/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Ivailo Monev ** ** This file is part of the test suite of the Katie Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL$ ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be ** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qhostinfo_p.h" #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT #include #include #include #endif #include "../network-settings.h" #include "../../shared/util.h" //TESTED_CLASS= //TESTED_FILES= #define TEST_DOMAIN ".test.qt-project.org" class tst_QHostInfo : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: tst_QHostInfo(); virtual ~tst_QHostInfo(); public slots: void init(); void cleanup(); void initTestCase(); private slots: void getSetCheck(); void staticInformation(); void lookupIPv4_data(); void lookupIPv4(); void lookupIPv6_data(); void lookupIPv6(); void reverseLookup_data(); void reverseLookup(); void blockingLookup_data(); void blockingLookup(); void raceCondition(); void multipleSameLookups(); void multipleDifferentLookups_data(); void multipleDifferentLookups(); protected slots: void resultsReady(const QHostInfo &); private: bool ipv6Available; bool lookupDone; int lookupsDoneCounter; QHostInfo lookupResults; #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT QNetworkConfigurationManager *netConfMan; QNetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration; QScopedPointer networkSession; #endif }; // Testing get/set functions void tst_QHostInfo::getSetCheck() { QHostInfo obj1; // HostInfoError QHostInfo::error() // void QHostInfo::setError(HostInfoError) obj1.setError(QHostInfo::HostInfoError(0)); QCOMPARE(QHostInfo::HostInfoError(0), obj1.error()); obj1.setError(QHostInfo::HostInfoError(1)); QCOMPARE(QHostInfo::HostInfoError(1), obj1.error()); // int QHostInfo::lookupId() // void QHostInfo::setLookupId(int) obj1.setLookupId(0); QCOMPARE(0, obj1.lookupId()); obj1.setLookupId(INT_MIN); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN, obj1.lookupId()); obj1.setLookupId(INT_MAX); QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.lookupId()); } void tst_QHostInfo::staticInformation() { qDebug() << "Hostname:" << QHostInfo::localHostName(); qDebug() << "Domain name:" << QHostInfo::localDomainName(); } tst_QHostInfo::tst_QHostInfo() { Q_SET_DEFAULT_IAP } tst_QHostInfo::~tst_QHostInfo() { } void tst_QHostInfo::initTestCase() { #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT netConfMan = new QNetworkConfigurationManager(this); netConfMan->updateConfigurations(); connect(netConfMan, SIGNAL(updateCompleted()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop())); QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(10); networkConfiguration = netConfMan->defaultConfiguration(); if (networkConfiguration.isValid()) { networkSession.reset(new QNetworkSession(networkConfiguration)); if (!networkSession->isOpen()) { networkSession->open(); QVERIFY(networkSession->waitForOpened(30000)); } } else { QVERIFY(!(netConfMan->capabilities() & QNetworkConfigurationManager::NetworkSessionRequired)); } #endif ipv6Available = QtNetworkSettings::supportsIPv6(); // run each testcase with and without test enabled QTest::addColumn("cache"); QTest::newRow("WithCache") << true; QTest::newRow("WithoutCache") << false; } void tst_QHostInfo::init() { // delete the cache so inidividual testcase results are independent from each other qt_qhostinfo_clear_cache(); QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, cache); qt_qhostinfo_enable_cache(cache); } void tst_QHostInfo::cleanup() { } void tst_QHostInfo::lookupIPv4_data() { QTest::addColumn("hostname"); QTest::addColumn("addresses"); QTest::addColumn("err"); // Test server lookup QTest::newRow("lookup_01") << QtNetworkSettings::serverName() << QtNetworkSettings::serverIPs() << int(QHostInfo::NoError); QTest::newRow("empty") << "" << "" << int(QHostInfo::HostNotFound); QTest::newRow("single_ip4") << "a-single" TEST_DOMAIN << "" << int(QHostInfo::NoError); QTest::newRow("multiple_ip4") << "a-multi" TEST_DOMAIN << "" << int(QHostInfo::NoError); QTest::newRow("literal_ip4") << "" << "" << int(QHostInfo::NoError); QTest::newRow("notfound") << "invalid" TEST_DOMAIN << "" << int(QHostInfo::HostNotFound); QTest::newRow("idn-ace") << "a-single.xn--alqualond-34a" TEST_DOMAIN << "" << int(QHostInfo::NoError); QTest::newRow("idn-unicode") << QString::fromLatin1("a-single.alqualond\353" TEST_DOMAIN) << "" << int(QHostInfo::NoError); } void tst_QHostInfo::lookupIPv4() { QFETCH(QString, hostname); QFETCH(int, err); QFETCH(QString, addresses); lookupDone = false; QHostInfo::lookupHost(hostname, this, SLOT(resultsReady(const QHostInfo&))); QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(10); QVERIFY(!QTestEventLoop::instance().timeout()); QVERIFY(lookupDone); if ((int)lookupResults.error() != (int)err) { qWarning() << hostname << "=>" << lookupResults.errorString(); } QCOMPARE((int)lookupResults.error(), (int)err); QStringList tmp; for (int i = 0; i < lookupResults.addresses().count(); ++i) tmp.append(lookupResults.addresses().at(i).toString()); tmp.sort(); QStringList expected = addresses.split(' '); expected.sort(); QCOMPARE(tmp.join(" "), expected.join(" ")); } void