBox.q_maximumSize));
rowBox.q_preferredSize = qBound(rowBox.q_minimumSize,
qMax(rowBox.q_preferredSize, rowBoxInfo.q_preferredSize),
if (hasIgnoreFlag)
rowData->hasIgnoreFlag = true;
Heuristic: Detect button boxes that don't use QSizePolicy::ButtonBox.
This is somewhat ad hoc but it usually does the trick.
bool lastRowIsButtonBox = (lastRowAdHocData.hasOnlyButtons()
&& nextToLastRowAdHocData.hasOnlyNonButtons());
bool lastTwoRowsIsButtonBox = (lastRowAdHocData.hasOnlyButtons()
&& nextToLastRowAdHocData.hasOnlyButtons()
&& nextToNextToLastRowAdHocData.hasOnlyNonButtons()
&& orientation == Qt::Vertical);
if (defaultSpacing.isDefault()) {
int prevRow = -1;
for (int row = 0; row < rowInfo.count; ++row) {
if (rowData->ignore.testBit(row))
if (prevRow != -1 && !rowInfo.spacings.value(prevRow).isUser()) {
qreal &rowSpacing = rowData->spacings[prevRow];
for (int column = 0; column < columnInfo.count; ++column) {
QGridLayoutItem *item1 = itemAt(prevRow, column, orientation);
QGridLayoutItem *item2 = itemAt(row, column, orientation);
if (item1 && item2 && item1 != item2) {
QSizePolicy::ControlTypes controls1 = item1->controlTypes(bottom);
QSizePolicy::ControlTypes controls2 = item2->controlTypes(top);
if (controls2 & QSizePolicy::PushButton) {
if ((row == nextToLastRowAdHocData.q_row && lastTwoRowsIsButtonBox)
|| (row == lastRowAdHocData.q_row && lastRowIsButtonBox)) {
controls2 &= ~QSizePolicy::PushButton;
controls2 |= QSizePolicy::ButtonBox;
qreal spacing = style->combinedLayoutSpacing(controls1, controls2,
orientation, &option,
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
qreal width1 = rowData->boxes.at(prevRow).q_minimumSize;
qreal width2 = rowData->boxes.at(row).q_minimumSize;
QRectF rect1 = item1->geometryWithin(0.0, 0.0, width1, FLT_MAX, -1.0);
QRectF rect2 = item2->geometryWithin(0.0, 0.0, width2, FLT_MAX, -1.0);
spacing -= (width1 - (rect1.x() + rect1.width())) + rect2.x();
} else {
const QGridLayoutBox &box1 = rowData->boxes.at(prevRow);
const QGridLayoutBox &box2 = rowData->boxes.at(row);
qreal height1 = box1.q_minimumSize;
qreal height2 = box2.q_minimumSize;
qreal rowDescent1 = fixedDescent(box1.q_minimumDescent,
box1.q_minimumAscent, height1);
qreal rowDescent2 = fixedDescent(box2.q_minimumDescent,
box2.q_minimumAscent, height2);
QRectF rect1 = item1->geometryWithin(0.0, 0.0, FLT_MAX, height1,
QRectF rect2 = item2->geometryWithin(0.0, 0.0, FLT_MAX, height2,
spacing -= (height1 - (rect1.y() + rect1.height())) + rect2.y();
rowSpacing = qMax(spacing, rowSpacing);
prevRow = row;
} else if (lastRowIsButtonBox || lastTwoRowsIsButtonBox) {
Even for styles that define a uniform spacing, we cheat a
bit and use the window margin as the spacing. This
significantly improves the look of dialogs.
