# - Try to find Unwind # Once done this will define # # UNWIND_FOUND - system has Unwind # UNWIND_INCLUDES - the Unwind include directory # UNWIND_LIBRARIES - the libraries needed to use Unwind # # Copyright (c) 2015-2019, Ivailo Monev, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. if(UNWIND_INCLUDES AND UNWIND_LIBRARIES) set(UNWIND_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif() if(NOT WIN32) include(FindPkgConfig) pkg_check_modules(PC_UNWIND QUIET libunwind) endif() find_path(UNWIND_INCLUDES NAMES libunwind.h HINTS $ENV{UNWINDDIR}/include ${PC_UNWIND_INCLUDEDIR} ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR} ) find_library(UNWIND_LIBRARIES unwind HINTS $ENV{UNWINDDIR}/lib ${PC_UNWIND_LIBDIR} ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} ) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(Unwind VERSION_VAR PC_UNWIND_VERSION REQUIRED_VARS UNWIND_LIBRARIES UNWIND_INCLUDES ) mark_as_advanced(UNWIND_INCLUDES UNWIND_LIBRARIES)