tst_QHostInfo::lookupIPv6_data() { QTest::addColumn("hostname"); QTest::addColumn("addresses"); QTest::addColumn("err"); QTest::newRow("aaaa-single") << "aaaa-single" TEST_DOMAIN << "2001:db8::1" << int(QHostInfo::NoError); QTest::newRow("aaaa-multi") << "aaaa-multi" TEST_DOMAIN << "2001:db8::1 2001:db8::2 2001:db8::3" << int(QHostInfo::NoError); QTest::newRow("a-plus-aaaa") << "a-plus-aaaa" TEST_DOMAIN << " 2001:db8::1:1" << int(QHostInfo::NoError); // avoid using real IPv6 addresses here because this will do a DNS query // real addresses are between 2000:: and 3fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff QTest::newRow("literal_ip6") << "f001:6b0:1:ea:202:a5ff:fecd:13a6" << "f001:6b0:1:ea:202:a5ff:fecd:13a6" << int(QHostInfo::NoError); QTest::newRow("literal_shortip6") << "f001:618:1401::4" << "f001:618:1401::4" << int(QHostInfo::NoError); } void tst_QHostInfo::lookupIPv6() { QFETCH(QString, hostname); QFETCH(int, err); QFETCH(QString, addresses); if (!ipv6Available) QSKIP("This platform does not support IPv6 lookups", SkipAll); lookupDone = false; QHostInfo::lookupHost(hostname, this, SLOT(resultsReady(const QHostInfo&))); QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(10); QVERIFY(!QTestEventLoop::instance().timeout()); QVERIFY(lookupDone); QCOMPARE((int)lookupResults.error(), (int)err); QStringList tmp; for (int i = 0; i < lookupResults.addresses().count(); ++i) tmp.append(lookupResults.addresses().at(i).toString()); tmp.sort(); QStringList expected = addresses.split(' '); expected.sort(); QCOMPARE(tmp.join(" ").toLower(), expected.join(" ").toLower()); } void tst_QHostInfo::reverseLookup_data() { QTest::addColumn("address"); QTest::addColumn("hostNames"); QTest::addColumn("err"); QTest::newRow("qt-project.org") << QString("") << QStringList(QString("tufsla.qtproject.c.bitbit.net")) << 0; QTest::newRow("gitorious.org") << QString("") << QStringList(QString("gitorious.org")) << 0; if (!ipv6Available) QTest::newRow("bogus-name") << QString("") << QStringList() << 1; else QTest::newRow("bogus-name") << QString("1::2::3::4") << QStringList() << 1; } void tst_QHostInfo::reverseLookup() { QFETCH(QString, address); QFETCH(QStringList, hostNames); QFETCH(int, err); QHostInfo info = QHostInfo::fromName(address); if (err == 0) { QVERIFY(hostNames.contains(info.hostName())); QCOMPARE(info.addresses().first(), QHostAddress(address)); } else { QCOMPARE(info.hostName(), address); QCOMPARE(info.error(), QHostInfo::HostNotFound); } } void tst_QHostInfo::blockingLookup_data() { lookupIPv4_data(); if (ipv6Available) lookupIPv6_data(); } void tst_QHostInfo::blockingLookup() { QFETCH(QString, hostname); QFETCH(int, err); QFETCH(QString, addresses); QHostInfo hostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName(hostname); QStringList tmp; for (int i = 0; i < hostInfo.addresses().count(); ++i) tmp.append(hostInfo.addresses().at(i).toString()); tmp.sort(); if ((int)hostInfo.error() != (int)err) { qWarning() << hostname << "=>" << lookupResults.errorString(); } QCOMPARE((int)hostInfo.error(), (int)err); QStringList expected = addresses.split(' '); expected.sort(); QCOMPARE(tmp.join(" ").toUpper(), expected.join(" ").toUpper()); } void tst_QHostInfo::raceCondition() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost("invalid" TEST_DOMAIN, 80); } } // this test is for the multi-threaded QHostInfo rewrite. It is about getting results at all, // not about getting correct IPs void tst_QHostInfo::multipleSameLookups() { const int COUNT = 10; lookupsDoneCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) QHostInfo::lookupHost("localhost", this, SLOT(resultsReady(const QHostInfo))); QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); while (timer.elapsed() < 10000 && lookupsDoneCounter < COUNT) { QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(2); } QCOMPARE(lookupsDoneCounter, COUNT); } // this test is for the multi-threaded QHostInfo rewrite. It is about getting results at all, // not about getting correct IPs void tst_QHostInfo::multipleDifferentLookups_data() { QTest::addColumn("repeats"); QTest::newRow("1") << 1; QTest::newRow("2") << 2; QTest::newRow("5") << 5; QTest::newRow("10") << 10; } void tst_QHostInfo::multipleDifferentLookups() { QStringList hostnameList; hostnameList << "a-single" TEST_DOMAIN << "a-multi" TEST_DOMAIN << "aaaa-single" TEST_DOMAIN << "aaaa-multi" TEST_DOMAIN << "a-plus-aaaa" TEST_DOMAIN << "multi" TEST_DOMAIN << "localhost" TEST_DOMAIN << "cname" TEST_DOMAIN << "" << "----"; QFETCH(int, repeats); const int COUNT = hostnameList.size(); lookupsDoneCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hostnameList.size(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < repeats; ++j) QHostInfo::lookupHost(hostnameList.at(i), this, SLOT(resultsReady(const QHostInfo))); QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); while (timer.elapsed() < 60000 && lookupsDoneCounter < repeats*COUNT) { QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(2); //qDebug() << "t:" << timer.elapsed(); } QCOMPARE(lookupsDoneCounter, repeats*COUNT); } void tst_QHostInfo::resultsReady(const QHostInfo &hi) { lookupDone = true; lookupResults = hi; lookupsDoneCounter++; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&QTestEventLoop::instance(), "exitLoop", Qt::QueuedConnection); } QTEST_MAIN(tst_QHostInfo) #include "moc_tst_qhostinfo.cpp"