int prevRow = lastRowIsButtonBox ? nextToLastRowAdHocData.q_row
: nextToNextToLastRowAdHocData.q_row;
if (!defaultSpacing.isUser() && !rowInfo.spacings.value(prevRow).isUser()) {
qreal windowMargin = style->pixelMetric(orientation == Qt::Vertical
? QStyle::PM_LayoutBottomMargin
: QStyle::PM_LayoutRightMargin,
&option, styleInfo.widget());
qreal &rowSpacing = rowData->spacings[prevRow];
rowSpacing = qMax(windowMargin, rowSpacing);
void QGridLayoutEngine::ensureEffectiveFirstAndLastRows() const
if (q_cachedEffectiveFirstRows[Hor] == -1 && !q_items.isEmpty()) {
int rowCount = this->rowCount();
int columnCount = this->columnCount();
q_cachedEffectiveFirstRows[Ver] = rowCount;
q_cachedEffectiveFirstRows[Hor] = columnCount;
q_cachedEffectiveLastRows[Ver] = -1;
q_cachedEffectiveLastRows[Hor] = -1;
for (int i = q_items.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const QGridLayoutItem *item = q_items.at(i);
for (int j = 0; j < NOrientations; ++j) {
Qt::Orientation orientation = (j == Hor) ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical;
if (item->firstRow(orientation) < q_cachedEffectiveFirstRows[j])
q_cachedEffectiveFirstRows[j] = item->firstRow(orientation);
if (item->lastRow(orientation) > q_cachedEffectiveLastRows[j])
q_cachedEffectiveLastRows[j] = item->lastRow(orientation);
void QGridLayoutEngine::ensureColumnAndRowData(QGridLayoutRowData *rowData, QGridLayoutBox *totalBox,
const QLayoutStyleInfo &styleInfo,
qreal *colPositions, qreal *colSizes,
Qt::Orientation orientation) const
fillRowData(rowData, styleInfo, colPositions, colSizes, orientation);
const QGridLayoutRowInfo &rowInfo = q_infos[orientation == Qt::Vertical];
*totalBox = rowData->totalBox(0, rowCount(orientation));
//We have items whose width depends on their height
returns false if the layout has contradicting constraints (i.e. some items with a horizontal
constraint and other items with a vertical constraint)
bool QGridLayoutEngine::ensureDynamicConstraint() const
if (q_cachedConstraintOrientation == UnknownConstraint) {
for (int i = q_items.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
QGridLayoutItem *item = q_items.at(i);
if (item->hasDynamicConstraint()) {
Qt::Orientation itemConstraintOrientation = item->dynamicConstraintOrientation();
if (q_cachedConstraintOrientation == UnknownConstraint) {
q_cachedConstraintOrientation = itemConstraintOrientation;
} else if (q_cachedConstraintOrientation != itemConstraintOrientation) {
q_cachedConstraintOrientation = UnfeasibleConstraint;
qWarning("QGridLayoutEngine: Unfeasible, cannot mix horizontal and"
" vertical constraint in the same layout");
return false;
if (q_cachedConstraintOrientation == UnknownConstraint)
q_cachedConstraintOrientation = NoConstraint;
return true;
bool QGridLayoutEngine::hasDynamicConstraint() const
if (!ensureDynamicConstraint())
return false;
return q_cachedConstraintOrientation != NoConstraint;
* return value is only valid if hasConstraint() returns true
Qt::Orientation QGridLayoutEngine::constraintOrientation() const
return (Qt::Orientation)q_cachedConstraintOrientation;
void QGridLayoutEngine::ensureGeometries(const QLayoutStyleInfo &styleInfo,
const QSizeF &size) const
if (q_cachedDataForStyleInfo == styleInfo && q_cachedSize == size)
q_cachedDataForStyleInfo = styleInfo;
q_cachedSize = size;
if (constraintOrientation() != Qt::Horizontal) {
//We might have items whose width depends on their height
ensureColumnAndRowData(&q_columnData, &q_totalBoxes[Hor], styleInfo, NULL, NULL, Qt::Horizontal);
//Calculate column widths and positions, and put results in q_xx.data() and q_widths.data() so that we can use this information as
//constraints to find the row heights
q_columnData.calculateGeometries(0, columnCount(), size.width(), q_xx.data(), q_widths.data(),
0, q_totalBoxes[Hor], q_infos[Hor] );
ensureColumnAndRowData(&q_rowData, &q_totalBoxes[Ver], styleInfo, q_xx.data(), q_widths.data(), Qt::Vertical);
//Calculate row heights and positions, and put results in q_yy.data() and q_heights.data()
q_rowData.calculateGeometries(0, rowCount(), size.height(), q_yy.data(), q_heights.data(),
q_descents.data(), q_totalBoxes[Ver], q_infos[Ver]);
} else {
//We have items whose height depends on their width
ensureColumnAndRowData(&q_rowData, &q_totalBoxes[Ver], styleInfo, NULL, NULL, Qt::Vertical);
//Calculate row heights and positions, and put results in q_yy.data() and q_heights.data() so that we can use this information as
//constraints to find the column widths
q_rowData.calculateGeometries(0, rowCount(), size.height(), q_yy.data(), q_heights.data(),
q_descents.data(), q_totalBoxes[Ver], q_infos[Ver]);
ensureColumnAndRowData(&q_columnData, &q_totalBoxes[Hor], styleInfo, q_yy.data(), q_heights.data(), Qt::Horizontal);
//Calculate row heights and positions, and put results in q_yy.data() and q_heights.data()
q_columnData.calculateGeometries(0, columnCount(), size.width(), q_xx.data(), q_widths.data(),
0, q_totalBoxes[Hor], q_infos[Hor]);