#!/usr/bin/python import os, re cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) regex = re.compile('defined\((QT_NO_[^\)]+)|def (QT_NO_[\w]+)') lmatches = [] for root, subdirs, files in os.walk('%s/../src' % cwd): for sfile in files: if sfile.endswith(('.cpp', '.h')): sfull = '%s/%s' % (root, sfile) with open(sfull, 'rb') as f: scontent = f.read() scontent = scontent.decode('utf-8') for smatch, smatch2 in regex.findall(scontent): if smatch and not smatch in lmatches: lmatches.append(smatch) if smatch2 and not smatch2 in lmatches: lmatches.append(smatch2) print('\n'.join(sorted(lmatches)))